adventures with the bad batch

By shlonglong9

24.4K 629 343

Ella is a mandalorian Jedi trying to find her way through this new galaxy after order 66 and she happens to b... More

information about Ella
part one (ep2)
part two (ep3)
part three (ep4)
part four, (ep 5)
part five (ep6)
part six (between ep6 and 7)
part seven (between ep6 and 7)
part eight (between ep6 and 7)
part nine (between ep6 and 7)
part ten (between ep6 and ep7)
Part eleven (flashback)
part twelve (between ep6 and 7)
Part thirteen (between ep 6 and 7)
Part fourteen(between ep6 and 7)
Part fifteen (ep7)
Part sixteen (ep8)
part seventeen (ep9)
part eighteen (between ep9 and ep10)
part nineteen (ep10)
Part twenty (between ep10 and ep11)
part twenty-one (between ep10 and ep11)
part twenty-three (between ep10 and ep11)
part twenty-four (flashback)
Part twenty-five (ep11+extra)
part twenty-six (ep12)
part twenty-seven (between ep12 and 14)
Part twenty-eight (ep14)
Part twenty-nine (ep15)
part thirty (ep16)
part thirty-one (after s1)
part thirty-two
part thirty-three
Part thirty-four
Part thirty-five
part thirty-six
part thirty-seven
Part thirty-eight
part thirty-nine
Part forty
part forty one
part forty two
some one shots

part twenty-two (between ep10 and 11)

403 10 11
By shlonglong9


"tech what's this?" I asked holding this weird grey machine

"that's a holoprojector"

"oh okay" and that's when I had the best idea, we should all watch a movie together, we had just finished a mission and we have never done it before, I ran up to hunter who was sitting with Ella In the cockpit,

"hunter can we all watch a movie together" I asked "please"

"what, um, I guess so" he replied

"oh omega what if we get a blanket we can hang it up and project the movie it onto it" Ella said getting up and grabbing a big white blanket and walking to the main room

"yes and we can set up gonky in front of these seats so some of us can lean up against gonky and the others can sit behind" I suggested

"yeah that's s good idea" she said hanging up the white blanket "go grab the others and decide on a movie"

"tech, echo wrecker, we are going to watch a movie, come help us pick one"

"a movie?" echo asked

"yes on the holoprojector"

"okay, I will set up the projector" tech said.

I put gonky on the ground and put some blankets against him, and we decided on some movie I had never heard of, some action film, it sounds good.

they all left the cockpit to see the set up we had, I knew I was going to sit on the ground, and after a few seconds of considering I decided I wanted to sit next to Hunter, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to Gonky, I sat in the middle and hunter sat to the left of me.

Tech and echo sat on the seats behind and wrecker sat to the right of me. Ella came over with a few cartons of mantle mix that we forgot to finish last time and Tech started the movie.


I handed a few cartons of mantel mix around before looking that all the seats had been taken up, so I had no idea where to sit, hunter looked and me used his head to signal me over he separated his legs and I sat between them leaning back on him, thankfully he wasn't wearing armour so it was comfy, he rested his arms on my shoulders.

we were about half through the movie wrecker was fast asleep, and i'm surprised they chose this movie it was pretty violent, omega was resting on hunters side with his arm around her, omega was loving it, having us all do something fun.


I had omega and Ella resting on me, the movie had just finished and I kind of wish we chose a less violent movie but I enjoyed it and omega did as well, I looked down and saw Ella and Omega both fast asleep, I had no idea how I was meant to get them both to bed. I moved omegas head onto Ellas lap before slowly sliding out and placing Ellas head on a blanket, I picked up omega and carried her to her room, I place her in her room and put a placed a blanket over her, I went back and carried Ella bridal style and placed her in my bunk and I followed behind closing the door. she looked so peaceful, I tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead before pulling her into my chest.

"I love you so much" I whispered



I must of fallen asleep during the movie because I woke up in Hunters bunk and I do not remember walking here. we were just returning to ordmantle as I was cleaning up the movie night mess. we all walked to the parlour to talk to Sid

"alright easy mission today, you are going to this planet, to collect a flower, be back by tomorrow" Sid told us

"alright" Hunter said,

we all returned to the ship and left to collect the flower,

"we have been getting a lot of easier missions later" echo said

"yeah, if we can manage to get one good mission that pays good we can stop working for Sid" hunter said

"sid pays us terribly considering we risk our lives for her all the time" I moaned

"yeah but at least omega payed off our dept" echo said

I got up and exited the cockpit and I saw omega sitting in her room alone playing with her toys

"hey omega what are you are doing?" I asked climbing a few stairs

"just modifying my clone doll" she said "want to join in?" she asked

"sure" I said fully claiming up and sitting across from her.

we arrived at the planet and I was nearly blinded by the colours, everything was 10 times more colourful than usual.

