Collection of Changes to Star...

By PassionsFan2000

461 15 4

A revised and add-on to my previous copy of this. More

Caretaker Part 1 & 2
Time and Again
The Dark Cloud
The 37s
New Projections
Up and Coming Resistance
New Alliance
Basic Part 1
Basic Part 2
The Chute
Future's End Part 1
Future's End Part Two
The Q and the Grey
More Concerning Flight
The Killing Game Additions
Vis A Vis Addition
Omega Directive Ending Changed
Longer Night
Once Upon a Time
Latent Image
Dark Frontier part 1&2
Good Shepherd
Even Worse Fury that came from Kes


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By PassionsFan2000

Warlord Is More Violent

In the Transporter room Kes fired at the dignitary that was just brought onto the ship. Before Janeway can introduce herself, Kes kills the transporter chief as well. She grabbed Kes's arm and pointed it up towards the ceiling, while pushing her against the wall. She struggled to keep Kes at bay, and it was proving to be harder than she thought. "Bridge to Janeway" Chakotay's voice resonated through the room. "Emergency! Security to transporter room two NOW!!!!" Before he could respond the channel abruptly ended. Suddenly she felt something being plunged into her side. The next thing she knew was excruciating pain that was spreading throughout her entire body. "...Kes..." Janeway gasped. In that next second they stared each other in the eyes, and Janeway noticed her eyes change. "Captain!" She whispered, and noticed what she had done.

Before she could do something about it Tieran came back into her mind, and took over again. To the captain it felt like time had started moving slower, and slower with each passing second but the pain was getting worse. Tieran/Kes started twisting the knife; causing the Captain to moan and groan in pain. He thought he had the Captain taken care of, until the Ilari male jabbed her in the shoulder. They watched as she fell to the ground, bounced her head off of a step, and fell unconscious. The two Ilari were happy to have helped their warlord, until they saw him/her standing in the same place with the knife handle in his hand, without the blade, and fury in his eyes. "You IDIOTS! Now we have to take her with us...She knows we did it!" She exploded at his/her companions. "Carry her with you onto the transporter pad NOW! We've got to get moving." He/she continued while throwing everything on the ground. The male ilari gathered Captain Janeway in his arms and rushed onto the pad, before the transport started. They rematerialized on a shuttle, and set off towards the other side of the system to gather troops. "My dear I am putting you in charge of caring for the woman Captain. We need her alive if we are going to have any leverage against her ship. You have to find something to press against the wound, and try to slow down the bleeding." Tieran/Kes ordered the Ilari that didn't have the Captain in his arms. She nodded and pointed towards the back end of the shuttle and said "Set her against this wall gently!" She emphasized the word "gently" but it had no effect on him. With little care in his mind he knelt down, setting her down in the process, but just let her back fall towards the wall at its own speed. Tieran was too busy to notice, so the female ilari just shrugged it off. The two men piloted the shuttle to a nearby moon where some of his troops were waiting.

Back on Voyager... the crew worked around the clock to find their Captain, and crewmate. Chakotay never left the bridge for more than ten minutes. The Ilarian Autarch sent his eldest son and heir to the ship to try and solve the mystery of what transpired. They were talking in the conference room, when suddenly the Doctor's voice rang through the room saying "Commander Chakotay, please report to sickbay at once!" Without thinking he rushed out of the room and into the nearest turbolift. Taking only two minutes to get to sickbay he started to get an even worse sense of anguish for what he was about to hear. The doctor greeted him as soon as he walked through the doors. "Commander, I'm sorry to pull you away from the bridge, but I found some disheartening news about the captain." He watched as the Commander's posture sprang to near perfection. He continued "While Commander Tuvok and I were investigating the transporter room we found a pool of blood which did not come from the transporter chief or the autarch. I took a sample and came back here to analyze it..." He saw sadness and realization creep into his eyes. "I'm sorry to say but the blood matched the Captain...By the amount that was present, all I can tell you is that she has lost a lot of blood and we need to get her back here." Before the doctor could continue Commander Chakotay spoke up and said "Thank you doctor... I'm going back to the bridge to get my wife back." He stomped out of sickbay; leaving the doctor to finish up the analysis of the weird thing he found in the blood.

