Pokemon-The Lost Master

By TrixJade

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Seven years after Ashs defeat in Sinnoh, the Champion Cynthia is ruthlessly crushed in a battle for the title... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 6

488 9 0
By TrixJade

Pokémon Master, 'Champion' has completed the first three regions of his review of the Pokémon League. He has replaced 9 out of the 24 gym leaders in Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh as well as replacing Professor Elm, the active researcher for Johto. Whilst his actions have been met with approval in the respect of improving the League, his methods are coming under question for being excessively harsh. The replacement of Gym Leader Pryce of Mahogany Town Gym in particular is coming under intense criticism for his forcible removal. Furthermore, the lack of notice being given leaves the replaced Gym Leaders with few places to go; they are apparently being forced to rely on friends and family until they can sort themselves out. Gym Leader Norman Maple of Petalburg Gym, another replaced leader, spoke of how he was ordered out of his home and had to move to a different region to stay with a family friend that has space. Ex-Pokémon Master, Cynthia Shirona refused to comment on her successors actions, although the fact that she now works at the Indigo Plateau implies a degree of agreement with 'Champions' actions. The last league to review is Kanto, which was expected to start this morning, but he has not arrived yet.

Delia Ketchum flicked off the news report, before turning to her guests. Norman and Caroline Maple had called her after being ordered out of their home the previous week, and she had welcomed them staying with her. Norman was still in a degree of shock, but was recovering. It was noon in Pallet Town, and they were sat in the Ketchum kitchen, drinking tea. Silence reigned, as it had predominantly since the Maple's arrival. It wasn't that they had nothing to talk about but more that Caroline and Norman were trying to come to terms with the events that led to them being thrown out of their home. Caroline didn't blame her husband, but she was in shock that the Pokémon Master had that kind of authority that meant he could do such a thing. Norman was staring at his tea, looking like he wanted to drown himself in it. He had been totally and utterly humiliated; not only had he lost his job, but two of his most powerful Pokémon had been taken out by a single attack. He had thought he was a strong trainer, and felt he should have been able to survive longer, even against such a deadly opponent. Now he knew how Misty felt when she was defeated. Utterly helpless against such power.

Norman's attention was returned to the present by the sound of the door opening, Professor Oak stepping in. The Kanto Professor had called in on the house every day, speaking to Norman about a right of appeal. Since it had been so long since a Gym Leader was replaced, the researcher had to go deep into League records. He had told them that he would have the results by today, and was here to discuss their options.

"There is some good news for you" Professor Oak started. "Not much, but you have something to work with."
If the researcher didn't have Norman's full attention before, he did now. "Go on."
"There is a right of appeal, if you have been wrongly dismissed from your role by the Pokémon Master. The question is, have you."
"We reviewed my battling record, it was better than some of the leaders he didn't fire."
"Indeed. However, being a Gym Leader didn't used to be just about battling, unfortunately, when these rules were made, it was down to what Gym Leaders had to do at the time. These regulations were made back at the original foundation of the league. If you were a gym leader then, you actually had a quota of trainers that had to be trained each year. If you failed to maintain a school of at least the size of the quota, you were given an official warning. If you then failed again inside the next three years, there were grounds for your removal."
"But Norman's been leader for seventeen years" Caroline interjected. "And he's not been given a warning in any of them, or trained other trainers; he wasn't told he had to."
"Indeed." Professor Oak said. "He wasn't told he had to, but the regulations never changed, they were simply forgotten. I had Gary dig these out; he's actually quite good at it. The fact that you didn't train any trainers in all these years implies that your removal is valid, but the fact that you were never given a warning is in your favour. You could argue that you have a year to fix it."
"Despite the fact that I managed to miss out on nearly two decade's worth of teaching?"
"Yes. I don't guarantee success, simply because you did miss out years. This is however the best I can do. I'm sorry."

Norman looked unhappy, as well he might. He hadn't expected much from the research, but this was disappointing, as it meant that he would have to struggle to get his job back. Caroline, expecting something like this, was resigned to the fact that with 'Champion' as Pokémon Master, Norman would not become the Petalburg Gym Leader again.

Falkner received the message in the morning. He had arrived at his gym to find it sat in his inbox. It was brief, but very clear; the way 'Champion' liked to work.

Arriving today to interview captured Rockets.

