Summer Secrets (Zarry Mpreg)

By CaramelCreamCoffee

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It had always been a tradition to visit Anne's caravan in Wales. Going there had never been an issue for Zayn... More

Part 1 - Summer 15: Week 1πŸ”₯
Part 2 - Summer 15 : Week 2 πŸ’›
Part 3- Summer 15: Week 3 πŸ€
Part 4 - Summer 15: Week 4✨
Part 5- Summer 15: Week 5 πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ»πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ»
Part 6- Summer 15: Week 6 πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ»πŸ’”
Part 7 - Pregnancy: Week 8-12 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸΌ
Part 8 - Pregnancy: Week 16-20πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸΌ
Part 9 - Pregnancy: Week 25-30 🀰🏻
Part 10 - Pregnancy: Week 30 πŸ”₯
Part 11 - Pregnancy: Week 30-32 πŸ’”
Part 12 - Pregnancy : Week 32-35 πŸ‘ΆπŸ»
Part 13 - The birth : Here she is πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ’•
Part 14 - The birth: Here she is (Part 2πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ’•)
Part 15 - Parenting : You did good (Part 1) πŸ’›
Part 16- Parenting: You did good (Part 2) πŸ’›
Part 17 - Parenting : Responsible Decision β˜•οΈ
Part 18 - Parenting: I Miss Him πŸ’”
Part 19 - Parenting: I can't forgive πŸ’§
Part 20 - Parenting: Its Time To Move On πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§
Part 21 - Parenting : Summer love πŸ’”
Part 22 - Summer 2016 Begins 🀍
Part 23 : Summer 2016 - Week 1-3πŸ’™
Part 24: Summer 2016 - Week 3-6πŸ’”
Part 25: Summer 2017 - Begins πŸŽ‰
Part 26 - Summer 2017 : Week 1-3 🐠
Part 27 - Summer 2017 : Week 3-6 🌎
Part 28 - Summer 2018 Begins πŸ’›
Part 29 - Summer 2018 : Week 1-3 😷
Part 30 - Summer 2018: Week 3-6 🎼
Part 31: 2018 - What was I supposed to do?😭
Part 32 : Summer 2019 - Theo's final summer πŸ’”
Part 34 - Summer 2019 : Week 3-6 πŸ‘‘β˜οΈ
Epilogue πŸŒ™βœ¨

Part 33 - Summer 2019 : Week 1-3 πŸŒ™

945 70 17
By CaramelCreamCoffee

"Daislee! Daislee! Baby you can't run that way!" Harry panicked chasing the energetic three year old down the path.

"Haz babe! She's fine!" Zayn called , laughing at Harry's concerning look.
"There's literally a four foot gate stopping her from going anywhere near the lake!"

"Technically she's small enough to squeeze through the gaps Zayn." Theo pointed out.

"Do not encourage him!" The younger lad scolded.
"He's been walking on eggshells the whole week we've been here! I can't cope with it!"

"I'm just protecting her! Look how beautiful and tiny she is! I can't let anything happen!" Harry protested.

"She's a toddler! She thrives off of curiosity! Let her go!"


Harry allowed Daislee to walk ahead , his eyes practically burning holes into the back of her as he made sure she didn't get anywhere near the water.

"Feels so weird not having the others here." Zayn sighed. "I wish you'd let me invite them."

Theo shook his head.
"It's already had enough letting you three say goodbye and watch me croak it! I don't need anyone else witnessing that."

"You might not 'croak it' you might have weeks or even months left after this summer!"

"That's wishful thinking and you know it." The older lad stated , giving Zayn a sad look.
"But I appreciate your hopefulness."

Zayn could only smile in response . Everything felt so wrong these days! Being back with Harry should be the best thing in the world, but it felt so bad. They had to be together in front of the person he knew cared deeply about him and to make it worse that said person was dying!

