Random One-Shots

By fordkate

125K 1.4K 906

The most random one-shots on literally anyone, enjoy ladies and gentle ladies!🤘🏻🤠 This is also a gxg book... More

First Kiss
Date Day!
Getting to know each other
On The Run
Jealousy and Emotions
Study Session
Late Night Drive
Meeting In A Library
Jealousy and Emotions 2
Teenage Dream
At The Cliff
Challenge Accepted
At The Cliff 2
Friends With Benefits
Meeting In A Library 2
Stressed Out
Mixed Feelings
Maths Teacher 2
Sleeping Over
Emotional Rollarcoster
Lesson On Love
On Set
Craved Affection
On Set 2
And it was always you...
Leaving, Reunited 1
Leaving, Reunited 2
Shower together...?
Surprise Visit
Post-apocalyptic 2
Needed Time
In trouble
Skip Class...?
Sneaking around
Sneaking around 2
Quality Time
Secret safe with me
Hide and Seek
Movie Date
Tired out
Family Reunion + the aftermath
Unknown Lover
What it's like having Y/n in your class
Secrets let out
Awkward Interview
What it's like having Y/n as a neighbour
Skateboarding Accident
🎤Only you my girl🎤
Hang out session
"...it didn't work."
Something Dangerous
Class Debate
Dressed to Impress
Times Ticking + Aftermath
Guilty Pleasure
Guilty Pleasure 2
Guilty Pleasure 3
Surprise Visit + Aftermath
"...accidents happen."
⚠️Important A/N⚠️
Cheering up
Late Nate Rendezvous
What it's like to interview Y/n
Practicing Lines
What it's like being in school with Y/n 2
"and I want this back."
"No... I don't wanna go."
"I just hope your okay."
"...and I want this back." 2
"I'm not sentimental"
"Cigarettes, Daydreams, 17"
"See? I'm not so bad!"
Unwelcomed surprise
Drunk Sam
"I'm a failure."
Individual Challenge
What it's like hanging out/dating Y/n
Dark and Twisty "Sisters"
"the girl from the woods"
"It's easy!" "For you!"
"I need you..."
"Well... you coming Fraser?"
"Will you just do it for me, Samantha Fraser?"
"Will you just do it for me, Samantha Fraser?" 2
Baby Fever + Possible Pregnancy...?
"I want you for just... you."
"Tell me to stop and I shall."
Dark and Twisty "Sisters" 2
"Scary" Surprise
She catches you singing
"Singer girl?"
"I hate you! So much!"
"I hate you! So much!" 2
New girl's surprise
New girl surprise 2
"Tonight is... for us!" 3
⚠️A New Poet?⚠️
Football Fight + IMPORTANT A/N
Prank with James Corden
Helping Hand
"I'm staying... with you."
"I love you! Sorry! I'll come back! Bye!"
You feel sick
"An Anti-Social Pessimist being friendly?" + ⚠️Important A/N⚠️

Maths Teacher

1.4K 14 5
By fordkate

A/N: Heather x Reader . ENJOY! Also thanks for 1.4k reads :) Also done in class, sorry if it's rushed and this will have rants about my math teacher because... she wants to make me cry so much, I swear. Like I just-- She enrages me and it'll show. ENJOY.

Y/n would always like to be sarcastic and quite "rude" to teachers, it made the class all more enjoyable but her mouth definitely got her into trouble quite a lot.

She'd always get accused of stuff like threatening people which wouldn't happen as she wasn't like that and then teachers from 'Pupil Support' (they're apart of Head Teachers and Vice Head teachers) and they would always give into shit for no reason.

Y/n was simply misunderstood.

And it pissed her off so much, but then again, Y/n would say and do a lot of things that'd get her into trouble, but when her girlfriend, Heather, got to get to know her, they simply fell in love. Heather was the only person who could contain her and stop her from getting into trouble, it was as if Heather was her filter. She knew what to say and what not to say obviously, but when it came to her actions, Heather managed to almost always contain her.

Y/n; Heather, Bishop and Natalie were all in the same math class, Sam and Y/n up at the back, Y/n at the wall and Natalie was in front of her and Bishop was in front of Heather.

