Collection of Changes to Star...

By PassionsFan2000

461 15 4

A revised and add-on to my previous copy of this. More

Caretaker Part 1 & 2
Time and Again
The Dark Cloud
The 37s
New Projections
Up and Coming Resistance
New Alliance
Basic Part 1
Basic Part 2
The Chute
Future's End Part 1
Future's End Part Two
The Q and the Grey
More Concerning Flight
The Killing Game Additions
Vis A Vis Addition
Longer Night
Once Upon a Time
Latent Image
Dark Frontier part 1&2
Good Shepherd
Even Worse Fury that came from Kes

Omega Directive Ending Changed

8 0 0
By PassionsFan2000

At the end when Seven took too long to leave the cargo bay after beaming the Omega particle into the chamber, captain Janeway took matters into her own hands and started dragging seven towards the doors. She knew the cargo bay was going to be depressurized in a matter of minutes in accordance to her orders to the bridge, and knew they both wouldn't make it out in time. At the last minute Captain Janeway shoved seven ahead of her and out into the corridor. She kept going, but just as she reached the doors, they closed and time slowed down. She watched the door get further away, and felt no ground under her feet. The last thing she saw was the control panel change from red to green. Her body hit the molecule chamber and everything went black. There weren't even any moments of pain.

Outside the cargo bay Seven stood up and in her monotone voice asked "Why did you choose to shove me captain?" When she turned around to see why she wasn't getting a response; she was shocked to see the captain was not behind her. She called to the captain through the corridor, but found she was the only one in this part of the ship. Finally she hit her combadge and asked, "Computer locate captain Janeway!" It only took a few seconds for the computer to respond "CAPTAIN JANEWAY IS IN CARGO BAY TWO." Seven quickly hit her combadge again and called the bridge. Commander Chakotay immediately answered, and she told him "Commander report to cargo bay two and contact the doctor!" She heard him ask why, and calmly responded "The captain didn't make it out of the cargo bay." The commander called through quickly; practically yelling out "We're on our way!" She could tell he had anger in his voice, but she brushed it off to work on getting the doors open.

In the turbolift heading to cargo bay Chakotay, and the doctor stood in silence. The doctor was the first one to break the dreaded silence by saying "She'll be alright Commander. You know the captain, so there's a good explanation for why she is still in the cargo bay and she will give it to you when she wakes up. I promise you that!" Chakotay dropped his head, but responded "I know she will, because we have the best doctor in the quadrant. She better have a damn good explanation for not getting out in time, because if not she is going to have an angry husband to answer." The doctor tried to suppress his laughter, because he knew that the commander was serious.

When the turbolift stopped they both rushed out of the lift and straight around the corner. They found Seven standing by the doors, trying to get them open. "Seven have you had any luck contacting the captain?" Chakotay quickly asked, but only received a crisp 'no' in response. They all worked together to pry open the doors, but nothing was working. With one final burst of energy Chakotay slammed his fist down on the door, and was shocked when they slid open easily. He hoped that they opened because Kathryn opened them, but that wasn't the case when he saw Seven briskly turn away from the controls with a nod.

Commander Chakotay and the doctor rushed into the cargo bay, and found it in ruins. Pieces of debris were scattered everywhere, but they didn't see any trace of the captain. He called out her name as he and the doctor split up to look around. When he stepped closer to the main console he caught a glimpse of her leg, and quickly yelled out "DOCTOR!! I think I've found her!" He ran around to see her underneath a large pile of debris, but couldn't tell if she was alive. They all worked together to unbury her until they could move her to a clear spot. Chakotay finally removed a piece that exposed her face, and he saw that she was covered in cuts and bruises. "Kathryn! Kathryn! Can you hear me? Please wake up my dear!" He tried to coax her, but she didn't move an inch. They finished removing the last of the debris, which finally allowed the doctor to examine her. Chakotay began to worry when the doctor didn't say anything to him for an eternity,or so it felt to him. After the doctor was done with his exam, he turned to the Commander and told him "We need to get her to sickbay NOW! She has massive internal bleeding, a severe concussion, and multiple broken bones involving her spine." Chakotay lost all his color at the news, but stepped away to talk about how to get her to sickbay.