Back on the shuttle...Tieran/Kes had arrived back at the planet of Ilari with his troops to take the castle by force. They murdered the autarch and presented Tieran/Kes with the leadership necklace. He ordered some of his guards to bring the deceased autarch's wife to the dungeon, and to retrieve the woman captain and bring her to the dungeon as well. One guard left the room with the wife, and the Ilari male returned to the shuttle to find the female ilari keeping her alive. He didn't understand why they needed to keep her alive, but they did and he scooped her up off the ground. When they made it to the dungeon entrance he spoke to the wife and told her "Stand by the wall, until I leave the room!.." Once she was on the other side of the little room, he motioned the watchman to open the door for him. He continued to say "You will keep her alive. Is that understood?" The woman observed the human female she recognized as the one who was the sweet captain of the starship that saved two of their people, so she adamantly agreed. Seeing the approval he slowly walked into the tiny cell and dropped the captain onto the ground in the middle. Before walking back out the cell door he told the watchman "If they need any medical supplies just give them the basics needed to ensure that she lives long enough to be used as a valuable negotiating piece when/if her ship comes." The watchman responded montonely with "yes sir!"

Once the guard was gone and the watchman faced away, the wife ran towards the motionless figure that lay sprawled across the dungeon floor. "Hey! Miss? Can you hear me?" She tried to coax her awake, but nothing was working. She knew she needed to move her to the wall, but couldn't on her own. "Watchman, I need your momentary assistance please?" She yelled out towards the door, and waited until he turned to look at her before asking "I cannot move her by myself so she is leaning up against the wall, and need your help." He just nodded and entered the room as quickly as he could. She told him where she wanted him to put her, and watched as the man lifted her up into her arms and gently put her back down with her back against the metal wall. "Thank you kind sir!" She said, but he only grunted and retreated back to his usual post. It only took about five minutes to check her over and find out what she needs to do in order to keep this woman alive. In the back of her head all she thought about was 'how she would ever deserve anything like this' but this was reality. She ripped a piece of her dress, so that she could have something to try and stop the bleeding coming from her side. She could see the blade that was still stuck in there, but knew she shouldn't remove it. She had a slight cut on her head, but it didn't seem to be a problem. She wouldn't know anymore until she wakes up, but she knows there's more because she felt something rumble her stomach where her hand laid.

About one hour later in the dungeon; Captain Janeway awoke to the sound of gentle humming. When she opened her eyes she found herself in a room that she didn't recognize. Her captain's instinct kicked in and she tried to move, but that caused pain to come soaring back into her mind. A soft voice made it to her ears saying "Don't try to move and you'll be alright." Janeway lulled her head to the side and saw the woman she knew as the wife of the ruler of ilari. She spoke with a pain filled voice and said "You're the ilari queen...where am I?.. Where's Chakotay?...and my ship?..." The woman tried to get her to stay calm, but wasn't having that much success. "What's your name miss?" She asked. Janeway finally stopped moving and weakly replied "My name is...Captain Kathryn Janeway...of the starship voyager..." The woman smiled and told her "Well Kathryn, my name is Amari. I need you to tell me every little pain you are feeling right now. Can you do that for me?" Kathryn smiled and responded "Nice to meet head hurts a shoulder feels side hurts the most...and my stomach keeps getting worse...ouch!!!" She nearly doubled over in pain, squeezing her stomach, and hoping it would help the pain. Amari quickly tried to help and told her "just breathe Kathryn! Breathe!" When the pain went away Kathryn flew back again completely out of breath.

