Captain Casey Season 4: Back...

By OneChicagobyA

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Continuation of my Chief Casey series post-resignation. When Matt Casey took the job of Chief of Firehouse 51... More

March 26, 2022
Chapter 429
Chapter 430
Chapter 431
Chapter 432
Chapter 433
Chapter 434
Chapter 435
Chapter 436
Chapter 437
Chapter 438
Chapter 439
Chapter 440
Firehouse Shower Part 1
Firehouse Shower Part 2
Chapter 442
Note to Readers
Chapter 443
Chapter 444
Chapter 445
Chapter 446
Chapter 447
Chapter 448
Chapter 449
March 27, 2022
Chapter 451
Chapter 452
Chapter 453
Chapter 454
Chapter 455
Note to Readers
April 16, 2022
Chapter 457
Chapter 458
Chapter 460
Chapter 461
Chapter 462
Chapter 463
Chapter 464
Chapter 465
Chapter 466
Chapter 467
Chapter 468
Chapter 469
Chapter 470
Chapter 471
Note to Readers
New Version

Chapter 459

24 0 0
By OneChicagobyA

Matt's POV: When Gabby said that tonight was her first post-surgery shift at Molly's...I smiled considering we hadn't been to the restaurant in so long. "God, I wish I could go with you if you went. I just feel horrible leaving all 3 kids with my mom. The only way I would be comfortable going is if your mom came to help my mom tonight. I mean, we stay at the bar until past midnight when you work there. And don't say anything. If you go, I am going too. You don't get to go hang out with our friends at the bar without me." Gabby laughed when I said that. That's when I heard my mom come in with breakfast. "What's this about going to a bar tonight?"

Gabby then sighed as she looked at my mom. "You remember that bar me and Matt own with our friends?" My mom nodded and agreed as she went to give me pancakes. "Here, these are breakfast." I smiled when she gave me them already cut up. "Thanks for cutting them ahea dof time." She laughed when I said that. "You always do it for Gabby. Plus, I made an extra pancake. Matteo asked me for one and I said he could eat with you guys. Hope that's okay?" I nodded and smiled before going to tickle Matteo. "As long as this little guy doesn't steal mine."

Gabby smiled when I did that, loving it when I play with the kids. She then looked at my mom. "Well, about the bar...I have my first shift bartending after my surgery. All of our friends always hang out there on the night after shift. I know it's a lot to ask but...if I ask my mom to come help with the three kids, would you mind if me and Matt go out with our friends tonight?" My mom laughed when she said that. I thought that meant no. "It's okay Gabby, I can stay home with the kids so that you can go to work." My mom then shook her head. "No, I can do it."

I was shocked when she said that. "Then what was with the laughing." She then smiled. "I was just shocked that it took Gabby this long to ask me to go out somewhere with your friends. Matt, you two are either at the firehouse, together on a date or here with the kids. You need to get out with your friends in a social setting. Honestly, go for the night and I can take care of the kids." Gabby then bit her lip. "It would be until after midnight. I want to be there until closing." My mom nodded and smiled. "You really think I'll complain? Heck, ask your mom to join me."

I smiled when my mom said that. She and Gabby's mom have become good friends since we got married this time around. They have really bonded over their common hatred for my father-in-law. Speaking of which, he is back in jail and we recently got a new restraining order that doesn't allow him to come into downtown Chicago. So, we are never going to see him again. When he is out of jail, he's even going to be on a monitored GPS. Can't wait for that day. That's when I went back to the conversation when Gabby spoke to me. "Would you be okay with that?"

I then smiled at her. "Let me see, a reason to drink...hell yeah I would be okay with that. Gabby, you need to get out of here. In fact, let me take you to dinner before shif too. We can go to dinner at that nice restaurant down the street from our place. Then, we can go to work. We need to get out after all the work you did on this place. It looks amazing." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "I'd love that." She then moved to kiss me softly. "It's our first date since your birthday." I smiled when she said that but was shocked it's been that long. "It hasn't been that long."

Gabby then nodded and sighed. "Unfortunately, that's true. I can remember since it was right before I quit the CFD." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Right, that makes sense. But mom, if you can do that...then we will definitely take you up on that offer later. I would love to just take Gabby out and let her relax. I mean, she has been such a trouper all these months and I need her to know how much I appreciate that." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to kiss my cheek. "I know that baby, I really do."

I smiled when she said that and nodded. "Then listen mom, we are going to do that okay? We'll go on a date for supper. Then she can go to shift for supper. Or wait, should it be an afternoon date?" Gabby then bit her lip. "We can do a late lunch. I start around 4 and work til' midnight." My mom then agreed. "I know Gabby, this isn't the first time I watch them. Just go whenever you want. I know you just got home Matt but, you can spend time with the kids another time. Gabby has been stuck here with the kids for a while. She needs time with her husband."

I then sighed when she said that. "I want a bit of time with the kids okay Gabby? Can we maybe talk about this. We'll let you know what our plans are okay mom?" She nodded and agreed. "Listen Matteo, how about you eat with your parents. Talk when he's done guys. He can bring your plates downstairs when he comes to play uno with his grandma." Matteo then smiled. "Uno!" He then got excited when she said that. "When did he learn to play that?" Gabby then laughed. "Last week. He's loving it." I smiled when he siad that. "Then listen, I will bring the plates and him down when we are done. Sorry but, I don't want him to break the plates."

My mom nodded and agreed. "I will leave the soap in the sink. Matteo, I will see you and play later?" He agreed and smiled as I went to start feeding him some pancakes. "See you soon mom." She smiled and walked away when I said that, ready to let us relax.

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