"woah its so pretty" omega smiled,

"yeah it is" I replied,

we started looking for the flower, I kept looking over at hunter, he looked really uneasy

"hunter are you okay?" I asked he took a few seconds to look over at me

"what oh yeah im fine" he replied "can you hold my helmet" he said,

"Sure" I said lightly grabbing his helmet, something was wrong, he wasn't feeling himself and I could sense that,

we approached the flower and it had this strong smell, the closer we got the stronger the sent got and Hunter got even more uneasy

"Hunter whats wrong?" I asked firmly but he didn't even acknowledge me, "tech somethings wrong" I said before hunter fell to the ground and started lightly shaking "hunter!" Kneeling next to him

Tech also kneeled next to Hunter,

"What's wrong with him?" Omega

"Sensory overload" tech said

"Sensory overload!, what is that? Is he going to be okay?" I asked in panic standing up to give them both space

"He should be" tech said

"Should be" I said trying to not yell what does he mean should be,

I stood there in shock as he laid on the ground, I slowly passed Tech Hunters helmet and Tech slipped it on Hunter, omega grabbed my leg as she was clearly in distress, I picked her up and she buried my head in my shoulder

"Its okay" I whispered, how did I not know this could happen, I watched as wrecker picked him up and slung him over his shoulder and Tech grabbed the flower and put it in a box making the sent go away, Hunter looked lifeless as wrecker carried him, it was painful to see him like this. Wrecker put him on the med bed in the main room and I sat down next to him with omega still in my arms,

"Does this happen a lot?" I asked tech lightly

"It has only happened a few times, did he not tell you this could happen"

"No, he didn't" I sighed,


it was the middle of the night, omega was asleep with her head on my lap, I was half asleep as I subconsciously stroked her hair, with my other hand on hunters, my eyes were closed but I wasn't asleep. I felt hunter squeeze my hand and my eyes shot open and looked at him as he sat up, I got up carefully placing omegas head where I was sitting,

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine now" he smiled, he took a few steps towards me but I back away and he looked at me with a confused look

"I dont want to trigger anything" I said, I had no idea how this sensory thing worked and I didn't know what to do

"It's okay, its not like that" he half smiled as he slowly approached me again, he wrapped his arms around me and I slowly did the same, carefully putting my arms on his back.

"I was so worried about you, why didn't you tell me this could happen?"

"I dont know I just never got to it" he explained,

"Never got to it" I frowned pulling away, I was so worried, I thought he was sick, or in deep pain,

"It's not like its some big problem" he assured me

"What! I thought you were dying" I said madly

"Hunter! You're okay" omega smiled wrapping her arms around him

"Yeah I'm fine kid" he smiled kneeling to her height, I stood there, trying not to be mad, which I was.

"Did it hurt?" Omega asked

"No just made me feel weird" he half laughed, He stood up "back to bed now" he said leading her to her room,

"Goodnight omega" I said, I then walked to the bunk, I stood there for a second between hunters bunk and my bunk, I decided to go into my own bunk for the first time in awhile. I closed my bunk door and laid down facing the wall. I heard hunter enter the bunk room and he opened his bunk

"What" he whispered before opening my bunk "what are you doing?"

"Going to sleep" I said blandly not turning to look at him

"Wh- uh-" he said trying to find the words and I then turned to face him, "you shouldn't have been worried"

"what" i said trying not to yell "my boyfriend falls to the ground and starts shaking and i'm not supposed to be worried", now I was mad, he should have just told me what happened.

"I had no Idea what was happening" I said sadly and he just sighed looking down at the ground,

"Can we talk about this tomorrow" he said, what, that was the last thing I was expecting him to say my eyes widened in shock

"Sure" I said coldly closing my bunk door and locking it, I was willing to go Jedi mode and be civil, but nope I went mandalorian mode after he said that, I love him so much, but he got mad at me when I didn't tell him about me not being able to sleep, so I'm going to get mad at him. Why couldn't he just tell me what happened.


I was honestly too mad and confused to get any sleep, so I just read a book all night, I stayed in my bed even after everyone had woken up.

