Pokemon-The Lost Master

بواسطة TrixJade

11.9K 240 25

Seven years after Ashs defeat in Sinnoh, the Champion Cynthia is ruthlessly crushed in a battle for the title... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 17

203 4 1
بواسطة TrixJade

Misty and Gary watched Sam and Mellanie make their way towards them across the cafeteria. They had arrived late the previous night, and got checked into rooms, although the two youngsters still didn't know that Misty was competing. She had just said that she was there "for the tournament" not stating why. Gary had been happy to see the two of them when Misty had brought them back to the car, remembering with fondness the refreshing day he had spent with them at the training camp. Both Misty and Gary had found that the two youngsters had been different from the other trainers simply because they were more willing to learn. They had no illusions that they could learn and were both willing enough. It had definitely endeared them to the specialists who were teaching them.

"Morning." Gary said with a warm smile.

"Good Morning." Mellanie replied.

"Have you two registered for the League yet?" Gary continued. "You can do it at a Pokémon Centre if you haven't yet."

Sam shook his head. "We'll do it after breakfast."

Gary nodded and turned back to his cereal. He and Misty had offered to look after the youngsters who were clearly daunted by the size of the Johto League. Although, Gary himself was impressed with the level of organisation. With still nearly a week to go until the tournament actually started, it was clear that they were more than ready for it. Gary remembered the one time he had been asked to help out with the Indigo League. It had exhausted for him, constantly under time pressure. It made him smile, as Sam and Mellanie chatted away, oblivious to the organisation required to get a tournament running. If they were lucky, they would never know. They would never get sucked into the mind-numbingly dull work that had to be done. They could just compete.

After breakfast, the group of four had headed over to the nearest Pokémon Centre. Misty had gone in earlier to register, so didn't need to anymore. After Sam and Mellanie had done so, they headed out to a practice area to train. It became a daily routine over the next few days, Sam and Mellanie would train along with Misty, and Gary would give advice where required. They were unaware however, of how their training had attracted the interest of a certain pair of men.

"Impressive, wouldn't you say?" Lance asked Steven, as they watched the fast paced practice battle between Sam and Mellanie.

"Definitely. How long have they been trainers?"

"Less than a year. They were the last two that Professor Elm registered."

"What a legacy. Those two could go far here."

"I wonder where their Pokémon learned to be so responsive so fast." Lance mused.

"It's simple." A voice came from behind Lance and Steven. "Their Pokémon trained with mine for a day at the training camp some time ago. They learned from Pokémon that have been doing it for years."

Lance turned to see the Pokémon Master striding towards them. "May I ask why?" the Johto Champion asked.

"I saw that they had potential. I am merely helping them fulfil it."

"So what did your Pokémon teach them?"

"I'll show you later. I will be busy, but I can spare two Pokémon to teach."

Lance and Steven stared. The Pokémon Master never offered to teach anybody. His Pokémon were so powerful, and nobody was sure why. And yet there was a golden opportunity to get stronger being offered to them. They would have been foolish to refuse it.

"If you're offering." Steven said, recovering first. "But why?"

Under the shadow of the hat, Steven could have sworn he saw a slight smile cross 'Champions' face. "Neither of you have ever entered the World League. I want to know how you compare to Cynthia, and the other trainers. What better way to find out?"

As he finished talking, 'Champion' took two Pokéballs from his waist and tossed them towards Lance, who caught them instinctively. He then turned away, and strode out of the room, leaving the two men staring after him lost for words.

Ash stood in front of Alakazam and the rest of the scouts. They looked totally and utterly exhausted, as well they might. They had been hunting Team Rocket for far longer than any of their other missions. It had been four days since they had returned, having found the base, but Alakazam wasn't happy with the simple location. He took the team back, with Espeon tagging along to find out more about the base and the surrounding region. As soon as they had returned, Espeon had sent a single thought to Ash, insisting that he came to see them as soon as possible. The suggestion of haste was something that was very rare in Espeon, she was usually more laid-back. So Ash had left Charizard and Sceptile with Lance and Steven and come to see them.

