part seventeen (ep9)

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we jumped to hyper space, as much as hunter didn't want to, we did. I was so stressed I couldn't focus, hunter got patched up and he was pacing.

I'm going to meditate to see if I can connect with her" I said, but my master didn't like when I meditated like This, finding someone through a connection with the force can drain your energy making you very tired, I sat down and connected with the force.

"omega" I whispered


"omega" and I quickly shot out of my trance, nothing, nothing at all, I could already felt my self to become sleepy, but I need to find omega. I looked up to see hunter cleaning her room, moving her toys and cleaning it up. 

"any leads" I asked desperately, 

"nothing" tech sighed, I started pacing around, trying to push all the terrible thoughts away, hunter came down and he stood in front of me, I could see the guilt in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his head into my shoulder,

"we need to find her" he whispered as pain saturated his voice 

tech explained that she had first generation DNA,

"....later code named boba" I thought I recognised that name,

hunter went and sat up in omegas room on the chair, I could feel the pain radiating off of him.

"I need to find her" I said under his breath, I started meditating again, feeling my energy drain, but nothing, again. 

"urgh" I groaned lightly banging the wall. 

"are you mediating?" hunter asked 

"yes, but I can't see anything" I told him "and its making me really tired, but im so worried" I said 

"you are doing that type of mediation" 

"yeah" I sighed 

"just don't push your self to hard" he said putting his hand on my face "im going to look through comms"he Said and I smiled at him as he walked away 

I was standing in the cockpit when I heard a static voice from comms 

"is any- the- come in" the static voice said it was omega 

"omega" hunter called out "omega do you copy"

"hunter, im here" she called out on relief, but my vision started going blurry, I zoned out, but I quickly pushed through it and zoned back in. 

"HUNTER I NEED YOU!" omega yelled 

"OMEGA!" hunter yelled back but there was no response, the line cut out

"no, no, no, no, no, NO" hunter yelled pacing back, I went and sat down and put my head in my hands, trying to figure out what was going to happen. 

a few moments later I heard echo yell out "we've got her" I sprung up, maybe I little to fast because my head went weird and I nearly fell over but no one saw which was good, the ship quickly jumped to hyper space, 


we entered the planets atmosphere, 

"we are picking up an escape pod moving on the radars" tech said, I closed my eyes and I immediately sensed her 

"she's in there!" I yelled and the ship picked it up 

I went and stood near the hatch up against the wall behind wrecker, the hatch opened,

"omega you in there" wrecker yelled 

"wrecker" omega cheered, hunter face lifted 

wrecker pulled her up and hugged her, before she let go and buried her self into hunters chest, 

"why is this happening, why are the kaminoins after me?" she cried, hunter placed his hands on her shoulders, 

"hunter you have to tell her' echo said 

"tell me what" she sobbed 

"you are important even more than us" he told her, I walked over and force unlocked the handcuffs, and she jumped and wrapped her arms around hunters neck, it took him by surprise, but he smiled, wrapping his arms around her, and groaned slightly as he lifted her up, still sore from being shot

he explained the rest to her, while she sobbed onto his shoulder, he stroked the back of her hair to comfort her, and she fell asleep in his arms, he put her up In her bed. he came back down, and wrecker and echo and tech went to bed

"your turn now, you need to rest" he said 

"im fine" 

"I saw you stumble over before, go rest" 

"okay" I said lightly, but I couldn't sleep, I just couldn't, I was tired and I wanted to sleep but my body didn't let me. 

after an hour or so or squirming, moving around, I decided to read a book. I got up an hour later and got out of my bunk, I went to the cockpit to see omega and hunter asleep, with her lying on his chest,

(like this, also credits to lorna_ka on insta for the pic) 

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(like this, also credits to lorna_ka on insta for the pic) 

I smiled at the sight, it was adorable, I heard echo wake up, 

"pst echo come here" I quietly whispered 

"what" he whispered walking over and smiling at the sight, I got a blanket and covered them it,

 in this moment, I fully realised, even though subconsciously I always knew it, that I would do anything for them, even if that means laying down my own life, I love them both, I love them all so much, they are my family. 

"tech come here" echo said to tech, he came over and smiled at them 

"hold on" he said leaving and quickly returning, he took a picture of them on a data pad, "there we go" he smiled.

we all left the cockpit and sat in the control room not wanting to wake them.   

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