Pokemon-The Lost Master

Oleh TrixJade

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Seven years after Ashs defeat in Sinnoh, the Champion Cynthia is ruthlessly crushed in a battle for the title... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 36

480 8 3
Oleh TrixJade

A Few Months Later

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for the final of the World League. The reigning champion of the Silver Conference from the Johto region, Aaron Olson, who has clearly upped his training since his tough battle in this year's abandoned final, has fought his way through to his first World final. However, facing him and fighting to retain his title, is the current Pokémon Master, known only as 'Champion'. Aaron has fought his way through some tough challenges thus far, but this will be his hardest by a long way. Can he triumph? Or will 'Champion' – making his first series of public appearances since the famous battle that has simply become known as the clash of legends – prove too hot for the challenger? Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the field, the challenger. Welcome Aaron Olson!"

Ash chuckled to himself as the stadium roared their approval. Aaron was a popular figure, not least in his attitude to fans. He always seemed to have time for them. However, the announcers attempt to talk up the match was amusing. Both Ash and Aaron knew that this was going to be a one-sided affair. Although he had been impressed with the progress that Aaron had made since he last saw him; the trainer was clearly talented and had taken what he had learned from Ash at the training camp to heart. The camp seemingly so long ago, that Ash had helped at. Just one of many things that had happened since he had returned to civilization.

"And welcome to the field, the greatest Pokémon Master ever seen" Ash laughed out loud again. "Before he competed at this tournament he had not been seen for months. He has not spoken to the media in months. He may be mysterious, but his power is incredible. Let me hear you roar for the Pokémon Master, 'Champion'!"

Ash strode out onto the field, not even bothering to acknowledge the avalanche of noise rolling down from the stadium. His mind was not focused on the battle ahead, but on what he was looking at. In the stands, high above his head, he could see Cynthia, Lance and Steven all watching the battle. And in the Champion's Box, next to them was Delia Ketchum. The mother he thought he had lost forever, but had come back to him. She had barely left his side in the months since Professor Oak had brought her to see him. And he could not remember being happier. Espeon had commented on how he had seemed more complete since she had come back into his life, along with Pikachu. Delia saw her son looking up into the stands at her and smiled, knowing that he would see it. Alongside her, Sam and Mellanie were cheering, making Ash smile. They had never been to one of his battles live, having not been brought for the quarter- or semi-finals, but he had agreed that they could watch him here.

Ash reached the middle of the stadium, where the Aaron waited for him, alongside the referee. Ash reached out and shook his opponent's hand, before politely wishing him good luck. He then returned to his trainer's box, and faced Aaron.

"Champion, release your Pokémon." The referee called. Ash silently held out a Pokéball, before Charizard appeared with a deafening roar. Across the field, Aaron fingered his belt before choosing his own Pokémon. Jolteon appeared, hissing at the noise.

"No surprises in the selection of either Pokémon. Aaron starts the vast majority of fights with his Jolteon, and clearly has decided to do so here, while Charizard is the only Pokémon that 'Champion' has used in this tournament, and is the Pokémon that single-handedly won him his title last time out."

"This is a six on six battle, between Aaron Olson and 'Champion'." The referee announced. "Either side can make substitutions at any time and when one side has lost three Pokémon, there will be a short break. Are both trainers ready?" After both trainers nodded, the referee whipped his flags down. "Begin!"

"Jolteon, use…" Aaron started, but before he could get any further Charizard fired a Flamethrower at his Pokémon. "What the… Jolteon, dodge now!"

Jolteon didn't waste a moment, diving to the right, but as he climbed back to his feet, he saw another Flamethrower racing in. Another dodge, and another, but he wasn't quick enough and was clipped by the attack.

"Jolteon, try to get a Thunderbolt off." Aaron called.

"Hurdle it." Ash barked, his first command.

As Jolteon's attack raced in, Charizard simply flapped his wings, and leapt over the attack, carrying him closer to Jolteon. Too close, as Aaron suddenly realized, too late.

"Jolteon, get out of there!" Aaron roared, but it was too late. Charizard unleashed a devastating Fire Blast that sent Jolteon skidding across the field, clearly knocked out. As Charizard moved back to his starting position, a hush descended on the stadium.

"And 'Champion' takes the first round with an utterly devastating combination. I have to admit folks, this isn't the first time I've seen him battle, but this appears to be his best yet. Aaron is going to need everything he has to endure this!"