"Alright. Tell me." Ash said calmly, although he could sense the agitation among the four Pokémon.

"When we were there first time I sensed a very strong presence." Alakazam started. "I was surprised, but had hoped it was down to exhaustion. Espeon has confirmed what I sensed though. Mewtwo is back with Team Rocket."

Ash nodded, his calm image unbroken, although his mind had instantly started working.

"It's worse." Espeon added. "Last time he was weakened; he was controlled by the Rockets through weakening him. He seemed stronger this time. They have found an alternative way to ensure his compliance."

"How strong?" Ash asked.

"Not full strength." Espeon said. "Far from it. Yet still stronger."

Ash nodded and then turned back to the scouts. "Anything else?"

"The base itself is weak; we could break it assuming there are no traps. Yet there are other things that worried us." Alakazam continued. "We saw a man who left the base on foot, heading off into the surrounding area."

"And? I presume you followed him?"

Alakazam looked embarrassed, something that Ash didn't miss.

"Alakazam, what happened?" the Pokémon Master pressed.

"I think he knew we were there. I couldn't sense him, and when we pushed he stared at the exact spot we were hiding."

Ash stayed silent for a moment, pondering, before he swung back to Espeon. "Tell me you could sense him."

The Sun Pokémon shook her head sadly. "No. Although I did get his face."

As the image of the man entered Ash's mind, he nodded. It was a face he had last seen standing over him, grinning gloatingly. The face of the torturer of Team Rocket. Agent.

"So Agent worked out where you were." Ash said his voice level. "So you didn't follow?"

"No, we left him. We weren't sure what else he might be hiding." Alakazam said. Ash nodded, before gesturing for the Psi Pokémon to continue. "Otherwise, the base shouldn't be hard to deal with. We should be able to deal with Mewtwo, particularly if you show yourself to him. He would never attack you."

Ash nodded thoughtfully. "Only one other question to answer then. Cynthia."

Alakazam and Espeon shared looks. "We didn't find her. She isn't in the base."

Ash nodded for the last time, before relaxing. "Get some rest. You've exceeded all expectations. I'm proud of all of you."

The scouts nodded gratefully, before Alakazam crossed his spoons and they vanished. Espeon padded towards Ash, and followed him as he turned and walked out of the room once again. He had just been given more work to do.

Lance stood in the center of the battlefield, looking at the Pokéballs in his hand. Steven stood next to him.

"Do you think this is wise?" Steven asked. "I mean, the tournament starts tomorrow, shouldn't we be resting our Pokémon?"

Lance didn't answer for a moment, still staring at the Pokéballs. He then looked up at Steven. "Do we have a choice? He's doing something we asked him to do as a favor; we can't not follow through with it."

Instead of waiting for an answer, Lance held up both Pokéballs and released the Pokémon inside. A large red dragon appeared with a roar, alongside a far more dignified green lizard. Both looked at the trainers in front of them before looking at each other. They had been warned that this might happen at some point, and were interested to work with the Pokémon of two powerful trainers.

Lance reached down to his belt, and grabbed one of his own Pokéballs, before throwing it. His trademark Dragonite appeared with a roar that caused Charizard to look at it disparagingly. Lance gestured for Steven to release on of his own Pokémon, so the Hoenn Champion released Metagross. Sceptile stepped forwards and gestured at the belts of the two men in front of him. The message was clear; he wanted them to release all their Pokémon. Lance and Steven were quick to acquiesce, and so released their remaining Pokémon whilst Charizard and Dragonite continued to glare at each other.

Soon lined up in front of the two 'teachers' were Lances Gyarados, Dragonair, Gyarados, Salamence, Kingdra and Dragonite. Steven's Skarmory, Aggron, Armaldo, Cradily, Claydol and Metagross added themselves to the queue. Sceptile stepped forwards and started talking to the assembled Pokémon.