Amari recognized these symptoms as something she had gone through before, so asked her "Kathryn have you been sick lately?" She nodded as much as she could, which sent Amari straight to the cell door. "Sir I need a little blanket, some towels, warm water, a piece of string, and a pair of scissors NOW!!!" He asked why, and she answered "I think this woman is about to give birth and we need supplies or they could both die." The man got right on his communication device and let another guard know what they needed, as she ran back to the captain and tried to talk to her. "Kathryn, are you pregnant?" Kathryn had lost all color in her face but answered "I don't know...I don't think so...but I've been feeling...sick for a few months...why?" Amari felt around her stomach before responding "Because I think you're in active labor." Kathryn's mouth dropped, as she asked "What does...that mean?.." Amari looked into her eyes and sweetly said "You're going to have a baby!" Kathryn dropped her head back against the wall and whispered "Chakotay...where are you?" Another pain ripped through her stomach, causing Amari to time the contraction from start to end. It lasted about 10 seconds, and she knew this baby was coming any minute. "Kathryn, this baby is going to be here anytime now, so we need to get you ready to deliver. Okay?" Kathryn smiled, but internally hoped that Chakotay would find them before that happened. She knew he would want to be here, but it wasn't looking like he would make it.

A guard finally arrives with the supplies she requested and throws them into the room with little care in the world. Amari worked on getting her ready to deliver her baby, but she was still losing a lot of blood from the stab wound so it would be harder to keep her alive during delivery. She was going to do everything in her power to keep her and the baby alive.

Back on Voyager the crew had finally found the warp trail of the shuttle and found that they were back at ilari, so they set a course at maximum warp. Chakotay was eager to find his wife, and get her back home safely. He started thinking about the past couple of months and remembered that she hadn't been feeling good, wasn't sleeping, or eating properly. He made the amend that when she was back on board, he was going to force her to take a mini-vacation and rest. An erratic beeping sound blared through the bridge from the ops station causing him to snap back to reality. "Ensign Kim report!" He ordered. "I found the captain's combadge, but it's in a part of the castle that our transporters can't get to and the alarm was her lifesign readings. Commander, they're going crazy, as if she's in a lot of pain."

Back in the cell Kathryn had been in labor for what she knew for about thirty minutes, before it was time to push. Amari planted herself in between Kathryn's legs and got ready to deliver the baby. After taking another look she told Kathryn "All right you're almost there, but now it's time to push. Okay? On your next contraction I need you to bear down as much as you can. Got it?" Kathryn was panting but responded "Okay...I think...I can do that...'' Before she could say anything more the next contraction hit and she pushed as hard as she could. Amari called out supportive comments like 'you're doing great!' and 'Come on, just a little bit more!' She watched Kathryn fall back and try to take deep breaths, but couldn't. Amari was about to deliver the baby's head, so knew they were close. "Kathryn you're almost there! A couple more good pushes and you'll be a mother! Okay?" She nodded her head, as she felt another stronger contraction starting up. Amari watched as she took a few breaths and started pushing. Amari watched the baby slide free and right away started crying. Kathryn fell back laughing, so happy that she now had a baby. Amari cleaned the baby up a bit, before wrapping her up in the blanket the guard provided. It was a total coincidence that the blanket was pink, because the baby ended up being a girl. Once the baby was all wrapped up she lifted her up and said "Congratulations Kathryn! you have a beautiful baby girl, and don't worry she is perfectly healthy." Kathryn reached out to hold her baby, and dismissed all the pain that followed. Amari gently placed the baby in her waiting arms, and went back to putting pressure on her side wound that hasn't stopped bleeding at all. They heard weapons fire coming from outside the cell and hoped it was the voyager crew coming to rescue them.

Back on Voyager Commander Chakotay had just given the bridge to Tuvok so he could go get his wife back, when the ship came under attack. The away team managed to beam down right outside the castle, and started to make their way towards the dungeon. Commander Chakotay led Harry down one tunnel, while Tom and Ayala stood watch. As the two travelled through the tunnels they exchanged weapons fire a couple of times, but for the most part there weren't any guards. When they turned a corner they found one guard pacing in front of a couple of doors, and assumed that was where Kathryn was.

