Chapter 457

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Matt's POV: After finishing up in the shower that morning, I smiled as I grabbed some boxers from my dresser before taking off my towel and putting them on. Seeing that Gabby was already in bed waiting for me (while just wearing one of my t-shirts instead of a bra), I knew I wanted to get in bed with her pretty quickly. I find that recently...I just love holding her in my arms because it is so calming. There is nothing like her laying down on my chest while we cuddle up to one another in bed. But nothing compares to it when she isn't wearing a bra. That is not just comfortable, it is sexy and relaxing. Having my girl lay down that close to me is exactly what I need at times. It calms me down almost instantly for some reason and I love it.

Getting in bed with Gabby, I smiled as I opened the covers and then wrapped my arms around her. "How were the kids last night? I'm sorry I wasn't here as much as I wanted to be." Gabby then smiled as she held me close. "They were okay. Honestly, I am just glad you were able to come say goodnight." I nodded and went to kiss her head. "I am trying to see if I can come sleep here at night. I am trying to see if Hermann would be okay with that? I mean, we live across the street from the firehouse so...I can just run over and get in pretty easily." Gabby then sighed. "I would rather you not. If I am asleep, I don't want to be woken up in the middle of the night."

I agreed and understood. "At least I can come to meals and stuff. Or you can come to meals at the firehouse. I think you should come to supper at the firehouse more. That way, you don't have to cook." Gabby smiled and nodded. "With your mom here, I could probably even sneak over to the firehouse every night and sleep there when I am done breastfeeding." I then looked down at Gabby. "That defeats the purpose of you not being woken up in the middle of the night. It's basically me coming here but at the firehouse." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Good point. But would you complain if I came and spent your birthday and stuff there in the future?"

I shook my head when she said that and smiled. "Oh, I am fully expecting to see you there on my birthday." Leaning down, I smiled while going to kiss Gabby softly. Grabbing her back, I smirked when she decided to lay down on my chest. Kissing her slowly while we were alone in bed, I smirked and decided to move my lips to her neck while we were still alone. "We going back to sleep or are we just going to be doing this until we are disturbed." Gabby laughed when I said that before moving to kiss my neck. "I want to get a bit of pleasure right now. Well, just get held by you." I nodded and agreed as I went to reach over to grab the tv remote.

Gabby nodded when I did that, just staying close to me as we held each other close. "Later though, I want to talk to your mom about letting us go on a date. Sorry but, we haven't been on one in a while and I need some time alone with my husband." I agreed and smiled when she said that. "Or, we can just ask her to keep the kids downstairs as much as possible. Or even better. We can just stay here in bed and she takes care of them when they are downstairs. If they come upstairs...then we can have fun with them. But we stay in bed all day." Gabby smiled when I said that and was about to kiss me when I heard my mom.

"I can do that if you guys still want that." Turning to look at my mom as she came into our room, I smiled. "Only exception are the babies. You guys can still watch them. I can take care of Matteo." Gabby then looked at me and rubbed my chest. "I like that idea. Between us moving and everything...we haven't had much time just between the two of us. You sure you don't mind Nancy?" My mom nodded and smiled. "Of course. How were the fires?" I then sighed. "Long ones. We didn't get that many. We just had some long ones. I think the longest was 4 hours. It was this huge development. 2 appartment buildings and a whole residential neighborhood under construction. I was exhausted and just need to lay down today."

Gabby seemed to feel really bad for me when I said that. "I am so sorry Matt, I didn't know it was that bad." I nodded and agreed as I went to hold her close. "Listen, I am okay though. I just need some time to relax. However, can you send Matteo up until breakfast is ready? Mind cooking? Like I said, my feet hurt." My mom nodded and understood. "You just aren't wearing boxers when I come up here. Sorry but, at least be appropriate while I am coming up and down." I laughed and agreed before turning my head to go kiss Gabby. "How about you make me and Gabby some pancakes? Gabby, I saw you take your meds right?" Gabby nodded and smiled.

"Yes, now go get dressed." I then looked at my mom, giving her the hint. She then nodded before walking away (and closing our door) so that I could get up and get dressed. Getting up, I smiled as I looked at Gabby. Giving her a quick kiss while leaning over her, I smiled and then whispered to her. "I can just keep my PJs close if you want." Gabby then smirked when I said that. "No, I want to rest. I am still recovering from my surgery remember? Sorry if sex has been non-existant for the past couple weeks." I nodded and understood. "Perfect time to move. You had to rest." Gabby laughed and smiled as I got up and then walked away to my dresser to get clothes and get dressed.

Captain Casey Season 4: Back on TruckDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora