part ten (between ep6 and ep7)

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"Ella" I heard a light voice, calling, I thought it was from my dream, as I was sleeping

"Ella" the voice got louder

"Ella" he yelled as my eyes shot open

"what what"

"why are you outside" hunter laughed

I must of fallen asleep last night while looking up at the stars

"I came out for some fresh air last night and must of fallen asleep" I laughed

hunter just laughed while helping me up of the ground "goodmorning" he smiled while wrapping his arms around my waist

"Hi" I said while tucking my arms under his, I needed this type of hug right now

"So you slept outside, how was it?" He joked

"Hey I didn't mean to" I said lightly hitting his back, Hunter was a few inches taller than me so my eye level is his mouth level, I looked up at him and puckered my lips and he leant down and gave me a small kiss "did you make me breakfast?" I asked letting go as we walked back to the ship

"Nope" he said putting arm around me as we walked back "oh also we are going back to Sid today with the pig"

"Awww, really, I love it here" I moaned

"Yeah I'm sorry, Sid is expecting us"

"Fine" I groaned

"Make sure you have everything"

"Yes Sargent" I said as I walked away to pack my stuff.


We left the small planet with the pig and headed back to Sid, I really loved that planet it was small peaceful, had a good connection to the force.

We arrived back at Sids parlour and gave her the pig

"What took you so long, you were gone for four days?" Sid asked

"We we're having a rest, you never gave us I time limit" hunter said

"Mmm" she groaned "well I have a new mission for you, it's on the snow planet called Hoth and I want you to retrieve a crystal that grows there, bring it back as soon as you get it"

"Alright" hunter said as we walked out

"Wheres wrecker and omega?" I asked

"Not sure, this is the third time they have left after a mission" echo said

"Strange" I said as wrecker and omega returned

"Now where have you two been?" Echo asked

But they just looked at each other and laughed.

We went back to the ship and got supplies ready for the mission.

"Alright we are going to a snow planet to retrieve a crystal, got it?" Hunter said

"Yep" the rest of us said in union

"Wait snow planet?" Omega asked


"Your saying I get to see SNOW" she said in excitement


"Yes" she cheered


We got out of hyperspace and approached the completely white planet

"Now omega its gonna be cold so you may need to stay on the ship since you have no snow coats" hunter told her

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