Captain Casey Season 4: Back...

By OneChicagobyA

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Continuation of my Chief Casey series post-resignation. When Matt Casey took the job of Chief of Firehouse 51... More

March 26, 2022
Chapter 429
Chapter 430
Chapter 431
Chapter 432
Chapter 433
Chapter 434
Chapter 435
Chapter 436
Chapter 437
Chapter 438
Chapter 439
Chapter 440
Firehouse Shower Part 1
Firehouse Shower Part 2
Chapter 442
Note to Readers
Chapter 443
Chapter 444
Chapter 445
Chapter 446
Chapter 447
Chapter 448
Chapter 449
March 27, 2022
Chapter 451
Chapter 452
Chapter 453
Chapter 454
Chapter 455
Note to Readers
April 16, 2022
Chapter 457
Chapter 458
Chapter 459
Chapter 460
Chapter 461
Chapter 462
Chapter 463
Chapter 464
Chapter 465
Chapter 466
Chapter 468
Chapter 469
Chapter 470
Chapter 471
Note to Readers
New Version

Chapter 467

17 0 0
By OneChicagobyA

Gabby's POV: As I come downstairs after getting dressed, I smiled when I saw Antonio and Sylvie there. Even though I see them all the time at work, it's nice to see them outside of work. That's when I noticed that Sylvie was wearing a cocktail dress like me. "Okay, where are you guys going?" Sylvie laughed. "We heard that you are working tonight. Antonio is stressed from work so, I said we are going out. We were just hoping that we could keep the kids here with your mom." I then looked at my mom and smiled. "I think Matteo would love that. Time with Theo." She agreed and smiled. "Exactly my thought. I just hope it's not too overwhelmning for you mom." That's when I saw Matt come back from the kitchen. "My mom is here too."

I nodded and agreed. "So, they can watch all the kids together. I mean, if that's okay with you Nancy?" Nancy then looked at me and smiled. "First of all, you look gorgeous Gabby. And of course I can help. You adults need to go out sometimes. Being first responders is a very stressful job and you all need to rest sometimes and laugh with your friends." My mom then added on. "However you are not drinking at all Antonio." Matt then added on. "And neither am I. I am going to stay sober in solidarity with Antonio. Need to support you through this time." He smiled when Matt said that and then went to hug him. "Thanks man." Matt smiled. "Hey, it's what brothers do for each other. Now listen, we need to get this gorgeous wife of mine to work on time."

I smiled when he said that. "Calm down Matt, it's just a dress. I can still run upstairs and go get changed." He nodded and agreed. Looking around for Matteo, I smiled at him. "Hey buddy, come here." Matteo then walked up to me and smiled. "Mama looks pretty." Bending down, I went to hug him and smiled. "I will see you in the morning okay? Tomorrow is play day." He noded and smiled when I said that, kissing my cheek as I held him close. "Be a good boy for your grandmothers." Matt was next and picked him up. "You already know what I told you right bud." Matteo nodded and agreed. "Good boys help their grandmas with their brother and sister." Matt nodded and smiled when he said that before going to kiss his forehead. "Good job."

I smiled when he said that before watching as Matt set Matteo down again. Going to grab my jacket, I smiled as I went to put it on. "Now, I do not want the kids going to bed late. So I don't care if he begs to stay up longer. I need him in bed at the same time as every it Nancy." Nancy blushed when I said that because she was always very lenient with his bedtime. However, Matt didn't like that. "Mom, we talked about this already. When Gabby says that it's time for him to go to need to put him to bed. Gabby will get overwhelmed if he stays up too late and doesn't get enough sleep. Please mom, if she tells you to put him to it." Matt's mom sighed when he said that. "Sorry Matt and I shouldn't even argue, you are his parents after all and it isn't my place." He nodded and sighed while going to hug her.

"Sorry I yelled at you. It's just...things like that make me go off. Mom, you know the issues we have around here. I need things to be as calm as possible for the health and safety of not only my wife but my three kids." She nodded and smiled. "Listen, I promise...and even if I don't do it, I know Camila here is going to make sure that we put the kids to bed on time." Matt then looked at my mom. "Camila, can you please make sure that they are in bed on time? I am going to be tired tomorrow after shift. Heck, I might help at the bar. I need to help since I am part-owner." I smiled when he said that. "Then consider yourself a bartender with me tonight." Matt turned to look at me and smiled. "Don't you have to talk to Hermann about it?"

I laughed when he said that. "Matt, may I remind you that we are the majority owners? That means we can make decisions about the bar together and they have to go along with it. And since you are an owner, you can work the bar if you want. Heck, it's a good way to make sure you don't drink." Matt smiled when I said that before wrapping his arm around me. Kissing my head, he smiled. "I think I will. That way, you can concentrate on other customers. Meanwhile, I can concentrate specifically on Antonio. I can make sure that he isn't tempted." I smiled, loving that idea. "Then that's what you are doing. You are tending bar tonight."

Matt smiled when he said that. "Speaking of the bar, are we all just going to stay here? Let's get in the Tesla. Your kids are already all relaxing. You can get your car when we come back later." Antonio then shook his head. "No, we are driving too. If we want to leave early, we are not waiting until you leave." I nodded and understood what he meant. "Of course so, get going and I will see you at the bar. Mom and Nancy, have a good night. Mom, there's an extra guest room downstairs....please stay the night, it'll be late when you drive and you know how me and Antonio both hate when you drive that late. It worries us both." My mom nodded when I said that. "Of course Gabby, now head to work."

I nodded and smiled at her. Grabbing Matt's hand, I smiled as we both went to walk out tonight. Matt then intertwined our fingers and looked at me. "I am so glad to see you this enthusiastic to go to work. I don't think I ever saw you this enthusiastic to go to work at the firehouse." I nodded and agreed with him as I felt him wrap his arm around me. Moving my hand to his back, I went to kiss him softly and smiled as we both walked out to the Tesla. "You driving tonight or am I?" Matt then smiled at me. "I can drive, you rest and relax for a bit. You are going to deal with a lot of customers tonight. Just no flirting, this body is mine later."

I laughed when he said that and agreed with him. "How did I know you were going to say that?" Going to open my door when we got to the Tesla, Matt smiled at me. "Because we both know that whenever you wear tight dresses....we end up getting close in bed because it turns me on." I smiled when he said that and nodded as I went to buckle up. Closing my door, Matt then ran around the car to get in and drive us to the bar. "So listen, I am going to try and not stare tonight but...don't complain if I do okay? You look great in that dress. Oh, and the no flirting rule doesn't apply to me." I lauhged when he said that and smiled. "Deal."

Moving his hand to my leg, Matt smiled as he stroke it while driving to the bar so I could work and so that he can hang out with our friends.

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