part seven (between ep6 and 7)

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we are on the ship on our way to a new mission Sid gave us to retrieve a crate of spice or something on a desert planet.

"ugh I hate desert plantes" I moaned

"what wrong with desert planets?"omega asked

"well they are hot, humid, no shade and if it gets windy you are going to get sand all over you" I said looking out the front window as we landed

"we need to go into that cave, thats where the spice is" tech said

"in a cave why couldn't they just leave it outside somewhere" wrecker moaned

we all got our stuff together and entered the near by cave, everyone was using a flash light until I turned on my lightsaber that basically lit up the whole room.

"wow that's brighter than I realised" echo said

"yeah they can be very useful for lighting"

"watch out we don't know what could be down here" hunter said

"and try not to blast anything we don't know how stable this cave is" tech said,

we got deeper into the cave when I saw something,

"look there the crates" I said pointing at two crates

tech opened up a crate "yep this is it"

"okay grab the crates and lets get out of here" hunter said but then I saw something move before it flying towards us

"watch out" I yelled before hitting it with my lightsaber

"what is it?" omega asked

"looks like a sand beetle, they can't kill you but their bites will hurt" tech informed us

"quick lets get out of here" hunter said

we started making our way out of the cave when more sand beetles started flying at us, I was hitting them with my lightsaber, but more and more were appearing so I turned on the other side of my lightsaber and then separated them, there was even more and more and I was able to get most of them but then wrecker got out his blaster and started shooting them, the cave started crumbling because there was so much movement

"wait wrecker no blasters-" tech said before the cave started to crumble again , I force pushed the rest if the beetles back

"quickly lets go" hunter said

we started running back to the ship but the cave continued to crumble even more with some parts of it collapsing, a rock was about to fall on echo but I forced it away just in time.

"there look, there's the exit" I yelled

we were nearly out when the whole exit started to collapse before I caught it and was stopping it from falling with the force

"quick get out" I yelled as I struggled to keep it up

"what about you" hunter said

"I will be fine, quickly get out"


I quickly ran out of the cave, but I didn't want to leave Ella in there, what if it falls on her

"ELLA" I yelled as the whole cave collapsed

"NO!" omega yelled

dust went everywhere and I couldnt see anything, but she, she was probably buried under all that, what was I meant to do, but I saw I figure approaching through the dust and as the dust started to clear up it was her, thank goodness she is okay.

"ELLA" I yelled before running over to her, she was coughing a lot and rubbing her face, she had a cut on her face but other than that she looked fine


"ELLA" hunter yelled as he ran up to me

"are you okay?" omega asked worried

"yeah im fine im fine" I said but my face was stinging I must of cut it, I went to touch my face but it stung "oww'

"lets get back to the ship so we can clean that up" hunter said leading me back to the ship

I sat down on the row of seats in the main room and hunter sat next to me with a bowl of water and a small towel

"here let me clean this up" he said before dipping the towel in water and dabbing it on my face

"ah" I flinched as it stung


"its fine" I looked up at him as he cleaned my cut he was looking at my cut as he continued to clean it and quickly glanced at me "forcing back all those rocks made me tired" I said as I felt the ship take off

"you should rest" he said "okay all clean"

"thank you" I smiled at him and our eyes locked for a second

"are you okay?" omega asked

"yeah I'm fine now" I said as omega sat on the other side of me on the row of chairs

after a while I started to drift off to sleep.


Ella started to drift off to sleep when her head rested on my shoulder, I wasn't sure what to do but I just kept still so she could get some rest, it was comforting having her head resting on me.

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