The Mob Character Shouldn't H...

By UnknownFate25

1.9M 72.2K 32.5K

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! 50 years ago, rifts started to open around the world. Port... More

1 - Transmigration's A Dick
2 - A Wild Yandere Princess Appears
3 - Of Course It's The Main Character
4 - I Don't Want To Die To A Dragon
5 - Start Of Canon: The Entrance Exam
6 - Awakening The Arcana
7 - Training For The Physcial Exam
8 - The Exam Goes A Little Off Course
9 - The Fight To Stop A Bully
10 - The Creation Of The First Yandere
11 - A Friend Moves To The Apartment
12 - The Secret Of The Spirit
13 - Fighting Monsters, What Could Go Wrong?
14 - A Class Verses An Ice Golem
15 - Discovering Tier 3: The Disguise
16 - The Moment That Changed Everything
17 - Somehow I'm Now A Royal Bodyguard
18 - A Chaotic/Normal Day For A Bodyguard
19 - Irene's Boy Troubles
20 - The Birthday Of The Second Princess
21 - The Truth Of The Treacherous Knight
22 - The Fight For Aegis Mansion
23 - The Start Of A Civil War
24 - Two Are Better Than One
25 - The Fight Against The Prince Begins
26 - A Rematch With The Knight
27 - EmPtY EyEs
28 - Aftermath Of Arc 2
29 - Checkmate
30 - Living With The Aegis Family
31 - Lily Wants To Confess
32 - Shocking Truths
33 - A Child's Wisdom
34 - A Past Finally Confronted
35 - The Yandere Pool Episode
36 - A New Challenger Approaches!
37 - An Unfortunate Chance Encounter
38 - I Already Hate Arc 3
39 - The Famous Idol Is My Classmate
40 - Preparing For The Concert
41 - Yui Yosei's Concert In Tokyo
43 - A "Yandere-ish" Development
44 - A Sea Of Blood
45 - The End Of Season One
46 - The Yanderes Have An Argument
47 - Welcome To The Underground
48 - The Seventh Fight
49 - The Pink Death
50 - Assassin Verses Trickster
51 - Starting The Cult
52 - The Return Of The Takao Family
53 - The Gang War Starts In The Streets
54 - The A Rank Monster
55 - Confusing And Conflicting Emotions
56 - The Creation Of The Cult
57 - The Raid On The Takao Family
58 - The Cyan Ruler Of Hell
59 - Family Problems
60 - A Kitsune's First Love
61 - Running On Rooftops
62 - Arc 5 Creeps In The Distance
63 - The Three Representatives
64 - Training For The Tournament
65 - The Festival Of Snow Begins
66 - The First Round Of The Tournament
67 - The Second Princess Is A Tank
68 - A Date In The Festival
69 - The Second Day Of The Tournament
70 - A Trickster And His FiancΓ©
71 - The Third Fight
72 - The Semifinals
73 - Was It All A Dream?
74 - A Deadly Rematch
75 - Chaos In The Arena
76 - The Children Of Lupercio
77 - Breaking Point
78 - The End Of The Tournament
79 - The Ice Queen's Challenge
80 - The Emotionless Girl
81 - Christmas Eve
82 - Christmas
83 - The Yanderes Have An Argument...Again
84 - The Beginning Of Arc 6
85 - Avalon: The Vanishing Island
86 - The Wise...Wizard?
87 - A Multiversal Secret
88 - A Lesson In Magic
89 - Torturous Night
90 - The Great Mythological War
91 - The Mandatory Beach Episode
92 - An Intervention
93 - The Secret Behind Amplification
94 - The Cave Of Wonders
95 - The Final Obstacle
96 - The Attack On The Island
97 - Hidden Truths
98 - The Day She Lost It All
99 - A Big Sister
100 - Season Three Starts Early
101 - Into The Rift
102 - The Hole
103 - The Labyrinth Of Webs
104 - Interrupting The Ritual
105 - The Daughter
106 - Devastation
107 - Father-Daughter Bonding
108 - The Seal Of The Sages
109 - Reunited
110 - Preparing For The End
111 - The Calm Before The Storm
112 - The Last Arc
113 - The Arrival
114 - Demon King Lupercio
115 - The Boss Battle
116 - The Lost Four
117 - Ancestors
118 - Memories
119 - The Kage And Kato Trials
120 - The Aegis And Tsuki Trials
121 - The Final Fight
122 - The End Of It All
123 - The End Of Season 3
124 - Epilogue
Volume 1 - Thanks!

42 - The Concert Becomes Chaotic

17.5K 719 222
By UnknownFate25

I summoned Loki in my hands. No longer was he the Viking axe, but was now a long scepter.