"Sceptile, scep, Sceptile, tile, tile, Sceptile." Nods all around. More talking from the Forest Pokémon. Lance and Steven simply watched as the battlefield was soon converted into a training area. It was impressive to watch, as the two champions saw their Pokémon rapidly being pushed to their limits with dodging. After a few minutes, at another command from Sceptile, they stopped, and gathered around the Forest Pokémon to hear some more instructions.

"Do we just watch?" Steven said drily, which caused Lance to chuckle.

"That is all you need to do" came a voice speaking into both of their heads. "Watch and observe. Your Pokémon are showing you how they want to dodge, you simply need to remember."

Lance and Steven spun to see an Espeon stood behind then, having moved completely silently. Steven instinctively took a step back when he realized how close the Sun Pokémon had gotten, while Lance stood his ground.

"Although, you should probably intervene with your Dragonite." Espeon went on. "He seems to want to challenge Charizard."

"I'm guessing you are 'Champions' Espeon?" Steven asked, trying to recover from his reaction. Espeon nodded. "And you are here because?"

"Because you weren't shown the same things that the youngsters were. 'Champion' is busy, but I am not, so I agreed that I would come and show you how to benefit from this. You asked how the children's Pokémon were so good at dodging; it isn't just down to the Pokémon. The trainers do a lot of it themselves. Observe the training and you'll soon work it out."

Espeon stood up and arched her back, stepping away from the two men and heading towards the wall at the edge, where she curled up. Lance and Steven looked at each other, before turning back towards the training that was going on in front of them. Their Pokémon were really struggling to keep up with the attacks being directed towards them by their teachers who looked like they were really enjoying themselves.

"What did Espeon mean?" Lance asked.

Steven waved for him to be quiet, focusing on the training. Watching his Metagross dodge he began to realize what it was that Espeon meant. Metagross was instinctively trying to move to the right to dodge attacks, which Sceptile was trying to stop him doing. Only when Metagross was forced to dodge left did Steven realize how it wasn't particularly natural to him.

"Metagross, try going up" the Hoenn Champion called. Metagross was able to lift himself above the next Bullet Seed, before dodging to the right and then under another one. Steven smiled to himself; he was beginning to understand what Espeon meant. When he had watched Sam and Mellanie fighting, their Pokémon didn't always dodge. In fact, they tended to dodge the same way when possible, and if it was blocked they were far less likely to do so. This was what they had been shown; their Pokémon had a natural way to dodge and when they couldn't, they found a different way to avoid the attack. As he watched, Lance's Dragonite fired a Flamethrower attack to counter the attack that was going straight for him.

Eventually the two Pokémon stopped attacking, and started talking to the Pokémon in front of them. Espeon got up and strolled towards the whole group of Pokémon before sitting down in the middle. Her voice spoke out.

"The next thing that you will be doing is working with your trainers. That means..."

Sam and Mellanie stepped back into the Pokémon Center. They had been out together for the evening, whilst Misty and Gary had said that they were staying in. As they got crossed the foyer, Misty appeared to the side, before grabbing their arms.

"Come on, there are some people that you should meet" the youngest Waterflower said, half dragging them towards a side room. Sam and Mellanie looked at each other before allowing themselves to get dragged. As they stepped through the door, they saw a large group of people in front of them. A woman who looked somewhat like Misty, although with blonde hair, a man with black hair by her side were the first two that they saw. Then there was a beautiful woman with long red hair and a dignified expression, stood next to a man with blue hair a Pichu on his shoulder and a Meowth at his side, stood on two feet instead of the usual four. Then a man in a long white coat, talking to Gary, a woman with brown hair with them. A man with dark brown spikey hair was kneeling next to Pikachu, whilst chatting to a woman in a pink skirt and a black top, with blue hair.

Alongside this pair was a man with wavy green hair and his arm around a brunette who had a headband wrapped around her head. At the back of the room was a teenager, younger than the others, who wore glasses whilst chatting to a woman with brown hair who bore a resemblance to the headband wearing girl. Next to her was a man who Sam recognized as a removed Gym leader, Norman Maple. As the two youngsters came in, all heads turned towards them, making them feel extremely self-conscious, but Misty was having none of it. She cleared her throat and called out "Everybody, this is Sam and Mellanie. They are two young trainers Gary and I met when we were at Cynthia's training camp."

