The Underworlds Hero

By Stillwell03

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Izuku was a kind boy until the age of 5 when he lost his mother to All Might. On that day, Izuku swore reveng... More

The Day Life Changed
When You Want Justice
Reunion of Friends
Understanding Emotions
Revived Project
Community and Combat
The Symbol of Evil
Titans Clash
The League
First Job
New Plans
Raiding I Island
Troubling Minds
Race Against the Heroes
The Wild Villains
2 vs 3
Invisible Girl's Past
The Underground Frenzy
All or Nothing
Tedering Line
Triple Nightmare
Deika's Raid
Blades of Heroes
Mayhem of the League
Turning Point
Hiding Out
Dastardly Twins
Divide and Conquer
True Plans
Race Against Time
All Out War
Hand of Death
Chaos of the End
Tales That Are Told

Final Countdowns

531 27 4
By Stillwell03

Few minutes prior, 3rd person POV:

Izuku had been pushed into an even farther problem with Nine injecting himself with a quirk amplifier. Now his maneuverability and strength with his quirks as well as AFO's evolved ability to combine and reshape quirks to make new quirks entirely were at his disposal. "What's the matter, kid? Can't keep up with me anymore?" Nine let loose a beam that was altered with his Hydra quirk to create a dragonic looking beam. If Izuku didn't jump out of the way fast enough, he would've lost a limb or two.

'I gotta think. How am I going to beat him when I can't get near him?' Izuku went through the quirks in his head to know there wasn't anything significant he could use. However, he did use a Sonar quirk he had to detect everyone's locations through sound. 'Out in the open, this quirk is almost useless. But when we're close together like this in a facility underground, I should be able to see how everyone is doing.' Looking at it, Everyone for the most part was finishing up their battles with only Bakugou, Toga and Kendo's battle as well as the Big 3's battle being the only lingering ones not counting his own. 'Overhaul is in the room above us about a meter up towards the right. If I can take Nine up to that level, maybe I can stop both him and Overhaul once and for all.'

Another blast came to nearly hit Izuku in the head. "I know you're back there! Come out now and die like a man and not as a cowardice dog!"

Not having any other options left, Izuku gave a deep sigh before finding two quirks that could help. 'Now or never.' Activating a quirk that gives a smokescreen, the AFO user as well as everything within the area was encased in smoke.

'Blinding me so I can't see. That won't work so well.' Several footsteps were heard around for Nine to see Izuku come from the right to attack. "Frontal attacks are suicide, boy. Even you should know that." He hit him with a beam for the green haired boy to turn into smoke. 'He must've altered this smokescreen quirk with some kind of illusion based quirk.' Another two Izuku's came from the other side for Nine to attack and turn them back into smoke. A fourth came directly behind him to try and reach out before the villain turned and destroyed this Izuku yet again. "Now where's the real?"

"TAKE THIS!" A fifth Izuku came at Nine for him to blast it and turn it to smoke. "I hope you liked that decoy!" Izuku came below Nine for him to be too fast to catch. "NOW! GO FLYING!" Izuku mixed both Muscle Augmentation, Rivets, several Hardening and strength enhancements into his fist to send the villain flying into the roof. of the room. "COMBINATION QUIRKS, ARMAGEDDON!" Nine went flying past the roof and towards the next level that had Overhaul and the Big 3 in it. "Let's settle this here  and now you two. THIS IS PAYBACK FOR KIDNAPPING MY DAUGHTER!"

With Bakugou, Toga and Kendo

Toga immediately went to Bakugou to try and stop the bleeding and see where he was stabbed. "Just hand in there. You're gonna be ok." She tried to apply pressure and stop the bleeding the best she could. 'Dammit. How am I gonna stop the bleeding!?'

"Yeah, sorry kid, but that one's gonna die." Chimera grabbed another cigar to light before taking a deep breath in to exhale out. "Wounds like that don't just heal so easily. You'd need a miracle now to heal that." His claws began to come out again aiming at Bakugou to finish the job. However, Kendo used a quirk that allowed her fists to become diamond to chip the villain's claws. Chimera jumped back and noticed a face of pure rage on the orange haired girl.

"Toga. Remember that quirk Midoriya gave you?" The blond remembered the minor healing quirk that she was given. "Do what you can with it and heal Bakugou. If he dies, we lose another one of our friends and I don't want a repeat of Magna."

