Random One-Shots

By fordkate

125K 1.4K 906

The most random one-shots on literally anyone, enjoy ladies and gentle ladies!🤘🏻🤠 This is also a gxg book... More

First Kiss
Date Day!
Getting to know each other
On The Run
Jealousy and Emotions
Study Session
Late Night Drive
Meeting In A Library
Jealousy and Emotions 2
Teenage Dream
At The Cliff
Challenge Accepted
At The Cliff 2
Friends With Benefits
Meeting In A Library 2
Stressed Out
Mixed Feelings
Maths Teacher
Maths Teacher 2
Sleeping Over
Emotional Rollarcoster
Lesson On Love
On Set
Craved Affection
On Set 2
And it was always you...
Leaving, Reunited 1
Leaving, Reunited 2
Shower together...?
Surprise Visit
Post-apocalyptic 2
Needed Time
In trouble
Skip Class...?
Sneaking around
Sneaking around 2
Quality Time
Secret safe with me
Hide and Seek
Movie Date
Tired out
Family Reunion + the aftermath
Unknown Lover
What it's like having Y/n in your class
Secrets let out
Awkward Interview
What it's like having Y/n as a neighbour
Skateboarding Accident
🎤Only you my girl🎤
Hang out session
"...it didn't work."
Something Dangerous
Class Debate
Dressed to Impress
Times Ticking + Aftermath
Guilty Pleasure
Guilty Pleasure 2
Guilty Pleasure 3
Surprise Visit + Aftermath
"...accidents happen."
⚠️Important A/N⚠️
Cheering up
Late Nate Rendezvous
What it's like to interview Y/n
Practicing Lines
What it's like being in school with Y/n 2
"and I want this back."
"No... I don't wanna go."
"I just hope your okay."
"...and I want this back." 2
"I'm not sentimental"
"Cigarettes, Daydreams, 17"
"See? I'm not so bad!"
Unwelcomed surprise
Drunk Sam
"I'm a failure."
Individual Challenge
What it's like hanging out/dating Y/n
Dark and Twisty "Sisters"
"the girl from the woods"
"It's easy!" "For you!"
"I need you..."
"Well... you coming Fraser?"
"Will you just do it for me, Samantha Fraser?"
"Will you just do it for me, Samantha Fraser?" 2
Baby Fever + Possible Pregnancy...?
"I want you for just... you."
"Tell me to stop and I shall."
Dark and Twisty "Sisters" 2
"Scary" Surprise
She catches you singing
"Singer girl?"
"I hate you! So much!"
"I hate you! So much!" 2
New girl's surprise
New girl surprise 2
"Tonight is... for us!" 3
⚠️A New Poet?⚠️
Football Fight + IMPORTANT A/N
Prank with James Corden
Helping Hand
"I'm staying... with you."
"I love you! Sorry! I'll come back! Bye!"
You feel sick
"An Anti-Social Pessimist being friendly?" + ⚠️Important A/N⚠️


1.7K 6 0
By fordkate

A/N: This is a Moe Truax x Heather Nill one-shot, I haven't seen this done on Wattpad but I have seen it on TikTok and if there is a one-shot of these two or just anything of these two, then sorry for saying I'm the first, shout out to whoever. ENJOY! 


Moe Truax was definitely care-free and always did whatever she could do to not follow the rules, especially when it comes to school and homework. That was an immediate no for her, always missed out on it and decided that she'd never do it. Her two friends Tabitha Foster and Elodie Davis has been helping her with going to meetings, as Heather Nill had started to make more of an appearence in her life with her friends; Natalie Williams and Bishop Moore. They all became one big group with one another as it was quite the enjoyable group in the town of Carp, Texas. 

It was quite hard for Tabitha, Elodie and Moe as they were quite the stealers in town, which made it Bishop, Natalie and Heather's job to help them out and stop them as well as try to help them as much as she could as Tabitha, Elodie and Moe would mostly find an excuse to miss out on their SA meetings.

Moe woke up groaning as she felt the sun blinding her, she covers her face going to turn around on the couch until she feels a pair of soft and delicate arms stop her.

