
By StealMyCarrots

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Meet Jamie Rose Evans - Your average eighteen year old teenager. She had a rough past and wanted anything but... More

Chapter One - Introductions
Chapter Two - The Majestical Mermaid
Chapter Three - Keychain
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Nineteen

62 1 0
By StealMyCarrots

Enmity Chapter Nineteen - Accusation and Fight?
The sun shone brightly as someone opened the curtains. "Dad?" I muttered, squinting at the light.
"Morning!" A girl's voice said. My eyes opened fully immediately, before the memories of yesterday flashed in my mind. "Oh, right.. Morning, Marie!" I chirped, standing up.
"How the hell do you have such neat hair right after you wake up?" Marie asked incredulously, looking at me.
I looked at her hair, "Your hair is nice too!" With that, she rolled her eyes and we giggled for no reason.
I liked the feeling of having Marie around. It's like having a permanent sleepover with your good friend.
Out of nowhere, my phone rang. I frowned at the sight of its cracked screen. I made a mental note to get a new phone as I unlocked it.
'Have a nice sleep, bitch?'
My eyes widened as my ears darted around. My phone made another sound, indicating another text.
'You won't see me, but I'll see you'
I was absolutely creeped out now as I threw my phone back. It landed with a soft 'thud' on my bed.
My phone rang for the third time that morning and I shivered, even though it isn't cold.
"Aren't you going to look at it?" Marie asked, looking at me with worry etched on her face. I shook my head violently.
She reached over and take my phone, unlocking it. After a second of looking, her face broke into a grin, "Thomas invited us to swim with him, Will, Dylan and Kaya. Can we go?"
I looked over at Marie, and was met with a desperate and eager expression. I nodded, smiling. It was impossible to say no to such a face.
She passed me my phone, which I gladly accepted, before typing furiously away to Thomas to notify him that we were going.
I had another text before we leave the house. 'Don't you dare tell anyone about this. See you soon, bitch.'
I frowned, trying not to show any evidence of fear. Marie looked up at me, "What's that text?"
I shrugged nonchalantly, "Just Will telling me that he's pleased we're going."
I lied. The feeling of lying didn't feel good, but it was necessary. Even if the anonymous text sender didn't tell me to shut up about it, I wouldn't have said anything.
We reached the swimming pool we were meeting at twenty minutes later, with our swimsuits underneath our shirts.
They were already there when we arrived and we scurried over. "Hey guys!" I said, sitting beside Thomas. Thomas kissed me on the cheek as a 'hello', making me grin.
"Woah, Kaya, looking hot!" I commented, looking at Kaya with her swimsuit on. She laughed, playfully hitting me on the shoulder, "Oh please! Take off your shirt!"
Marie and I grinned at each other, before stripping so we were left with only our swimsuits.
Apparently, we both had the same taste in swimsuits and had the same. The only difference is that mine was blue and hers was red.
Will wolf-whistled, making all of us crack up. "Let's get swimming!" Dylan said, standing up. Soon, Will and Thomas stood up too, making me stand as well. Did I mention that Thomas had a perfect figure?
Who was the lucky girl who had this guy? Oh wait, me.
We all held hands as we stood in a line at the edge of the swimming pool. "One, two, CANNONBALL!" Us six shouted in sync, diving into the pool, before laughing and splashing each other with water.
"We don't even have to try, it's always a good time," I sang, hitting each note nicely.
"You still have that amazing voice!" Dylan exclaimed, looking at me. "You should join the X-Factor or something, girl!"
I laughed, splashing him with water, "No way! I'm not good enough."
Thomas just smiled stiffly. I noticed his discomfort, but before I could change the topic, a strangely familiar voice screamed.
"Ohmigosh! Thomas! It's so AWESOME to see you again!" It was Rachel again. Surprise, surprise.
Suddenly, something clicked in my mind. How she called me 'bitch' when she assaulted me, and how she knew where we were. It was too unrealistic to be a coincidence.
As I snapped back to the reality world, her and Thomas was engaged in a conversation in which she seemed to be talking endlessly.
I quickly got out of the water, pushing her. "It was you!" I shouted, glaring at her.
Thomas quickly got out of the water, catching Rachel before she fell. It might be my imagination, but I saw a smirk when Thomas caught her.
She quickly put on a convincing innocent face, turning to look at me, "What are you talking about, Jamie?"
I growled, "Don't play dumb with me! You cut my arm yesterday!"
Thomas frowned, "What arm?"
I went to bring up my arm, removing the plaster. However, all that's left was a tiny scar. Whatever Marie used yesterday worked wonders, because it healed very quickly.
"I-I.. There was a cut here and.." I scrambled to find the words, even though I know nobody would trust me anyway. I was the random girlfriend who pushed her boyfriend's childhood friend.
Before I could say anything else, Rachel burst into tears. Everybody, including me, turned to look at her.
"Jamie.. What did I do to hurt you? I was watching TV all day yesterday.. Why will you say such false stuff about me?" She wailed. She even had tears streaming down her face.
It was my turn to frown. "Nice acting skills. Should I give you an award? A standing ovation, maybe?" I scoffed.
Then I realised my friends had pitying look on their faces. "You guys can't possibly believe her!"
I looked at Thomas. He was frowning at me. It hurts. Having your boyfriend not trusting you hurts.
I turned my attention to Dylan, the guy who's been there for me since young. "Dyl..?"
He quickly looked over, even though his face showed it clearly. He didn't really believe me.
I shook my head, "Unbelievable! You guys chose to believe that bitch over me."
"Jamie, just go." It was Thomas who spoke this time. I looked at him, hurt.
"Fine.. You know what? Don't believe me. I don't give two flying shits. Don't come crying at my doorstep, begging for forgiveness." With that, I turned, took my things and left. Yes, I was freezing cold, but the numb feeling in my body stopped me from changing into something warmer. I just wanted to get home right now.
"Jamie, wait!" Marie said, scurrying after me. I turned to glare at her, tears glistening in my eyes. "You saw her attacking me. You were there. Why didn't you say anything?"
She looked at the ground, refusing to meet my eyes, "The idea of telling them there didn't appear in my mind.. I'm sorry."
I rolled my eyes. I know I was being mean, but I was hurt and angry. "You know what? Forget it. You should just go back to hanging out with them. And Rachel."
She looked at me abruptly, "Look, I didn't mean to not tell them. And it wasn't my fault Rachel appeared. Why do you sound like you're blaming me?"
"Whatever. You should go back to your FRIENDS." I said, emphasizing on the word 'friends'.
She nodded her head slowly, not breaking eye contact from me, "Yeah. I should. Rest well. Bye." With that, she walked away.
Great. My 'friends' didn't believe me, my boyfriend didn't want me, and I got into a fight with my 'sister'. A nice way to start off this day.

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