Harry bless him had been absolutely amazing, putting his life on hold for Theo. He didn't owe him anything and yet here he was supporting him for the simple reason of being a good person.

"You ok babe?" Harry quizzed , squeezing the younger lads hand.

"Yep! Let's just get back the caravan so I can FaceTime my mum! She's dying to see Daislee in the outfit she got her." Zayn fake chirped , shoving all his negative thoughts away once more.

"Sure, you still ok walking T? You don't need a break yet?" The singer asked kindly.

"I'm good, the cane helps... not ready for the wheelchair just yet!"

"Dede!" Daislee squealed .

"What's wrong?" Zayn frowned pulling away from Harry to bend down.


"Seriously , you have to stop doing this Dais! You're a big girl now!"

"No! Baba!" Daislee pouted.

"God help you two if you have another one." Theo chuckled. "She'll be a nightmare."

"Well it's a good thing we're no where near ready to have another isn't it!" Harry piped.

"Oh is that so?"

"Yep! I am so not ready to see Zayn give birth again."

"You're not ready to SEE me give birth again?! How about I'm not ready to actually GIVE birth again!" Zayn stated, raising an eyebrow.

"I think Z wins that one." Theo laughed.

Harry could only shrug his shoulders with a small chuckle, grabbing a hold of Daislee's hand as she tried her best to swing out of Zayn's arms.
"Daislee stop it, no more."

"She's a proper monkey these days."

"She's ours Zayn, what do you expect?"

"For her to not follow our example , we're so fucked." The younger dad groaned.


The three of them looked in shock towards the small girl. Lately she had become very confident in her speech and was slowly learning more and more. She had learnt how to put a few three word sentences together and honestly Zayn was proud... up until now. "Baby no! No you don't say that! Dede was naughty you can't say that!"

"No like?" Daislee quizzed with a small frown.

"Yes! No like! We don't like it when you say naughty words!" Harry praised.

"Uh oh." She mumbled cutely , snuggling into Zayn's neck.

"It's ok baby girl.. just don't do it again. We have to be so careful ... great." Zayn sighed.

"Welcome to the world of parenting a talking child." Theo snorted. "I'm sure you're in for a whale of a time! Hey!"

If he wasn't dying ... Zayn would have well and truly slapped him one. But it seemed life was doing that enough to the poor lad.
"Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humour."

"Never in a million years!"


By the time the group reached the caravan, Theo's legs had started to give out on him a little bit. He knew at some stage the cancer would attach to his spine. The only problem was it had hit just before they left, not even a week after his last appointment.

So here he was , struggling to walk more than two miles without a break and feeling as though nothing was going to plan.

"M' sorry you had to carry me." Theo sighed , carefully taking a seat next to Harry.

"It's fine mate."

"Is it? Carrying me wasn't exactly on the top of your list for the things you wanted to do this summer."

Harry smiled sadly . "Yeah well I'm pretty sure dying wasn't on yours either."

"Life is shitty like that... suppose I'm just used to it. Never really had luck with happiness." Theo replied.

"That's not true."


"You had Zayn, he's happiness in human form. You got lucky when you had him. In fact you still have him in a way." Harry pressed.

"That's true I suppose ... I just never had him in the way I wanted to have him. That's not your fault, it's not his either . Can't help who you fall in love with." The sick lad spoke. "It all worked out in the end, you and him are made for eachother."

"I just wish you could have found that with someone. You deserve to be loved Theo."


"Who would have thought this time last year we'd actually be having a moment like this." Harry suddenly voiced.

"I think this time last year we had quite the rile up." Theo smirked.

"That we did, sorted it out pretty quickly though."

"Only because you felt sorry for my dying ass." 

"What you two chin wagging about?" A voice chirped from the door way, both of them turning in shock.

"Perrie?!" Harry cheered jumping up to hug the blonde. "Why are you here?"

"Well you know me and Lou! When have we ever taken no for an answer?!" Perrie squealed.

