Because You Are My First Love...

By Miikayuu

27.5K 2K 737

In the joseon era, where hybrid dominate the world , lived a rare hybrid fox the name of yeosang. Because of... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 4,5
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 6,5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
⚠️not an update ⚠️
chapter 10
chapter 10,5
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 14,5
chapter 15
bonus chapter- wooyoung-
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 19
⚠️not an update, but must read plz⚠️
chapter 20
bonus chapter - mingi
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
bonus chapter-mingi-part 2
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35 - the End-
-Epilogue -
⭐️ Announcements⭐️
Annoucement !💥

chapter 18

475 44 8
By Miikayuu

The next morning, San woke up earlier than he was used to, and the very first thing he did before even eating, was to dress up and get out of his room. He acted a bit harsh on Yeosang the day before, he should have taken his time to talk to him instead of kicking him out of his room and stay with the bunny. But it's not like she had stay way longer with him either, he was too much angry about the situation.  

How someone could go against his authority like that without even caring about the consequences?

He thought about it all night, it’s didn't even make sense.  If it was really Yunho, then why all of sudden he would do that to get punished in the end? He was there since he was young and there was no reason to do such a thing. Gritting his teeth, he wasn't even near to calm down. Why everything he wanted to cherish was taking away from him?  

-Oh master, you were here! how are you feeling today...? I can stay with you as you wish. I will try my best to make you feel a lot better today!"  

Haneul said while she crossed his path on the hallway, she approached him smiling brightly. Why does she look so happy?  

-Did you see yeosang?"  

Again, about him, she thought. San didn't unnoticed her smile fading away quickly and her gaze she was sending, getting darker.  

-Unfortunately, no master. The last time I saw him was yesterday when he was with you. Can I know why are you looking for him?"  

Without answer to her question, San walked away. The fox was probably with Yunho. Or else Yunho should know where he should be.  

Haneul looked at her master walking away from her like she was nothing.  

"You know better than me our master will never see you the same way he looks at him."  

Out of anger, she remembered the sentence Yunho told to her before. She took the stand candle holder to throw it harshly on the floor, she wished so hard to switch the object with the fox.  

-Haneul! What happening? can I help you?" Said a servant walking toward her worried about her older, she was a small hybrid sheep.  

Grinning her teeth and panting heavily, Haneul went in from of her to slap her on her cheek multiple times. The bunny’s hand was burn by how much she used her force but it didn't matter.  She wanted to get out her anger. The poor sheep looked down crying, she put her shaking hand on his cheek. She simply wanted to see if she was alright...

- get the fuck out of here! Come talk to me only if you tell me if the fox is finally dead!"  

Not wanting to stay alone with the bunny much longer, the other hybrid run away as fast as she could. but she didn't understand what Haneul mean by that. She knew she didn't like the fox but... she couldn't kill him. Right...?

Haneul looked the sheep running away, then she smiled. She knew by this time, she already got one thing she wanted that badly. its wasn't the love of her master but it was something way better.  

The sweet satisfaction.

She was proud and happy when she thought about what she planned this whole month with some other servants.  What is going to be the reaction of her master?  

He will probably throw away this broken fox, finally!


-What do you mean you didn't saw yeosang since last night?"  

San frowned his eyebrows, as Yunho stood in front of him. Yunho wasn't authorized to get out of his room with the accusation he had against him. He wouldn’t get out until San have a better idea to what really happened.  

-M-master... he didn't come back to our room yesterday, I just guessed he was with you..."  

Definitely, something was wrong. His instinct was yelling at him to go and find yeosang as fast as he could.  

-I need to found him. Yunho, forget about my order and search in your quarter. Do as you wish, but find him. Me I will go with Mingi and look outside."  

Nodding his head, Yunho didn't lose his time, and switched into his golden dog form. He wasn't used to that form since the last time he switches was when he was still a pup. He shook himself and got out of his clothes and started running to look in the servant quarter with is strong nose he would be easier. He couldn’t help but felt his heart squeezed inside of his chest, he just hoped nothing bad happened to him and he simply lost is way again.  

But seeing how much his master was worried, he knew it couldn’t be as simple as that. The fox couldn’t disappear without saying anything...


San quickly found Mingi outside, and as soon as he was with him, they searched  yeosang together for a while. But without finding any trace of him everywhere. It was like he never existed there.  

How he could be this close to the fox one night... and the next morning it was like he suddenly dropped off from the face off the earth, with no explanation. Or maybe there was an explanation... But, its wasn't the one he wanted to heard.  

Maybe after what he said... he simply decided to run away without say a single thing? But Yunho didn't know anything about it? If Yeosang really ran away, then he will give him the punishment he deserves.

Nobody could run away from him. Even less this fox.

But, at this rate, San was overthinking about all of the possibilities. Even the lame one. To the point he asked to himself if he was going crazy.

-Master." Mingi said, trying to catch the wolf attention, who was a bit far away from him.  

The tiger noticed some sign of struggle in the dirt, he kneels on the ground and start moving the sand with his hand carefully until he spotted some trace of blood. He was sure it's belong to Yeosang’s.  

-I’m sorry master but... I don't think he’s in good shape right now..."  

-What?"  San rushed to go beside the tiger to see what he was talking about.  

Mingi pointed the small trace of blood. He never saw his master face became blank in a matter of second like that. Something bad really happened to Yeosang. Mingi looked down once more, then he noticed other footsteps on the ground. He was lucky he was used to hunts before, animal or not. Its only made the job easier.  

-Master, please follow me. I think we are close to him."  

Nodding his head low, San didn't say anything and simply followed Mingi who was tracking the footsteps the best he could. They ended up in an empty part of the domain, the only thing that was there, was the warehouse. the both of them didn't go there often, since there was nothing here for them. Excepted some wood and other stuff than only servant used.  

But mingi must admit it, was a really good place to hide... something. With that thought, the tiger quickly ran toward the small warehouse. He noticed a big wooden plank in the handle. Was it always there?  

Then, his nose caught a smell coming out of the room he knew too much, blood…

Mingi didn't last any more other precious second to take off the plank and open the door, his eyes grew wide open, shocked.  

-What the hell is this... Yeosang!" What the first thing Mingi yell.  

Yeosang was in the middle of the room his arms above his head, strapped with a rope to the ceiling. His feet were barely touching the floor. His eyes were close, and his face was covered in blood and bruise. Even his tail and ears of fox were out, he must had suffered a lot. Mingi rushed toward the poor boy to untie him fast. he looked behind him when he heard a loud sound.  

His master dropped on his knees, in shock. His head fell down by itself, he felt... annihilated. he was able to raise his head a bit only to see Mingi untie the rope to take the fox in his arms. That couldn’t be real.

Then he saw Mingi in front of him with his fox in his arms, his lips were moving. He was talking... but what was he saying? He couldn’t hear him. He didn't hear anything, even his own eyes had no sight of any type of emotion.  


Why he felt like a black hole suddenly appeared in his heart, but his face didn't show anything type of emotions?  

Is it what its feel like when you die inside? The shame and capability feeling were eating him from the inside.

He looked back at the injured boy, he would do anything to switch his place with him so he couldn't get hurt again. He didn't even know if he was still alive or not.





A/N : i just wanted to thank you all  for my 1k  reads !! I'm so happy ❤ ❤ i hope you will continue to love and read this story,  even if sometime i found this story a bit boring.. but  i will try my best to continue until the end☺

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