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although my life started out rough, and I lost basically everyone I  have ever loved, meeting hunter and the bad batch was the best thing that ever happened to me, I have a family now, omega who we all basically raised and I thought of her as a daughter, Cassian, Tech, Wrecker, crosshair, echo and hunter, my family. 

Wrecker: he loved travelling to the nearby waterfall all the time, and surprising loved working on the farm, he settled down a lot once we arrived here just relaxing with his brothers.

Crosshair: he bought a ship of his own and does a lot of solo jobs, but he never goes far, I am defiantly convinced he has a secret girlfriend that he is hiding from all of us. 

Echo: he fought with rex in the battle of Endor, he loves helping the rebels and Rex, although he wouldn't stay with them all the time he loved it. 

Tech: he builds machines for the rebels, technology everything, he spends most of his day upgrading and building things. 

Omega: she helps Hera a lot, they remind a lot of Ahsoka and I, and as much it was against Hunter's will she fought in a few wars along side Hera, she defiantly likes one of the soldiers that fights with the rebels but Hunter doesn't let them go near each other, 

Hunter and I: as much as we wanted to fight in the battle of endor we had to stay with cassian, but we make sure to pop in every now and again to help out. 

we spent the rest of our days, in the beautiful houses. In our home, together. 

(um so yeah that's the end of the story, I can't believe I have been writing it for over a month, I may update the first few chapters to make it more slow burn and more of a build up to their relationship, but I may do that when the next season comes out because I will have more motivation, I know I am not the best writer but I really hope you guys liked the story, thank you so much for all of the love and support you guys gave me over the past month or so, goodbye everyone<3)

adventures with the bad batchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora