Chapter 458

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Gabby's POV: Once Matt finished getting dressed, I smiled when he came to join me in bed again (this time wearing his sweats). Watching him get in bed, I smiled when he laid back against the pillows because that meant he was now ready for me to cuddle up to him. Moving close to him as he tugged the covers up, I then went to lean against his chest when I saw him reach for the blanket at the end of the bed. "Can you grab it? I want to cover up more." I nodded and got concerned a bit. Giving it to him, we moved to wrap it around his shouders.

Smiling when he did that, I decided to move under one part of the blanket and leaned against his chest while cuddling up to him. Wrapping his arm around my back while I was cuddled up to him, I knew that Matt was smiling because he always does when we are holding each other close in bed. That's when he tugged the covers up and just held me close in bed. "Now, this is exactly what I need right now. I should've never just joined you in bed wearing my boxers. I was cold." I then looked up at him. "Babe, if you are cold then always cover up. I don't need you sick."

Matt nodded when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "You know that I love you right?" I smiled when he said that and nodded while cuddling up to him more. Rubbing my arm as I wrapped my arms around his torso, I smiled again when I felt him kiss my forehead. "So, about me possibly coming here? I wnat to know if you would be okay with me waking you up?" I nodded and agreed. "Of course I would babe. You need a comfortable bed to sleep in." Matt smiled when I said that before bending down to kiss me softly. "I would hate leaving."

I nodded and understood what he meant. "Honestly, I would hate it too swore an oath to protect the city of Chicago. That's the price you pay when it comes to this. However, we need to talk too. I am thinking of applying to OFI. See if I can work from home." Matt smiled when I said that. "I know that's what's Stella's doing. She doesn't go to the office because she's always at the firehouse now. Honestly, I keep saying they should have an OFI liaison at each firehouse. I was going to try and get that position created while I was still chief for you. It'd be nice."

Matt smiled when I said that. "Then, you could've been at the house more while working from the safety of the house." I smiled and nodded before going to kiss him softly. "See if Hermann can still do it. If it gets approved, tell him to put my name forward. I would love to do that if I can. It'd be the best of both worlds. I can work at the firehouse, but not have to leave. I can also be with you on a daily basis but...not have to leave the firehouse." I smirked and nodded when she said that. "I can e-mail him a proposal we can work on. I have to send him a progress report."

I then shook my head while cuddling up to him more. "Just not right now okay? Right now, I want some time alone with my teddy bear before we get disturbed by..." That's when I heard Matteo walk into the room. "Papa!" Matt then looked at him and smiled. "Do you mind?" I shook my head and smiled. "Hey Matteo, come cuddle up to mommy and daddy in bed. We are going to have a day in bed today. Daddy is tired from work." I agreed and smiled while going to open the covers for Matteo. Getting in, he came to give Matt a hug and I smiled at him.

"Just to let you know buddy, if you need have to ask Grandma okay? Daddy isn't leaving bed today if he doesn't have to. He's a bit sore." I then looked at him. "Are you?" Matt nodded. "Yeah, I just realized since the shower. I think I pulled something in my back when I was running last night. I almost fell over a hose. The lights stopped working so, I put in a work order to get them fixed." I felt bad for him when he said that. Grabbing his hand, I sighed. "Then yeah, we are staying in bed all day. Since you're hurt, you are not leaving bed. Doctor's orders."

Matt smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Sounds perfect. Now listen, how about we just take time to relax right now? Matteo, come lay down on my chest and I can hold my boy in my arms. Mommy can lay down on my other side. However that's only until your sister wakes up. Sorry buddy but, that's her spot now. I love holding your sister there." Matteo nodded and agreed as he came to lay down on Matt's chest. Meanwhile, I laid down right next to him. Wrapping his arm around me, Matt smiled as he went to kiss the top of my head. "I love you." I smiled when he said that. "I love you too."

Matt then leaned down to give me a proper kiss when I got an alert on my phone. I then sighed and looked at him. "Give me a second." Rolling over, I went to grab my phone to see what it was. That's when I saw it was an early alert for something I had going on tonight. "You going to be too sore tonight?" Matt looked at me seemingly confused. "What's tonight?" I then smiled. "My first post-surgery Molly's shift." 

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