The one that got away || DM

By Fantasydreem

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A Draco Malfoy love story. π•΄π–‘π–”π–œ π–›π–šπ–—π–“ Before you read, I left this piece of...trash behind, but you ca... More

New character


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By Fantasydreem

I was laying silently in my bed Nia would learn tomorrow that I betrayed her trust along with everyone else.
I haven't seen Draco yet because I was scared of his reaction.

I took a seat next to Nia at lunch and she scooted away from me.
"Why the hell would you do that? Go against what your friends say? Even what Draco says?" Nia sighs angrily
"I'm sorry, but I think of Harry just as I think of you guys. So if he asks for help I will help him"
"Just give us a break okay, Jessa?" Nia said as she looked to Blaise and Theo, they just nodded.

I got up and walked down the rows of empty stares, this year wouldn't be ending any better than the last.

"Jessa?" Harry calls after me, it looked like he followed me out of the great hall. Well, that won't help my friend crisis at all.
"What is it, Harry? I kind of lost all of my friends because of what happened last night"
"I'm truly sorry about that, but I wanted to ask how you made Voldemort go away"

"The Aurors came, it scared him away"
"No, you did something"
"I don't know what I did Harry, believe me," I huff and walk past him.
I was sad, confused, and fed up.

I walked up the stairs to the astronomy tower and felt a weird Deja vu like I've been here in a dream even though I've come up here before and never felt this way.

I gripped onto the railing and closed my eyes,
"Why didn't you go to the room of requirements last night?" I heard Draco's voice behind me, I felt his hot breath on my neck.
"I didn't think you wanted me to"
"You didn't think? Huh, never heard of that one before" He said sarcastically, I knew he didn't come to just chat with me. He came to argue.

"Please Draco, can we not do this right now?"
"We aren't doing anything, You told me you were in danger last night, and I just wanted to check in" Draco shrugged as he wrapped his arms around me and dropped his head on my shoulder. Something was up, and I wasn't going to have sex right now.

"Get it off your chest Draco, stop acting weird," I say as I shrugged his head off my shoulder.
"I thought you didn't want me to, you're very confusing"
"Just- it's fine. I deserve whatever is coming towards me"
"I knew if I didn't let you go you would hate me and if I let you go I knew I wouldn't forgive myself if you got hurt and you would be saving potter.
"Then I saw that article this morning and I almost went to you this morning but I kept myself calm as I waited for you, could you please tell me what happened with my father?" Draco finally let go of what he was holding and dropped his head back onto my shoulder.

"Well I knew for sure he wasn't fighting me just for props later, I didn't see my father but I knew he was there"
"What did my father do to you"
"Nothing serious-"
"Stop lying, just tell me"
"He shot me down once but I fought him back, then he tried to kill me with the dagger-"
"Nevermind don't tell me" Draco sighed I rested my head upon his.

"He didn't hurt me, okay? Azkaban isn't that bad" I said and regretted it as I said it, he pushed away from me and shoved a shaky hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"
"He deserves it"
"My father does too" I smile as I walked up to him and hugged him.

"I have to go" I sigh as I remembered I had a meeting with Dumbledore.
"Why? It's Sunday"
"I have a meeting with Dumbledore"
"Ah, don't be too long please, I have a surprise"
"I'll try not to," I say as I kiss him and turn to leave down the stairs.
My worries disappeared after I talked to Draco.

I opened the wooden door and walked into Dumbledore's office.
"Ah there you are, please join me," Dumbledore said as he was flipping pages of a book at his desk.

It wasn't just Dumbledore who was waiting for me  Snape was also waiting for me, he was skimming the bookshelves.
There was also a chair in the middle of the room so I sat upon it.

"What are you reading?"
"Just something I picked up from the library earlier today," He said casually lifting his gaze off of his book.
"So, let's start before we get distracted. I wanted to see what else you could do with your mind Snape is here to give you tasks" Dumbledore says as Snape nods.

Dumbledore asked me to try and move the book on the table, which I knew I wouldn't be able to do but I tried anyway. I saw that the book title was special abilities of witches and wizards. I gave a small smile then closed my eyes. Move. I thought and I heard nothing shift so I opened my eyes to see nothing changed.

"Let's try something else," Dumbledore said as he nodded to Snape.
"We will try reaching deeper inside of the mind," Snape says punctuating each word.

It was late as we approached our last task,
I went inside of Dumbledore's mind for a while until he pushed me out, then I also got into Snape's mind but that was the shortest time I barely got to his childhood.
I also learned that I could shut people out of my mind and only show them what I want to show.

"I know you're tired but this will be the last task for today," Dumbledore says as we hear a light tap on the door.
"Come in," He says, the door opens and Draco appeared my eyes widened as I thought of what they would ask me to do.

"Let's try the protective state of mind," Snape says with a small smirk placed upon his lips.
"Please sit Mr. Malfoy" Snape continued, Draco was confused. I scolded myself as I didn't tell Draco about how I could hear what Voldemort and Harry were saying with a sound reduction barrier around them.

I slowly walked to Draco and slowly said "I will tell you later" under my breath.

"I'm going to place Mr. Malfoy under slight pain and you will have to protect him," Snape said as he dug his wand into Draco's side.
Draco slightly flinched and closed his eyes, I quickly closed mine and focused all of my energy onto Draco, I felt the energy leave me. Before I could do anymore I slipped out of consciousness, I felt myself hit the stone floor.

"Jessa?" Dumbledore said quietly, I assumed I was out for a while since I was in the infirmary.
"Yes?" I mumbled pressing a hand to my forehead.
"You did wonderful today, I will let you rest. Please come meet with me next week" Dumbledore said quietly as he squeezed my hand and left.

"Thank bloody hell you're awake," Draco said as he rushed to my side.
"How long was I out for?"
"An hour or two, I had to sneak in here"
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't apologize for fainting" Draco scoffed with a small smirk on his face.
I closed my eyes as he kissed my forehead and sat on the same chair Dumbledore was sitting upon.
"Were you gonna tell me you were a freak?" Draco laughed as I scoffed.


It was the last day of the school year.

My meetings with Dumbledore subsided as he thought I didn't need to show him anymore.
I later learned that I could find anyone from far away, even from different countries.

Nia, Theo, and Blaise finally let go of the idea of me lying to them. Which I was very thankful for.

"When are we going to meet up this summer?" Nia asked as I froze, summer. I almost forgot all about what's to come with everything going on.

"Well, we can't miss Jessa's birthday this year" Theo smiles as Nia nods.
"August it is" Nia smiles as I felt a knot in my stomach.
The way everyone was talking about summer made me want to throw up.

"Excuse me for a moment," I say quickly and walk out of the cafeteria.

I felt a hand grab my arm,
"Trying not to be suspicious I see" Draco scoffed.
"I can't-"
"I can't either but you have to hold yourself together, today will be over sooner than you know it then Nia and Theo will be out of your life forever,"

Draco said forever like they were going to die, but that wasn't something that couldn't happen. There were so many possibilities after Draco and I become Death Eaters it's scary.


Sorry for the short chapter I'm just so excited to get to summertime...

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