Chapter 430

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Matt's POV: As I arrived on scene for the first time as Fire Captain in years, I looked at Lee Henry. "Coffin, on my hip!" He nodded and agreed as he got out, already knowing what that means. "Gallo, Kidd. Hoses out." They both nodded and agreed as they went to follow lead. I then saw Severide arrive before chief. Walking over to me, he looked at me. "Where do you need me?" I then turned ot look at me. "Hey, you don't report to me anymore remember? I'm not chief." He agreed and smiled. "Just making sure." That's when I heard Hermann get out and yell.

"Severide, get a search going. I already called in back up squads. Matt, get in the hotel and go get a water connection." I nodded and agreed. "Lee Henry, grab a hose and on my hip!" He agreed and nodded before running with me. "Kidd, connect our trucks." She nodded and agreed. "Got it Captain!" I then went to run in when I saw the hotel manager. I then decided radio to Hermann. "Chief, permission to speak to manager or would you like to do it?"  Hermann then replied. "Get her to let you up to the penthouse. Then, send her out to me." 

I agreed and then ran over to the manager. "Hi, Captain Casey with the CFD." The manager then looked up at me. "I thought it was Chief." I then shook my head. "Can you just get me up to the penthouse suite? That's where you called about a fire right?" He nodded and agreed before going to start fire protocols that unlocked all doors. "All doors are unlocked for you." I agreed and nodded before running away. "You coming Coffin?" Lee Henry nodded and then ran away. Severide then looked at me. "You going run up to penthouse?" I nodded. "I'll help going down."

Severide agreed. "Meet in the middle." I smiled when he said that. "Glad to see you are keeping some of my practices going under Hermann." I then turned to look at Truck 81. "81! We are at the top. Grab your geer and let's get going. Lee Henry, you stay on my hip." He agreed and then went to put his air tank on. Doing the same, I then went to start climbing the stairs so that we could head up to the penthouse. That's when I heard Gabby speak to me. "Stay safe baby." I agreed and spoke back to her. "I promse babe. Now, let me concentrate!" I then went upstairs.

That's when Chief spoke up. "Gabby, you do not speak to him right now. He has my son on his hip."  Gabby then understood. "Understood chief." I just laughed and shook my head as I kept climbing the stairs. That's when I saw some guests come down. "Just keep going. There are people down there. Go to the paramedics and get checked out." They nodded and agreed. Meanwhile, I looked at Coffin and decided to bring him ahead of me. "Coffin, go in front of me." He nodded and agreed, going to get in front of me so that I could follow him.

10 Minutes Later when Matt & Lee Henry are at the top:
As we arrived at the top, I looked at Lee Henry while going to knock on the penthouse door. "Chicago Fire Department! Please evacuate!" We then heard some commotion inside the room. "Help! He's suffocating me!" I then got scared when I heard someone say that. I decided to radio down to Hermann to get permission to breach. "Chief, you may want to get CPD here. Victim in Penthouse claiming suffocating. Permission to breach?"

Hermann then agreed over the radio. "Of course. Go ahead and breach. Lee Henry stay back." Lee Henry then went to radio to him. "Got it Chief!"  I then smiled when he said that before watching him get back. I then went to kick in the door. That's when we walked in the room. ANd we found out we weren't talking about a man. We were talking about a huge snake. I then looked at the woman and got scared. "Uhm, ma' that your snake?" She then nodded.

I then bit my lip before radioing down to Chief. "Chief, we have a little problem. It's not domestic violence. It's a big snake." Chief then got nervous. "I am sending Gabby in with a mask okay? I know she's a paramedic but..." I then went to speak to him. "Hermann, it's your house! I am her husband, not her chief. You make the orders. Gabby, just get up here so that this snake doesn't kill it's owner." Gabby then replied. "Coming!"  I then looked at the woman as I went to try and help her. "Okay, Lee Henry...just stand back okay? In fact, I am going to send you down."

I then radio'd to Chief. "Chief, cancel CPD and I am going to send Lee Henry back down okay? I would rather not put the candidate at risk. I am already weary bringing Gabby up. So, he is going to come right down. That's why he's not on my hip okay? Permission to do so?"  That's when Hermann agreed. "Lee Henry, come down immediately." Severide then spoke up. "We could actually use some help on Squad, can he come join us on the 14th floor?" Hermann then agreed. "Lee Henry, go join Squad on 14th. Matt, Gabby's on her way up with oxygen on her okay?"

I agreed. "Of course Chief. See you soon."  I then went to look at the snake again to try and figure this out so that Gabby wasn't too overwhelmed when Gabby got up here.

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