The mysteries (A Felinette L...

Per Yuktha2004

133K 3.8K 951

Felix is forced to transfer to Paris for abroad studies and it just happens that he transfers to Dupount high... Més

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 17

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Per Yuktha2004

Ladybug pov

Ladybug: Alright now that the team is lined up we can move ahead with the plan but after the akuma attack is over we meet up again at the back of this school okay we will only have a few minutes before we transform but it is important so don't forget. Now Tigeres (which is Juleka) and Sly fox (which is Nathaniel) you will figth of Kim akumatized form. Pollen Queen and Carepiege you will handle Rose akumatized form and me and Chat will take Volpina and Lady Wi-fi.

The rabbit miraculous Bunnix will observe and jump in when needed alright.

Teams response: got it, mmhhm, understood, yes

Chat Blanc: good let's get a move on.

Let's just say major sucess all the members with the new editions to the miraculous team as well were amazing. They didn't even need much time to take out their tasked akumatized villian. Each group managed just well with their paired partners even the citizens of Paris agreed and they had seen it happen on news with Nadia Chamack.

Back of school.

Ladybug: okay i am going to make this as simple and quick as possible to each of you here and now. (Sighs) you will all keep your own miraculous and become permanent holders. I have seen how well this team works and with shadow moth becoming more stronger we will need the back up. The old team was never like this when you were all out their what did you feel?

Alix: awesome

Nathaniel: not weak

Chloe: like i was apart of something.

Nino: whole

Juleka: connected

Chat Blanc: like a team being almost completed.

Ladybug: exactly this is the team. You are all true holders to your given miraculous and out there during the akuma attacks you guys worked together and had each others back through out the fight. Even when with the smallest mistakes you backed one another right to the very end.

Chat Blanc: she is right Hawk moth joining with the second miraculous of his is becoming to much of a problem to handle as well as our civilian lives. Atleast as a team we have a stronger chance to end this once and for all.

Ladybug:  to defeat shadow moth.

Chloe: well then i guess we agree lets be part of something bigger then us.

Juleka and Alix: i am in

Nino: sure dude

Nathaniel: oh alright i am in

Two months later

It's been two months since that akuma attack and ever since then the new upgraded miraculous team has gotten better stronger. Akuma attacks are now wrapped up and de-evilsed within an hour leaving the city of Paris safe. The citizens love the new team. Of course they try as much as possible to get interviews with them which of course a fair agreement is met between the media with the miraculous team. Leaving a clear air of understanding and each of the superheros civilian identity to remain a secrect.

As for Marinette well she and Felix are a bit closer i guess . If you count the teasing and Marinette pouty face which gets Felix to almost do anything to get that spark back in her eyes. With them seeing each other a lot outside of school for meet up photoshoot they have gotten along to be good acquaintance as Felix refers to it as. In fact in this very chapter i have placed them in yet another one of their photo shoot's of love in Paris for the Spring peak modelling on a romantic date.

Vincent: good, good ,perfect showing some love, show me the look of young love chemistry!

Marinette: sighs

Felix: what's wrong Dupien? You sigh like a tired donkey.

Marinette: shush you, we are doing a photoshoot. No talking!

Felix: avoiding it, i see

Marinette: avoiding what?

Felix: my question.

Marinette: uhhggh fine, i am thinking of the school assignment we got coming up at that hotel.

Felix: our Life Orientation class assignments on Career field work. What about it?.

Marinette: well the last time this happened it was at The Bourgeois Hotel and i was kind of made a golfer.

Felix: a person who has to make a guest stay as comfortable as possible.

Marinette: yup that's it!

Felix: What is all the sighing for?

Marinette: i just feel like something is going to go wrong.

Felix: like what exactly do feel will go wrong?

Marinette: i don't now. The feeling is just lingering on me.

Before Felix could say another word to her and have a chance to see her decreasing mood they were called to change out into some other designer clothes for the next modelling shoot.

Change rooms.

Plagg talks to felix

Felix :what does Marinette mean?

Plagg: ohh Fei has a crush?

Felix: no i don't and don't call me that

Plagg: (sighs here we go again) look kid Marinette migth be on to something here i admit i as well have been getting a bad feeling about that project of yours at that blonds hotel.