"Wow…" Mellanie said quietly. "Just… how good is he?"

Cynthia glanced over and smiled at the two youngsters, who were still Ash's only students. She had met them a few days before, but remembered their names from her first training camp, so was pleased to see them. "Very." She said, before turning her eyes to Delia. "And part of it is thanks to you."

"Me?" Delia asked, startled. "What do you mean?"

"We know who he is." Cynthia said.

"I know, Ash told me, but…"

"And I know who you are, Mrs Ketchum."

"I still don't see how…"

"It's simple." Cynthia said with a smile. "When he was away, his Pokémon were his family. And however much he would have tried to deny it, he needed human company. Company that really cares about him. You provided that, and because of you he is more complete. It will reflect in his battling, and his outlook. Who knows, he may even lighten up one day."

Cynthia turned back to the battlefield, leaving Delia with a wide smile on her face. While Espeon had commented on the effect she had had on her master, she hadn't truly believed it. However, the more people told her, the more it sank in.

Aaron recalled his Jolteon in a state of shock. His first Pokémon was usually enough to at least get a few hits in to tire out an opponent, if not take the first round. While he hadn't expected to actually beat 'Champion' it was terrifying to be reminded of the gap between them so bluntly. He reached down to his belt to try a different Pokémon. One which hopefully would be able to dodge better.

"Xatu, come on out."

Ash watched silently, his mind elsewhere. Being back at the World League was making him reflect on everything that had happened since he was last here. And the obliteration of Jolteon reminded him of the first time he had faced his old friends. Particularly Misty. He remembered the way she had fought against him, utterly outclassed yet desperate to make an impression. And eventually thrashed. But not giving up. The way he remembered Misty. And enough to convince him that she would kill him if she ever found out who he was, not least because he had suspended her. Some of his other friends wouldn't be as aggressive, but he knew he couldn't reveal himself to one of them, and not all. Their faces flickered in front of his eyes. Gary, his rival, and the man he had always been slightly intimidated of, reduced to near stammering when he had interviewed him. Dawn, the bubbly girl he had once known, grown up and a leading Coordinator. Brock, who had finally fulfilled his dream of becoming a Pokémon Doctor. Even James from Team Rocket, who Ash knew had abandoned their organization a long time ago, even if he had only found out the reason recently from Pikachu. Yet he didn't want to see any of them. Ash knew he could be accused of being cowardly, but he was doing what he felt was right. He had moved on from his friends, and they wouldn't recognize him anymore. In fact, they hadn't when he had seen them.

Ash's attention snapped back to the battle as the referee announce the second round, snapping his flags down to signal the start.

Once again, Charizard fired an immediate Flamethrower, which forced Xatu into the air to dodge it. Aaron smiled as his reasoning for choosing Xatu became immediately apparent. This Pokémon was one of his hardest to pin down.

"Xatu, Psychic to redirect those attacks." Aaron called, as another Flamethrower shot up towards his Pokémon. Xatu's eyes glowed and the Flamethrower started to slow, but not stop completely. Aaron stared in surprise, before the attack finally came to a stop.

"Charizard, into the air." Ash said quietly. The two attacks died as Charizard leapt off the ground, before firing another attack at Xatu who swooped low underneath it. Ash let his Pokémon try to attack a few more times but no attacks were hitting Xatu. Ash glanced across the field to see Aaron concentrating fiercely, calling out directions for Xatu to dodge. Charizard continued to follow, attacking, but couldn't pin down his elusive opponent.

Ash watched with amusement as Charizard let out a roar, before firing another attack out that missed Xatu by inches. Clearly Aaron had learnt from his demonstration at the training camp, just before he had gone after the Rockets… Ash wrenched his attention back to the battlefield as Charizard let out another deafening roar. He glanced up at his angry Pokémon who was managing to fit in glares at him between his repeated attacks at Xatu. Charizard was clearly angry he wasn't intervening.

"Charizard, Fire Spin." Ash called, which caused the dragon to glare down at him again, before he released a burst of fire that formed a vortex with Xatu trapped at the centre. Aaron watched in fear as Xatu tried to escape, but there was no way out. Ash flicked his gaze across to Aaron who made his decision.

"Xatu, use Psychic to open a hole and get out!" He shouted. There was a blue glow, and the flames flickered around Xatu, before a tiny hole appeared. However, as Xatu shot out of it, he was caught by a much larger burst of flames, which sent him crashing down to the ground. Charizard settled back in front of Ash with a slight snarl on his face. He hated Pokémon that were able to dodge.