That's my Tier 5 ability that I unlocked two days ago. The ability to make Loki change into any shape. Quite the strong ability with multiple different uses.

After I had unlocked my Tier, Amber stopped the fight. She said she'd come fight me later once I had trained with my new ability so that she could fight me at my "best".

Can't she give it a rest? I've already fought her twice.

Goku and Yui were also quite surprised that I had suddenly gone up a Tier. After explaining my ability to him, Goku gave me some tips as well.

Going back to the present, the attackers had us completely surrounded, each one with a different weapon in their hands.

"Hand over-" Started one of them, before I cut him off by slamming the curved side of my scepter straight into his face.

I don't want to hear the whole spiel again.

Another one swung a sword towards me, which I quickly blocked before flipping the bottom of the scepter upwards so it hit him straight in his sacred place.

He kneeled over, allowing me to kick him onto the ground. A man jumped at me from behind with two metal claws. Bringing my scepter overhead, I blocked his attack.

I jerked my scepter upwards, pushing him off of it. I pointed the scepter towards him, slamming the curved side into his stomach. As he clutched it in pain, I then smacked him across the face, sending him sprawling to the floor.

Oh, this is fun.

Let's try something else I practiced.

In between the handle and the curve of the scepter, fire started to build into a concentrated ball. I aimed my scepter towards one of attackers, getting ready.

I had created a technique by combining Loki's scepter with my control over fire. By focusing a concentrated amount of fire into a single focal point through the medium of the scepter, I was able to condense it to create a point to release that fire. By replacing the fire lost I was then able to create a heavily concentrated beam. Depending on the amount of fire concentrated, the effect could be from burning to straight cutting through the target.

In simple terms, cool slicey-slicey laser.

I concentrated a smaller amount of fire into the scepter. It gathered in the curve, condensing into a fiery ball.

A beam of fire, as wide as a basketball, burst from the scepter. It rammed into one of the attackers, sending him flying with a burn on his chest.

Wow, that was effective...

"What was that?!" Erica cried out in surprise as she crossed bases with an attacker, Yui hiding behind her.

"A little something I've been working on." I replied.

Most of the attackers seem to be down, good.

"So you're the real threat." The man with shadow claws and feet growled, gaining my attention. He had been waiting, thinking we'd go down quickly.

How wrong he was.

He quickly dashed at me, but with the amount of fast people I've had to fight against, I was starting to get used to it.

Loki quickly morphed into an average sized shield which blocked his dark claws. It was a good thing that Loki could morph in a second, allowing for tricks like this. As he jumped back I decided to try another trick I made.

Loki morphed into a pistol. I remembered that time when Goku demonstrated the trick he discovered of using his fire element as the bullets.

I gathered the fire into the barrel of the pistol. This trick was extremely similar to my fire trick with the scepter. It was smaller and allowed me to create a blast without it being a continuous beam.

This is quite useful, as making a continuous beam of fire is extremely powerful, but also extremely draining. At the moment I'll keep it as a trump card.

First I had to test it though, so I used it on that one attacker. It works.

I shot multiple fiery bullets at the shadow claw man, making him dash to the side to dodge the flames.

He then suddenly changed directions, quickly moving forwards and trying to catch me off guard while Loki was still in pistol form. He sent his claw towards my face, but instead of using Loki I titled my head, dodging the claw.

I moved my pistol, pointing it towards his exposed stomach. I pulled the trigger, but he contorted his body and barely dodged it.

Damn it. Hitting this guy is going to be quite tough.

Looking behind me, he revealed a disgusting grin to me. "Games over, kid. Reinforcements have arrived."

I glanced backwards, noticing that a bunch more attackers were coming our way towards the stage. Damn it! What happened to the guards?!

"Hey!" I yelled, tapping the earpiece. "They're inside, and after Yui!"

"Sorry sir!" A guard said from the earpiece. "Our guards in the front were taken out. We're on our way!"

Damn it. I looked at the shadow claw man, likely the leader, who hadn't moved to attack. He seemed amused by my annoyance. Instead of taking this chance to exploit my weakness, he's taken this time to enjoy my suffering.

What a dickwad.

I glanced back at the arriving reinforcements, which were getting dangerously close to the stage. Erica and I wouldn't be able to handle them all while protecting Yui.

But then I noticed something.

I felt a grin form on your face. "Oh, this game isn't over yet."

The man looked at me in confusion and anger at my sudden change in demeanor. "What the hell are you-"

"AHHHHHH!!!!!" Someone screamed.

We both turned to look at the sound, where a man was sent flying into the air. He was flailing around before he descended into the ground in a crash landing.

