Chapter 444

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Matt's POV: As I walked upstairs to Jay's room, I smiled when I saw everybody all gathered outside to look at some pictures. Walking up behind Maggie, I saw it was Owen and smiled. "That Owen?" Natalie then looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah." I then looked at her and nodded before grabbing my phone. Opening the latest pictures of our kids, I went to show her the pictures. Will then looked at me. "Thought Hermann said..." I then laughed. "He just called me saying that Gabby was on her way with a patient. Said I could come and visit with her."

I then went to walk in and went to shake Jay's hand. "How are you Jay? I meant other than being very comfortable with Erin there. You just need Olivia and then you are going to be a very happy man." Erin then turned to look at Jay. "I totally forgot about her. Want me to go get her at daycare?" Jay then smiled when she said that and nodded as he went to kiss her softly. "Please, I want both my girls with me right now." Erin nodded and agreed, giving him one last kiss before getting up and leaving. Putting her hand on Will's shoulder she smiled. "You stay for me?"

Will nodded and agreed. "Believe me, I am not going to leave my brother's side if you are going to get that adorable niece of ours. You'd be crazy to think we'd do that. Just be careful. You are halfway through your pregnancy after all." Erin then looked at him. "If I can drive a car at 150 mph through the streets of Chicago, then I am positive I can drive to our daycare at normal speeds. So, calm it Will and concentrate on your wife's pregnancy. Last time I checked, it's worse to fly while pregnant with twins than it is me driving to my daughter's daycare."

I laughed when she said that. "Okay, remind me how in the world you guys even try and say be careful to her. She can defend herself. She's like Gabby, heck all of our wives are alike." Natalie then looked at me. "How's that?" I then smiled. "You are all brilliant, gorgeous, determined, independent women." Natalie smiled when I said that. Meanwhile both Will and Jay glared at me, seemingly jealous. "Oh c'mon guys. I have 3 kids with Gabby. I love her with all my heart and have no interest in your wives." That's when I heard Gabby walk up to me. "I hope you don't."

I then turned to look at her. "Okay, I can explain why I said that." Gabby then stared at me. "I just said that they really shouldn't tell their wives to be careful. They can defend themselves because they are all brilliant, georgeous, determined, independent women. I mean Gabby, I may be your husband but...I am not blind. I can still think Beyoncé is sexy while also thinking that you are gorgeous and even sexier." Gabby then looked at me before stepping close to me. She then wrapped her arms around me. "I get what you mean and I know you will never cheat on me."

I nodded and smiled as I wrapped my arms around her before going to kiss her softly. "I love you." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded as she kissed me again. "I love you too." She then let me go and walked over to Jay. "How you doing Halstead? Where did it hit?" Jay then looked at her. "I have no clue and don't care. All I know is that it's out and I am now in recovery. Erin got time off and we are off to the cabin for a while. By the way, you still haven't signed those damn papers yet Will. You don't live in Illinois anymore...give me your half of the cabin."

I then laughed when he said that. "Obviously this is going to become a fight between the two of you pretty quickly." That's when we heard Antonio come in. "Don't all their conversations do it pretty quickly?" Antonio then turned to look at us and came to hug us. "What are you guys doing here?" I smiled when he asked while watching him hug Gabby. "I was here dropping off. You just missed Sylvie. She took the Ambo back to the firehouse." Antonio then shook his head. "No, I caught her. We always catch each other when we come to the hospital at the same time."

Gabby then looked at him. "Then why do you only say hello to your wife and not your sister?" Antonio then bit his lip. "Hey, you walked right into that one man." I then laughed while looking at Jay. "Looks like you are going to be on desk duty for a while. Or are you going to take some time off an be with your kids. I remember when I got injured, I took a couple shifts off and got some time with my girls. First time around it was with Hallie. Second  and third time around it was with Gabby. Will nodded and agreed with me. "Shit, I just realized something."

Jay was confused when he said that. "What's that man?" Will then smiled. "This is the first time we've all been in the same room since the Cabin and the end of that investigation."

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