"But the quirk was for injuries that weren't all the way through-"

"We don't have a choice right now." Kendo tossed a few rags, lighter fluid and a lighter. "When you have enough of the hole closed, sear the rest shut so he won't die of blood loss. Where it is, I don't think any vital organs are completely gone, but heal as much as physically possible. I'll handle this one."

"You honestly think you can beat me? All three of you together couldn't. Just cause you've got another quirk, doesn't mean you'll have a chance." Kendo came charging at Chimera for him to smirk. "Too easy." He started creating a beam out of his mouth before shooting it at the Big Fist quirk user.

'All or nothing right now.' She punched the beam for it to reflect off her knuckle and go upwards to make a hole in the ceiling. Kendo and Chimera immediately stopped a moment to realize what just happened. "Well I guess this quirk does more than I thought."

"YOU BRAT!" Chimera came charging at the orange haired girl to begin attacking with strength predominantly. "EVEN IF I CAN'T BEAT YOU WITH MY CLAWS OR LONG RANGE ATTACK, I CAN STILL OUTMATCH YOU IN SHEER STRENGTH!" Kendo used her diamond fists to block the claws coming at her with the weight of her fist's being a major drawback for her. She was so preoccupied with the frontal attack, she completely missed the tail coming behind her and knocking her off balance. She fell on her back with Chimera coming to pierce her heart. Before he could, Kendo rolled away and came back on her feet.

'I gotta think carefully. I can't fight with this quirk for long. Just having it be used together with my normal quirk makes me feel like I'm carrying around half a ton on each arm. But I need to find a way to keep stalling for time until Toga finishes with Bakugou.' Kendo began shrinking her hands down to about a size and a half times her normal fist's size. 'This'll make me go faster.' "Alright you stupid furry, let's play."

With Izuku and the Big 3

Nine had quickly recovered from Izuku's attack to stand with blood dripping down his face. "I'll admit, that was something I didn't plan out of you, but you put me in a place where I can use the drug I injected into myself to it's full potential."

The villain reached out for Overhaul for Izuku to panic. "EVERYONE GET BACK!" Has he grabbed the yakuza's shoulder, Hado, Amajiki and Togata prepared for whatever was to happen with Nine using his laser quirk to blast the wall behind them. The fact it wasn't anywhere near them drew a red flag to everyone.

"Did he intentionally miss?" Hado questioned with Togata looking and seeing neither villain move.

"This is weird, but they're not moving." The blond began charging at the two with Izuku quickly picking up the wall deterioration.

"TOGATA! BEHIND YOU!" The Permeation quirk user looked behind and avoided having a spike of stone pierce his chest thanks to his quirk.

"What just happened?"

"He took a quirk enhancement drug, Amajiki. To make things simple, his AFO quirk had evolved past my father's and is now no different than mine." This worried everyone for Overhaul to take the lead next.

"I guess it's time to take every one of you down." The villain touched the ground for it to disassemble and reassemble as spikes going right at the group.

"YOU THINK I'M GONNA LET YOU DO THAT!?" Izuku activates two strength enhancers and an earth formation quirk to block the attack while Hado went over and let a blast of spiraling energy out for it to be blocked by Nine. He then retaliated by using his hydra attack to make Amajiki use Manifest to make a shield that nearly ripped his arm off thanks to the combination of the Overhaul quirk. Togata came over towards Nine next to try and attack him for the villain to gain a punch to the gut before nearly getting attacked by Overhaul. Izuku was able to get behind to knee the yakuza into a wall before nearly having beams attack him to push him to jump and have several moving pieces of stone reshape and attack him.

"I GOTCHA!" Hado blasted a spiral wave of energy at the stone for all to be destroyed. Turning to the side, Izuku noticed Overhaul make an attack that divided Amajiki and Eri.

"With you, I'll finally finish everything I'm trying to accomplish." He sent a spear of stone at Eri for her to shield her eyes in fear.

"ERI!" The sound of the stone piercing flesh was heard for everyone to avert their eyes. When Eri started to open her eyes again, she felt something drip on her head to look up and scream.

In retaliation, everyone looked over to see Izuku in front of the small child with the stone spear impaled inside his chest. "Such a shame. All that potential and power and you can't even prove yourself useful enough to evade an attack. All you had to do was let it hit the brat and you'd be able to attack me. Pathetic." Izuku spat out blood for his chin to be covered.

