Chapter 429

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Matt's POV: After walking out of the firehouse and onto the floor, I smiled when I saw my Truck 81 crew cleaning the truck. "Ah, I see what you guys are doing. You guys are trying to earn brownie points with your new Captain." They then all turned to look at me and laughed. Stella was the first to walk over and smiled as she hugged me. "Welcome back Matt." I then smiled. "I never left. Just remember, you are my Lieutenant...not my Captain." That's when I heard Severide walk over to me. "And this is where you making me Captain is going to bite you in the butt mister." I then turned to look at him and nodded. "Yeah, but it'll work out in the end."

Stella then looked at him. "Anyways, I think you would be outnumbered in any decision Captain Severide. He would have his Lieutenant on his side." I then looked at her. "Okay, you are not doing that to me Kidd. C'mon, you are not putting me in the middle. You may be my Lieutenant but Severide is my equal and best friend. Yet, I still have more seniority than him. I've been Captain longer and I am a former Chief. So, that means I am still more senior than you even if you were Captain while I was chief. So, don't even go and try to play seniority." He laughed and smiled. "So, what is your plan right now?" I then looked around. "Where's Lee Henry?"

That's when I heard Lee Henry come out of the truck. "Right here Casey." I then turned to look at him. "Kidd, can you get the truck out? I want him to practice climbing the aerial if he ever needs to go up." Lee Henry then got scared. "You mean, the high ladder?" I then nodded. "Why, you scared of heights?" Stella then went to go pull the truck out of the firehouse so that we could do some drills. Lee Henry then bit his lip and looked at me. "Get your geer on. You are going to wear it while we go up the ladder. Don't'll be on a tether." He agreed and nodded as he went to grab his geer. That's when I heard Cindy come into the firehouse. "Hello Captain Casey."

I then turned to look at her and smiled. "If you are here to see the new Chief, he's in his office. If you are here to see your candidate...he's busy. We're doing drills." Cindy then saw him come out in his geer. "He's going into fires now?" I nodded. "Yeah, I promise...he'll be safe. Just be glad that Chief isn't going in anymore." Lee Henry then looked at me. "Am I still going to be Coffin then?" I nodded. "Yes, because our Chief is Hermann." He agreed and nodded as he went to get his geer on before going to walk over to the truck. That's when I saw Gabby come out and sit at the squad table. "You go run drills with him. I want to watch you do drills too. I miss it."

I nodded and smiled when she said that before walking over to get my geer too. "I need to practice wearing it okay? I am going to wear it while I do drills with him." Gabby nodded. "I am still going to hate you going into fires. But, your lungs are good. Just promise you won't ruin them." I nodded and agreed with her. "Gabby, deep breaths and just relax okay? Go take a nap in my quarters if you want. By the way, thank chief for giving us our old quarters back. Brings back all those memories of me when I was first Captain." Gabby nodded and agreed with me.

She then got up and was about to go into the firehouse to rest when she heard the bells go off. Walking over to me, she kissed me softly before rubbing my chest. "I will see you later. Be safe." She nodded and agreed as she went to run around the ambulance to get in. Brett then came out too and went to get in the driver's seat so she and Gabby could go out on a run. Severide then turned to look at me and laughed. "You guys are still going to be that couple that sucks on each other's faces whenever you can aren't you?" I nodded and agreed with him. "Oh yeah."

I then looked at Stella. "Now listen, I am going to do some drills. I just have to go put my pants on and then I can start with Lee Henry." Severide was confused. "Why you wearing your pants?" I then laughed. "I haven't worn them to go up a ladder in a while. So, I need to practice too." Severide agreed and nodded as I went to get my geer in the turnout closet so I could drill.

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