Falkner had sent a message to Officer Jenny to let her know, before beginning his gyms daily routine, exercising the Pokémon and observing his trainees. He kept checking for the arrival of the Pokémon Master, as so wasn't surprised when he saw the now trademark large red dragon soaring through the air towards Violet City. Falkner turned to his back-up, instructing him to carry on with the daily routine. The Flying-Type Gym Leader then hurried to the roof, and released his Pidgeot. The trainer and bird flew together to meet the Charizard, reaching the police station at the same time as 'Champion' did. He was greeted with a nod by the figure in black, who then strode into the station, with Falkner hurrying behind.

Officer Jenny looked up when she heard the door open. Thanks to Falkner's warning she knew to expect the man arriving. She hadn't met him before, so was unprepared for the aura he carried with him. Just being near him gave her a sense of his power. She stood up and came around her desk to greet her distinguished visitor.

"'Champion'. Thank you for taking your time to deal with this personally. I never expected this level of involvement."

Unseen under his customary hat, 'Champion' stared into Jenny's eyes, working out if she was being serious. He realized that she was; she genuinely was surprised that the resurgence of a major criminal organization would attract his attention. What she didn't know was the reason Team Rocket was so important to him. Unlike virtually everybody else, 'Champion' knew why they had vanished four years previously. He was responsible for it. Putting this to the back of his mind, he answered the police officer.

"Don't be. Team Rocket will be dealt with. Where are they?"
"Isolated in cells."
"And the trainers?"
"Being looked after by Nurse Joy. What will you need for the interrogations?"
"An interview room and complete privacy. I will bring question them alone"

Jenny nodded and headed deeper into the station, 'Champion' and Falkner following behind. As they walked, 'Champion' spoke to Falkner.

"Well done on this. You did well to bring them all in."
"Thank you sir. Just doing my job."
"Good. I want you to make sure that the trainers remain isolated and away from any media whilst I deal with the Rockets."
"Looking after them shouldn't be hard. The media haven't gotten hold of this yet. There weren't many people who noticed the events inside the Sprout Tower, and I have made the need for silence clear to the elders who are usually in residence. With any luck, the press will never know."
"That would be ideal. Thank you Falkner."

The Gym Leader knew he had been dismissed, so he departed the police station and headed across the city towards the Pokémon Centre.

The first Team Rocket grunt to be questioned was the one who had spoken to Falkner the previous evening. He was led into the interview room by Officer Jenny, who left him there. As the Rocket sat down he found himself facing Ash across a table. Refusing to be the first to say anything, he sat in silence whilst Ash studied him. After nearly a full minute, Ash started to speak.

"You have one chance. Tell me what I want to know truthfully. If you do, I can mitigate your sentence. If you don't, it will be very long. Now, where were you recruited?"

With only a small bit of hesitation, the Rocket decided that answering the questions up to a point might be a good idea. He could get his inevitable prison sentence shortened without actually giving vital information away.

"In Goldenrod City."
"Where were you trained?"
"I don't know. Some sort of base, I don't know where."
"How long have you been with Team Rocket?"
"I joined two and a half years ago."
"How many operations have you been in?"
"Like last night? That was the first."
"Any other kind?"
"Who's your team leader?"
"Why did you join?"
"I got into debt. I wasn't given much choice. Over the last two years though, loyalty was drummed in and as my quality of life improved, I wanted to stay. It was a better life than living on the street."

Ash leaned back in his chair, observing the man in front of him. The Rocket was young, in his twenties, and scrawny. He was the kind of person that was easy to not notice. And through his mental connection with Espeon, Ash could tell that he was telling the truth. Ash had released his Pokémon to pick apart the Rockets minds when they were interviewed, taking all the information pertaining to Team Rocket. Espeon could also tell if they were lying, something Ash could do himself, but with Espeon inside their mind already, there was no reason not to use that ability as well. He leaned forward again before starting to talk.

"Very well. Your cooperation will be noted. You will be returned to your cell."

Before the rocket could say anything else, the door opened behind him, and Officer Jenny led him out. As Officer Jenny went to lock his cell, she heard it lock itself. She looked quizzically at it, before hearing another lock behind her. She turned around, and saw that a different cell had unlocked, and the door opened, showing the leader of the squad of Rockets. Jenny blinked in surprise, before realizing that this was probably the man that 'Champion' next wanted to talk to, so she led him towards the interview room.

