Chapter 464

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Gabby's POV: As I thought about what Jay said, I was starting to get worried because I felt the same way. Boy, I hope that Antonio is setting limits to how much work he is taking on. I do not want him to break his sobriety as well because that is not good for him. He has worked too hard to become sober for him to just throw it all away because he is taking on too much work. I might want to call him to make sure he knows he can talk to me about this. We are in this with him.

That's when I felt Matt rub my back. He then smiled at me. "I think I know who we are calling next." I nodded and agreed with him considering I was worried for Antonio now taht Jay mentioned it. "Thanks for mentioning it Jay. Now you got me all worried." Jay sighed when I said that. "I am so sorry Gabby, that was never my intention. How about we change topics. How are you kids?" I smiled when he said that. "They are good. Getting used to Matt as captain again. However, I have quit the firehouse. I am now working full-time at the bar."

Matt smirked when he said that. "First time going out to drink with the boys tonight. I am texting Severide. I want to get together. He needs to get out of the house just like us." I smiled when he said that. "You just don't want to be lonely while you watch me work." Matt laughed. "Or I could invite my sister to join me. We haven't had a meal just the two of us in a while." Jay agreed with me. "Me and Will are going to do that while we are here. Might even hit a Mariners game."

I smiled when he said that. "Now don't go moving to Seattle on us Jay. We like having you here. You are the ones who has a kid who's age is the closest to Matteo. Olivia and him are only 8 months apart." Erin laughed when I said that. "Like we could even move if we wanted to. Voight would veto it and we would probably loose Lucky if we moved. I am not sure about that." That seemed to get Jay a bit worried. "Okay, that topic is  not something I like to hear." Erin then turned to look at him when he said that, feeling bad. "Sorry."

He nodded and agreed with her, giving her a quick kiss as they sat down close to one another in bed just like me and Matt. "So, have you guys figured out what this gun shot means for Jay in the field? Are you going to ask Hank to keep him in the office more?" Jay bit his lip when Matt asked him that. "I don't really have a choice. I like being in the field and I am the only one who is able to go out there without problems. Antonio is starting to get stiff when he runs."  I laughed when he said that because it was true. "I know, I saw that too."

Matt smiled when he saw me laugh and then went to kiss me softly. "Listen, I am going to go to the washroom. You talk to them." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "So listen, what are your plans when it comes to the 4th of July. I know I am thinking ahead but...I would love to do something. Maybe head out to your cabin and just let the kids run. I need somewhere Matteo can run without any problems. He needs to get his energy out." I sighed when Matt said that. "Unfortunately, I am working that weekend."

Matt was confused when I said that. "Where?" I then smiled. "Well, it's not confirmed but...I want to ask if we can make the CFD BBQ a fundraiser for my charity. By the way, I keep saying that I worked for the CFD wing. I just learned I really worked for the UN Humanitarian division. However, they are almost done in Puerto Rico so, they are going to be going somewhere else soon. I am going to stay involved in fundraising." Matt smiled when I said that. "And you are going to tell me when they are. Last time I checked, I was your date."

I laughed when he said that and smiled while going to cuddle up to him. Kissing my forehead, Matt smiled because of how relaxed I was. Just laughing like this was exactly what I needed sometimes. It was great. That's when I started to get hungry. Even though we did have a big breakfast, I knew I had to eat a bar at least. I would have a late lunch and eat supper when we are at the bar later. Getting out of Matt's arms, I then went to reach into my side drawer. "What are you doing babe?" I then went to grab the bar and showed him. "I am eating late lunch."

Matt nodded and agreed with me when I heard his phone ding. 'Hey, you going to the bar tonight?' Looking at him, I was confused as to who it was. Checking it, Matt smiled. "It's Severide, asking me if I'm going to the bar tonight." Texting him back, Matt smiled since he was going to be able to hang out with Severide. 'Looks like we're having drinks tonight. Who's watching Stephen?' Severide then texted him back right away. 'Not drinking, solidarity and the MIL is in town.'  Matt then shook his head. "His mother-in-law is in town."

I looked at him and laughed. "God, that's why he wants you to go drinking with him. You can have a couple okay? He's going to need it. I know it's hard on men when their mother-in-law is living with them." Matt nodded and agreed as he wrapped his arm around me. Kissing my head, he smiled. I then decided to turn my head and kiss him softly. "I love you." Matt smiled when I said that and nodded. "I love you too. Now listen, we are taking to Jay and Erin." They both agreed and nodded when Matt said that. Getting back to the conversation, I smiled as we caught up with them for the next hour until I fell asleep in Matt's arms.

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