"And Xatu goes down! Despite a clever manoeuver to get out of the Fire Spin, Xatu flew straight into Charizards next attack and stood no chance. Aaron needs to get some solid hits in soon, or this will be another whitewash!"

As Aaron recalled his Xatu, Ash let his attention wander back to his fight against the Rockets. The ease that he had taken out the training base, the surprise on Cynthia's face when he came back. Then the Goldenrod Debacle…

"The third round will be Charizard vs. Armaldo!" The referee shouted. "Begin!"

"Armaldo, Dig!" Aaron shouted, to dodge the now inevitable Flamethrower from Charizard. He almost made it. A roar from the hole told the crowd that the Flamethrower had clipped the Plate Pokémon.

Charizard leapt straight to the hole and fired another attack straight down it, causing the ground to start to heat up. Across the field Aaron was sweating badly, both from the heat and the worry etched on his face as he searched for his Pokémon. As the temperature shot up Ash automatically blocked the discomfort it was causing. Just like he had blocked the pain from his torture when captured in Goldenrod… As Armaldo surfaced Charizard fired another attack at Armaldo. The Plate Pokémon looked shaken from the attack he had endured underground but still managed to use Rock Tomb to create a shield in front of himself. Charizard roared and fired an even stronger attack, blowing the rocks away and sending Armaldo sliding back across the field. The Flame Pokémon seemed angry at the way Armaldo had tried to hide behind walls. A shadow of a smile shot across Ash's face; Charizard hated fighting opponents who wouldn't fight him properly. It was one of the problems he had faced when going after Giovanni; the Rocket boss never faced Ash head on. It was part of the reason he had been so angry underneath the Rocket Headquarters, an enemy had refused to face him and then had hurt his master… Ash forced his mind back to the battle. He didn't need to; Charizard was winning easily by himself, but not giving the battle his attention would be unprofessional. A few more attacks called and Aaron was recalling his Armaldo, its burnt form out cold.

"And Aaron loses his third Pokémon. He still hasn't landed a solid attack on Charizard, and this is beginning to look ever more one-sided."

"You try to hit the bloody thing." Aaron muttered under his breath, as he left the field for the break that followed half his team being knocked out. "It's impossible. It moves too fast, and attacks too much."

One other man in the stadium heard him, and although nobody could see it, there was a grin on the face of Ash as he left the field.

"Wow." Sam said in disbelief. "He's even better live! Charizard is just obliterating Aaron."

"I'm glad it isn't me facing him this year." Cynthia said in agreement. "If anything, I think he's gotten better."

Delia leaned back in her chair and smiled. If what she had been told was true, Ash had gotten better because of her. After having to first watch her son always travel and never be at home, then endure him being gone for years, she was just happy to have him back. Yet if she was making him a better trainer, it was even better for her. Since she had found him, she had been trying to find a way to be involved in his life. Apparently her just being there was enough for him.

Ash looked calm as he stood gazing at the door out to the stadium, waiting for it to open. Internally, his mind was racing. He knew that this battle was the culmination of the work he had done since he had become the Pokémon Master. The battles he had fought in the year, yet still come out of alive. He knew that faith in the Pokémon League, so strong when he had taken over, had been shaken. The attack on Silver Stadium had done that. He had to try to show that he was just as powerful as he had been a year ago. That the Pokémon League was just as powerful. The obliteration of Aaron would send the message. He just needed to get his mind back onto the battle. There was a noise behind him, and he felt a head push against his hand. Espeon was behind him, nuzzling his hand gently. Ash didn't look down, he just smiled. Whatever happened in the future, Espeon would be at his side.

Aaron stared across the field at Charizard who was gazing at him, waiting for him to make a move. He had been trying to decide how to counter the Flame Pokémon, but had come up with only one viable strategy. He knew what Charizard would do, he just had to try to beat it.

"Ursaring, Hammer Arm." Aaron said calmly as he released his Pokémon. As soon as Ursaring appeared, Charizard fired a Flamethrower, which Ursaring stormed straight at, swinging its glowing arm to try to beat its way through the fire.