"No comment."
"Where are the Team Rocket bases in this region?"
"No comment."
"Where is Giovanni?"
"No comment."
"Why have you started operations again?"
"No comment."

Ash was asking every question in a perfectly level tone, whilst each was answered in the same way. A normal questioner would be getting angry after twenty minutes of this, but Ash wasn't normal. He didn't even feel bothered; the questions were only a cover whilst Espeon extracted the information from Alex's mind. There had been a disappointing amount, no locations of bases, or anything else. The only useful thing that Espeon had found was the location of this particular squad's hideout, which was in a forest to the north of Violet. Otherwise, Ash had gotten nothing new. He continued asking questions for a few more minutes, whilst Espeon read the minds of the rest of the Rockets, but there was nothing else useful there. Eventually he just sent Alex back to his cell, informing him that his lack of cooperation wouldn't do him any credit in his trial. He then went to speak to Officer Jenny.

"Thank you for your help. That'll be all I need."
The policewoman couldn't hide her surprise. "That's it? Only two of them for such a short length of time?"
"They know nothing else of use. I'll be moving on."
"What about Team Rocket?"
"Your main priority is to stop the news of their return leaking out. Any more activity, the old procedures still stand. However, I don't expect them to return here, it wouldn't make sense."
"What do we do with the Rockets?"
"They will be escorted to Indigo and tried. Thank you again."

And with that, Ash turned and strode out of the police station, leaving a confused Officer Jenny in his wake.

Sam Fernandez woke up with a terrible headache. He didn't know what caused it, just that it really hurt. He sat up and looked around, wondering where he was. The last thing he remembered was being in the Sprout Tower with Mellanie, heading up to the top, hearing her scream. As that burst into his head he rolled off the bed, but before he could take a step he promptly collapsed. On hearing the noise, Nurse Joy hurried in, and helped the youngster back onto his bed where he had spent such a long time knocked out. As she settled him, he realized that Mellanie was in the bed across the room. Noting him looking at her, Nurse Joy smiled.

"She'll recover soon Sam."
"Huh? Where are we?"
"Violet City Pokémon Centre. You've been out for a while. Falkner was in here not so long ago, but you were all still knocked out."
"All of us?"
"He brought in six of you last night. I never expected that when I sent him out to look for you. I didn't even realize that many people went to the Sprout Tower at night."

Sam lay back down, his head throbbing once again. He looked outside, realizing that it was at least late afternoon; the sun was quite low in the sky.

"Was it only one day?" Sam asked.
"What, that you were out? Yes, I asked Falkner to look for you after you hadn't come back. He stumbled onto quite an operation up there."
"Thank you. We owe you."
"Don't mention it. Your Pokémon are also fully recovered. They've been impatient to see you, but I suggest we let Mellanie wake up first."
"Thank you Nurse Joy."

As the Nurse left, Sam slowly stood up, leaning against the bed whilst he endured the wave of pain that came with the motion. As it ebbed back down again, Sam took quick steps towards the bed across the room, reaching it, before collapsing against it as his headache returned with a vengeance once again. Once he had recovered, he sat down next to his childhood friend and waited for her to wake-up.

Thirty minutes later Mellanie groaned. Sam who had begun to doze was snapped back to consciousness, and turned towards his friend. Her eyes began to flutter open before she focused on Sam.

"Where are we?" she asked.
"Violet City Pokémon Center. Falkner brought us in."
"Falkner brought... what?"
"Nurse Joy was worried about us, so asked him to have a look. He found us with some others and brought us all here."
"What happened to us?"
"We haven't been told. All I know is that some people tried to steal our Pokémon, but I wasn't told who."
"Our Pokémon? Where are they?"
"Relax Mellanie" Sam said. "They are here. We can go and visit them when you're ready."
"I'm ready" the girl said, then stood up. Before promptly collapsing, just like Sam had. Resisting the temptation to make a comment, he reached down and hauled Mellanie up. She smiled a thank you at him before heading for the door, albeit somewhat slower this time.

It was another hour before Ash strode into the Pokémon Center. He had flown out to the forest and located the hideout, something made far easier by Espeon using the Rockets memories. He had found very little of use there, and for now knew that the trail was cold. Without any other leads there was little he could do, and Ash reluctantly conceded that Team Rocket had gotten away from him. All he had found was information for the operation Falkner had interrupted. All Ash had to do now was to tie up a few loose ends, which was why he was at the Pokémon Center. As he came through the door, he saw Nurse Joy sat at her front desk. She looked up and spotted him, recognizing him instantly.