"Ella we have arrived at ordmantle" omega said, I opened the door and I got up

"Oh okay, thanks" I said smiling down at her, I went to just walk off the ship and go straight to the parlour but hunter stopped me pulling me to the side of the dock behind the ship,

"Okay so are you going to tell me why you are mad" he said

"Seriously" I said crossing my arms


"I thought you were dying"

"Right and thats why you are mad" he scoffed

"No, I thought you were dying, and when you got up, you didn't tell me what happened and told me not to worry about you" I said, I knew I was blowing this out of proportion

"It was just sensory overall, and I'm fine, it happens"

"Yeah but I didn't know that that happens, I didn't know that you would be fine"

"Tech could of told you"

"Buts its not techs job to tell me" I snapped "what is wrong with you, did you hit your head or something because you are acting weird"

"Me I'm acting weird" he yelled

"Yes you are" I yelled

"Says you"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean" I yelled getting even madder

"Well one second you are all, wise, calm, Jedi like and the next you are all chaotic, stubborn like a mandalorian" I stood there in shock,

"News flash I'm both"

"Well why do I feel like I am dating two different people" he yelled, I dont know why but it hurt when he said that

"Why do I feel like that I am talking to a completely different person right now?"

"How about you bring your jedi side out so we can have a civil conversation"

"Wow, so you are being an ass now" I said trying to hide how his last sentence hurt me "I was trying to be civil, but then you were all like 'its nothing to worry about' instead of just telling me what happened, why did it happen, and if you are okay now," I was nearly about to explode

"What do you want me to say" he yelled

"I just wanted you to talk to me, tell me, I wasn't mad that you didn't tell me before but you made seem like nothing and maybe is nothing but I didn't know so I got worried, I got scared," I yelled I stared at him before sighing "I need a drink" and walking away, we had only fought a few times but it never gotten this bad.

"Ella" he sighed

"What you going to apologise, tell me what happened, dont worry I will go get my Jedi side and maybe she will understand it better" I said coldly before walking out of the dock and towards the parlour.

I entered the parlour walking past the rest of the squad and behind the bar and grabbing the strongest drink and pouring my self some

"Are you okay?" Echo asked

"I will be in a second" I said before downing my drink, I definitely poured way too much but I didn't care

"Woah easy there" wrecker laughed

"Ahh that is so much better" I half smiled before leaving the parlour I just needed some air so I went for a walk


Ella walked out of the parlour and about a minute later hunter came in

"Have you seen her" he sighed

"She just left" echo said

"Damn it" he said quietly "did she say where?"

"No. She downed a drink and then left" echo explained and hunter sighed,

Hunter and ella didn't fight often but when They always got through it but this time it was different, I was scared that they wouldn't forgive each other and Ella would leave, I wouldn't know what to do without her.

Hunter just sat down and put his head in his hands



It was about midnight, I was sitting outside in the dock, I was avoiding hunter knowing he would be waiting inside, but I was getting tired and I really wanted to sleep so I gave in and went inside and to my surprise I saw Hunter sitting there waiting

"Where have you been?" He asked

"Right outside"

"I am so sorry, I know I hurt you, and I didn't tell you all that stuff before it honestly isn't that bad but I should have told you that before and that it does happen sometimes when my senses get overwhelmed, you dont have two different sides I was just mad and"


"No I am sorry, I shouldn't have said those things and I wish that I had just explained everything before so that this could have never happened"

I put my hand on his face "hunter, I love you so much, and this is exactly like that time where you got mad at me when I wouldn't tell you what was wrong when I couldn't get any sleep, I overreacted" I sighed

"No you didn't, I was being stupid," I pulled him into a hug, I was mad but I just wanted this to be over I then I kissed his cheek, " I didn't mean to hurt you"

"It's okay," I whispered,

"It's not, the last thing I ever want to do is hurt you"

"Hunter the only way you could truly hurt me, is if you left, left me without you, I need you"

I kissed his cheek again, "I love you so much" he smiled

"I love you to" I smiled, he softly put his lips against mine.

We went to bed and just laid there together laughing together, the fight was long gone and we were back to normal,

"Echo said you downed a drink and left" he said

"Yeah it really strong, like way too strong" I laughed and he laughed "like after I left I nearly fell down some stairs" I laughed

"HAHAHA seriously" he laughed

"Yes and this old lady asked if I was okay" I laughed

"HAHAHAH I didn't know Jedi's could be Clumsy" he laughed

We just laughed for a while until we fell asleep in each other's arms,

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