part thirty-six

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"Tech how long do you think until we move into the houses?" I asked 

"not sure maybe a few day" he replied "we need to set up the solar panels today"

"okay, I am so glad that Sid isn't giving us as many jobs" I said sitting back in my chair,   

"yeah, starting the landing cycle" tech and I were the only ones on the ship because we needed to pick something up, we landed back on the beautiful forest planet where the houses were located, all the boys walked over to the ship, wreckers house was still really messy, but tech and echo had made great progress on theirs and so had crosshair. since there was three people cleaning, hunter, omega and I's house we had finished. 

the boys decided to do the energy sources now,

"what can we do?" I asked for omega and I 

"just relax, I guess" hunter shrugged

"are you sure those things look pretty heavy" 

"yeah we should be fine" 

"alright" I said "okay omega what do you want to do?" I asked 

"not sure" 

"hmmm, oh I have a great idea" I said "hey tech do we have any spare rope?" I asked over comms 

"yeah just outside the ship"

"okay thanks" I said walking over and grabbing the rope 

"what are we doing" omega smiled 

"we are going to make a swing, on that big tree over there" I said pointing over to the tree

"a swing?" omega asked 

"yeah I will show you" I got out my lightsaber and grabbed a small plank of wood, I put two holes on each side so I could tie the rope around it, once I had knotted the rope through the we both walked over to the tree and I jumped up onto the branch and tied the rope onto it, once I knew it was steady, I jumped back down and sat on the swing,

"now what?" omega asked

"here come sit" I said and she came over and sat on my lap, I pushed of and we started swinging  

"woah" she said 

"hold on" I smiled 

we went higher and higher swinging back and forth,

"this is so fun" she laughed 

"I know" I smiled 


we all went to the sleep on the ship, only a few nights in here before we get our own big room with a big bed,


"okay lets see if this works" tech said plugging in a wire, all of the houses lit up,

"YESS" I cheered 

"energy is up" tech smiled 

"good job tech" hunter smiled 

"thank you, and once we get the water producer installed we can live in the houses" he said 


a couples days later after cleaning, fixing and replacing, we got so much closer to moving in

while the boys set up the water producer and connected them to the pipes, echo, crosshair and I went on a quick mission for Sid, we weren't going to fully quit the job, she could call us if there was any big jobs that payed well, for quick money. 

once we got back Tech said that the water producer was finished.

"wait so what does that mean?" I asked 

"we can fully move in" hunter smiled 

"really?" I smiled in excitement 

"yep, we will all get to sleep in our houses, and we can start the farm" tech said 

We all smiled happy we can get out of that cramped ship,

"everyone comet ours, I have some dinner ready" I smiled walking over to the house,

we all sat around the dinner table, not sitting around the ship but sitting at a proper dinner table, we ate and talked for a while before it started to get late,

Hunter went and said goodnight to omega, who loved her new room, while I got ready for bed, no more being cramped into that small bed, a proper mattress. 

"ready for our new bed?" I smiled has Hunter walked in

"looks so comfy" he smiled 

"very" I said moving the blankets up and climbing into the bed, 

"I will be there in a minute" he said walking into the bathroom

I pulled the blankets back over me and snuggled into it, 

a few minutes later hunter returned in his blacks, he jumped into bed, 

"we have all this space now" I laughed 


we were both lying on our side facing each other with about a foot of space between us, hunter than extended his arms and I snuggled into his chest, we entangled our legs together,

"damnit I forgot to turn off the light" he said 

"I got it" I said using there force to turn off the light 

"mmm, thank goodness I did not want to get up" 

"I love you,"

"I love you too" I smiled 

(I know this chapter was very rushed but I have been really busy with school, the upcoming chapters will be a lot more interesting, I also will be doing like a small one shots chapter that will some cute stories if you have any requests or ideas feel free to comment them)

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