Rock, Paper, Scissors

By AGMeira

417 143 38

"Friendship is not about who you've known from the longest or who you hang out with, it's about who walked in... More

1: Midnight run
2: Camouflage
3: To Die or not to Die...
4: Aftermath
5: Sorry but not sorry
6: The Sound of Silence
7: Cute, you say?
8: The Start of Something New
9: Is this real life?
10: Happiness is a myth
11: Payback
12: Things Got Out of Control
13: According to plan
14: Bye-bye Boo
15: Normality
16: Sweet but Psycho
17: Playback Singers
Character Aesthetics
18: Too Good to Be True
19: Please be patient
20: Won't give up
21: Knock-Out
22: I'll Pretend I didn't see That
23: Now that's Embarrassing
24: Party Rock Anthem
25: Good Morning Sunshine
26: Distractions
27: You Should Get That
28: The Truth
29: It's a Celebration
30: Like Father Like Son
31: Grams
32: He has a girlfriend!?
33: Revelation
34: Heartbroken
35: Party, Sleep, Repeat
36: Party, Sleep, Repeat - Part II
37: Use your words
38: I got issues
39: Let's Get the Party Started
40: It's Christmas time
41: Funeral
42: Valentine's day
43: From lover to stalker
45: S.O.S
46: Back home
47: Facing Ghosts
48: Family tree
49: Facing ghosts II
50: Love

44: Time to speak up

4 2 0
By AGMeira

I couldn't sleep despite being exhausted. It has been harder to fall asleep and after a week my body was starting to show it. This time Anthony wasn't the cause of my sleepless nights. My mind was occupied by my encounter with Nick's mother.

I felt guilty, as if I was somehow betraying him, and I wondered, how on earth would I bring it up to him. I let out a sigh and shifted to the side, holding my comforter close to me. I tried to distract myself and think of something else, but my stupid brain decided the secret notes were a good option. I kept remembering the words, the underlying threats, and trying to figure out who was behind it.

No plausible answer came to mind, or was I really wrong about Manson? Maybe he was that vindictive, but he couldn't lay a foot in the school so who would help him deliver the notes?

What about Rebeca? Since Justin's party, she has been quiet, maybe too quiet. I caught her staring at our table from time to time and she glares at me whenever our eyes met. But she really doesn't seem the type to do something like that. She would probably go straight to Nick instead of messing with me.

Which leaves me with the same unanswered question: Who would hate me so much to do this?

I've never made enemies. Sure, I might be lacking tact sometimes but would that be enough for someone to threaten me?

The next morning, I forced myself to drink coffee at breakfast. I hated it but I was hoping it would help me stay awake for school.

I went to my locker after lunch and froze in place. I looked at the folded piece of paper in front of me, not moving an inch. My fist and jaw clenched automatically before I took the note.

Tick Tock goes the clock, years have flown but you can't hide. Tick-tock goes the clock, telling you your time is up.

A chill ran down my spine and I furiously crumpled the note and threw it in the trash. I slammed my locker shut and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

A sound at my side caught my attention and my eyes widen at the sight. Nick was frowning as he read the note I threw away.

"You kept receiving notes?" he asked irritably. "Why didn't you tell me? Or Noah, or Micah?!"

I was about to answer, to dismiss it as a stupid prank when Micah decided to show up. "Tell me what?"

"Nothing," I stated glaring at Nick to warn him to keep his mouth shut.

Of course, my intimidation skills didn't work against him. "She got more notes from that Valentine's day creep," he said, handing the note to Micah.

"This is disturbing. Why didn't you say something?"

"I'll deal with it."

"You realize this can be dangerous right? And I don't mean to be sexist or anything but you're a girl and not a strong one."

"I'm stronger than you and Noah! I bit you all the time when we arm wrestle!" Not the best argument but I decided to go with it anyway.

"This is different and you know it... It seems personal," Micah said in his usual calm voice, looking at me as if I was a lost puppy or something.

Thankfully the bell rang and I hoped for the opportunity to flee the situation. Micah was quick to react and grabbed me before I could escape.

"Let's meet at the treehouse after school," he told me.

"The treehouse? Seriously? Are we thirteen?" I said wryly, but his eyes narrowed at me. Micah's father had built a big treehouse years ago. We used to play there all of the time before, I guess, growing up.

When classes were over for the day I tried to leave quickly. I was ready to abandon Noah at school if I needed to. Our group chat has been blowing up with questions since Micah told them what happened.

A hand on my shoulder stopped me as I reached my car. "Where do you think you're going?" Nick's menacing voice asked from behind.

I turned to face him with a grin. "To my car of course."

"Not an option. You're coming with me," he stated. "We have to go to the three houses remember? And knowing you I'm sure if you take your car we won't see you until tomorrow, that is if your stalker didn't kill you already."

"What about my car? Am I supposed to abandon it?"


"And how am I and Noah supposed to come to school tomorrow?"

"I'll give you a ride. See? Easy." He takes my arm softly, leading me to his own car.

Once we get to Micah's house, I'm the one leading us to the back to the treehouse. We climbed it and are soon after joined by the rest of the team.

I explain everything that happened since Valentine's day, recall every note I got. Ava's eyes widen in terror, but I shake it off.

"Do you think it's Mason?" Ava asked grabbing my hand.

They all started discussing theories, agreeing with Ava's thoughts and my own when I first thought about it. If the treehouse was cramped at first, now it was also hectic, between speculations and death threats to Mason.

"It's not Mason!" I snapped at some point. "I already thought about it and can't see why or how he would do that."

"We can't rule him out though," Noah said. "He's literally the only one I know with a motive."

"I don't know. But considering the last note, it doesn't make sense. It talks about years. It says 'years have flown', so he must be someone who holds a grudge from years ago. No?" I proposed and they all fell silent, considering the words.

"But who? You've never got into fights with anyone, you never got into trouble," Micah pointed.

"I don't know..." I let out a sigh, defeated. There was no way to figure it out, no matter how much time and thought we put into it.

I knew this conversation wouldn't change anything, which is why I didn't want to talk about it in the first place.

"We'll protect you," Tyler stated out of nowhere. "Until we figure out who is behind this... shit, we'll protect you. We'll drive you to and from school. When you need to go out somewhere one of us will go with you. You'll never be alone."

The others all nodded in agreement and dread filled me. If we did this it would mean having to explain why I have to go to therapy and I wasn't ready for that.

On second thought, maybe I should take the opportunity and come clean. Nick took it well, he treats me normally, not like I have issues. Maybe the rest of them would too?

I shook my head instinctively. No. I couldn't. They would all pity me and treat me as if I was somehow damaged.

A warm hand rested on my lower back. I looked to my side to see Nick; his eyes full of understanding. I swear he could read me like an open book. He mouthed me not to worry while his thumb rubbed my back softly.

He was right. I didn't need to worry. He knew my secret and kept it for all of this time, and now he would help me protect it. He will protect me.

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