Kathryn felt herself coming too, and could hear voices around her. She fought to open her eyes, and felt the pain roar through her body. When she tried to move, she let out a slight moan. Chakotay and the doctor rushed back to her side as fast as cheetahs. "Kathryn! Come on, open your eyes! Please?" Chakotay pleaded with his wife. They watched as her eyes fluttered open, and saw her big blue eyes looking up at them with a glossy look to them. "Chakotay..." She managed to whisper, but it was loud enough for him to hear. Immediately he lowered himself and placed a light, yet passionate kiss on her blue tinted lips. "I'm so happy you're awake my dear! I don't know how I would have explained this to the children." He told her while trying to lighten the mood, so that she wouldn't try to get tired out. "...babies..." She weakly tried to speak, but after one word she was exhausted.

The doctor joined in to say "Take it easy captain! We're figuring out the safest way to get you to sickbay." She tried to sit up, but only managed to move a centimeter before Chakotay noticed and told her "hey! Don't move my dear! It's only going to cause you more pain in the end!" He tried to reassure her that she would be alright, but the color of her skin scared him. "Doc, what if I just carry her to sickbay?" He asked the doc, trying to get his wife help. The doctor scanned her for the third time in the past ten minutes, and told him "I wouldn't advise it due to the severity of her back injury, but we may not have any other options. Let me check on one thing. Stay with her and keep her talking, but not moving." Chakotay rushed back to her side, and watched as her face lit up when he came into view. "Hey my love! I've been ordered to keep you talking, so what would you know?" He asked jokingly. She chuckled for a second before the pain in her chest became too much. She quietly spoke "Well honey...I want to know...if it worked...Is Omega...destroyed?..." Her only answer was him smiling down at her, which let her relax and ask him "Thank god...Now...where are my babies?.." Chakotay laughed and told her "Isabella is having a playdate with Naomi, and Kol is sleeping. They miss their mommy though. You've been so busy with Omega that they have a surprise waiting for you." She shed a few tears, but managed to say "I'm so sorry...I didn't realize...this would affect them...and you...I miss my family...I promise...when I am able to...we are going to have" He wiped her tears away, before looking her directly in the eyes and telling her "You are an amazing mother, and a great wife. Don't ever forget that, and they understand that you wish you were with them 24 hours a day but have to focus on the ship sometimes. I love you too much to go on a family trip until I hear from the doctor that you are back to 100%, which may take a while. The children love you with all their little hearts. Both of them are mommy's kids."

She cut him off and said "They love...their daddy...too..." He laughed, and responded "Yes they do, but they love you more." She smiled, because she knew he was right. She was the first one that Bella saw when she was born, along with kol. Both of them were born at the worst of times, but created happiness for the whole crew. He could tell that she was getting weaker and hoped that the doctor would come up with a way to help her soon.

When the doctor returned he had anything but a smile. "I've run out of options, so Commander I suggest that you carry her to sick bay as quickly and carefully as you can!" Chakotay took a microsecond to lift his wife into his strong arms, and ran towards sick bay. All of them stood in silence, while the turbolift went up 4 decks. She had lost consciousness as soon as they left the cargo bay. The doctor kept rescanning her over, and over, and over again to remind them all that she was still alive.

When they finally made it to sick bay, the doctor motioned for the Commander to put her down on the nearest biobed. "Doctor to Lieutenant Paris!" he called through his comm badge. Tom answered within seconds, so he told him "I need you in sick bay NOW! The captain needs surgery, and I need another pair of hands!" They could hear him bolt out of his seat, before answering "I'm on my way!" They all knew that she would be okay, but it was a long road to recovery.

The End

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