Y/n hated maths for two reasons, one reason being that it was maths in general, no one liked it. Then the second reason was because the teacher taught them like the class were literally 6. She would always overreact it, being like... lets say: '2+2= what? Now you may think this is easy, but let me explain it. So, I have two fingers up,' and she'd put two fingers up, 'how many am I holding up?' She'd ask and then we'd all answer two, 'Yes, now since there is a + sign in front of the two, we're adding on... and going to the right' then she'd start flaling her arms to the right, 'not subtracting.' she says turning to the class and shaking her head, as she points left, 'we'd be taking away from what we've already got. But no! No, we're adding on to what we already have.' like well fucking no, (Sorry, I just get really pissed off and it's not even funny because I want to literally cry! WHY?! Nah, nah, I'll shut up, I'll stop) and then she'd add put a finger up, 'One,' she'd look around the class then put another finger up, 'two!' and then she'd write the 4 down, like well no. (This is actually my math teacher and I wish she'd stop, it pisses me off so much) 

Y/n wasn't doing the work and it was for an obvious reason, she simply wasn't in the mood as she already knew the answers in her head and always got them right whenever the teacher asked her. She simply disliked maths and it pissed her off that she'd get treated like a 6-year-old.

"Y/n." The teacher, Miss Holland pointed at her and glanced at the board then at her, Y/n huffed and sat up in her chair,

"Yes, miss?" Y/n said in a sarcastic tone with a sarcastic smile, her eyes moving from the wall next to her to the teacher 

"The answer." Miss Holland demanded as she tapped the marker on the board,

"4c + 3b." Y/n answered,

"Yes! Well done, you're getting good at alebra." Miss Holland cheered on sarcastically and turned around but Y/n's face furrowed as she moved her head back surprised as she was already good at Alebra, what'd she mean by that? "I'll do a harder one." Miss Holland suggeted to the class, Y/n sighed as she turned to Heather and pointed her hand at the teacher and started wordlessly muttering bad words as Heather hit her hand down and made her sit properly. But Y/n kept slouching. She puts on the board, 7c + 3b - b. 

'Is she serious? Why-- How IS THIS HARDER?!' Y/n screamed in her head as Miss Holland was getting on her nerves and really wanted to rag doll her ass, (If you don't know what that means, it just means that you want to grip someone by the hair and drag them around or push them to the floor btw this is a literal representation of my Math teacher and every question I put, she has asked) 

"So, you start off with 7c, okay? So since there is nothing to add to this, it = 7c as there is nothing to add nor take away." Miss Holland pointed out as she was dead serious,

"Aw, really miss? I had no idea." Y/n said in a quiet-ish tone earning a stiffled laugh from Bishop as she quickly covered her mouth, Natalie was laughing but forcing a smile back as tears were forming in her eyes, Miss Holland didn't hear Y/n's snarky comments, (By the way, this is geniunely-- no, actually this is based on true things that I've said and I SWEAR SHE DOESN'T SIT DOWN. LIKE I GET IT. SHE RUNS MARATHONS BUT OH MY GOD, SIT DOWN. Like sit down, hen, you're not running one now) Heather hit Y/n in the arm and shook her head as she snickered slightly,

"Stop being so mean, focus for me okay?" Heather tried to plead with Y/n but Miss Holland wanted to make her pull her hair out. It was not fun at all. Y/n sighed as she nodded her head and sat up, she placed her hand on Heather's thigh and started to trace random things on her thigh. 

Y/n finally felt herself calm down until she heard Miss Holland call on her.

"Y/n, put your phone away." Miss Holland ordered, Y/n removed her hand from Heather's thigh and placed her hands up in the air.

"I'm not on my phone." Y/n fired back, 

"Stand up."

"But my phone's in my pocket?" Y/n fired back quickly, Miss Holland sighed heavily and looked away biting her chin, she turned back to Y/n. 

"Can you stand up please?" Miss Holland asked again, Y/n stood up moving the table back and picked the chair up showing her,

"Is this a good view for you hen? Can you see? My phone's not there." Y/n sassed Miss Holland which Heather stood up grabbing the chair setting it down and whispered in her ear.

"Calm down, I know you're angry but apologise to her and sit. Down." Heather whispered as she placed her hand on Y/n's. "Take a breath." Heather instructed, Y/n took a small breath.

"Oh, right, right. I'll just wait for you two to be done--"

Y/n slammed her hands on the table and pointed at Miss Holland,

"You know, I have anger issues and I really don't think--"

"Outside! NOW!" Miss Holland shouted at her, Y/n groaned in annoyance and rushed out of the classroom, she sat herself down and crossed her legs, she started humming, then got bored and laid down, her head peaking into the class.