Back in the cell Kathryn was losing strength, but still managed to hold on tight to her baby girl. Amari and her suddenly looked up to see the watchman fly past the door, as an orange beam made contact with his shoulder. They heard someone call out "Kathryn! Kathryn! Are you here?" Kathryn couldn't speak louder than a whisper, but tried to yell out "Chakotay!...I'm here...please save us..." Amari noticed the sounds were really close, so she yelled out "Voyager crew! We're here! Hurry!" A tall man suddenly appeared in the doorway and called out "hold on, we're getting the keys." She turned to Kathryn and said "They're here! You're going to be alright!" The door burst open, and let Chakotay walk into the cell. Seeing Chakotay made Kathryn say "Chakotay!..You're here!..You found us...I have someone you need to meet..." He saw the baby in her arms and rushed to her side, while Harry was standing watch in the doorway. He knelt down next to her and asked "Kathryn! I am so glad you are alright. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you." He planted a kiss on her lips, before looking down to the little baby that was in the arms of his love. She spoke very weakly, but said "Chakotay...say hello to our daughter...Isabella Marie Janeway...If you like that name..." He cut her off and said "it's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl..." He stroked the baby's cheeks, and watched as she squirmed. He spoke sweetly to Isabella saying "hello little one! I'm your daddy! I can't wait to hold you, but right now we have to get mommy to the doctor." He looked back up to Kathryn and noticed her fighting to stay awake, so turned and asked "would you be willing to carry our daughter with us to our ship while I carry Kathryn?" Amari smiled and said "I would be honored, but we need to hurry. She's been losing a lot of blood and I don't know how much longer she's going to last." He nodded and lifted the baby out of Kathryn's arms and into Amari's awaiting arms. He called Harry into the room for a second to say "Alright Harry! I want you to take point, okay?" Harry nodded and said "By the way Captain and Commander...Congratulations on the new baby!" They both smiled, before he continued to say "Amari I want you to follow close behind him okay?" She understood and stood up, leaving him to handle Kathryn. Finally he said "My dear this might hurt, but I'm going to lift you up off the ground; okay? Just wrap your arms around my neck!" She tried to do as she was told, but her left arm protested against the action. "My shoulder...hurts too much to move that...much..." She told him; causing him to have her lay it across her stomach, and to hold on tight with her right arm. Once she was ready he wrapped one arm under her arms, one under her legs, and lifted her off the metal floor while he stood up.

They quickly ran out of the cell and back down the same tunnels that Chakotay and Harry came in from, but more guards were present. Amari helped them find alternative routes, and eventually made it back to the courtyard. "Ensign Kim to Voyager!" Harry called through his combadge. Tuvok's voice came through within seconds saying "Voyager here!" Chakotay called out "Transport everyone around me directly to sickbay!" He acknowledged and they were all engulfed in a blue beam. Kathryn watched as the dreaded planet disappeared from view and her ship came into focus. The doctor was there waiting and immediately jumped in to scan the Captain. "Commander, set her down in the surgical bay now! She needs surgery for the internal bleeding that is coming from the stab wound to her side..." Kes was back on Voyager and that's the reason they were able to get into the castle tunnels was because she used her left over knowledge from when Tieran had her body under wrap. The doctor turned to address her "I need you to check the baby and make sure it is healthy, then come into the bay and reduce her cranial swelling, and check on her shoulder." Kes smiled and motioned for Amari to follow her over to an incubator that the doctor had set up ahead of time. Kes found that the baby girl was 100% healthy, and moved over to the captain. It only took an hour to fix her shoulder and head, but the doctor needed help on her side. Chakotay was ushered out and decided to sit with his new daughter, but it was going on 6 hours now and still hadn't received any news about Kathryn.

After 10 hours of arduous surgery, the doctor finally came to give him some news. "Commander the surgery was a success, and we are working on replacing her blood but she is awake and asking about you and the baby. You both can see her for a short time, but then I want her to get some rest. She has had a pretty rough couple of days." Faster than a cheetah Chakotay snatched up baby Isabella and ran out of the office, and straight to his wife. When he got to her bedside she saw him and a smile stretched across her face. He spoke up saying "Hey love! How are you feeling?" She tried to sit up, but was too weak to do so. She quietly spoke "Very sore and tired, but other than that happy. I mean we have a baby girl now...I didn't think we would, but here she is. Are you happy? We never really talk..." He cut her off with a kiss, before telling her "I could not be more happy than I am right now. My beautiful wife is going to be alright, and I have a new beautiful daughter that already has her mothers eyes." They talked for a little bit more, before she fell asleep and Chakotay put Isabella in the incubator right next to Kathryn's bed. He gave them each one more kiss, then left to go back to their quarters to get it all ready for a baby. Who knew that the love of his life could make him more happy than he has ever been in his entire life.

