part nineteen (ep10)

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we walked through ormantle, omega is sitting on wreckers shoulders eating mantel mix before jumping down as we walked into the parlour, I could tell hunter was tense with omega being out in the open, I knew he was going to be more protective.

"help a separatist no way"hunter said throwing the info back, and he walked off with Sid and they talked for a few moments

"alright" he said deciding that we were going on the mission, I was behind omega , as hunter knelt down in front of her and told her that she couldn't come, knew he was going to be more protective

he then walked up to me as omega walked off into the parlour "you are staying too Ella, you need to rest and there will be too many clones there and you can't been seen" he said this was the first time we were going to be on different planets

"omega, I have an important job for you" he called out "make sure Ella gets some sleep"

"get some rest okay" he said grabbing my hands

"I'll try, be careful" I said, he kissed me lightly as a goodbye

"okay break it up love birds, there's jobs to be done" Sid said

"Bye" I slightly smiled

"Bye" he said running out of the parlour, I saw Sid passing omega a sponge, I was hungry so I decided to grab a container of food that was left here last time

"Omega you hungry?"

"Yep" she said, I grabbed two plates and we sat down together "why wouldn't hunter let me go?" She asked me

"It's too dangerous" I said before I took another mouthful of food

"But I have gone on dangerous missions before"

"It's different now" I said

"How?" She asked

"Well, although Hunter would never say it, he blames himself for you getting taken and he never wants that to happen again so he is going to be more protective" I informed before eating more

"But it wasn't his fault" she said

"I know, but still, sometimes people blame themselves for things they didn't do"


"Yep" I said and she looked down as she thoughts running through her mind "now eat your food"

We finished the food and I cleaned up the dishes.

"You have to sleep now" omega said leading me over to the lounge

"I will try"I laughed,


I had my eyes closed for ages but nothing no sleep,

I heard omega and Sid talking before omega walked over and sat near my feet,

"I'm not helpless" she said

"Look I promised Dark and broody that I would look after you"

"For how much" omega said coldly before I heard Sid walk away and I sat up next to omega

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you" she said, she was definitely upset

"You didn't its fine" I said putting my hand on her shoulder

"Can't sleep" she said

"Yep, and your not helpless" but she just looked at the ground "omega, the bounty hunter you escaped from is one of the most notorious bounty hunters, I am amazed"

"Really" she said

"Yes, he managed to break into the Jedi temple once" I said

"He was scary" she laughed a little "I thought I was never going to see you guys again" she sobbed, I turned her around and she hugged me, sitting on my lap with her head buried in my shoulder, I rubbed her back to comfort her.


Omega was sitting up at the bar moving the sponge extremely slow, while I was inside the bar restocking some drinks to keep busy, after over 15 years of training I never thought I would be stuck doing this.

"I wouldn't do that" omega said to Sid who was over playing the hologame, But Sid did it and she failed "I told you" omega said

"If your such an expert you do it" omega jumped down and clicked a few buttons and then won for Sid, they started talking about bets

"Hey, no, we are meant to be staying low remember" I told omega and she nodded no started to walk back to me,

"A few bets wont hurt" Sid told me

"Bu-" she cut me off

"Do you want to pay off your dept or not" she said, I just sighed and shook my head,


A few people came in, and a few more, and more until the whole parlour was full, I tried to control it at first but it just became to busy, and the loud noise was making my head burn.

I looked over to the door and I saw that boys had returned, hunter did not look to happy, he looked over at me and gave me a look, and gestured his hands asking what happened, I just shrugged and shook my head retuning my gaze to the bar counter. The crowd left and echo tech and wrecker came and sat with me.

"How was the mission?" I asked

"It wasn't too bad except for the separatist part" tech said "there was a moment in the hallway and hunter told me and omega and you to circle the corridor, because he forgot that you guys weren't with us," he chuckled "how was omega?"

"She was upset at first but she got over it" I said looking over to hunter and omega playing the hologame, omega looked so happy, especially since she was winning.

"Yes" omega yelled, hunters face was in complete shock, "that was my hardest game yet" she said jumping around

"Good job kid" hunter said patting her back "but we will have a rematch later" he chuckled and they came over and sat with us.


We sat around at the parlour, wrecker was asleep one of the chairs and I got up to walk over to the other table to grab my cup, but I got a little to fast again, but the dizziness didn't go away, like it normally would and I stumbled to the table to balance myself, and I put a hand on my head.

"Ella," hunter ran over to help hold me up "alright you are getting sleep" he said firmly leading me over to the lounge, he sat down and pulled me down to sit next to him, Before laying my head in his lap "sleep" he said softly stroking my hair, I finally fell of into a deep slumber, finally.

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