Chapter 461

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When Matt is back upstairs in his and Gabby's bedroom:
Gabby's POV: As I saw Matt come back into our room after going downstairs, I looked at him a little concerned because I heard him yell at his mom downstairs. That was unlike him and I was going to ask him about it whether he wanted me to or not. Looking into his eyes, I tried to get him to open up to me about it before I had to ask him about it directly. "Yes, we are going to talk about it. I know you heard it. I can tell by the way you are looking at me Gabby."

I smiled when he said that. "Good, because I didn't want to have to force you to talk to me about it. However, I was going to if it meant you cleared your head. I am not going to go work at the bar later if you don't have a clear head." Matt sighed but understood because he would do the same for me. Going to join me and the babies in bed, I smiled when I saw him grab Gabriel from where he normally laid down. Picking him up, Matt then got in bed before covering up again.

Looking at him, I could tell he was cold. "You cold?" Matt nodded as he went to lay down more, putting Gabriel on his chest while rubbing his back and kissing the top of his head. "I still can't believe that this little guy here is already 3 months old. Where has the time gone?" I smiled when he said that and then went to grab his hand. "I know right. Time has just flown by. But you know that means Boden has been gone 3 months already eh?" Matt sighed and nodded. "I know."

That's when I realized that was not something I should've said. "Oh god, I am so sorry I said that. We were having this great family moment and then I ruin it by bringing that..." Matt then stopped me from rambling by grabbing my neck and moving to kiss me softly. "Gabby, take a deep breath and relax. It's okay? I'm fine." I nodded and agreed with him as I moved closer to him. "So, we still going to the bar later?" Matt nodded as he went to kiss my head. "Yes, you need it."

I then looked at him. "What about you? Are you going to have the energy to go?" Matt nodded and smiled at me. "I am going to have more than enough energy to go to the bar because I am currently resting in bed with you and the babies. Doing that will re-energize me more than enough to go laugh and drink maybe 1 or 2 beers with our friends. Gabby, we may be parents but we also need to have some time with friends ever once and a while. You need it."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Especially considering I am not working at the firehouse anymore. You do realize that I might not be there at every shift okay? If I am too tired to go or one of the kids are sick...I am not going to come in to shift. I hope you are okay with that." Matt nodded and smiled at me. "That's why my mom is here. If you need to stay back and take care of one of the kids, my mom can help you with the others while I am at work. It's fine babe."

I then gave him a quick kiss when I looked down at Ella who was just relaxing in my arms. "I swear, she is really starting to look like me now eh?" Matt nodded when I said that before going to put his finger out for Ella to grab. Grabbing it, Ella smiled at her daddy. "I swear, this 6 month old here is going to be a problem soon. I think she is just ready to crawl." Matt smiled when I said that. "That means one less kid coming to the firehouse." I then turned to look at him. "What?"

Matt sighed. "If she's crawling...I don't want her to scoot away while I am gone and you are feeding Gabriel. Who knows what she could do." I then thought about it and nodded. "I don't want to think about it so can we please change the topic?" Matt nodded and agreed with me. "Believe me, I feel the same way. I am not ready to think about her crawling much. That means my baby girl is growing up and is just one step closer to..." Matt then stuttered "...Boys."

I couldn't help but laugh when he did that. Grabbing his hand, I smiled before going to cuddle up to him. "You are so going to talk to Antonio before she becomes a teenager aren't you?" Matt smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that's going to be fun. Tell me what it's like being the father of a hormonal teenage girl who has started going gaga over boys. And then first dates and stuff. However, they are not breaking my daughter's heart. I am going to hurt them if they do." 

Matt then went to grab the blanket he had around him when he was up here earlier and put it back over his shoulders. Covering Gabriel a bit, he smiled while holding him close and cuddling up to him while laying down more. "I don't know why but...I just like having this blanket around me when I am in bed." I then went to smell it and smiled. "Because it smells like the kids." Matt then turned to look at me and smiled. "And you too of course." I nodded and smiled.

Leaning in, I went to kiss him softly. We then took it slow for a minute when we both got a text from Erin. 'Hey, can you talk? I want to talk about the end of the month.' I was confused when she said that. "You want to call her or me?" Matt then looked at me. "Put her on speaker." I nodded and agreed while going to call Erin.

NOTE: I am going to do a little check in with Jay & Erin after this...he is still recovering from his gun shot so, I want to update you guys on that after this conversation they are going to have.

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