Quiinn [Twisted Wonderland X...

By Baby_DJ38

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"What have I gotten myself into?" In which she sighed at her own question and rubbed her head in annoyance. ... More

Disney: Twisted Wonderland
+Quiinn Shadowrain+Y/N+
Happy Birthday Riddle! 🎉🎊
Chaos 1
Chaos 2
Chaos 3
Chaos 4
Quiinn's Birthday!! 🎉 🎊
Chaos 5
Chaos 6
Chaos 7
Quiinn's missing?! #1
Quiinn's missing?! #2


2.1K 82 8
By Baby_DJ38

Episode 1: The Crimson Tyrant

Chapter 1-26: Reconciliation Desserts! + Chapter 1-27: Quiinn's memory?!


[Heartslabyul Dorm – Rose Maze]

3rd P. O. V

"Alright! Let’s start with cleaning up the garden! The garden I worked so hard in is in shambles… Boohoo…" Cater cry a crocodile tears.

Quiinn stand up and help Riddle back on his feet.

"I’ll help you out."

"Non non." Quiinn wave her index finger. "I want you to take Riddle to the infirmary, Trey. He just went berserk. Better have him check. I'll help Cater here."

"Yah, as Quiinney said. The others can help me." Cater place his arms on Quiinn's shoulder.

Riddle let out a growl but they didn't seems to heard it.

"It’s as Quiinn says. I’ll accompany you." Crowley offer.

"Yes, sir… Thank you very much." Trey nodded.

Quiinn turned around to help the other but felt someone tug on her sleeve. She face around and met with Riddle.

"Do you need anything?" Quiinn tilted her head.



Riddle face tells Quiinn that he's sad. About what? Dunno, but she doesn't like it.

"Come now, don't make that face. It doesn't suit your cute face." She gave a boop on his nose.

He turned red, redder than his own hair.

"Go now, you should rest. I'll come by to visit you later." Quiinn pat the redhead and usher him to the two who was waiting for him.

She wave him goodbye and face around to help the other.

"Hm~! It’s got a rather sweet taste, but there’s also a good kind of bitterness mixed in~! It’s a totally different taste from the last one I had!" Grim pat his stomach.

Quiinn, who didn't know shit bout what just happened, asked, "The fuck I happening?"

"Your cat just ate like, one of those Magic jewel back at the Dwarfs' Mine." Ace said in frustration.

"The fuck Grim? We have food back at the dorm. Does it kill you to be a lil patient?" Quiinn scolded the black cat continuously.

"Ah, he’s a monster so he’s probably made differently from us." Ace gave them a bored face.

"Even so, I don’t think that doing this constantly would do him good." Deuce worriedly stated.

"Hm, it’s got a really refreshing and soft kind of taste, yanno?" He said after finishing one of Quiinn's scolding session.

Deuce widened his eyes. "Hey!! Don’t eat anything you just picked up!"

Cater sighed and rubbed his head. "Really now…thank you, guys." He whispered the last part but didn't go unheard by the gray haired girl.

"Your welcome." She smirk.

Cater stiffened and laugh nervously.

"So, here's your reward for helping!" Before Quiinn could do anything, she was surrounded by kisses on her cheeks.

"That's not fair, let us reward you, too." Ace smirk at the gray haired girl and slowly closing the distance between him and her but the two guys behind him didn't have any of it well.

He got smack.

"Kay, I get it! You guys are jealous!" He rubbed his head on where he got smacked.

Quiinn didn't actually know what he's trying to do so she's pondering bout what in the name of fuck face did he trying to do.

Quiinn thought he wanted their nose to touch eachother.

"Oh well."

They started cleaning the trashed place but it takes quite a while to finished it.

"Dearest puppets, care to help?" Quiinn summoned a army of puppets as they said in sync, "Yes, yes~"

And with the help of the puppets, they managed to finished it in one day.


Today, Quiinn decided to go visit Riddle so, that's what she's doing now
With a bag in her hand.

On her way to the infirmary (dunno if he's in the infirmary or at his dorm so I go with infirmary), she stumbled upon the two idiot and Grim decided to hang out with them.

When she reached his room, she knocked on the door three times.

"Come in."

And she barges in with a smile whilst calling out his name.



She ran to him and greeted him with a hug.

"I missed you!" She said as she nuzzle his cheek.

Riddle felt the heat crept up to his face as he tries to stay alive throughout all the hug and nuzzle she gave him. "Q–Quiinn..." Riddle muttered her name out of embarrassment.

