Souls Of The Fateless (FGO x...

Av BahamutSilva

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Silva, your name, and the only precious thing you remember. Waking from a centuries-long slumber with scatter... Mer

OC Update/ Character Sheet
Additional Characters
Holy Grail
Empty Darkness
The Meaning of Being Human
Dance Number
Tide of Extinction
Picnic Stories
Okita's Shinsengumi
First Mission
Jaguar vs Shinsengumi
Ascension 1 Powers and Abilities
Another Goddess
Temple of Venus
Another Slice of Heaven
Operation: Taming Jaguar (Part 1)
Operation Taming Jaguar (Part 2)
Operation Taming Jaguar (Fin)
Memories Sealed by Land
Departed Souls
Girl Swap
Two Sides, One Coin
Bring Heaven to Hell
Divine Temptations
Illusionary Hero
Battle Like Hell
The Scuffle Against the Third Goddess: Victory Awaits... Who?
Burning Aftermath
Fallen Hero?
The Dragon's Masked Scars That Ran Deep (Trigger Warning)
Escalating Promise
Harbinger Of The End: I
Harbinger Of The End: II
Harbinger Of The End: III
Public Announcement
Harbinger of the End (IV): Silva v. Death
Harbinger of the End (V): Hero's Darkest Hour
Of A Feather
Ever After...What Comes After?
Nobody Voted

Ignorant Emotions

1.2K 21 18
Av BahamutSilva

Uruk Throne Room★

"Ah. Seems you've returned. I was wondering a force might have to be sent for you."

"Anything worth mentioning Merlin? ...Nevermind, seems you did find an...interesting individual. To what do I owe the pleasure of Greek's notorious Immortal Slayer?"

"Just visiting. Though, I must say it's surprising to see The King of Heroes losing a battle, rather refreshing I must say. However, the ruckus you're causing is intolerable how much longer until this mess is cleaned up?"

"You've been here for quite some time yourself, I could ask you the same. Reknown hero or not I will not have you disrespect my soldier's struggle to end this war. They're warriors betting their lives protecting this kingdom."

"Apologies. Just merely inquiring what the holdup is in defeating the plagues you refer to as gods."

"Small setbacks honestly. What we should be discussing is the Chaldeans, Gilgamesh. Say Nero while we're talking why not show Bahamut around, Atalanta should be in the back."

"No need to be shown around I know-

"I swear can't take you anywhere! You've barely been here five minutes and you're picking fights. Let's take a breather out on the town instead."

"H-Huh, w-wait I said, Nero!"

★In The City★

Without any say, I was dragged to the city by Nero at Merlin's request. The streets hadn't changed and were still jam-packed.

"This sight almost reminds me of Rome."

"Umu. I couldn't agree more, the smiling people and the busy's just like back home."

"At least try and sound happy. You're not having nightmares are you?."

"Not all...just's been a while since we've walked together. Last time we did this was during the Primordial War."

"Yeah, I still don't like you kidnapping me against my will, but I'll is nice."

"Hm...hey, Nero, isn't that the King of Knights over there?"

Pointing to our right I see a figure clad in blue step out Uruk's front gate, disappearing without a trace the next second.

"Yea. That was Altria, no doubt. I wonder where she's headed?"

"Are you sure? The aura I felt was...weird. It didn't feel normal or steady. Almost like she'll disappear."

"Positive! We've run into each other at Chaldea before. Maybe I can introduce you two!"

"Nero you have stars in your eyes again."

"Cause I'm excited, umu!"

"A little too excited I'll say. Hey, question?"

"No, I'm not being brainwashed."

"Didn't even wait for me to ask, huh."

"I know what you're thinking before you do sometimes."

"Truthfully they're not bad people. I know humans from our time weren't the greatest, but you should give Gudako a chance, she's quite nice."

"I've heard that lie before. The only human I ever cared for died when I was little, alongside my trust in humanity."

"I know...I know that better than anyone. Your dislike of humanity is why you reject and resent your human side. You've always struggled with defining who you are as an individual."

"Even now you're still striving to discover your sense of self, the person you wish to be, however, if you keep suppressing your emotions your heart will surely break. They are rather fragile things."

"The need for emotions, to feel something is a human need and desire. If emotion is what drives them then I'll live without it. You can't miss what you never experienced Nero."


"Oh, what fun. Looks like your favorite human has found us. I'll be taking my leave."

"Stay! It's the only way you'll learn to understand them. Just try talking with her." She eyed pleadingly holding me down our hands clasped as I sighed giving in.

"......I fucking hate those eyes of yours."