Felix: (sighs) you mean to say you are just hungry for more cheese and find it to relate to Mari problems... Gives a slight amused smirk to the black cat kwarmi

Plagg in a serious tone: i am not kidding kid i also am getting a very bad feeling about it. It's just sighs nevermind just look out for her the girl i mean Marinette she's... she is a nice person.

Felix: i know what you mean sometimes i think she is just to nice even to good for this earth with her angelic fac... Wait uhg uh no no nevermind that! Uhh yes no no i mean yeah you are right if something may go down on Friday during our project i guess i just have to look out for her or more like babysit her (sighs) that girl always gets herself into trouble.

Plagg: uh huh and you say don't have a crushh... On her huh lover boy (smirks at Felix)

Felix: i... I don't okay just. Just drop it i don't feel that way about her she's she is just stubborn headed and i find that interesting that's all. She's.. i just want to help her okay!

Plagg: uh huh sure  

Mari talking to tikki

Mari: why do i trust him so easily. I open up to him(felix) as if i have known my whole life. I... I just i don't...

Tikki: hey Marinette it is alright to let others in. After all this time you have been alone without any of your friends. Perhaps with Felix being around you more often then most of times it has allowed you to let go.

Marinette: but... But i can't do that, not after everything that's happen. My whole life fell apart because of Lies. Lila's doing but still they all turned against me. They didn't even think about m...

Tikki: shh, shhh it is okay Marinette. I understand your reasons but maybe it is a good sign with having Felix around. You know he doesn't let others get close to him but he does open up to you just as you confides to him and he genuinely listens to you and gives his advice. You connected you both may not see it but i do you are a good match.

Marinette blushes at this and stutters: m...m...match?

Tikki: oh sorry Marinette i meant duo a team like you and chat a team partners of your own individual strength being put together.

Marinette: you are right Tikki, he is kind of my partner. I know now that Felix won't betray me. I know i can trust him with this much.

Back on photo shoot set.

Vincent: okay, okay for the next shoot i am going to have you standing here with... (sounds of crashing down of the side of the building)

People run in every other direction trying to flee the area and of course Felix being the guy that he is pulls Marinette to safety.

Marinette: shesh, do you always have to cause trouble.

Felix: what that suppose to mean.

Right then the akumatized victim appears.

Marinette: gasp Rose!

Felix: na, na it's princess fragrance now. Awww don't you two look together like a romantic couple. (Sighs) young love. You two must be boyfriend and girlfriend.

Felix: she's not my girlfriend
Same time Marinette: he's not my boyfriend!

Rose/ Princess fragrance : ohhh why not you two are adorable look at you two you made for each other.

Felix: tt, says the akumatized person.

Princess fragrance/ Rose: oh yes but my purpose is to spread love all around. Love only for mee... Sighs.

Marinette: Rose whether your you or if your akumatized there is aways some one out there who loves you. You just need to see the signs.

Princess fragrance/ Rose: then why did Juluka have to be so mean when she walked out on me. Why did she scream at me because of what Lila said about Marinette being a thug.

Felix: snickers. Of course and you say i bring trouble Mari (looks down to her and smirks)

She just glares at him and stomps his feet pushing of the wall as she takes notice to akumatized Rose getting distracted by other civilians behind them and runs of with Felix while pulling him by his hand not even taking notice to the pink tint on his cheeks and she holds his hand. She pulls out of harms way and shoves him into one of the empty change rooms saying she will go hide in another. Not waiting for a response she exits quickly.

Felix still slightly blushing calls out to Plagg as he composes himself.

Plagg: aww is Felix blushing now... (snickers) kid

Felix: shhh, i am not blushing. I... I am just flushed from running that's all. Now let's go help ladybug. (transforms: Plagg! Claws out!)

Marinette two rooms down does the same. Tikki time to transform. Tikki spots on!

Both exit the same time and look to another.

Felix: Ladybug!

Marinette: Chat both in shock. What? Uh uhh i...

Felix: how, wait are you Marin... (interpreted by the sounds of civilians screaming and running around on the other side of the building)

Ladybug: let's go save Paris. After all we have another Akuma to handle.

Chat Blanc: of course lead the way. (Felix knew who Ladybug was know or atleast he suspected)

As Ladybug swing her yoyo of and away Felix whispers under his breath so she may not hear "lead the way Marinette"

Continua llegint

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