"Ah, right. Sorry." She rubbed her head and sat down by his bed.

"So, how have you been?" She asked as she put down her bag on the floor.

"Much better, thank you. You?"

"Dude, what kind of question is that? I'm always fine. Btw, when will you get discharge?" Quiinn raised a brow.

"Tomorrow, a day before the Unbirthday party." Riddle smile warmly at his junior.

"Well, ain't that great? Is Trey gonna pick you up?" Quiinn asked again and put her bag on her lap.

"Yeah, he's still a little bit worried and been visiting me." Riddle then face down to his hand and play with his fingers. "Quiinn...I thought you might not come." He said in a low voice. A sad low voice.

Quiinn look at him in surprised. Why would you say that?"

"Well, you didn't come the first day, or the second and the day after so I thought...you won't come. Guess I'm wrong." Riddle laugh at his words. Then he felt someone hugging him.

"Don't worry, Riddle, I'm just...uh busy with something. I didn't forget about my friend." Quiinn, you just friend-zone him.

'Ouch, that hurts.' Riddle told to himself as he place his hand on his chest.

"So...what is this "something" you've been busy with?" Riddle asked in curiousity.

Quiinn didn't answer and pick up something from her bag.

She pulled out a doll and a plushy. The plushy one is a is pink hedgehog with a crown and a boy on it. And the doll one looks like Quiinn.

(Imagine it pink and have a bow and a crown)

(This is the doll)

"I was busy making this for you. As a gift. I couldn't decide which one to make so I made two. I also wanted to make a doll version of you but I'm short of item." Quiinn hand the two doll and plushy to the redhead. "I make the hedgehog one cuz it's remind me of you."

Riddle stare at the two gift she gave him and smile.

"It's cute."

"You talking bout yourself?" Quiinn leaned on her palm.

Riddle's confused face make Quiinn laugh. "No...I was talking about the gift you gave me."

"Riddle, that hedgehog basically you. That means you call yourself cute. And me." Quiinn continue laughing as Riddle explode.

'I just called her cute by accident!' Riddle cover his face with the hedgehog plushy.

Quiinn then play with Riddle's hair. "Oh my, your adorable. Anyway, now that you got the doll, you can always look at it if you missed me." Quiinn retreated her hand and take the doll.

She face the doll to Riddle as he asked himself what was she doing.

Quiinn put the doll face on his cheek. The doll gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Imagine that doll is alive like Annabelle and she's like 'Bruh'.

Riddle didn't get what Quiinn is doing so he just shrugged it off. "I wish I could stay longer but I have things to do." Quiinn stand up but someone was having a hard time accepting her choice to leave him.

Quiinn face down at the redhead who was hugging the doll with his hand as his other hand stopped her from leaving.

"Riddle, it's not like I'm gone or anything. I'll see you again at the Unbirthday party." Quiinn kissed his crown and went out of the room.

"Adios." Quiinn wave at him and he wave back.


Riddle P. O. V

Why must you leave?

I missed your warmth already.

I lay down and place my head on the pillow. I look back at the doll Quiinn gave to me. It certainly does look like her. I stare at the doll for, I dunno how many time I spent on staring at it.

The nurse came in with my dinner and I ate it like a obedient child I am.

Some time later, I kept on staring at the doll and without me knowing, I slipped from reality into the Dreamland.


"Where am I?" I asked myself when I found out that I was no longer in my room at the infirmary.  "What is this place?"

The place where I am now has an open field with huge house in the middle of it. The field was surrounded by a group of forest around it.

I walked closer to the house and saw a little girl with ligh khaki hair and pink eyes.

"She somehow looks familiar..."

And with the little girl, two woman dressed in maid outfit is standing infront of her.

"How could you do this?! You break another rule after another and another! You imbecile, time to face your punishment!"

One of the woman dragged her by her little arm as she tries to fight her way out of her grasp.

"Let me go! You psychopathic maniac!"

The little girl shouted as the other woman slapped her face.

I frowned.

"This is where I used to live. In this hellhole called, the orphanage. In this orphanage, following rules, is a must. Break it, you'll receive your punishment. Doesn't it sounded familiar? Ring a bell?"


Without me knowing it, the scene changes to somewhere more dark.

A group of kids with their eyes all dark and hollow.


Just like Quiinn back then.

"It's happening again."

"Ah, no matter."

"There's nothing new about this is it?"

"I wonder who will be the one that got sent away."

The children murmuring to each other and went silent once the two woman with the little girl can to view.

"Now, you shall face your punishment. Kneel!"

