part thirty-three

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Hunter, tech and I were on this scrap planet, not bracca but a different one looking for things for the houses,

we walked through an old republic cruiser,

"oh my force this is a Jedi training room" I said admiring the room "masters would train their padawans here between missions"

"yes look at this" I smiled picking up a big metal ball

"what is it?" hunter asked

"once you activate it, it shoots small plasma zaps at you and you can practise deflecting them with a lightsaber" I explain, I put it on the trolley and we walked up to a broken viewing deck,

"I will go have a look over there," I said pointing to this torn up ship

"that looks pretty hard to get into" hunter said

"nothing a Jedi can't do" I smiled and he smirked and shook his head

I jumped off the viewing deck and ran over to the other ship jumping up some ledges to get to the opening, I thought I sensed someone looking at me, but I pushed it away it was probably just hunter keeping an eye on me,

I walked through the cruiser looking for supplies but there was nothing, I started walking back to where the boys were when I sensed something, I turned around and saw half a dozen imperial shuttles and a heap of troopers running toward me, oh no they saw me,

"look there is the Jedi" a soldier yelled, oh no they know I am alive, I activated my lightsaber and got out my gun stunning a few approaching soldiers,

"set to stun, we can't kill her" a soldier yelled, I jumped up deflecting shots, I went to turn around and run when I saw more soldiers approaching, I kept deflecting the shots and stunning the soldiers but it was getting harder and harder,

"Hunter you need to listen to me, take tech and leave this planet" I ordered over comms

"what, why are you okay?" he asked, another shuttle landed in front of me but this time a tall dark figure wearing only black walked out,

"you need to leave!" I said deflecting more shots

"WHATS HAPPENING?" he yelled

"the empire is here, they know I am alive and I think a Sith just showed up, they don't want to kill me, but you need to leave and don't come after me okay," I said "tell omega and the boys I will be fine and that I love them"

"wha- Ella" he said, a soldier stunned my arm paralysing it "Im not leaving you"

"ah" I said dropping my blaster, I kept deflecting shots but it became too much

"I love y-"


"I love y-" she said before the comms went static

"ELLA, ELLA DO YOU COPY" I yelled, tech and I were running to the viewing deck, when we arrived I grabbed my binoculars and looked over to the imperial shuttles, I saw her being dragged by some soldiers, she was unconscious

"no" I whimpered

"we have to get her back" tech said

"I know" I said falling to the floor, who knows where they will be taking her, and if the Sith are involved how are we meant to get her back, I can't lose her.

we walked back to the ship,

"find anything cool?" omega smiled "whats wrong? where's Ella?" she asked

we both looked at the ground

"tech, hunter where is Ella?" echo asked

"the imperials came, they got her, they know she is alive we don't know where they are taking her" tech said sadly

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