As Misty finished she cast an apologetic look at Norman who grimaced, but didn't react. His wife who had tensed when Misty had been talking relaxed again. Sam and Mellanie tried to shrink back, but Misty pushed them forwards, before Gary stepped in.

"Misty, don't be mean to them. Think how you would feel shoved into a group of people like this."

Before Gary could say anything else, Pikachu had leapt into Mellanie's arms, where she caught the little Pokémon, petting him. The two of them had become firm friends as the weeks training had gone on, and Pikachu was trying to make the introduction slightly easier.

Gary smiled at the rodent, before turning back to the group. "Sam and Mellanie, allow me to make introductions. The man in the long coat is my grandfather, Professor Oak. Next to him is Delia Ketchum, the mother of an old friend of ours. The woman with the long hair is Jessie; you may know her better for the chain of fashion stores she owns." Sam looked blank whilst Mellanie nodded excitedly. "Next to her with the Pichu is James, and Meowth is clearly Meowth."

Sam and Mellanie looked confusedly at the Pokémon, before he opened his mouth and said "Don't be worried, this lot is all pretty good for ex-twerps."

"You can speak!" Mellanie blurted out, before reddening quickly.

Meowth nodded. "I can. I learned a long time ago. Same time I learned to stand on my hind-paws."

"Why did you want to change?" Sam asked.

An expression of sadness crossed Meowths face. "I'll tell you one day kid. Just not today."

"Anyway" Gary said, intervening. "Beyond them are Tracey Sketchit, and his girlfriend, Daisy Waterflower, one of the Cerulean City gym leaders, as well as Misty's oldest sister." Daisy and Tracey gave a wave. "And then the girl with blue hair is Dawn Hikari, with Drew, May and Brock." Each of the four gave a wave as their names were called, although Dawn also managed to fit in a glare at Gary for singling her out. "And finally, the three at the back are Max, Caroline and Norman Maple, the family of May." Gary took a deep breath before grinning down at the two youngsters. "These are all friends of ours. We've known each other for years. If you ever need any help, one of them will be willing to provide."

Sam and Mellanie had drawn closer to each other instinctively as they were faced with the sea of people that they didn't know. Suddenly a thought occurred to Sam. "Why are you all here? It's great to meet you all, but why? Do you come to every tournament?"

Misty and Gary looked at each other like they were trying not to laugh, before Misty took pity on the youngsters. "It's tradition for us to try to get together to watch one of us compete in a League or a Grand Festival. They are here to watch because one of us is competing."

Mellanie looked along the line of faces, before suddenly focusing on Misty and paling. Misty smiled warmly. "Correct Mellanie" the red-head said. "I'm in this."

Sam blanched. He was fairly sure that he wasn't going to win, but to go up against a trainer like Misty would end badly. He had no doubts about his skill, and he had been told that he had the potential to become a really strong trainer, but he was also under no illusions about his age. He hoped to become a successful trainer over time, but to go up against Misty... It didn't bode well. Mellanie was clearly having similar thoughts, before the teenager at the back of the room stepped forwards.

"It's alright guys." Max said. "Do your best, we'll all be cheering for you as well. Anyway, it's your first tournament?" Nods answered. "Then you don't know how well you have to do to do well. From what I've heard you'll be able to get a long way. Just be hopeful you don't meet a title contender early, and you'll be fine!" Sam smiled weakly, before following Max towards Norman and Caroline, tailed by Mellanie as the conversations around the room started up once again.

Finally Charizard and Sceptile had called an end to the training. Their focus had been on anticipating attacks to make dodging them easier and being in a position to hit back afterwards, as well as showing the trainers how to work best with their Pokémon. All of the 12 Pokémon learning had gained something, although Lance's Dragonite had remained permanently angry towards Charizard. Lance and Steven started to recall their Pokémon when a voice rang out across the training room.

"Leave Dragonite out."