"Champion', what an honor. Are you here to talk to the captured trainers?"
"I am. How are they?"
"Recovering. I can't believe the quantity of drugs that Team Rocket put into them, it was enough to put them out for nearly a day."
"The man who gave the order in the squad will be punished. Where are the trainers?"
"Recovering in the private rooms at the back. I can show you if you wish"
"I can find the way."

Ash strode down the corridor next to the desk, before going through the double doors at the end, and walking the length of another corridor. He then turned right, and reached a door which required a code to enter. He put his hand over it, and the door opened, allowing him in. There was a medium sized room with sofas and a TV in it. The room had six trainers inside. Ash recognized two of them, Sam Fernandez and Mellanie Rigger. He smiled to himself; he knew that he saw something in those two. They just had to avoid Team Rocket. As he walked in, all attention switched to him, particularly when he walked to the TV and turned it off before standing in front of it.

"I believe you know who I am. I hope you are recovering well from the events of last night. The men responsible have been captured and are awaiting trial. You will not be required to give evidence; the trials will be very secret affairs. This is because I am establishing a black-out about this. I will let you know because you are very closely linked to it, but what I tell you here is not for the public to know."

Ash paused whilst he let his words sink in. Each trainer nodded slowly as he said that they couldn't talk about it at all. By letting his aura out, he could sense the agreement in each of them.

"The people who captured you are called Team Rocket. They are a criminal group that you may have heard of. Four years ago they dropped off the map; they are apparently making a return. I am moving to stop them as quickly as possible, but until I do I cannot allow the news of their resurgence to become public. As a result, I must ask all of you not to speak about this to anybody. We have kept it quiet from the media, so they should not trouble you. Any questions?"

Most of the listening trainers were awestruck from merely meeting the Pokémon Master, let alone being ready to actually ask him any questions, but two of them weren't cowed by the man in front of them. Sam put up his hand, and Ash turned to him.

"Sir, why were we targeted?"
"You specifically weren't, Team Rocket aim to steal Pokémon, you were just in their sights last night. Anybody else?"

When there was no response, Ash thanked them for their time and turned to leave. He left the Pokémon Center, released Charizard once again, and headed towards Indigo Plateau.

Brock was driving towards Pallet Town. He wanted to see Norman and Caroline, to make sure that they were ok. As he drove he reflected that if Ash was still here, he would have probably been there first. It was the only thing that ever distracted him from his training, problems with his friends. The more Brock thought about his friend, the more he missed him. They had been closer than brothers, which was impressive given all the siblings that Brock had. And yet, Ash had vanished. After Sinnoh he had gone to the very place Brock was heading to now, and then after a mere few days, he had vanished. Brock wondered what had happened to him. Had he died? Brock remembered when Pikachu came back to Pallet. The poor Pokémon had looked exhausted, and had clearly traveled for some time without a trainer. He looked wild, but had recognized Delia, who had called Professor Oak. Pikachu was taken to a hospital, but refused treatment, until in desperation Gary called Brock. Brock managed to get through to the mouse, and started to help him recover, before persuading Pikachu to allow the doctors to help him. Some time on, when Jessie, James and Meowth quit Team Rocket, Brock had asked Meowth to ask Pikachu what had happened to Ash. Ash's first Pokémon had told Brock that Ash was dead. Brock hadn't really known what to make of it, and at first had refused to believe it. However, seven years on, without hearing anything from his old friend, he started to think that perhaps Pikachu was right. Brock couldn't believe that he wouldn't have come back once in all that time. But if he hadn't, what would he be like? Every time Brock thought about his old friend it went like this, but he knew that there was a simple piece of logic that made it very hard to believe his friend was still around. Pikachu would never leave Ash if he was alive.

As Brock pulled up in front of the Ketchum residence, his thoughts had made him somewhat melancholy. However, as he stepped inside, being greeted by Delia, and his thoughts started to slip away. Sitting down, he greeted Norman Maple, who was looking thoroughly irritated. After exchanging pleasantries for a few minutes, Norman started explaining an idea of his.