"Eri. Are you ok?" Izuku patted his daughter's head for her to look in fear while nodding. "That's good. At least you're ok. How about after this, you, me and your mommy go out to have a nice dinner together. My treat."


"It's ok Eri. I promise I won't die here. Too much is at stake if I do."

"Are you that stupid!? You can barely even speak without blood coming out your mouth. What hope do you have?"

Izuku gripped the stone spear to shatter it and allow a regeneration quirk to heal his body. "Tell me something, Overhaul. Nine. What good is power if you have nothing to protect with it? The strong protect the weak from those that want to hurt them. The weak grow to be the strong and take their place. That is the way of the world. Those like you that refuse to accept this have no business saying how the strong should fight! Me shielding my daughter from monsters like you both!"

With Bakugou, Kendo and Toga

As Izuku and the Big 3 attacked Overhaul and Nine, Kendo began moving as fast as she could to take on and defeat Chimera. She started giving constant punches with Chimera being pushed back from it. 'Damn this brat. She's smart when she's fighting.'  The villain tried to make the Big Fist quirk user slip up again with his tail for a knife to come and stab it. "AHHH!" Looking to where it was thrown, the villain noticed Toga throwing several more towards him. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

"DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME, ASSHOLE!" Kendo gave a solid punch to Chimera's jaw to break it before another to his face. Now disoriented, the villain looked to see Bakugou standing barely with his gauntlet aimed at him.

"This is for last time." Chimera was about to run away but was trapped in place by Kendo slamming blades into his feet.


"Now die." Bakugou pulled the pin and sent a massive blast at the villain to throw him back into the wall and through the concrete to another room to the other end and through five more rooms. "Suck it, fucking furry." Bakugou passed out with his stomach showing burn marks and a notable amount of his stomach no longer there.

With Izuku and the Big 3

Izuku started activating several quirks in his arsenal for his arms to grow to insane proportions, spikes to come out of them, his knuckles to turn to titanium, his muscles to burst out and hold rivets inside them with a dragon scale coating over them. "I've been holding back for a long time because I don't want to kill people. Just like my father, I'd rather avoid any death, but you two have proven that that's no longer an option."

Izuku stormed to both villains with Overhaul and Nine creating blockades as the latter mixed his barrier quirk with Overhaul. This forced Izuku's fists to be destroyed, but reformed almost instantly with healing quirks. "He's not stopping!"

"Don't you think I know that!?" Overhaul moved his attention to Eri to try and attack her again.

"NOT THIS TIME!" The Big 3 came to attack the spikes and pull the small child out of danger to anger the yakuza even more.

"DAMMIT!" Izuku neared the two with a similar idea coming to both villains' minds. 'If I can touch him here...'

'It's all over.' Izuku was mere millimeters away from the two before he activated a quirk that his father gave him long ago to see a few seconds into the future and their plan. Before they could succeed, Izuku jumped up and let loose a punch on both villains' heads.

"GUILLOTINE STRIKE!" The attack slammed both into the ground and caused a massive crater that submerged both deep into the earth. There fell unconscious shortly after with Izuku going to both their heads to finish the job. "With this, you two will never harm anyone else again." He absorbed both their quirks to leave them unable to fight anymore as Izuku raised his right hand into the air and screamed for his success. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

In the laboratory in Jaku

Miruko and Tenko walked through the lab's corridors after defeating the high end Nomu they were facing. During it, both were very beaten up with Miruko losing her left arm in the process. "You ok?" The rabbit hero was having difficulties moving for most of her weight to be on Tenko. "Maybe we should stop-"

"We're still moving! If we don't, then we gotta worry about a bigger problem than before. Now get your ass in gear before I kick it in gear!"

"Says the woman that's barely standing." The Decay quirk user mumbled this.

"What was that!?"


The two came towards a room with Garaki typing on a monitor. "The jig's up doc, surrender and we might let you go without a foot up your ass."

"Oh but you're already too late my dear heroes. For All Might's transformation has already been completed!" The container that was holding All Might began to crack before breaking open and causing everyone to cover their eyes. Walking out of the container, All Might began clapping his hands.

"Congratulations. You almost defeated me. If only you were a few moments earlier, you might've ben able to defeat me before things came this far. However, the world as it should be now is in my hands and nobody, not even that foolish brat Izuku Midoriya can stop me."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Miruko and Tenko facing All Might. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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