Lance, about to recall his trademark Pokémon turned to see 'Champion' striding across the room towards him. As he reached Lance and Steven he held out his hand, and Lance wordlessly handed over the two Pokéballs belonging to the Pokémon Master. Espeon had gotten up from where she had been sat at the side of the room and padded over to her trainer, standing behind him.

"Dragonite isn't happy." 'Champion' said. "You should address it before you recall him."

Steven smiled to himself, before stepping away, as Lance turned back to his Pokémon. "Dragonite, what's wrong? You've been slightly off this entire training session."

Dragonite roared loudly, a sound that was mirrored by Charizard. Lance looked around to see the Flame Pokémon looking at Dragonite. Dragonite was glaring back. Lance whitened slightly as he realized what Dragonite wanted.

"Dragonite are you sure?" Lance asked. "I warn you, that Pokémon is stronger than any you've faced before."

"Don't be so sure Lance." 'Champions' voice caused Lance, Steven, Dragonite and even Charizard to look at him. "I believe Dragonite has faced up against Kyogre before. Charizard is powerful, but has not faced a legendary for a long time. I am unsure which would be the bigger threat."

"How on earth did you know that?" Lance asked incredulously.

"I just do" came the answer. "If you wish to have your Dragonite face Charizard you may. Charizard will fight without my guidance."

Lance turned to face his Pokémon whose look of eagerness was plastered over his face. Lance nodded, before taking his place at one end of the field. Dragonite took position in front of him, whilst 'Champion' wordlessly recalled Sceptile before standing at the other end, Espeon by his side.

"Dragonite, Thunder!" Lance called. The Dragon Pokémons antennae glowed yellow, before a bolt of electricity arced towards Charizard. Charizard simply flew over it, before firing a Flamethrower straight back at Dragonite.

"Dragonite, into the sky, and then use your own Flamethrower."

As Dragonite flew up, Charizard dropped back to the ground, and fired a stronger Flamethrower that quickly overpowered Dragonite's, although the Dragon Pokémon was able to twist out-of-the-way.

"Aqua Tail"

Dragonite flew at Charizard at high speed, his tail glowing blue, but Charizard simply held out his arms and caught the onrushing Pokémon. Before Lance could order another command, Charizards mouth opened and a huge torrent of fire came out. There was an explosion, and smoke filled the battlefield tinged with red and golden, although not enough to disguise the sound of a large body crashing into the ground. As the smoke cleared, Charizard was standing tall and proud, whilst a battered Dragonite was just getting to his feet, clearly utterly exhausted. He was about to take to the sky, before 'Champions' voice rang out once again.

"Enough. Dragonite, have the strength to admit you cannot win."

Dragonite looked over at the man, before nodding his head sagely, and settling down on the ground. Charizard leapt forwards, landing in front of his opponent, before holding out a claw. Dragonite stared at it for a moment, before touching it with a paw of his own. As the respectful formality ended, 'Champion' turned to Lance.

"That was an excellent attempt. It's been a while since any single Pokémon has forced Charizard to fight so powerfully. For Dragonite to fire a Hyper Beam at that range, whilst enduring a Fire Blast is impressive. Your Pokémon has won the approval of Charizard."

Lance recalled his Dragonite, before walking across the field to shake 'Champions' hand. As the contact ended, Lance started to talk.

"I wasn't expecting that. I had hoped that being in the air would be enough to overpower your Charizard with Aqua Tail."

"Usually it would. Charizard is exceptional. He hasn't lost a battle for more than five years."

Lance shook his head ruefully. "I can see why Cynthia couldn't make a mark on you. If Charizard is that good-by himself..."

Steven had joined the conversation by this point. "Don't worry Lance; I think I saw a slight scratch on Charizard by the end."

Lance looked at his laughing colleague, before looking over at Charizard who was now giving himself a full check trying to find aforementioned scratch. Unsuccessfully. The Flame Pokémon then glared at Steven, something that caused the Hoenn Champion to laugh even harder, joined by Lance. 'Champion looked on impassively, whilst Espeon behind him was trying not to laugh at Charizards antics.

