Chapter 435

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Meanwhile, back with Matt & Gabby when they are at the firehouse:
Matt's POV: As I sit in my office at the firehouse, I smile when I reach my mom for a bit. "Hey mom, thought I would call and check on the kids." My mom then laughed when I said that. "More like you promised Gabby you would do it instead of her doing it." I then looked at her over the video chat. "I am not allowed to just check in with my mom and kids while I eat some lunch?" That's when I heard Gabby come in. "I just got a text from Erin. He's going into surgery." I then turned to look at Gabby. "It's that bad eh?" Gabby nodded and sighed. "Yeah."

That's when Gabby saw somebody on my phone. "Is that my beautiful baby boy?" I then laughed while going to grab my sandwich. "Here, move over and we can talk to my mom and the kids together. Thanks for the sandwich from home by the way." Gabby nodded and smiled as as she moved over on my bed. Getting on with her, I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her and leaned against my pillow. Grabbing my sandwich, I smiled when I saw Gabby grab her half. "Don't worry, I have another sandwich for later. Unless they are making food out there?"

Gabby then nodded. "Yeah, but I don't want to be out there. I want to be in here and see my kids. Speaking of our kids. Where are they?" That's when I heard Matteo. "Grandma, is that mama and papa?" I then smiled and went to speak to him. "Hey buddy, how is your visit with grandma going?" Matt then smiled. "We are having so much fun. We just did arts and crafts." I then looked at my mom. "I expect a clean house when we get home. I am not letting Gabby go ahead with cleaning. Then she'll obsess and go all perfectionist on me." My mom nodded. "Got it."

She then smiled. "So, what's it like being back as Captain instead of Chief? You go into a fire yet?" I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, it was interesting to say the least. Had to work as a paramedic for a bit. Honestly, I am just glad I was there. Gabby got a bit overwhelmed." Gabby then looked at me and nodded. "Yeah, it was harder than I expected. A woman's pet cobra wrapped itself around her. Let's just say that we are lucky she's alive. The same can't be said about the snake. I am also glad that Matt didn't get bitten. He has a clean bill of health."

That's when I remembered something. "That reminds me of something. Matteo, were you a good big boy today and take your medicine?" Matteo then looked at us and smiled. "Maybe." My mom then turned to look at him. "Matteo, you took them. I gave them to you. Matt, just ignore what he said. I promise I gave them to him. I know it would drive you crazy if I missed a day." I nodded and agreed with her. "I wouldn't be the one going crazy." I then pointed at Gabby while eating some of my sandwich. Gabby then slapped my chest. "Not funny."

I smiled when she did that before wrapping my arm around her more. That's when I heard Hermann knock on our door. "Is that little Matteo I hear?" I then nodded and turned my phone around. "Hi uncle Hermann!" Hermann smiled as he went to look at him. "That's chief uncle Hermann to you my future candidate." I then looked at him. "Hermann, you are going to be retired and I am going to be back in your job by the time he is a candidate." Hermann nodded and agreed with me. "Very good point."

My mom then looked at me. "So you plan on becoming Chief again in the future?" I nodded. "Yeah, it just wasn't the time. We have young kids and we are still figuring out the working parents with young kids stuff." My mom nodded and agreed with me. "Yeah, that is a hard one to navigate. At least you guys got maternity and paternity leave. When I gave birth, paternity leave didn't exist and maternity leave was 6 weeks." I looked at her and sighed. "Stuff sure has changed since I was born."

That's when Gabby got a text from Erin. 'Hey, Jay is going into surgery to get a bullet out. I don't know how to pray but, can you do it for me?' Gabby then went to look at me. "Uhm, Nancy and Matteo...we are going to have to cut this short. I have to call Erin." I then turned to look at her. "She okay?" Gabby then went to show me the text. "Oh god, that's horrible. Uhm, you go ahead and call her. I will finish talking to Matteo. Little mister has to go down for a nap soon." Matteo then looked at me. "Papa, do I really have to go take a nap?" I then looked at him. "I was going to drive by in the big truck later but..."

Matteo then smiled. "I promise papa, I take nap." Gabby laughed when he said that before going to kiss my cheek. "I am going to call Erin okay? You get to work on your papers after." I then nodded. "I love you little man, daddy has to go." Matteo nodded and agreed. "I love you mama and papa." Me and Gabby then both smiled and looked at him. "We love you too Matteo." I then laughed when we hung up before going to kiss his forehead. "God, he is so adorable."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "Just like his dad." I then smiled as I went to kiss her softly. "I love you." Gabby smiled. "I love you too. But you really need to keep your promise to him." I nodded and agreed. "I am going to go talk to Hermann about it." Gabby agreed and nodded as I got up before walking away to my former office so that I could talk to Hermann about driving by my place in the truck for the first time as Captain of Truck 81. Hopefully he would agree for Matteo.

Captain Casey Season 4: Back on TruckWhere stories live. Discover now