Ash smiled slightly as Ursaring forced his way through Charizard's attack, only for the Flame Pokémon to flap his wings and climb away from the attack. Ursaring roared in frustration, a sound that Charizard drowned out with his own. Charizard had heard about Lance's fight against the Ursaring when Lance had been rescuing Cynthia. Despite the fact that Charizard had fought and beaten a hundred Ursaring, he had been wanting to fight another one ever since. Even though Aaron's wouldn't be anywhere near as strong, Charizard clearly wanted this fight to be memorable.

Ursaring charged again, only to be sent flying by a bigger blast of flame from Charizard. Aaron gritted his teeth in frustration as his Pokémon was batted back and forth across the field. Ursaring was fighting well, and managing to deflect most of each of Charizard's attacks but each one was making an impact on him.

"Ursaring, Dig!" Aaron shouted.

As Ursaring vanished down the hole, Charizard roared louder and dropped towards it, positioning himself to fire an attack straight down it, just like he had done to Armaldo.

"Earthquake." Aaron called, causing Charizard's eyes to widen, and Ash to gaze at his Pokémon thoughtfully. Watching Charizard get caught out like this hadn't happened for a long time. Charizard tried to throw himself into the air, but the rocks thrown up by the attack caught him and caused him to roar in pain. Dust covered the field, and Charizard vanished into it. Ash smiled to himself; he had been thinking of the Ursaring that Lance had fought, and the only sight he had of them was the dust cloud. Now there was similar in his own fight against one. That rescue attempt was what had persuaded him that he could trust the regional leaders. Cynthia had shown terrible judgement up to that point, but despite Lance's hothead attitude, he had still been sensible. They learned from their mistakes, and they had good intentions. It left him confident in leaving them in control, the way that he had wanted to.

As the dust cleared, Ash stared back at the battlefield. Ursaring was still standing, although clearly battered from his own attack that had hurt him badly. Ash had to admit, he was impressed, using an earthquake when underground would drastically increase its power, but at the cost of hurting the Pokémon using it. He hadn't expected it from Aaron. On his side of the field, Charizard was standing, looking utterly furious. Despite the attack that had hit him, Charizard wasn't showing much damage.

"Charizard, end this." Ash barked. "Get into the sky."

Charizard shot up, before swooping towards Ursaring who tried to club him with a Hammer Arm, but Charizard was too agile. The Flame Pokémon dodged, then fired a Flamethrower at point blank, which sent Ursaring tumbling. As Aaron's Pokémon tried to clamber back to its feet, Charizard attacked again, leaving Ursaring out cold.

"Despite a strong showing, Ursaring is overwhelmed by Charizard! Aaron is now four down, and appears to be going the way of everybody else; defeated by just one of 'Champion's' Pokémon"

'Not everybody' Ash thought. 'Tobias took out Altaria. And I used four against him.' Tobias had been an exception though, and everybody knew it. Using legendary Pokémon to try to become Pokémon Master had looked to be a good strategy until it became apparent the damage that Tobias had done. The storms that had broken out across the world hadn't caused too much damage because they had dissipated as suddenly as they had appeared. But Tobias had been sentenced to 5 years in prison, although the crime was unclear. Everybody agreed that he had committed a crime, but what was unclear. Eventually he had been charged with endangering human lives, the dubious crime made more acceptable by Tobias' acceptance.

Ash looked up to see who Aaron had released next, and felt a wave of surprise come across him. Aaron had released a Venusaur, but it seemed larger than most. And it had an aura of power that made him suspect the fight wouldn't be as straight forward as everybody would expect.

"Venusaur, Sunny Day!" Aaron called, and there was a ripple of surprise around the stadium. Sunny Day would make Charizard's attacks stronger. Ash looked across, but he suspected he knew what Aaron was doing. He had learned from the training camp, and this pointed to just one strategy. Ash wondered if Charizard would be ready or not.

As the orb shot into the sky, Charizard fired his now customary Flamethrower at Venusaur, who fired a ball that glowed red. It broke apart against the Flamethrower, but did enough to reduce the damage. Charizard opened his mouth and unleashed another Flamethrower, this one much stronger.

"Venusaur, Solar Beam." Aaron ordered. The white beam that shot away from Venusaur caused exclamations from the crowd, as it smashed into the Flamethrower and poured straight through. Charizard grunted in surprise as it crashed into him, causing him to reel backwards, before leaping into the sky to avoid a follow up attack from Venusaur.