"Brock, you've always been one of the more sensible of the group" the ex-Gym Leader started. "And yet you're young enough to have the same belief as our kids that things can work out right. So I want your honest opinion on this. If, somehow, somebody managed to replace the Pokémon Master, do you think it would be possible for those who had lost their gyms to get them back? Not just me, but all the other leaders across the regions, including the Pewter Gym if it doesn't make the cut."

Brock was shocked. The suggestion had come straight out of the blue. He turned to Professor Oak who was sat across the room.

"Do you know about this?" Brock demanded.
"Norman did suggest it to me" the researcher conceded. "I confess, I feel for Professor Elm, it is hard being thrown out like that."
"But to replace him, somebody has to beat him! And what makes you think that anybody that strong would be willing to listen to you? Hell, I doubt they exist!"
"But if they did" pressed Norman. "Do you think it is a viable strategy?"

Brock took a deep breath. He knew Norman was reacting to the loss of his Gym and was desperate to try to recover it, but this idea smacked of desperation. It wasn't just that he was trying to replace the most powerful trainer in the world with an even stronger trainer, it was that this new trainer would for some reason undo everything that 'Champion' had done. It didn't help that Brock actually agreed with some of what had been done. The idea of teaching young trainers being spread down to the Gym Leader level was a good one. He thought the implementation was a bit ruthless, but the principle was good. He had been trying to persuade Forrest to do it at the Pewter Gym for a long while, and the Gym had slowly started to accept recruits. Brock had tried to increase the drive over the last few weeks, using his name as a Doctor and Breeder to ensure that trainers would want to come. Brock was hopeful that his families Gym would stand up to the inevitable inspection. Turning back to the waiting Norman, Brock decided to make his position very clear.

"Norman, I have a lot of respect for you as a Gym Leader. But I'm guessing that you are only doing this because the legal options are limited and unlikely to work?" The grimace from Norman answered that one for Brock. "Thought so. I don't believe that this is a viable option. To find a trainer who could defeat 'Champion' would be virtually impossible. I can't think of anybody who could even come close. Cynthia had her entire team wiped out by his Charizard. Misty's team was steamrolled by a Sharpedo that can run on land. He would have four more Pokémon with hidden abilities and the same strength of the ones we have seen. Do you honestly believe anybody can defeat him? And even if they did, why would their first be to undo all the work he did? You may not like it, but the idea of the reorganization is popular. People think it's a good idea, to have Gym Leaders available as teachers to trainers. It will improve the overall standard of trainers, which is a good thing. So, in my opinion, it's not workable. I came here to ensure that there is nothing you needed. As I can see that you are perfectly fine, I'm going home. I'm still working to make sure that Forrest can stay as the Pewter City Gym Leader. Goodnight."

Brock stood up and strode to the door, got in his car and drove into the night. Professor Oak stood in the window watching him turn the corner and leave Pallet Town, before facing Norman once more. "So I think he disagrees."

Ash strode into his office at Indigo, before sending summons for Cynthia. She appeared at his door, and took the offered chair. Before he even opened his mouth, she could see that there was something different. He hadn't looked like this before.

"I've just got in from Violet City. Falkner found a cadre of Team Rocket grunts stealing Pokémon. I questioned them, and found the cadre's hideout in a nearby forest. It had nothing about the potential whereabouts of any other part of Team Rocket. Their orders were delivered by Flying Pokémon. The final message was one telling them that their cover was blown so they were abandoned by Team Rocket. I don't know how Team Rocket knew, but they did."

Cynthias brain was only just beginning to catch up. She had been in intense training for her challenge to the World League when Team Rocket vanished. When her challenge had culminated in her becoming Pokémon Master, she had started to consolidate, implementing her own policies. She had never bothered to try and track down any evidence, assuming that they wouldn't ever return. It seemed she had been wrong about that. She turned her attention back to 'Champion' as he continued.

"If you know anything about them, I would be grateful. Trying to track them down again will be hard. If I can get into one of their major bases, I can crack the network, but I have to find them. Furthermore, I want to try to keep this quiet. Falkner did a good job preventing the media from finding out about this attack, but if they start more, it will be hard to keep it quiet for ever. Therefore, this has to be our top priority; protecting the public from the news. Thoughts?"

