Part thirteen (between ep 6 and 7)

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"You guys are going one sector over to a planet to collect a delivery" Sid told us

"Alright" hunter said as we walked out

"Be back as soon as possible"

Hunter turned around and nodded as we all walked out of the parlour

"Wait this planet is pirate central" tech said

"Pirates" I groaned "always taking what isn't theirs to take" I moaned

"Let's be quick then" hunter said,

We got to the ship and took off ready to collect the crates, I sat next to hunter in the main room and looked at the map for where we were picking up the delivery, hunter and I didn't show a lot of PDA because we weren't like that, and we didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable especially omega.

"There's 15 crates so we need all hands on getting them to ship" hunter said as we landed "alright let's go"

We walked to the delivery spot and packed up the crates, wrecker some how managed to carry three crates, hunter tech, and I carried two and omega and echo pushed the rest in a hover cart.

It wasn't a long walk back to the dock but the crates were heavy so I wanted to get back to the ship.

Just as we were getting back to the landing dock the ships engines started and we saw some pirates running aboard

"Pirates" I yelled as we dropped the crates and started running to the ship,

"But we are too late" as it was starting to take off

I quickly started to force the ship back to the ground but it was extremely strong, they were trying to fly away, I kept my ground still pulling back the ship, I could feel my strength and energy drain out of me, but I kept a hold of the ship as I pulled it to the ground more

"Quick..... get...... to...... the ship" I groaned

"Tell me when I..... can let go" I groaned again, pulling the ship more to the ground

"Okay you can let go" one of the boys said,  I let go everything was spinning and turning and I felt as thought the life had been sucked out of me, until total darkness covered me. 


Ella managed to get the ship back, and it was amazing watching her pull down an entire ship, I was on the ship getting rid of the pirates and I went to yell good job to Ella and when I looked over to where she was standing, I saw her laying lifeless on the ground

"ELLA!" I yelled as I started running over to her "TECH COME HELP QUICK!" I yelled again

I picked her up bridal style but nothing her body totally lifless, this was a nightmare, I put her on the Med bed in the main room

"What's wrong with her" omega asked worried but I just sat there next to her with me arms resting on my legs and sighed looking at the ground

"Okay diagnostics reports that she is completely fine and healthy" tech said as I stood up

"What then why isn't she waking up?" I asked

"Well it isn't a physical problem, my theory is, Is that the energy is drained from her and she is mentally exhausted, we need to let her rest" tech told me

"How long could she be out for?" I asked

"I'm not sure, but I could be awhile so I suggest we go back to Sid and give her the crates"

"Alright," I said, watching her lay there like that was torture, I went to the front of the ship and helped tech take off, I kept looking back at her, and omega was sitting with her holding her hand. I looked back at the front and tech noticed my stress and commented

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