Chapter 468

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Matt's POV: After driving Gabby to work and going to park the Tesla, I smiled when I finally made my way into the bar. Taking off my jacket once I was in there, I smiled when saw some CPD officers. Walking over, I looked at Hailey Upton. "Hey Upton, haven't seen you in a while." She laughed when I said that. "Yeah, been avoiding your area of town. Been awkward between me and Jay recently." I nodded. "Isn't it always awkward with your ex?" She agreed and sighed. "You'd think after two years and him getting married" I nodded and agreed with him. "Believe me, when Gabby came back the first time since the was awkward. But, I am glad she came back because it led us to make our way back to each other. Anyways, he's in Seattle."

Hailey nodded. "Yeah, I heard about his brother. By the way, what happened to you being Chief Casey?" I sighed. "Wasn't the right time. Now listen, my bartender just waved to tell me that my drink is ready." She laughed when I said that and nodded when I went to walk away. I then looked at Gabby and smiled at her. "Thanks." She then looked at me. "Getting friendly with the detective there?" I then stared at her. "Yeah, because I am going to cheat on you with Antonio's co-worker. Be realistic Gabby. Not that I would ever cheat on you but...I would do it with a nobody. I am not that dumb." Gabby laughed. "I know babe. Now, a little tip for you bartender." I nodded and smirked as I leaned over the bar to kiss her. "Good shift babe." She nodded, smiling.

Walking over to Severide, he just stared at me and shook his head. "What?" He then laughed. "I swear, sometimes I wonder whether you are just kids in adult bodies." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "Yeah, I see that. But honestly like to see it. You like this happy Captain instead of the old grumpy Captain." He laughed and agreed. "Now, sit down and we can hang out. This is my first time out in a while. I have permission to drink from Stella." I then saw him grab a beer and then stared at him before turning to look at Gabby. "You text Stella before you gave him that beer?" Gabby then stared at Severide and went to grab her phone to text Stella. "Seriously man?" I then laughed. "I am looking out for you. You said solidarity no?"

That's when Gabby walked over with some ginger ale for Severide. "Message from Stella. Don't even try and get in bed with her and Stephen tonight. She said to go sleep in the guest room." Severide then went to argue when Gabby just walked away, swaying her hips. While that didn't bother Severide, it did bother me. I then just shook my head. "I swear, that women is going to be the death of me by the time we leave this place." Looking at her, I just shook my head. "That just earned me some time." She smirked when I said that. "Who said you didn't already have some coming later tonight babe." I then laughed and smiled when she said that. "God, I love that woman. She knows exactly what to say when I am turned on."

Severide then smiled at me. "Thank god you guys are not able to have anymore kids. I swear, with your would get her pregnant with #4 tonight if you are that hormonal." I nodded and laughed when he said that before drinking my pop. "At least, we think we can't have kids anymore. We haven't tested it out since I had the surgery again." Severide nodded. "Please tell me you got someone other than Halstead to do it. I am sure that if you do have a 4th are never going be chief. In fact, I know you are going to have to quit being a firefighter. You are going to have to find a job which both pays more and is much safer."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Tell me about it. For some reason, I am not that opposed to having a 4th kid now that I am no longer chief. I wouldn't mind having another little girl." Gabby then smiled at me when she overheard that. "You are kidding me right? You aren't opposed to it?" Gabby then bit her lip and walked over to me. Stepping close to me, she looked at me. "I haven't had my surgery yet and neither have you."

Note to readers: I have decided to change the plotline so that Gabby hasn't had her surgery. Also, Matt's surgery failed (again). So...that opens up the posibility for a 4th baby. I want to maybe try and get them to have a 4th kid so Gabby can be pregnant in Chicago. Thoughts?

I looked at her. "God, are we really thinking about this?" Gabby then sighed. "We never had a pregnancy here in Chicago. And I want us to welcome a kid into the world under better circumstances. Matteo, I did it secretly...Ella was with a surrogate...and of course, we all know what happened when Gabriel was born. I want to carry one of our daughters. Annabelle Camila Casey." Hermann then overheard that. "You want to name a future daughter of yours after my daughter?" I then turned to look at him. "Nope, we just like the name."

I then sighed while grabbing her hand. "This would be it, you realize that right?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me before kissing me softly. "Can we talk about it?" I nodded and agreed while holding her close. "Later." Gabby smiled when I said that before kissing my cheek. She then walked away to go back to work. Meanwhile, Severide looked at me. "You really open to having 4 kids?" I laughed and smiled. "I wouldn't mind doing a pregnancy here in Chicago. Have all of you involved. We never had the chance. Plus, the pregnancy was a pandemic pregnancy so, it wasn't fun. If we get pregnant...this time it'll be because we want it. All the other times, it wasn't planned. I know that sounds horrible but, in a way it doesn't."

Severide nodded and understood. "Yeah, this time around me and Stella tried for the baby. Wasn't the case with Stephen." I then smiled. "So you understand." Severide laughed when I said that. "Yeah, I do. Now listen, enough about you trying to have another kid with your wife." That's when I heard Antonio walk over to me. "You are going to try for another kid with Gabby?" I turned to look at Antonio and got scared when he said that. I bit my lip and sighed. "We just thought about it while we are here, we haven't committed to anything." Antonio then looked at his sister and glared at her, walking over to her...not impressed.

I then decided to get up too so that I could help her not get stressed.

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