"I should have known." Theo said rolling his eyes.
"You didn't have to be here."

"We did, all of us did... you're our friend too T! May not have been friends for long , but you're a friend never less!"

"Oi, Oi!"

"Oh god, here he comes."

"It's not just him." Perrie giggled.

Just as Louis, along with Liam , Niall and Milo burst through the doors. "Wow T, you look like shite!"

"Nice to see you too Louis!" Theo grinned.

"I think the no hair thing is a good look lad! Ignore Tommo!" Niall chirped. "Milo , monkey you need to stop booting me or I will put you down."

"No no!" Milo cried , reaching out towards Liam.

"Zayn and Daislee in here? Daislee can keep him entertained - we need a break!" Liam begged.

"Terrible twos?" Harry guessed.

"Yep! He's never ending mate." Niall sighed , dropping down to the couch dramatically.

"Daislee is in the bathroom , Zayn is trying to get her to use the loo on her own."

"Yay! Let's go see her Milo! Maybe you'll take some tips away from it!" Liam gasped rushing towards the bathroom and the others laughed.

"I can't believe you all ignored my last wishes." Theo scolded.

"Well it's us lot lad, you really shouldn't be that surprised! Now where's that cain of yours?! I want to try it out!" Louis said excitedly.

"Why did you agree to marrying him again?" Niall asked Perrie.

"Because he's an absolute nut job like me! What's not to love!" She smiled happily.

"I could name a few things..." Zayn spoke entering the room followed by Liam.

"Oh is that right? Well fuck you!" Louis exclaimed.


"You're such parents ..."

Zayn rolled his eyes , moving to hand over a cup of medication to Theo. The sick lad blushing slightly in embarrassment. He didn't like people witnessing just how poorly he was.

"So what's the plan then? You been doing much?!" Liam asked , lifting the tension.

"Erm, nothing much.. just keeping Dais entertained. Speaking of who, where is she?" Harry frowned.

"Her and Milo are both in the spare room. They're probably trashing the place but it's quite and I'm enjoying the freedom." Zayn explained.

"No complaints from me babe." Harry giggled.
"So you lot? Who's up for a barbecue then?!"


The next two weeks went ahead unexpectedly, Theo had been expecting it to be just them so he had planned out his days simply walking up and down the lake and playing with Daislee. But once the group of idiots arrived it became a mission to get him to complete a bucket list! How cliché of them is that?!

"You lot do realise I'm genuinely unwell right?" Theo asked them as they set up their next activity.
"Like I can barely walk! Never mind ride a bike!"

"You'll be fine! We got this so you didn't have to worry!" Zayn chirped , pushing the wheelchair towards the four seated bike.

"Oh god, you're actually going to pedal that thing up the mountain paths?!"

"We are indeed! You always said how riding your bike up here was one of your favourite things to do! Seems as you can't do it on your own, we thought we'd give you one last ride! No effort needed from you at all!"

"You lot are actually insane..." The american lad said in awe.

"You can say that again!" Perrie howled.
"I'm the one peddling with the two toddlers!!"

"Yeah good luck with that one." Harry laughed.

"So, you in or not?" Zayn asked Theo.

"You're serious about this?!"

"Yes! We promised you we'd make your last summer the best yet and we meant it! Now shut up and get on the bloody bike!"

"Fine! Just don't kill me ! I have a few weeks left to give ok?!"

"Ha ha very funny."


A/N: Hello! I'm back! I'm sorry life has been absolutely madness lately! But I couldn't leave you all hanging any longer!

I don't want to drag out these few chapters as they're quite a heavy subject! But I promise you that the final chapter will be in as much detail as possible!!! I will be ending all of the characters stories in a very special way! But for now! Here is the beginning of Theo's final summer! Hope you enjoyed!

Please comment and leave me some feedback! I love reading and replying to you all so much!

Stay safe , Lots of Love
Cara x

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