Chapter 442

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Meanwhile, out in the Common Room with Will and Natalie Halstead:
Will's POV: As me and Natalie stood in the firehouse waiting for Matt to come out of the shower, I smiled as I spoke to the new firehouse chief. "So, Matt just quit for a while?" Hermann nodded and agreed. "Yeah. He had to do it for family though. Problems around the house I think." I nodded and understood. "By the way, we are so sorry that we are just popping in. It's just..." Hermann then laughed. "Relax, this is still a community firehouse." That's when I heard Gabby come out. "Plus, you would definitely be invited in as our guests." I laughed while turning to look at her. "Gabby, how are you?" She then walked over to me and went to hug me. "How's Jay?" Natalie sighed when she asked him that. "We haven't got an update. He's still in surgery."

Gabby then grabbed my hand. "You let me know whenever you get an update okay?" Natalie nodded and agreed. "We are on our way back after this. We have to go spend some time with Maggie." That's when Gabby noticed that I had someone on my chest. "Is this little Willow?" I nodded and smiled as I looked down at my namesake. "And in here, we have our twins." I then went to put my hand on Natalie's baby bump and smiled at her. "We are thinking it's going to be one of each actually." Natalie nodded while Gabby smiled. "By the way Will, just wanted to say that I am so glad that surgery you performed on Matt didn't work. I am so happy with little Gabriel." I laughed when she said that and smiled. "I bet you are." That's when I saw Matt.

"Oh, I didn't know we had guests. How was the flight from Seattle? And where's Owen?" Natalie then sighed. "This one convinced me to leave him back in Seattle." Matt then looked at me. "You seriously don't think that Jay could use a little cheering up from seeing his nephew? And I am sure that Maggie would've loved to see him." Matt then walked over to me and smiled as he hugged me. "Congratulations again." Matt then walked up to Natalie and hugged her. "Let's hope that the twins are both like you. Not sure if we can handle another surgical mistake." I then looked at him. "You do not use that terminology around doctors okay? I get reported, I could get fired from working at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital." Gabby then smiled. "You got the job?"

I nodded and smiled. "I am a Emergency Medicine Resident working under this doctor named Tom Koracik. He is a jack ass. Kinda like the Voight of medicine." Matt laughed when I said that. "Believe me, I am glad I don't have to deal with him as Chief anymore. I kinda like my spot as Captain. More time at home with Gabby." Wrapping his arm around her, Matt then looked at Willow. "You have that glow on you that only happens when you are carrying your daughter on your chest. Believe me, I have it whenever I am holding her too. By the way, what do you think about having a nephew this time around?"

Note: I forget if they already know or not so, if I did...pretend that never happened and continue reading as if this is the first time that Will and Natalie are learning that they are having a nephew.

I stared at Matt, shocked when he said that. "How do you know that I have am getting a nephew before me?" Matt then bit his lip, him having obviously been unaware of the fact that we didn't know that Erin is pregnant with a boy. "Natalie, I think that this is going to have to end our visit. I need to go talk to Erin." Natalie then looked at me. "Just don't stress her out. Plus, we need to take a taxi. So, you have time." Natalie then went to grab her phone when Gabby turned to look at Hermann. "Hey Chief!" Hermann then looked at her. "Yeah?" Gabby then smiled at him. "What do you say I give the doctors here a ride to the hospital instead of them having to take a taxi to go see his brother who was shot?" Hermann then bit his lip.

"Take them in your car, not the Ambo. Lee Henry, you are benched until Matt is back." Gabby then turned to look at Hermann. "I never said anything about Matt going. Where are you keys babe?" Matt then went to grab them from his locker for me. "Chief, I am going to check on them too." Hermann then shook his head. "No, you are just giving them a ride. You are my PIC. I can't have you at the hospital if we get a call. So, drive them and then come back. Are we understood Dawson?" Gabby noddded and agreed with Hermann. That's when Matt came back out. "Take a breath and relax." He then went to wrap his arm around Gabby and smiled as he kissed her softly. "Send Jay and Erin my best." Gabby nodded and smiled as she went to lead us out to their car so that she could give us a ride to the hospital.

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