"Yo, yo, Bishop." Y/n whispered loudly, "Where is she?" Y/n mouthed as Natalie and Bishop were dying of laughter, Natalie placed her arms on Bishop's shoulder tucking her head into her arms as Bishop covered his mouth, Heather sighed and shook her head. She never liked seeing Y/n being shouted at but then again, she would just fire back by doing dumb shit. Miss Holland appeared and Y/n zooped her head away saying "Oh- Zoop!" and stood up, Miss Holland looked at Y/n and saw her standing normally and waiting patiently, Y/n turned to her and smiled waving, "Hey gal." Y/n waved with a huge smile on her face, she rolled her eyes and called on Heather.

"Heather, can you come outside for a second?" Miss Holland asked her, Y/n sighed as she rested her back against the wall squeezing her mouth shut. 

"So, am I getting in trouble for being on my phone although I wasn't? Or... what? 'Cause I have a doctors appointment at 2 and it's 1:49pm right now. So, miss I've got places to be, so, can we like hurry this up?" Y/n asked as she placed her arm on the wall leaning against it, Miss Holland shook her head.

"Have you got a slip?" Miss Holland asked her,

"A slip?" Y/n reiterated. "Not yet, but one of the office ladies should come get me." Y/n explained to which Miss Holland simply nodded her head,

"Yeah, okay." Miss Holland said in a mocking tone in disbelief as Heather came out, she closed the door as Y/n gasped with a smile on her face,

"I mean it--"

"Okay, Heather can you please calm Miss L/n while I give the rest of the class a worksheet?" Miss Holland asked Heather, Heather nodded her head staying quiet, she opened the door.

"Bye miss, love our chats!" Y/n shouted as she closed the door hearing a roar of laughter from inside the classroom. Y/n snickered as she turned to Heather and saw her not laughing, she started shaking her head. "No? Not f-funny... okay." She said awkwardly.

"You could get into trouble, Y/n." Heather told her in a stern tone with her arms crossed and stared her down, "Can you just be responsible for once?" she asked her, Y/n sighed and continued to look down, "I know you don't mean it and that you've had a bad day, and I know she's not the easiest teacher to exactly talk to or put up with, but you have to try." Heather explained to Y/n as she stayed quiet, Heather moved closer and gave her a hug but Y/n didn't hug back as she really was in a bad mood and wasn't having a good day as her dad had kept shouting at her and stressed her out more. 

"She's the one accusing me of stuff, she started it--"

"Seriously? The 5 year old excuse?" Heather scoffed out, Y/n snickered at this comment and shook her head as they pulled away from the hug, 

"You're so mean." Y/n sighed out as she rested her head against the wall, Heather grinned and hummed in delight.

"It is my speciality." Heather agreed, "So, you ready for her to talk to you?" Heather questioned, Y/n nodded her head, 

"Will you be here or will I have to deal with her alone?" Y/n asked, Heather paused and thought for a moment.

"I probably won't be allowed, but I'll always be here for you after, okay?" Heather assured her, Y/n nodded her head, they kissed for a second before Heather pulled away and stroked her cheek giving her a huge smile, Y/n smiled at her as she always loved Heather's kisses, they were the thing that kept her going and it was as if it was her oxygen. Like Heather in general was her oxygen and she needed her for air whenever she would always feel rushed and like she couldn't breath. Heather was always there and always helped her. 

So, Heather headed back inside the classroom and Miss Holland came back out, she moved in front of Y/n and sighed.

"Y/n, you know I don't tolerate that type of behaviour in my classroom." Miss Holland told her in a stern voice.

"Well, it's not really your classroom, the school paid for the whole building and you just teach in that--" Y/n noticed that she wasn't making it any better and shook her head, "I'll shut up." Y/n said.

"Good idea." Miss Holland agreed, she moved her hair out of her face and let out a small sigh, "So, I want you to do work out here--"

"What? Why?" Y/n asked confused. 

"Because I don't want anymore disruptions." Miss Holland shouted at her which made her slightly flinch, she looked down and sighed.

"Fine. Whatever." Y/n agreed, the teacher stared her down before going in and getting a table.

"What's going on?" Heather asked confused,

"I don't see how that's your business." Miss Holland fired at Heather and when she went outside with a table in her hands, she didn't see Y/n anywhere at all. She sighed and went back inside and grabbed her phone to make a quick call. "I'll be right back." Miss Holland said as she left and went right. Y/n came from the left and ran back in the class laughing quietly and messing up her writing on the board, she climbed on top of tables and jumped on each one, she grabbed her bag and her stuff, then placed a kiss on Heather's cheek, she left and before she did, she turned back to the class.

"You never saw me, and I'm looking at you, Katie. I know how you snitch." Y/n said and pointed at her narrowing her eyes; she grinned at the rest and then rushed off.

Bye Bye Maths. 


A/N: Hope y'all enjoyed this one, part two?

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