Where he used to stand was a familiar war-hammer wielding badass yandere elf. Beside her stood another familiar elf and a familiar succubus.

"What the fuck?!" The man voiced his obvious confusion and anger.

"Ken! Did any of them hurt you?" Irene worriedly asked.

"I'm fine!" I yelled back. "Can you, Iris, and Lily handle them?"

"Of course. They'll pay." Irene nodded. Iris just brightly smiled at me while Lily gave me a thumbs up.

I had no doubt that they could easily take them all on. The problem is taking them on while protecting Yui. They just need to kill her, and that's not easy to prevent when you're fighting multiple people at once.

Glancing at Erica, I noticed she was having trouble. She was versing two different attackers while trying to protect Yui, and I noticed some more coming towards them.

I quickly dashed towards them, while sending fiery bullets towards the leader to keep him away. Arriving to them I morphed Loki into an one-handed hammer, slamming it into the stomach of one of the attackers.

Erica quickly dealt with the other attacker, sending him to the ground. However, multiple were coming towards us.

Including a very-pissed off shadow claw man.

I can't let them touch Yui. We could take them all out, but I can't guarantee Yui's safety. I need to find a way to get them to stop attacking her...


Wait! I got an idea.

I grabbed Yui's hand. "K-Ken?" She asked, looking at me worried.

"Erica! Come on!" I yelled.

I ran, dragging Yui with me. We ran into the back of the stage, before quickly exiting.

"What's the plan?" Erica asked as we ran.

"Follow me!" I replied.

Glancing behind me, I saw that some of the attackers had started to follow us. Morphing Loki back to a pistol, I aimed my gun at them to shoot some more fire bullets.

We quickly turned a corner, dashing into an empty building. This building was used for events, but it was currently empty due to the bunch of Arcana wielder that have come to commit murder.

We quickly hid in a random room, hiding from the attackers. Small raindrops started to fall onto the windows, letting me know that it was starting to rain.

Good thing we're inside, or else my fire would have been nullified.

"You two stay here." I ordered.

"What are you going to do?" Erica asked.

"I'm going to deal with them. You stay here and protect Yui." I told them.

"But-!" They both tried to argue, but then gasped as I felt the familiar feeling of disguise wash over me. I desummoned Loki to make it even more accurate.

That's right. I was now disguised as Yui Yosei.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I smiled at them. My voice no longer sounded like my own, now matching Yui's.

They just dumbly nodded, surprised.

I snuck out of the room quietly, before running through the hall. There's no doubt that they saw us enter this building...

"There she is! Get her!" Someone yelled.

All according to plan.

Now I just need to lead them away from where Erica and Yui are. I can take care of these guys while Irene, Iris, and Lily take care of the others, all with keeping Yui out of danger.

Sometimes my genius frightens me.

Multiple sets of footsteps resonated through the hallway, pounding after me. I took twist and turn, leading them away.

Opening a door, I entered a lone room. The rain got harder, pounding against the windows. A flash of lightning lit up the slightly dark room.

"Heh. There's no where else for you to go now. You shouldn't have abandoned your bodyguard." The really annoying claw man said.

I'm starting to get tired of you and your arrogant comments, you fucker.

Turning around, I saw him at the entrance to the room with multiple other attackers.

"You go make sure that the bodyguard doesn't come. I'll finish this." The man ordered.

The others nodded, leaving the room to go patrol. Please don't find them...

The man turned to look at me, grinning a sick smile. "Finally, it's over."

"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled at him, trying to imitate Yui. Hopefully this can get some information out of him.

"Chaos. Your death will cause immense amounts of chaos. He'll feed on it, growing stronger and stronger before he takes his rightful place as the god of this world!" The man ranted like an absolute lunatic. "You should be glad that your death will be the beginning of his return."

So, nothing I already knew.

"Sorry, it's nothing personal. I'll just be taking your head to show the world." His sickening grin grew even larger, if that was possible.

He slowly walked towards me, readying his shadow claws for the final strike. I faked a look of fear so he wouldn't expect anything.

After all, it's always when they attempt the final strike that they are the most defenseless. I'll make him think that he's won, before striking.

He got closer and closer, savoring the look on my face. This guy was obviously an absolute sicko.

And then the sound of running footsteps entered my ears, approaching us. "What is it?" The man angrily growled, keeping his eyes on me so I wouldn't try anything.

And then a knife went straight through his heart, going through the other side. His chest started to stain red as his eyes widened.

"W-what..?" He coughed blood as his eyes started to fade.

The person threw the body away, letting it bled onto the floor. She looked at me, stained with bloody hands and a bloody knife. A grin of obsessive love grew on her face.

"Ken~!" She happily smiled.

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