Collection of Changes to Star...

By PassionsFan2000

477 15 4

A revised and add-on to my previous copy of this. More

Caretaker Part 1 & 2
Time and Again
The Dark Cloud
New Projections
Up and Coming Resistance
New Alliance
Basic Part 1
Basic Part 2
The Chute
Future's End Part 1
Future's End Part Two
The Q and the Grey
More Concerning Flight
The Killing Game Additions
Vis A Vis Addition
Omega Directive Ending Changed
Longer Night
Once Upon a Time
Latent Image
Dark Frontier part 1&2
Good Shepherd
Even Worse Fury that came from Kes

The 37s

16 0 0
By PassionsFan2000

The crew of Voyager had found a cavern of people who were in cryo stasis tubes and alive. Captain Janeway noticed that one of the females was human and looked familiar to her, but couldn't place it. When she wiped the window clean she saw the name tag "A.EARHART'' It took her a minute to figure out where she knew this woman from. Suddenly she spun around and called out "Amelia Earhart." Tom Paris's face lit up, because he was always the history buff. "We have to wake them. Harry, Mr. Paris help Kes with the hyposprays." They all nodded and within minutes everyone was awake and confused at not knowing where they were or what had happened to them. Fred Noonan was Amelia Earhart's copilot and was not happy about what he was seeing.

After only ten minutes of being revived, they were not particularly understanding that they all were not in their own time frame. Suddenly he was angered at something Janeway had told her and punched her in the face. He watched her fall backwards; hitting the back of her head on the nearest console. The two crew members ran to protect her, as Earhart grabbed Fred's arm and yelled "HEY, that was an awful thing to do, Fred. You will apologize when she gets up, or I will have them put you back to sleep. Am I making myself clear?" He nodded and stomped over to lean against the wall. Earhart ran over and knelt down where Harry and Tom had gotten the captain up. Janeway was leaning against the console.

Kes pushed her way through the rest of the group, letting Harry take a step back. "Captain, I'm sorry for that. Fred tends to lose his temper easily." Amelia apologized. Captain Janeway tried to pull herself up but the pain in her head stopped her, and she fell back against the console. Kes started to scan the captain and reported: "Captain, you have a concussion. We need to get you back to sick bay as soon as possible to reduce your cranial swelling and mend your skull fracture." She tried to nod, but the pain was excruciating. Her hand reached out to grab the front of Tom's uniform and ordered: "Mr. me up." Once on her feet she swayed a bit and fell into Harry's arms. "Well Captain, looks like I'm your man to lean on." Janeway smiled and turned to Earhartand asked: "why...don't you all come see my ship? I'll find it fascinating." Everyone agreed, and began walking out of the caves.

Suddenly gunfire was surrounding them. They all went to take cover, but before Harry could get his Captain to safety she was hit in the chest. Her body fell to the ground; immediately Harry and Earhart pulled her behind a rock. She was gasping for air, while Harry ripped his uniform jacket to try and stop the bleeding.

Chakotay saw Kathryn get hit, so in between his firing times, he hit his combadge and said "Chakotay to ensign Kim." He waited for a response when he heard "Kim here." He fired a couple more times before saying "How's the Captain?" Harry looked down and saw that she was having a hard time staying awake. He pushed harder on her chest, causing her to wince in pain. "Come on Captain! stay with us!" She blinked and he replied to the Commander by saying "Not good...She is losing a lot of blood." Chakotay sighed, but then the shooting stopped.

Paris had made his way to the attackers and got them to stop. Chakotay ran towards the rock where his Captain was in need of help. Once he was by her side he said "Hold on Kathryn! We're going to get you to the doctor, You just have to stay with me...Okay?" She nodded. Chakotay and Harry lifted her up into their arms, letting her groan as Earhart pressed down on the wound.

When they got back to the ship they quickly ran into sickbay. The doctor had just taken over for Amelia when he said "Gentleman put her in the surgical bay NOW!" They all did as they were told and she let out a moan as they set her down. Chakotay stayed by her side and held her hand as the doctor scanned her. He stopped and quickly ran to grab some materials as well as Mr. Paris. He went back to the Captain and said "I need to perform surgery now. Commander you and the others can stay in my office till it's over, if you would like."

He smiled but asked for a minute alone with her. The doctor let him, and walked into his office with the rest of them. "Kathryn, you need to stay strong and fight this. Okay? I need you to be here so that we can start getting serious." She looked confused and asked "Who said...we were...getting serious?" He laughed and pulled out a charm bracelet he had replicated and said "I was going to wait and show you this until after we were back on our route, but now seems the better time. It has a little charm for every day I have loved you." He stopped and cleared his throat. "Captain Kathryn Elizabeth Janeway of the Federation starship Voyager, will you be my whole world until the end of time?" She had tears in her eyes but managed to nod her head. He placed the bracelet on her wrist and she smiled. Before he left she forcefully pulled herself up and into his arms. He embraced her but the doctor ran out and yelled "Captain, please lay down and let me begin. It won't take long." She nodded and let the two of them help her back down onto the bed. The doctor gave her the sedative and she watched the world go black.

Chakotay stayed in the doctor's office with the 37's waiting for the doctor to finish the surgery and tell them that she was going to be okay. The doctor wasn't lying when he said the surgery wouldn't take long. They had only been sitting in there for about an hour and a half before he came back into his office and told them "The surgery went well, and she is awake but tired so please try not to wear her out. Also if she tries to move a lot, please stop her."

Chakotay bolted out of the office and straight to his love's side and saw her smile up at him "Hey love, you're awake." He said kissing her forehead next to the still purple bruise on her forehead. "Are the 37's...still on the ship?" She asked tiredly. He nodded and placed another kiss on her lips. "Can I see them...Please?" She asked when she finally locked eyes with him. "Sure honey. Let me go get them." He tells her while moving a strand of hair from her face. Chakotay walked away from the biobed and almost ran to get their guests because he didn't want to be apart from Kathryn for long.

They all walked over and said "I'm glad you're okay" She was very thankful and started pushing herself up into a sitting position, but Chakotay stopped her and said "Hey love, the doctor said not to move much." She reluctantly fell back against the biobed and said "Fine...if I'm confined to this bed...then you have to give them...a tour of the ship...Understood?" He laughed and playfully responded "Is that an order for your charming first officer, or an order for your new lover?" She reached up to punch him, but he ducked away causing her to moan in pain; and almost fell off the bed. "Woah Kathryn! I didn't mean for you to take a topple off of the bed." She smiled when suddenly Amelia spoke up and said, "You two are so meant for each other. Haha." They smiled and stared into each other's eyes knowing that nothing couldn't go wrong anymore, or could it?

The End

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I will be returning to renew this story. However, it's finished, and will have no further parts, unless I suddenly get the feels to.