Waiting, the two girls approached us gasping for air from their run around the city, their faces sullen and happy.

"Hey, praetor! How was your talk with Gilgamesh?"

"Heh heh, long story short we finally set up a leyline so communication with Chaldea was reestablished but...

"He wants us to help out the citizens, get to know everyone our allies to boost our fighting skills since we failed our mission."

"Guess we'll be staying for a while. Dr. Roman didn't seem to have any complaints. What are you two going to do?"

"I'm sticking around to help out master. Artoria and I are living outside the city in Aestus."

"You're living inside the golden theater?"

"Of course! It's not only a theater but also a sanctuary. There's a couple of rooms inside suitable for living conditions. If you want I'll let you have one."

"I prefer sleeping outside but it would be nice to see the place again."

"Hmm, you seem to know Nero quite well. Guess that's a given since your Origin is Greek and Roman."

"What are you a fan? I can't stand observers that poke their nose in things. At least have some courtesy to show yourself."

"It is quite unbecoming Da Vinci, a genius like you shouldn't skip formalities."

"I do tend to forget my manners. Give me a second."

Appearing from thin air blue energy flickered emerging beside Mash revealing both a man and woman respectively.

"So you are here Nero, I guess Ritsuka's crazy explanation was true. Who knew so many servants would be summoned."

Da Vinci
"However you seem to be a new servant, there's no servant in our records addressed as Bahamut."

"Cause it's simply one of the titles I had during my lifetime, not a name. You must be Da Vinci given I sense a Spirit Origin."

"Yours must be quite large. Sensing another servant's spirit origin in virtually different periods is no easy feat. While we're on the subject you can call me Roman."

"...Bahamut. Is there any particular reason you're calling?"

Da Vinci
"Well...Chaldeas was picking up a hostile servant in the area, so we wanted visual confirmation of the situation."

"And by hostile servant you mean people are all the same. So quick to lie and stab others in the back all while smiling. It really...pisses me off."

I could feel dark energy begin to circle me building stronger each passing second. Mgrewgrowing a darker shade of purple as I laughed menacingly, hands clenched.

Nero immediately moved in front of Gudako sword drawn at the ready as she looked at me.

"Calm down Bahamut there isn't a need to get upset. It was a simple misjudgment."

"Yet again another misjudgment Im so tired of that excuse the gods used it all the time back then."

"If they're so keen to do the same maybe I'll show them a little of how hostile I can be."


"Fou, come back!"

"Fo Fou Foou!"

A small white animal jumps from Mash's hand frolicking across the ground at full speed.

Translation: What are you doing, idiot!


I'm tackled and the two of us go tumbling through Uruk until we end up outside the gate, Fou pinning me down triumphantly.

"So it is you Cath, the hell kind of greeting was that big brother?"

"Fou Fou Fo"
Translation: I didn't wake you to kill my friends, dunce. Why are you overly aggressive today?

"Me! Overly aggressive? It's been more than ten centuries since you left and the first thing you do is tackle me!"


Translation: A necessary action.

"That's bull and you know it."

"Fo Fo Foou."

Translation: Yes, but so is this act of yours. Resentment, Distrust, Hatred. I feel everything you hold against humans, even so, this isn't the same life we lived before.

"You talk of it like things are that black and white. Humans always fear and destroy aspects they can't comprehend...because they don't want to understand."

"Better to annihilate the abominations before they get violent...humans...they always justify their cruelty. I won't become a victim a second time."

"Foooou Foo Fo Foouu Fou Fou Furuuuru."

Translation: And yet, you haven't given them a chance to understand. Even for humans Mash and Ritsuka are... peculiar. No matter how wicked, evil, or broken a servant they'll welcome you as one of their own.

They know and experienced the ugly truth of humanity and continue to push forward. There will be bumps in the road and you might find yourself slipping off the right path, but she'll sympathize and lead you back smiling as she does so.

You're more than just your race and terrifying strength little brother so act like it and quit showing your tail.

"...Never thought I'd get lectured by you of all people. I don't like them, hopefully, I never grow to either. ...But at the same time, I want to be acknowledged by one of them-for one human to say I'm good."

"Maybe then I'll know if the suffering was worth it. ...And I don't have a tail, not when I'm like this anyways.

Frustrated I sigh scratching Fou under the chin before sitting up placing him in my lap as the sound of frantic footsteps reached our ears.

"Bahamut, Fou! Are the two of you okay?"

"I'm sorry! It's unusual for Fou to be so aggressive. He reacted the same way to seeing Merlin earlier."

