part six (between ep6 and 7)

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Sid sent us to a planet similar to Pantora to retrieve this special fruit, but unfortunately the fruit is located far out of the city's and the ship cannot be flown near or else the fruit will burry it self underground, so we have to walk, it is a 3 hour walk outside the main city.

"grab everything you need because we have a long way to walk" hunter said grabbing some stuff and putting it in his bag, "omega what are you brining?"

"just my, bow, my binoculars and my flashlight" omega said

"give me your stuff and I will carry it" Hunter said taking omegas stuff and putting it in his bag "okay everyone ready?"

"yep lets go" I said, I only need my lightsabers and my water can.


we all started walking towards the fruit growing spot, it had already been about a 2 hour walk and I could tell omega was getting tired.

"omega looks like she is getting tired" I said looking towards omega who was barely limbing along

"mmm yes she does" hunter said

"here give me the bag, you carry her" I said as hunter took off his bag and handed it to me

"tired omega?" hunter asked

"um a little bit, I've never walked this far before"

"here, I will carry you" he said getting down on his knees so she could jump on his back,

"okay" she said climbing on his shoulders,


it was 30mins later we kept walking, omega was still siting on hunters shoulders, we were nearly at the fruit and I knew we would rest for a bit because it is was still only early and we did not bring the equipment nor the supplies to stay over night.

I was not tired, but I did want a break. we are approaching the fruit at a good pace but I am not excited for the walk back.

"wrecker you tired," I joked

"me what never" he said not understanding my joke

"oh wrecker you know I'm only joking" I laughed,

"you okay up there?" hunter asked omega

"yeh, its fun, I feel so tall" she laughed "are you tired? I can walk if you need" she asked

"no I am fine, you can stay" he said,


we finally arrived at the fruit, and we picked as many as we could find and we all sat down for a break.

"so what's so special about this fruit?" wrecker asked

"this fruit is very rare and can sell for a lot on the black market" tech informed us

"it better be special for how far we walked for it" echo said

"we should get moving soon if we want to make it to the ship before sun down" hunter said

"can we rest for a little longer?" wrecker asked

"fine, 10 more minutes" hunter replied


we finally started walking again, and it had been about an hour and a half, but storm clouds approached and I think we were about to get caught in some rain

"its starting to rain" wrecker said

"put your helmets on" hunter said, they all put their helmets on while I put the hood over my head off my robe,

"what do I do" omega said, she had nothing to cover self with

"uhhh, wait, come under my robe, and I will carry you on my back under the robe, so you don't get wet" I said, and I lifted up my robe and picked her up and carried her piggy back style.

"won't you still get wet under that?" tech asked

"no, my robe is made out of a special fabric, that makes it water resistant, all Jedi robes are made out of the material" I told him



about an hour later it was still raining but we were nearly back at the ship.

"you okay under there?" I asked omega, but there was no reply "omega?" I said again, hunter came over and lifted up my robe and chucked a bit "what is it?" I asked

"she's fast asleep" he laughed

"oh that's why she hasn't been moving" I laughed, she was surprisingly light

"are you arms getting sore?" hunter asked

"no actually, I thought I would after a while but she is very light"


the ship was just in front of us as we completed our mission.

"finally back" wrecker said as he ran into the ship and took his helmet off, and we all followed

"what do I do?" I asked hunter

"umm, here" he said lifting my robe up from the back and taking omega off my back, he turned her around so that her head was resting on his shoulder and then he carried her up to her room and placed her on her bed and put a blanket it over her. I took off my robe and my arms, they just were totally dead.

"oh yep I definitely feel it now" I said struggling to even carry my robe "I can barely move them, ahhh" I placed my robe with my stuff and went to the front room with the others

"finally can rest" echo said "I'm going to have a nap" he said leaving the room and going to his bed

"so am I, I can barely move my arms" I said going to my bed, I laid down in my bed and pressed the button that put a door down the side of the bed concealing me for privacy, that was not a hard mission just tiring, no wonder omega fell asleep.


We were all on the ship just relaxing as we made our way back to Sid

"Hey omega, can you do me a favour?" I asked

"Yeah sure" she said jumping in front of me

"Can you grab my book from my bag, it's in my beds storage area"

"Sure" she said walking into the bunk room "hey I like your other robe" she said

"What other robe, I only have one" I said standing up and going into the room

"This one" she handed it to me and my eyes widen "what?"

"I forgot I put this in my bag, I put this in my bag ages ago" I said staring down at Ahsokas Jedi robe

"What is it?"

"When my friend left the Jedi order, she gave me her robe, I- I forgot about it" I said still staring at the robe, I remember when she left the order, Anakin was sad for weeks, moping around the temple, barely wanting to go on missions, he carried around her padawan chains everywhere, I remember that sadness for myself as well, her and I would always hang out when she wasn't on missions and she would sometimes train with me and duel me, I saw her once before order 66, I was actually meant to help her siege mandalore but master Yoda summoned to courasant so I couldn't "see look here" I said while looking in the inside of the robe to reveal the initials A.T

"A.T?" Omega puzzled


"Commander Ahsoka tano" echo said

"You fought with her in the 501st didn't you?" I asked

"Yes, she was my commander, and she was there when I.... You know" he said

"Right, I remember her telling me about that mission, she snuck abroad because she said that Anakin was being too protective" I laughed 

"Yes, I still hope to never be carbon frozen again" he laughed 

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