"Moe. Come on, you have to get up." Heather whispered to her quietly, Moe groaned and shook her head waving her hand away,

"Toilet's upstairs." Moe muttered out as she let out a small sigh quickly falling back asleep, Heather let out a small grunt in annoyance turning around seeing her friends.

"Well... what're you waiting for? Wake her back up." Tabitha told Heather trying to encourage her from a distance, Heather sighed and turned back to Moe shaking her awake.

"Hey, get up." Heather told her causing her to groan,

"I still feel the sun blinding me, Heather." Moe complained as she pulled the blanket further up and over her eyes as she wasn't in the mood for hearing them all complain about her drinking too much. 

"I'm not closing it, come on. We gotta get up." Heather encouraged but Moe shook her head and waved them all away,

"Yeah, no, I don't know if you notice but I'm not into that bullshit." Moe fired at the group, Tabitha walked over and pulled the blanket off, Moe sat herself up looking at her in protest, "What the hell! I was just getting--"

"In the car? I know." Tabitha told her moving her bag in front of Moe's face, she looked at everyone seeing the sorrow face and groaned, she grabbed the bag and budged through Heather and Tabitha, she forced the door open letting Elodie, Natalie and Bishop go first. She headed out the house after them. "You just gotta be less delicate with her. She just needs a push." Tabitha explained to Heather before walking out to the car, as they were going in seperate ones. Moe; Elodie and Tabitha in one, Heather; Bishop and Natalie in the other. 

Bishop was driving as Heather was in the passenger side and Natalie was in the middle at the back, Natalie glanced between the two as she was waiting for one of them to speak,

"Oh my god, can one of you two say something?" Natalie asked the two as she glanced between them leaning back after. Heather looked at Bishop glancing at him then glancing at Natalie facing ahead after.

"Well what am I supposed to say? Moe's really struggling right now but she isn't saying anything, what're we supposed to do?" Heather asked her as she let out a stressful sigh,

"Are we sure we should even be hanging out with them? They're pretty... f-fucked up." Bishop suggested causing a scoff from Heather,

"You really want to act like that? I mean come on, Bishop, we're helping--"

"Are we? Or are they just saying that to make you feel better?" Bishop argued which shut Heather up, as much as they liked each other and it was obvious that Bishop had some sort of feelings for Heather, right now; it seemed off.

They all arrive at school and Moe was waited on Noah as the rest headed inside, but Heather? No, she waited outside for her as she didn't want to leave Moe alone as she was messing up a little. She took a small drink from her hydroflask that Heather could already tell had tequilla in it. As she was waiting for Noah, Brady walked past with his friend.

"I thought you two were done?" His friend asked Brady, Brady scoffed.

"Nah, bro, she's really good in bed." Brady laughed out as Moe heard and snapped, she dropped her bag as well as she sat her hydroflask down and walked after him.

"Ayo, Brady." Moe announced, Brady turned to her as she grinned devilishly, "Fuck you, dude." She told him giving him a big right hook. "I know what you did, asshole!" Moe insulted, Heather rushed over and moved toward her holding her back.

"Moe, what the hell--" Brady grabbed her wrist and saw the tattoo that she had gotten with the whole group apart from Bishop as he wasn't in for it. Heather slapped him pushing him back down. "Fuck off, Brady." Heather insulted as Moe moved her back,

"Heather, what the hell?" Moe asked in a soft tone worriedly as she checked her hand to see it all red, she sighed and turned to see Brady still on the floor.

"What is going on here?" A teacher walked over and saw Brady on the floor and Moe and Heather stood over him,

"Sir, I--"

"She attacked me is what happened!" Brady complained as he held his right eye in pain, 

"Are you alright?" The teacher asked.

"Well-- no - not really." Brady answered as he was still angered by Moe's sudden attack. The teacher turned to Moe and Heather.

"Which one of you was it?" The teacher asked as he crossed his arms. Heather went to speak up but Moe managed to speak first.