Ash gazed thoughtfully at his opponent. Venusaur's attacks were incredibly powerful, but it would come at a cost. Charizard would need only one clear shot and the fight would end. Yet Aaron was experienced enough to know that and to protect against it. As another Solar Beam shot straight through one of Charizard's attacks, Ash watched his own Pokémon. Venusaur was impressive, but Charizard should be able to win a contest of strength, particularly with the effects of Sunny Day. Yet he hadn't. The reason struck Ash in a moment. Ever since he had sent Rayquaza to the ground with one devastating attack, Charizard would be known for his devastatingly powerful attacks. No Pokémon would want to go up against him because they couldn't win a contest of strength. Venusaur was putting in a challenge to his strength. The kind of strength of legendary Pokémon, strength that could beat legendary Pokémon.

The fight against the legends that had given Charizard his reputation had also restored Ash's reputation. And faith in the Pokémon League. And a challenge to Charizard was a challenge to Ash. Tobias had given Ash the toughest fight he had ever fought, but it had restored everything that he had nearly lost.

"Charizard, dodge left and get closer." Ash barked. Venusaur's next attack shot to the side of Charizard who then swooped towards his target. "Now drop." Venusaur fired vines and petals forwards, in an attempt to drive Charizard away, but gravity gave Charizard a better dodge than anything he could have created himself.

"End it with Blast Burn."

Aaron looked away. There was nothing he could do, at that range Venusaur couldn't dodge and he certainly couldn't survive the hit.

"Venusaur seemed to have kept Charizard at bay, but 'Champion's' intervention ends the round with a brutal close range strike! Venusaur is not getting up after that, which leaves Aaron with just one Pokémon. Will his famous Absol be able to do some damage to Charizard?"

The fight Ash knew would be the toughest had arrived. The Pokémon that would remind him of Pikachu whenever he fought it. The Pokémon that had driven Pikachu into the ground. Charizard still wanted revenge on Pikachu, but he would never get it. Pikachu was now one of their team. And grudges in their team never held. When Aaron had made the final, Ash had told him that he would have one chance. Absol would be one of the few Pokémon that could take the kind of abuse that Charizard wanted to dish out, was a Pokémon that could equate to Pikachu and would be forever linked to Pikachu. And getting revenge for their team would be worth it. The Flame Pokémon had agreed. Not just for his own pride, but to clear his own anger. Charizard still hadn't forgiven Pikachu for abandoning Ash, or for driving the rest of Ashs Pokémon away. When Pikachu had admitted that they had all returned to the wild, Charizard had stomped away and not spoken to any of the other Pokémon for three days.

As Absol appeared, the flame on Charizard's tail grew. Absol leapt straight into the attack, dodging Charizard's early strike. Leapt over another Flamethrower and rolled under a third before firing his own attack. Charizard dodged easily and attacked again and again.

"It even dodges like Pikachu…" Ash thought, before trying to wrench his attention back to the battlefield. He knew he should try to watch, even though Charizard would win this easily he was so fired up. Yet his mind kept distracting him…

Absol tried an Ice Beam that Charizard obliterated with another strike, but the Disaster Pokémon was already gone again. Absol had watched videos of Charizard fighting and knew his best chance was to not get caught close. "Why does he seem so angry?" Absol thought to himself as he dived out the way of another attack.

"Pikachu had better be watching this." Ash thought, with a slight smile. "I hope he knows this could have been him."

Absol was being backed into a corner, with nowhere to run as Charizard advanced, attacks firing almost constantly, preventing Absol from escaping to either side. As Charizard attacked for one last time, Absol leapt into the sky, landed on his opponent's head and then jumped, leaping high into the sky away from Charizard. Ash almost burst out laughing at the look of shock on Charizard's face as his victim vanished. The humiliation of being caught out like that was made worse by the sound of the crowds laughter.

"And now I think Pikachu is safe." Ash muttered quietly, feeling slightly relieved. "Charizard is going to take it all out on that Absol."

Absol started to fall from where had jumped, but Charizard had recovered from his surprise and surged into the air. Before Absol could make it to the ground to try to dodge, Charizard was there. An attack into the ground forced Absol up again, away from Charizard, who adjusted. Again Absol was able to dodge by pushing himself further into the air, but the ground was further away. As he tried a third time, there wasn't enough momentum generated by the attack to change his direction enough. And Charizard shot through him, catching him in his claws, and hovering, Absol entirely at his mercy.