"Don't worry Charizard, he was joking." 'Champion' said, before holding out a Pokéball and recalling his Pokémon. "I suggest that you get your Pokémon rested. They were put through a lot today. Charizard and Sceptile were impressed as well. Be proud, your Pokémon are all well-trained."

With that, 'Champion' turned and strode back out of the training room, Espeon behind him, to leave Steven still laughing with Lance.

"Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the opening ceremony for the Silver Conference!" The announcer's voice echoed around the stadium. Assembled at the front were all the competitors, Sam, Mellanie and Misty among them. "This year, we have not only the head of our own Elite Four, but also the Hoenn Champion and the Pokémon Master in attendance! Ladies and Gentleman put your hands together for Lance Waturu, Steven Stone and the newest Pokémon Master, 'Champion'!"

As the three men stepped out onto a platform overlooking the stadium, thunderous applause echoed out the stadium, as the spectators gave the three men a standing ovation. Lance stood proud, his trademark cloak fanning around him a flaming torch in one hand, whilst Steven next to him was dressed in his usual formal attire, was waving to the crowd. Between them stood the Pokémon Master, tall and imposing and utterly motionless. After a couple of minutes, the applause started to die down and the announcer's voice rang out once more.

"As is traditional at the start of the Silver Conference, the Sacred Flame must be lit. Lance as the head of the region has had the honor of holding the torch up to this moment, and he will now pass it over to the winner of last year's Johto League. Ladies and Gentleman, please show your respect to Aaron as he lights the sacred flame!"

Applause rang out once more as Aaron stepped forwards from the crowd of trainers, to Lance. Lance took the torch and handed it to Aaron, who turned and strode towards the sacred flame. Standing in front of it for a moment, he turned and thrust the torch into the flame, which flared up. Aaron then turned and strode back into the crowd of trainers at the bottom of the steps, before Lance stepped forwards.

"Every year I stand her, in front of you all, as your leader and Champion." The Dragon Master began. "I am proud to do so. Over the last year, there has been change throughout the Pokémon League; a time of turmoil. Yet the Johto Region has come through it stronger than ever. The Gym Review has strengthened our region, and given us a secure base from which to build. The stagnation in the gym leaders had the potential to cause problems. This year has been the year that this has been changed. I now feel that there is a very strong grouping of Gym Leaders which makes the Johto League competitive once more. We now have a league of which we can be proud!"

As Lance said the last word, there was a roar of noise from the stadium. The words he were saying were designed to make the crowd happy, as well as to praise the guest of honour that he himself had invited; the Pokémon Master. 'Champion' for his part was stood watching the proceedings impassively.

"For this year's league, the format will remain the same; just there is an additional prize for the winner. Traditionally, the winner of any of the regional leagues has the right to challenge that region's Elite Four. This will remain true. However, he will be given an exhibition match as well, on the day of the award ceremony. His opponent will be the recently crowned Pokémon Master, known as 'Champion'. Many people may think that for 'Champion' to face a trainer immediately after the tournament is harsh on the trainer, but 'Champion' has also agreed to give the tournament winner instruction after the tournament. It will be a chance for the world to see how strong the winner is up against the best."

Lance's words caused a murmur throughout the stadium, both from the trainers and the spectators. Gary in particular was smiling, knowing that the promise of more training from 'Champion' would be enough to get Misty fighting at her absolute best.

"And now that the torch has been lighted, it is my great pleasure and privilege to open this year's Johto League Silver Conference, and to show the first match-ups!"

Behind Lance, the largest screen in Silver Stadium turned on, showing the groups that each of the trainers would be in. As one, the entire stadium leaned forwards, trying to find who was facing who. The big names were kept apart, with Aaron as the reigning Champion being the obvious favorite to advance from group one. Mellanie and Sam had been put into different groups, whilst Misty was put in group two. Her presence had caused a stir as people realized that she was competing; the youngest Waterflower had a reputation of being an excellent trainer and very tough to defeat. Lance stepped away from the platform, followed by Steven and 'Champion', leaving the stadium. Many of the trainers followed them as they headed to computers for any information on their opponents.

