Chapter 440

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Antonio's POV: After Sylvie came to get me, she brought me back to Matt's office so that we could talk to Gabby. Seeing her lay down in bed with little Gabriel on her chest, I smiled at her. "You are so adorable when you are with your kids Gabby." Gabby then looked at me and smiled when she saw me. "So, what in the world did you do to get Voight to let you out?" I laughed. "Told him that I was taking a lunch break. I haven't taken one in so long that I could probably advocate that I deserve extra days off considering I haven't gotten my lunch break in a while."

Sylvie then turned to look at him. "Then do it, I am not going to complain that I am going to get more time at home with my husband." I nodded and agreed with her before going to sit in Matt's chair. "I still can't forget what I did while standing in the corner of that room." Gabby then looked at me. "You mean when you gave him the ultimatum. Not cool Antonio." I then shook my head. "Hey, it got him to smarten up." Gabby then sighed. "What really got him to smarten up was his political advisor flirting with him at an event. He realized he only wanted me."

I then shrugged, not caring. "So, what you need to talk to me about?" Gabby then sighed. "Our easter plans. We have easter weekend off but, Sylvie doesn't have it." I then turned to look at her. "C'mon babe, are you serious? You didn't take easter off. You know I was making surprise plans for that weekend. I was talking to Jay about using his cabin for that weekend." Sylvie then looked at me when Hermann walked over. "You do realize you already have it booked off right Sylvie?" Sylvie was confused. "Who approved it?" Hermann then laughed. "Matt did."

Gabby then looked at us both. "He must've done it when he put his request in. He must've approved one for you since he knew we were getting together." Sylvie then agreed with her. "That makes sense. Looks like I am not working easter weekend. So, keep making those plans to get us the Halstead Cabin for Easter babe." She then slapped his chest and smiled, kissing him softly. Gabby then stared at us. "Okay, can you not do that in my office?" I then turned to look at her. "I thought this was Matt's office?" Gabby nodded. "I am his wife. By extension, it's mine."

Sylvie nodded and agreed with me. "Listen, I am going to go to the washroom. You sit with your sister and be a good boy. Don't stress her out. I like being back on Ambo and I can't do it without her." I nodded and agreed when she said that before watching her leave. "If it's okay Chief...I would like a moment of my sister's time." Hermann nodded and agreed. "Of course Antonio, you still my contact at CPD or am I dealing with Voight again?" I then bit my lip. "I am going to ask him to put the CFD under me and Jay's pervue. That way he can concentrate on other stuff."

Gabby shrugged. "I don't need to know about that. Can I please just concentrate on family stuff right now? I don't want to think about work while I am feeding my son." Hermann nodded and agreed. "Tell me when you are done and cleaned up. The minute you are...I am putting 61 back in service. So that means you can't sit in here. You need to sit out there or your mother-in-law has to rush in to get Gabriel." Gabby nodded and understood. "Of course Chief. By the way, are you going to want us to work Molly's more now that Matt's no longer chief?"

Hermann then nodded. "Yeah, I was hoping. That way I can take a step back. Get Matt to get his bartending license. That's what I did." Gabby agreed and nodded. "That an order from the chief?" He laughed and smiled. "No, it's a suggestion from your Molly's co-owner. Now, finish up so that I can get the Ambo out." We both nodded and agreed as I continued to feed Gabriel that afternoon so that I could finish and get 61 back in service.

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