"It was me..." Moe admitted, "all me, she just came to see if I was okay, sir." Moe continued on sighing as her wrist was grabbed by the teacher and she was dragged inside, she glanced at Heather with a small smile on her face as Heather stared at her worriedly.


Moe walked out of the office walking her way out of the school when she heard someone call after her,

"Moe! Moe - Moe - Moe." Noah shouted after her but Heather rushed past him moving him out the way and catching up with her,

"Hey, hey," Heather moved in front of her as Moe continued to try her attempt to leave but it didn't work, "stop, hey, talk to me." Heather told her in a soft tone as she wondered what happened.

"I got suspended." Moe emotionlessly announced, Heather sighed and looked at their friends but then back at Moe.

"You should've let me admit that I at least slapped him--"

"I'm not letting you get in trouble, I fuck things up for myself, not my best friends." Moe protested as she stormed off afterwards. Heather grabbed her things and rushed after her hoping to catch her up. 

"MOE! Wait up!" Heather shouted after her as she ran, she slowed herself down walking next to her. "Can I ditch with you?" She asked for a moment, "I could use the company." Heather explained to her, she nodded her head and stayed silent as they started to walk to Heather's house.

It was quite uncomfortable for Heather as all she wanted to do was talk but she wasn't speaking, she wasn't saying anything. It was hard for Heather to try and figure it out since Moe wasn't giving her any sign of help.

"Moe, talk to me. Alright?" Heather pleaded with her as she folded her arms. "What's up?" She asked worriedly, 

"Nothing, alright. It's fine." Moe shrugged off as Heather directed her the way to a nearby park for them to stop by at, once they arrived, Moe scoffed and turned to her. "You brought me here?" Moe questioned in a tone that sounded as if she was teasing Heather.

"It was either this or my house." Heather giggled out as they both sat themselves down on the swings and Moe grabbed her flask and started chugging it until Heather pulled it away, Moe groaned as she swallowed the alcohol in her throat. She turned to Heather, her eyes widened in protest. "I'm not giving you it back." Heather told her causing Moe to laugh,

"Oh, fuck off bro. Come on! I need it--"

"You don't need anything, Moe." Heather exposed out of no where, "Yet you still feel like you need Noah?" Heather questioned confused, Moe scoffed.

"No, no, I don't need him, I may like him-- I may massively like him--"

"You're better off, I say." Heather suggested which suprised Moe, she smiled massively.

"Yeah, okay, okay. And why should I listen to you?" Moe asked her as she questioned with a massive grin, Heather snickered as she laid down on the ground and looked up at the clouds. Moe went to stop herself swinging as she watched Heather look at the clouds. She got up and laid next to her letting a groan out. "What're you doing?" Moe questioned as she laid down on her back and looked up at the sky watching the clouds, 

"Cloud-gazing." Heather replied unbothered. "You should do it sometimes when your stressed, it helps. Maybe instead of vaping, you can try to take slow breaths while watching the clouds." Heather suggested, Moe laughed at this and nodded her head in agreement.

"Sure," Moe agreed, "just for you." she continued giving her a small smile. Heather and Moe turned to each other with massive grins on their face. Both Heather and Moe look at each other's lips then back at each other's eyes. 

"You deserve better," said Heather with a small grin on her face. "a lot better than what you've got right now." Heather continued on with a massive grin on her face. 

"Oh, and what's better?" Moe asked her,

"A dad who cares, I mean I think Bishop is starting to annoy me. He's saying that I-- well that me and him shouldn't be around you guys because of the shit you steal," Heather explained to her as she looked up at the clouds, "I always get angry whenever he says something like that, it's not right." 

"If it's causing such bother, maybe he's right." Moe suggested but Heather moved closer and shook her head as she turned to Moe staring at her directly in the eyes.

"Never." Heather answered with a small nod, the two continued to cloud-gaze as they were just happily talking about everything and anything. 


A/N: AYO! So, like I said at the start I don't think I've seen a Moe x Heather one-shot or story, please feel free to tag me any! Also! Thank you for over 100 reads :) 

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