Firehouse Shower Part 2

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Gabby's POV: After getting into the shower with Matt, I smiled as I went to close the shower curtain. Stepping close to him, I went to wrap my arms around him when I felt him tug on my shirt. "I need to take this off. Then I'll start the water." I agreed and nodded as I felt him take off my shirt. Setting it aside, Matt then turned on the water while kissing me softly. "I swear, this is something I missed being able to do while chief. I don't think I could've gotten away with it. I mean, me and my paramedic-in-chief making out in the shower?" I laughed when he said that.

"Can you maybe not advertise it? I would rather not be disturbed." Matt nodded as he went to grab my bra and went to take it off. Putting it on the curtain railing, he smirked as he looked at me. "You need to wash up anyways. You need to wash this stuff off." That's when I felt him kiss my breast where there was some milk. "Okay, that was just hot. Does it even taste good?" Matt then smirked. "Not as good was what comes out from down there. Remember when we experimented with other positions last weekend while the kids were asleep?" I smirked. "Yeah."

Matt smiled as he just brought me close to him. Kissing him softly, I smiled as we held each other close and just took some time to ourselves. "I don't think we've been alone just as husband and wife in a while." Matt nodded when I said that before going to push a strand of hair behind my ear. "You are so right when it comes to that. And for that, I am sorry. But...I would rather be with the kids any day considering we are their parents and I love them." I smiled when he said that and nodded. "I love them too. But not as much as I love my amazing firefighter husband."

Matt smiled when I said that before moving to wrap his arms around me. Laying my head down on his chest, I smiled as we held each other close. "I think this is something we really needed to do for our marriage. I know it sounds wrong working here together, with me as captain is better. It puts is in a place where we can spend quality time together in a place oither than our bed. I mean, you do count this as quality time together right." I nodded when he said that. "Hey, of course I do. You are my husband and I love you." Matt smiled when I said that. "I love you too."

I then smiled as I just held onto Matt for a bit because this was exactly what I needed. "What do you say after this, we go lay down in bed for a while. Or do you need to do the report?" Matt then sighed. "I have to do the report." I nodded and agreed with him. "Listen, you get out first and go wait in my room?" I then shook my head. "I am not leaving yet mister. I am getting some quality time with my man." Matt smiled when I said that before going to run his hands up my back. Kissing me slowly, he just took his time with me exactly what I want right now. Time alone with my husband in the firehouse shower.

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