part eight (between ep6 and 7)

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Sid sent us on this mission to a small planet to retrieve some pig, apparently its valuable, hunter likes this mission because the planet was small with only a few people and we decided to stay here for a little bit.

I was sitting in my bed reading a book I managed to grab from the temple when omega rushed in and sat on the side of my rack,

"have you ever loved someone" she asked panting from running

"what" is said baffled by the sudden question

"do you love someone?" she asked, omega and I had gotten close, she would always ask me questions about stuff.

"well uh im not sure"

"well do you like, like someone"

"define like" I said smirking because I knew what she meant but I just wanted to hear this childish definition like I heard when I was little

"you know, like more than a friend" she giggled

"right, and where is this coming from" I laughed sitting up and sitting next to her

"I remember reading these books on kamino about love and liking someone and all that and I wanted to ask you" she said

"well omega I don't think I love anyone,"

"you don't think so you like someone" she said, this reminded me of children and teen stories I read about liking and love and This conversation is making me feel like im 12.

"well im not sure" I laughed

"who is it?" she asked "do I know them?"

"what uh n-no, hey want me to force you in the air"

"hey your changing the subject" she said as I started to stand up, I started to walk out the room when she said "you like hunter don't you" and I have never turned around faster

"omega!, what"

"you defiantly do" she laughed how could she be so smart how, was it that obvious she was giggling and laughing and this made me feel like a Child but I had to give in,

"fine fine I do, but you can't tell anyone" I said, it was good to finally be able to get it off my chest 

"ha I knew it" she laughed "don't worry I won't tell anyone" I squinted at her to make sure she wouldn't tell and then we both got up and left the room to the main part of the ship where hunter was sitting and omega immediately started giggling.




what did I do.

I quickly look and omega pursing my lips so she would stop in a friendly way.

"what's up with her" hunter said

"im not sure" I said still looking at omega with my eyes wide, "im going outside to get some fresh water" I said walking off the ship and down to a small tap outside the village with my water can.


"omega, what's up" I whispered trying to find out what she was laughing about, her and Ella defiantly had some sort of secret but she started laughing again

"I can't tell you" she laughed even more I knew she would break and tell me,

"omega, tell me" I said but it only made her laugh more

"I can't" she giggle

"yes you can"


"yes" I said again

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