Sam stood on one side of the battlefield, looking out across at his opponent. It was a much older trainer he was facing, and the supposed favorite to progress through, as one of the top 48. Sam knew exactly what Pokémon he had to use, there was no choice. For his first ever championship match, even if it was a one-on-one battle, he had chosen his starter. He looked up at the board, which signaled that his opponent was to choose first. The older trainer enlarged a Pokéball, and threw it, causing a Staraptor to appear. Sam smiled; he knew he could win this. The two weeks in Indigo, coupled with the days instruction from the Pokémon Master had made him into a formidable trainer. He had studied videos of the man's battles, looking for anything in his strategies that could be copied. Along with Mellanie and Totodile, he and Quilava had trained to adapt the way that 'Champion' had tried to show. Quilava was capable of dodging attacks, but Sam knew his Pokémon. Quilava was an able dodger, but was far happier when he was on the front foot. Yet the trust that the Volcano Pokémon showed in his trainer was enough to make Sam know that if he felt that he needed to take a step back in a battle, Quilava would obey. The trust was absolute. Looking up, he threw his Pokéball, and his starter appeared, silent in contrast to the loud crowing that could be heard from Staraptor. Quilava looked towards Sam, a questioning look on his face, and Sam just nodded slightly.

"Staraptor, Wing Attack"

As the stadium watched, the Predator Pokémon screamed in towards Quilava, who simply flattened himself, before igniting the flames on his back. As Staraptor tried to arc away from them, Quilava spun with impressive speed and fired a Flamethrower at his opponent, sending Staraptor crashing to the ground. Shakily, the flying type rose into the air again, while Sam remained silent.

"He's a good trainer."

The Pokémon Master turned from where he was stood looking out across the stadium, to where Steven stood. The Hoenn Champion was stood in the entranceway of the box that his superior was watching from, as Quilava scored another solid hit on Staraptor, the Predator Pokémon taking a noticeably long time to rise from the blow.

"He is. What can I do for you Steven?"

"I need to talk to you about a trainer I have doing a job for me."

"Go on."

"He is an old Sinnoh League Champion, famous for his use of legendries in his tournament win. I have had him trying to find Cynthia."

The Pokémon Master looked at Steven, for the first time finally changing his attention from the battle that was still raging. "I would be guessing that this is the challenger that challenged for the Sinnoh title, before suddenly withdrawing the day of his battle because Cynthia wasn't there?" Steven nodded. "He then vanished. Has he had any luck finding her?"

"No." Steven said. "He's searched pretty much every region and had no luck. I was wondering if you knew where she was, so I could call him back."

'Champion' shook his head. "My own scouts have been looking. They have failed. You may call your man back; I doubt that he will be able to succeed, even with legendries."

Steven nodded, before looking back out to the field, where a clearly battered Staraptor was struggling to its feet once more. Quilava looked like he had barely even fought.

"That kid really is good." Steven commented, getting a nod from 'Champion'. "This is why you wanted to give him that extra training?" another nod. "So what you said in your initiation speech?"

"In my initiation speech I said that I would train the best trainers. Sam and Mellanie have the potential to be those. I gave them a boost, and this tournament will give them a reputation. I suspect that they will both be in the Victory Tournament at the end."

"But not winning?"

"No. There is only so much that good strategy can do for them. They aren't experienced enough. This tournament will show that as it goes on."

Out on the field Quilava spun into a Flame Wheel and into the air, crashing into Staraptor. The Predator Pokémon crashed to the ground, and this time didn't get up.

"The winner is Sam Fernandez!" came the announcer's voice. Sam just grinned at Quilava, who still looked like he had barely fought, before turning to face the crowd and wave to Mellanie.

'Champion' turned and strode out of the box past Steven, leaving the Hoenn trainer looking down on the stadium. The Quilava that he had watched was a fearsome Pokémon. Smiling to himself, Steven nodded. 'Champion' was right, this trainer would go far.

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