The woman tie the little girl's hand with a rope and kneeled her down Infront of a girl with brown hair and a dead blue eyes.

The little girl look up at the brown haired girl and said,

"I'm sorry."

The girl didn't respond.

The brown haired girl lay in the ground when the adults said,

"We sacrifice her!"

I frowned

"Why would they sacrifice her? What did she do?"

"Bring out the axe!" One of the adults yelled and one of them went to get the said axe.

I don't understand...what?

The little girl lower He head and face the ground as the adult kick her head.

"Don't think of escaping your punishment!"

He grabbed her by her hair and make her watch the brown haired girl. He didn't let her eyes shut. Not even one second.

"This is where the punishment will be held for those who break the rules. How nostalgic. I'm literally one in the top list of the rule breaker and I'm so done of this scenery. Oh, it's about to start."

"Quiinn, I...I don't understand..."

They got the said axe and hand it to the woman with blonde hair.

She slowly bring the axe up to sky and slammed it down on the brown haired girl's face, destroying it. Her blood splattered everywhere. The place turned red.

I look away from the horrid scene with my eyes wide open.

The little girl screamed and started crying.


The adults let her go as she weakly fell to the floor, crying and cupping her face with her hands.

I face my attention away to the children and it surprised me that they didn't find it horrible, they stayed calm even after the girl's blood splattered on them.

"Punishment, complete."

They said and left the girl alone with the adults and the dead body of the brown haired girl.

"We have to send the dead one right?"

"Yes, meet the rest at the cave entrance."

I was left there, shocked. I slowly walked towards the little girl, ignoring the red colour.

"This is what I get as my punishment. Guilt, sadness, anger, sorrow, burden. I have broken many rules throughout my stay here. And because of me, they have to be sacrificed or sent away. In this place, if we followed the rules, we will forget ourselves. We forget of who we are. Who we used and meant to be. So, I try to not follow the rules and I succeed. But ofc, it'll come with a cost. I am born to this world not through people. But through a machine and a desire. I don't have parents because I was a human creation made by a desire and humans filthy hands. Not their seeds. I was one of the success and special clone and was sent to the orphanage to get me under their control. But ofc, I won't follow. And because I am special, they can't kill me under the higher ups order. So, they uses my emotions to get me under their control. Placing me with burdens, regrets and so on. And the victim for the show to punish me everytime I break a rule, is the children. I can't. I can't see they all die because of me!"

Quiinn expressed her feelings as I frowned.

She has been a lot more that I did. Seeing her like this pains me. I wish I could give her a hand just like how she did to me.

The scene changes to lil Quiinn crying on the ground as a sea of children surrounds her.

"Quiinn, your life was a mistake. You shouldn't be here!"

"Because of you, the others have to die!"

"Just follow the rules, was it so hard?!"

"This is all your fault!"

"You're the one who shouldn't be alive!"

The comments of hate and anger kept on coming as Quiinn cover her ears.

I don't like it. I don't like it. How can they say such thing to her?!

"Everyday, I get the same comments as any other day. I was chained. It hurts. It hurts so much. So, I gave up. I started following the rules and slowly losing myself. I have forgotten about myself. I follow every choices and decisions they gave me. They all seemed happy but...do I, look happy? I wanna be happy too. I regretted my decision."

The scene changes again and this time, lil Quiinn is with someone who I didn't know of.

"I see. But, Quiinn..."

Lil Quiinn look up at the person.

"Is that your choice? Your decision? Did it make you happy?"

Lil Quiinn doesn't answer for a good 5 minutes and shake her head.

"Then don't follow the choices and decisions they gave you. Don't follow those rules."

"But then, the children..."

The person hush her and said,

"Do they care about you? I know, it's a cold-hearted question. But, do they? Even after you follow the rules, the choices, decisions, they still didn't care about you. So don't wait for them. We were born to this world with choices. Even if you're made by a machine and desire. You follow your path and chose a choice that makes you happy."

"That words gave me the strength, the courage I needed. I chose...

to be free."

The sky turned to a beautiful clear sky. Quiinn was standing Infront of me.

"I managed to get unchained and escaped the hellhole. Don't be like the person I am back then.

Be free, Riddle."


I woke up from my dream as the sun shone it's shining ray light down to earth.


Her name escape from my mouth. I felt a wet liquid on my face and touched it.


I sighed.

She's been through so much. So much more than I did. Now I know why she despises rules.

I stare at the doll and said,

"I'll protect you from now on, Quiinn."


Wednesday, 26 August 2021

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