Chapter 433

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Matt's POV:
As Sylvie finished driving me to the hospital, I smiled as I went to grab Gabby's hand and intertwined our fingers while walking out of the ambo and into the ER. "You have nothing to be worried about okay? I was safe the entire time." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "I know, I was in there remember Matt?" I nodded. "By the way, you were amazing in there. I think that's the first time I've been able to watch you work so up close and personal since Puerto Rico." Gabby smiled and nodded when we walked into the ER. "Maggie, how's my favorite nurse?" Maggie then looked up at us and smiled. "How's my favorite former Chief? Heard you quit."

I nodded and smiled. "Needed to keep this one calm. I am fire captain though and need to get something checked. We just had a call that dealt with a poisonous snake. And I also have to get my lungs checked." She nodded and agreed. "I will get Dr. Choi to deal with you because he used to deal with poison a lot in the field." That's when Dr. Choi walked over to us. "What's this about me dealing with poison?" I then laughed. "Hi Ethan, I need to get checked. We just had a call that involved a poisonous snake. Condition to return to work. Oh, and I need a copy of that scan of my lungs from a few months ago." Gabby then turned to look at me. "What scan?"

I then turned to look at her. "I had to get one done before becoming Chief. I didn't bother checking the results because I didn't plan on going into the fires. Heck, I barely expected this to happen was the next best thing. So, now my new chief wants to see it." Maggie then looked at us. "Who is it?" I then laughed. "Hermann." She smiled and nodded. That's when I heard Mrs. Goodwin come downstairs. "So, who is my new contact at Firehouse 51 Captain?" I then turned to look at her and smiled. "It's my predecessor as Truck 81. Hermann took my spot as chief while I took his spot as Captain on Truck 81."

Mrs. Goodwin nodded and agreed. "How about you go get your poison check done?" Looking at Gabby when she said that, I nodded and agreed. "I will talk to Goodwin and get those scans for you. I am sure she can have access to them as head of Patient Care." I nodded and agreed before walking away with Ethan so that I could go get checked for poison.

Gabby's POV:
As Matt walked away to get checked for poison, I turned to look at Mrs. Goodwin. "You need me to get some scans for him?" I then bit my lip. "Can I do that? I mean...I am his wife." Goodwin nodded and smiled. "Of course. I just overheard the conversation. Better to kill two birds with one stone." I laughed when she said that before following her to her office there in the ED. "Remind me why exactly your office is in the emergency department?" She then looked at me. "Oh, I was down here so much when Dr. Halstead was here...I just moved it down here."

I laughed when she said that. "I know, he was a troublemaker that Halstead." Goodwin then went to login to her computer. "Now, when were the scans?" I thought about it. "It would've been January at the earliest. I know it was this year. Sorry, a lot has happened in the past 3 months. A new baby, moving from Puerto Rico to Chicago, Matt becoming chief, quitting chief, becoming captain, and me returning to ambulance. Oh and we still have 3 kids under 2." Goodwin nodded and agreed with me. "Well, that can be very overwhelming."

I agreed and sighed. "Can you make appointments with doctors? Do you have that power?" Goodwin then turned to look at me. "You okay?" I nodded. "Just need to get a new appointment for Matteo. I am working shift on that day, he has an appointment for his OCD on March 29th. Me and Matt are both working so...can we move it maybe to April 10th? We already have an appointment for Gabriel to get his post-shot follow up at 10. If we could do it all on one day, that would be amazing." Mrs. Goodwin then looked at Dr. Charles' schedule. "Dr. Charles right?"

I nodded and agreed. "Yes." Mrs. Goodwin then went to book him in for 10:30. "Okay, same day. 10:30 with Dr. Charles." I smiled when she said that and went to change the appointment in me and Matt's shared family calendar for all of the kids appointments. That's when I got an alert on my phone. It was something I had been putting off for a while. I then sighed and looked at Mrs. Goodwin. "Can you book something else for me at 11?" Mrs. Goodwin then looked at me. "What would that be Gabby?"

I then sighed and looked at her. "It's that time of the year. My annual mammogram." Mrs. Goodwin nodded. "Are you done breastfeeding?" I agreed. "Yeah, I had to finish so I could go back to work. I mean, sometimes at night but...I just need to get it done." She agreed and nodded. That's when I heard Matt come join us. "Sorry, can I come join?" I nodded as I turned to look at him. "Yeah, I am just booking my mammogram." Matt then stared at me. "Your what now?" I then sighed and looked at Matt. "It's routine. I do it every year."

Matt then sighed as he went to sit next to me. Grabbing my hand, he intertwined our fingers. "Should I be worried?" I then shook my head. "No. How did you test go?" He then went to hold up the envelope and smiled. "I am all clear. No poison." Mrs. Goodwin then turned to look at Matt. "Poison?" He then laughed. "Big snake on last call." She agreed and nodded. "Okay, so on April 10th...we have Gabriel at 10 for his follow up post-shots, Matteo at 10:30 with Dr. Charles and then your mammogram at 11. Anything else for you guys?"

I then shook my head and smiled at Mrs. Goodwin. "No, that should be it. But...we need to go back to the firehouse before we get another call." She agreed and smiled. "Nice to see you again. I will see you both on April 10th. Please come say hi." I agreed and nodded. "Oh and if you ever see Jay and Erin, tell them to say hi to Will and Natalie on my behalf. I don't see them that often." I nodded and agreed with her when I said that until I saw Jay come into the ER on a stretcher. I then turned to look at Matt." Think Hermann would be mad if we stayed?"

Matt then bit his lip when he saw Erin come in. "Go stand with her. I will call him and tell him what happened. I will also say they just need to print off my scans." I nodded and agreed with him while going to walk over to Erin.

NOTE #1: I haven't updated you guys on Jay and Erin much in this saga so, I want to give you guys an update. I hope that's okay. I know this is a Dawsey/Chicago Fire story but...I am not just going to forget couples and characters I created in my prequel saga. I will of course (eventually) go back to the firehouse with Matt & Gabby. Just give me at least a chapter with Jay & Erin.

NOTE #2: I want to give credit to Munchkin251986 for giving me the idea for this plotline.

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