Charizard gazed down at Ash who met his Pokémon's eyes. While Charizard was going to try to get revenge, there was something else he had to do. Confidence in Ash had to be complete. And the obliteration of a Pokémon known to be as powerful as Absol would do that. As the two eyes met, Ash gave one sharp nod.

"Absol, Bite." Aaron shouted, fearing for his Pokémon. Absol sunk his teeth into Charizards leg, but the Flame Pokémon didn't seem to notice. Charizard started to ascend, taking Absol with him.

"Thunder!" Aaron roared, then averted his eyes as the attack lit up the sky. Charizard kept going. "Razor Wind!" The attack didn't even seem to faze Charizard. "Hyper Beam" Aaron screamed desperately. There was an explosion in the sky, but as he looked up, Absol was still firmly in Charizard's grip, despite the power of the attacks; which Charizard didn't even seem to have noticed.

As the whole crowd watched, Charizard rolled, putting Absol above him and easily accessible. The flame on his tail grew. The mouth opened. As the torrent of fire shot out, Absol shot away from Charizard like he had been fired out of a gun. The Disaster Pokémon bulleted into the sky, and Charizard began to drop down towards the stadium.

"And Absol, captured by Charizard takes a hit of the kind that flattened Rayquaza! Can Aaron's talisman survive?"

Ash looked up at the sky, focusing. Absol had finally stopped ascending and was starting to drop.

"Charizard, catch." Ash barked.

"No!" Aaron shouted. "I concede! Absol can't win this, and I'll not see my Pokémon battered around like that!"

Ash gazed levelly at his opponent. "Charizard, catch." He repeated firmly.

As Charizard shot back into the air, Ash turned his gaze back to the sky. "I hurt Pokémon once before." He said quietly. "Charizard may not have forgiven Pikachu, but I have. And I'll not let that grudge hurt Absol any more than necessary."

As Absol fell, Charizard shot up, before slowing his speed. Absol shot towards him, and Charizard closed his wings, beginning to drop. Absol crashed straight into Charizard, who grabbed him before flapping his wings furiously to try to slow down. The momentum of Absol carried to two of them down, ever closer to the ground, and there was a collective gasp around the stadium. The crowd could see what Ash had known since he gave the command. Charizard would not be able to stop both of them before they hit the ground. His Pokémon had a decision to make, and Ash knew what he would do. While if he dropped Absol he would escape without impact, Ash had trained him better.

Charizard looked down before making his decision. He flipped over, and folded his wings around the Disaster Pokémon. There was an echoing crash around the stadium as they finally hit the ground.

Aaron took an involuntary step forwards. He had seen Charizard try to protect his Pokémon, but the dust cloud rolling out from the centre of the impact scared him. They had come down so hard…

Across the field, Ash stood calmly watching. He was proud of Charizard. Despite the grudge that he felt at Absol because of Pikachu, he still made the right decision. As the dust cleared, Charizard was seen, standing tall and proud, although bruised. At his side, Absol stood, legs shaking from exhaustion and his body showing the marks of the attack that he had taken, gazing at his erstwhile opponent in awe. Aaron sprinted forwards to hug his Pokémon tight before looking up at Ash.

"Thank you 'Champion'." Aaron said.

Ash held his opponents gaze for a long moment before nodding and turning away.

"Aaron has withdrawn his Absol, and Charizard has managed to save Aaron's Pokémon from a brutal impact with the ground! In addition to his strength, Charizard clearly cares about his opponents. Despite the ferocious attack, Charizard was able to save a very battered Absol from further harm"

The referee stepped forwards. "Aaron has withdrawn Absol. With Aaron having lost all six Pokémon. Champion is the winner!"

Ash calmly recalled Charizard, strode forwards to shake Aaron's hand, then the referee's, before silently leaving the stadium. He would not appear in public until the next World League.

That evening he was sat at his house, watching his Pokémon train, when somebody sat next to him. Ash's head didn't turn, but he knew who was there.

"What are you thinking about?" Delia asked.

Ash looked at her. "I'm happy." He said quietly. "All those years I was away, I thought I was, but I was missing something. When I lost my Pokémon, when they all left, I lost my family. Both the ones that I had taken with me, and the ones that I left behind." Delia reached out to hug him and he let her, before looking back to his Pokémon. "In that time, I never realized that what I was missing was waiting for me at home."

"What will you do now?" His mother asked.

"I will spend time training Sam and Mellanie, and more time with you." Ash answered. "We still have a lot to catch up on. The world can do without me for a while."

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