"Sheesh, Fou you know better than to attack people who aren't Dr. Roman. I'm sorry about both him and Day Vinci as well, are you hurt?"

Mash and Gudako leaned forward hands resting on their knees before each offering an outstretched hand.

"I'm fine, I can stand on my own. Fou was only reprimanding his idiot little brother."

"So you truly are siblings?"

"Of course not, it's just...personal."


Translation: And?

" you back in town."


Translation: Chicken!

(Shut up, I'm leaving!)

Finding myself nervous I leave them all behind, instead, teleporting back to the illusionary forest I made home.

"Guess I'm back here now. At least one thing managed not to change."

"Don't kid yourself, you haven't changed much either."

"Oh, well look who's awake now. Were you that tired old man?

"No. I've been up for some time now. I just stayed quiet observing how this would go."

"Liar. You didn't want to speak to them either."


"You might be a god but you lie like a human. But I guess it isn't all bad, hehe."

"So, when are we going back? I like the solitary space and all but the town was much livelier...and the women were smoking."

"Wow it's barely been a minute and already you're being perverse. You might have set a new record."

"Can you blame me? Of course, I did some exploring of my own, and I must say Nero didn't disappoint."

"Hey, mind out the gutter, pervert. I can feel the amulet heating up."

"My bad."

"I swear how are you the god of light instead of the son of-hmmm?"

*Sniff Sniff*

"What's up? Your brow is furrowed and you didn't finish."

"Someone else is here. I can smell them."

"I knew we should've stayed in the city. Never a moment of peace in this singularity, what a drag."

Sneaking through the trees under the evening sky an empty field appears before my eyes, the edge of the forest.

Halting on the last branch below I spot a familiar face, the bizarre nostalgia from earlier returning tenfold.

"The King of Knights again, I thought you'd recognize her scent from before what gives?"

"Yeah, it's them, in costume at least. I have no idea what their real scent is like, only the one they're using to cosplay as her."

"How do you know it's fake it could be her spirit origin is corrupted or unfinished. Nero said she was the real deal."

"One problem with that. Since when did knights carry around magic runes?" Pointing we watch her carefully lay the runes as if conducting a ritual, each glowing a faint blue as magic was poured into inside.

"That is weird. It doesn't match up with her period in history. Arthurian legend does hold traces of magic like Excalibur and of course Merlin and Morgan but it's too far off to collide with the Age of Gods."

"It wouldn't be too out of bounds if an inconspicuous legend had Merlin or Morgan using runes, but Pendragon herself not so much. The fact it's empowered by an unknown god is another problem."

"Could it be Morgan? This is our first summon we don't know her visual appearance."

"That's one option, but the personality of the origin probably wouldn't match hers. Morgan is dark, brooding, and spiteful whereas this one is calm, serene, and loyal."

"Being so far away it was difficult to sense past their spell, but now I can tell for certain it's similar to mine, something otherworldly in nature."

"Whatever you do be careful approaching we don't know who or WHA-



"Artoria, right? If I may intrude, what brings you to this part of the forest?"

"Umm...your name is...ah, Bahamut! Just cleansing the holy sword I'm afraid."

"Have runes always been used, I would've thought Merlin to be more helpful."

"Normally but Gilgamesh seems to need his magic more than I. These runes were conjured by Sir Merlin himself so they'll do fine."

"In that case, I feel sorry for Gil, Merlin's eyes just aren't what they used to be. These said they're for cleansing, but symbols read for a tracking spell."


She'd finally looked up since our conversation began her unsteady hands grasping the sword firmly.

The indifferent look I saw earlier was gone and the cloaking spell wavered and sparked before dissolving revealing her real self.

"You look stunned for words, never crossed your mind anyone here could translate the engravings."

"How the tables have spiraled out of control. You have all but two options now, talk...or flee back to the hell you came from. What say you, servant?"



Hey, guys here's the newest chapter! I ended up altering what originally was supposed to happen into this instead...that's why the title is different.

Anyway! First plot twist of the Fate Series book.

"Yeah, exciting!"


"Hey, don't go interrupting the author."


"But it's true and it begs a completely important question of life and death!"

"What question?"

"Duh! Who's the last member of the harem dumbass! Which Fate waifu has been parading as Artoria, maybe it's me."

"We already know who. You must be mentally unstable thinking you made the main cast list. You didn't even make the supporting character list."

"Just pour salt in the wound why don't you!"



And on that note since Typhoon took my job we'll see you all next chapter. Comment down below or pm who you think the last member is.

Who knows it could be someone outside of Fate...could we possibly see a Tsukihime character?!

Author-san out!✌

Next: Dance Number

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