"I... Well..." Cynthia stuttered, trying to keep up. "I don't know where they might be, but I agree, keep it quiet from the press."
"Good. I need you to go to Violet City and collect the Rockets in prison there. Bring them here."
"I presume overnight?"
"Yes. Whilst I do the review of Kanto, I'll watch for them. I'll also inform the Gym Leaders outside Kanto before I go."

'Champion' stood up, but Cynthia remained seated, still in shock. As he reached the door, he turned back to his frozen subordinate.

"Sorry, but I'm trying to keep up. You're moving too fast for me. I've only just found out about this, and you're rushing through plans."
"I've had the journey from Violet to think about this. If you think that you've got a better plan, please say."

Cynthia thought, but couldn't think quickly. After half a minute, she shook her head, and 'Champion' left the office, leaving her to follow him, which she quickly did.

She returned to her office, before quickly organizing a transport helicopter for herself to bring them back. Her Pokémon would struggle to make the journey without a break, and they wouldn't be able to bring back the Rockets. As she stepped out of the building towards the hanger, she realized that the timing was perfect. She would arrive in the early hours of the morning, and be at Indigo before anybody was able to notice her missing. It just meant she was going to have a very long night. As she reached the hanger she climbed into a helicopter, nodding to the pilot and settling herself down to sleep.

The pilot shook her awake some time later. "Maam, we have landed at the Violet City Police Station. Officer Jenny is here." Cynthia rubbed her eyes and then left the helicopter to greet the law enforcement officer.

"Officer. My congratulations to you and Falkner for a job well done."
"Thank you. You're taking them?"
"Yes. I'll take them back to Indigo where we can watch them."

The two women started to head into the station, but as they entered the door, Jenny turned back to Cynthia, who realizing that something was wrong, gestured to Jenny's office.

"What's wrong?"
"It's when the Pokémon Master was here. Things seemed slightly off."
"In what way?"
"His interviews. He interviewed two of the Rockets, that's it. Furthermore, between the interviews, when I was taking one of them back to his cell, the cell door opened by itself, as did the door of the cell of the next one he wanted. The one who just happened to be the leader of the group."
"The door thing I'm getting used to, and his choice implies he's good at getting information."
"But it's weird, I obviously questioned them myself, and they refused to give me anything. He was here for a grand total of thirty minutes, and he seemed to have everything he needed. That's impossible."
"I appreciate you coming to me with this, but you have to understand that I can't do anything about it. I accept that it's confusing, but trust me; he is good at his job. Just accept that, and keep doing the wonderful job you're doing."
"Ok. And I have to keep this quiet?"
"I'm afraid so. One day I will find out why he can do what he does, but till then, I'm just going to do my job."
"Thanks. So, Rockets this way."

Jenny, feeling somewhat happier, led Cynthia towards the cells at the back of the police station. As they got there, she unlocked the first cell, expecting to have to wake the Rocket up. He was awake, and held his arms out to be cuffed. Somewhat bemused, Officer Jenny did so, and then opened the next cell, to be given the same treatment. After all nine of the Rockets had been cuffed, they meekly followed Cynthia back to the helicopter where they were restrained to the inside. The pilot took off, and she was headed back for Indigo, still mulling over why the Rockets who had reportedly been aggressive towards Officer Jenny were suddenly so meek.

Ash stepped out into the garden behind his house. His Pokémon all trained by themselves when he was out busy, but when he was home, he always insisted on a tougher regime. They fell in around him as he started his run, keeping pace through the distance. As he approached the thirty mile mark, they started to look at each other, and by the time he had run for thirty-five miles, increasing the pace all the way, they were getting alarmed. All of his Pokémon as physically fit as it was possible to be, but with Ash enhancing his body with aura, it was possible that they might not be able to keep up forever. Eventually he started to arc back towards his home, where he started to meditate, leaving the Pokémon to train together. There were mutters among them; they hadn't been pushed this hard for a long time. The last time that their training had been so intense was when Ash had last had a serious problem to mull over. It had been over four years ago, just before they began to track down Team Rocket. That had been one of the hardest times in their journey, as although they were all powerful, Team Rocket was a huge organization. Only one Pokémon had stuck with Ash as he fought his way into the heart of the base hidden deep in the mountains; the rest had been fighting off Rocket grunts. Espeon had been his last Pokémon, and neither had spoken of what had happened inside. All the other Pokémon knew was that Team Rocket had been removed.