The next morning on the bridge they knew the Captain was coming back to work, but only Chakotay and Harry knew the surprise she was bringing with her. The senior staff, including Neelix and Kes, were all standing at their stations. The ship was cruising along steadily at warp 7, with sensors indicating nothing for days ahead of them. Lieutenant Paris as usual couldn't take it anymore and spun around to say "Please Commander!!!! Tell us what the surprise is!" Chakotay laughed but told him no, so Paris turned to Harry and said "Harry...You and I are best friends and we are supposed to be honest with each other, so can you tell me?" Harry dropped his eyes back to his console to read a random readout. Suddenly everyone heard the turbolift doors open; causing them all to jump to attention and face the turbolift. Tom was so antsy that he tried to take steps to the left to get any type of hint as to what the Captain had in store for them.

Captain Janeway walked out onto her bridge and watched as the whole bridge crew's mouths dropped at the sight of the baby that was in her arms. She was whispering into the baby's ears, until she felt all eyes were on her. When she looked up she first saw Chakotay standing by his seat with so much love in his eyes that it made her break into a smile. "Welcome back captain! But who is the little one?" Paris asked gleamingly. She bit back a loud laugh and started walking stiffly towards Chakotay. He could see that she was still in a lot of pain, but still pressed through. He wrapped his arm around her waist as soon as she was close enough. "Everyone Chakotay and I are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest crew member, Chakotay and i's daughter, Isabella Marie Janeway!" Everyone cheered and applauded the two of them, while they both leaned down to plant a kiss on the baby girl's forehead. Paris quickly snapped a picture before begging the captain to let him hold isabella. Tom and B'elanna stood cooing over the baby, when suddenly Kathryn didn't feel so good. Chakotay felt Kathryn's head lay down on his shoulder, and was immediately concerned and asked "Kathryn? Are you feeling okay?" When she didn't respond he looked down to see her eyes were closed, and her skin was as white as snow. "Oh my god KATHRYN!!!! Come on, can you hear me? Please wake up?" He yelled out while gently lowering her to the ground.

Tuvok managed to transport the doctor to the bridge, so that he could check on the captain. Tom and B'elanna kept the baby calm, but close to her parents. The doctor scanned her before saying "I told her it was too soon to be up and moving around!" He turned to the Commander, who had a confused look on his face, and told him "You saw how much her body went through just yesterday, so you should know that she wouldn't fully recover in one day. She should be down in sickbay in bed resting." Chakotay quickly asked "Is it possible to have her rest in our quarters? You know how much she detests being stuck in sick bay, and would love to stay in her own bed with her baby girl. Please?"

The doctor looked from Chakotay, to the baby, and down to the captain; before sighing and responding "Fine, but she will be on bedrest for at least three days, okay?" Chakotay nodded and was about to say something, when suddenly a raspy voice said "What...Happened?.. Chakotay?...Baby?.." He kissed her on the lips to quiet her up, before saying "You fainted from total exhaustion. Don't worry Tom has our baby already flying Voyager, and she is loving it." She smiled and yawned, which signaled Chakotay to say a bit loudly "Alright Kathryn lets get you to bed! Someone want to follow behind me with my daughter?.." Before he could add anything else Tom shot out of his seat and planted himself outside the turbolift. She tried to laugh, but that only brought pain from her chest. Chakotay quickly told her "Hey it's okay! Wrap your arms around me, and hold on tight." She smiled weakly and snuggled her head into the crease of his neck. He told her to expect some pain, but she didn't pay any mind to it. That changed when the one second movement of her being lifted up off the ground brought even worse pain than when she was laughing. The four of them left the bridge to get their captain better.

The End

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