After only half an hour, Ash stood up once again. The Pokémon stopped training, and assembled in front of him, expecting the reason for his unease to be given. Espeon padded her way to his feet, already knowing what he was about to say.

"Team Rocket have resurfaced. Some of their operatives were discovered in Johto yesterday, but had no idea where any major installation is. Apparently we aren't going to be able to work our way in the same way as last time. However, that doesn't mean that we aren't going to be able to take them down. I need the scout team to head out once again. Check remote areas, search for anything that looks off. If you can find something, come back here and let me know. We will take Team Rocket down once again. And this time, we will get Giovanni. He will not escape me twice."

His Pokémon nodded, and the group that belonged to the scout team stood in front of him. He knelt in front of them. It was a group of three Pokémon, none from his main line-up, and none of his originals. They would be able to cover Kanto inside a week, but would return after that, because they would need rest if they covered that kind of distance. Ash turned to the leader of the group.

"Alakazam, I know this will be exhausting. You will be able to rest when it's done. If you need back-up, call for it."

The Psi Pokémon nodded, and then crossed his spoons, causing the group to Teleport out. Ash then turned back to the rest of the team.

"When we find Team Rocket, we will be facing them again. However, there will be a difference. Last time we were being cautious when we headed in. We have all become far more stronger, and so will move far quicker. We must not let Giovanni escape again. I will be continuing to travel around the regions, but you must train to be ready. Nothing can stand against you. I will return in a week. Charizard; lets go."

Leaving his Pokémon behind once again, Ash leaped high into the air, leaving a comfortable forty yards beneath him. Charizard accelerated forwards, and Ash landed neatly on the dragons back as they headed out towards Pewter City. Back on the ground, the Pokémon were about to return to their training when they noticed food bowls floating through the air to them. Each one had more food than usual, the message being clear. Train hard, and be ready. Espeon looked into the sky, where Charizard had vanished, praying that her master would be careful. He would surely be a target for Team Rocket if they aim for the Pokémon League.

When Brock reached Pewter City, he called the Cerulean Gym. Misty picked up, looking exhausted.

"Hi Brock, what can I do for you?"
"Just making sure that you're alright for the inspection."
"We've been working harder than ever for this. My sisters have actually shown that they have actually become pretty good Gym Leaders, so all we needed was trainees. My name helped bring some in, and the rest just wanted to be close to the old 'Sensational Sisters' That and Gary's been a huge help. What about you?"
"I think we're ready. Forrest has worked hard, as has the rest of the family. We should be alright."
"Good." Misty noticed that there was something else off about her friend. "Brock, are you alright?"
"What? Yeah, I'm fine." Misty didn't even bother to talk, merely raising an eyebrow at the breeder. "Ok, ok. I've just got back from Pallet."
"How are Norman and Caroline?"
"I didn't see Caroline. Norman however had a scary idea. He thinks he can get his gym back if he orchestrates the fall of the current Pokémon Master, and has a new one in place."
Misty stared at him, causing Brock to chuckle.
"My thoughts are apparently mirrored" Brock said. "I told him that I wasn't interested, but I'm worried Misty. I think Norman might go for it, and there are at least ten unhappy people with authority out there; all the people he's replaced so far. We don't need this instability."
"No we don't. But Brock, what can we do? We're both up to our necks trying to have our families hold onto their gyms, we don't have time for this."
"No, I just wanted to give you some warning, in case he goes for you as well. I can vouch for the fact that it's not fun to have that sprung onto you."
Misty smiled wearily at him. "Thanks Brock. Good luck when he arrives."
"And to you Misty. Goodnight."

Brock ended the call, then went to find Forrest. They toured the gym together making sure that everything was as good as it could be. The trainees that they had managed to pull in were sleeping. Brock was impressed at the numbers they had managed to pull in so quickly. It was this more than anything that made Brock think that the Pokémon Master might be onto something. There clearly were people who wanted to be taught, just there hadn't really been a system in place to teach them. Now there was, and people were already using it. Brock had been in contact with the majority of Kanto leaders, and was confident that there shouldn't be any more leaders being replaced; they had all managed to use the few extra weeks that they had to get in trainees. Perhaps Kanto would be fine. After one last look around the Gym, Brock headed for bed. There was nothing else that could be done; it was down to 'Champion' as to whether they had done enough.

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