My Client the Rockstar (Book...

By sbergeron16

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I've been Steel Wolf's manager for years. I always managed to keep my personal life away from the band. Till... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (part one)
Author note
Chapter 53 (part 2)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Authors Final Note
Steel Wolf Book 3

Chapter 49

628 31 0
By sbergeron16

Curiosity has me pressing one. If nothing more I can find out what he wants and pass the information on to Ryder. Ryder will more than likely not be happy with me for taking the call, but better to be in front of an issue than behind. No harm in seeing what he wants. I can always hang up on him.

The call clicks and a gruff voice answers. "Hello. If this the manager of Steel Wolf?"

I take a deep breath and enter into my professional mode. "Yes, it is. How did you get this number?" He pauses for a second as though he is debating on answering me or not. "Look Mr. Clark I'm sure there is a reason for your call and if you want me to answer what I'm able to I need you to answer my question. How did you get this number?"

"A gentleman named Mr. Gear gave it to me. When I told him I'm Ryder's father he went on to explain per policy he wasn't able to give me Ryder's direct number, but he could give me yours."

I hate how the label is able to give my number out to basically anyone they want. Due to this protocol I've been forced to change my number numerous time, which causes a headache in on itself. Once again I have a feeling I'm going to have to change my number, but sadly with us being in the middle of a tour the change is going to have to wait till the tour is over. Too many important people have this number for me to change it in the middle.

"Very well. How can I help you Ms. Clark?" I keep my tone clear of emotion and remain straight to the point.

"I was... well.. wondering... if you knew if he received my letter or not?" I could hear the hesitancy in his voice.

Not wanting to give out any information to this man without speaking with Ryder first I say, "Mr. Clark I know nothing about him receiving or not receiving a letter."

"But ain't the two of you dating? How the fuck do you not know," he snarks.

I rub my forehead not at all enjoying this conversation. "Mr. Clark if you continue to swear at me I will hang up this phone and as for my relationship with your son that is between him and I. Is there anything else I can assist you with? I really need to begin my day."

"Can I speak with him," he asks.

"Currently all members of Steel Wolf are resting before the concert tonight. If you would like I can pass on a message to him explaining you called and were wanting to speak with him." I can't believe I'm about to say these next words. "If you would like to call back in a week or so I can let you know of his answer. But Mr. Clark to be frank from his silence these past years I would think you would already know the answer to your question of him wanting to speak to you or not. Have a great day."

Without waiting for him to respond I end the call and rest my elbows on the table. Resting my head in my hands I sit there for a moment replaying the conversation in my mind. Why did I tell him to call back? Because you want to give Ryder the option to talk to him or not. Now how do I tell Ryder his father called me.

Ryder finds me slumped at the kitchen table lost in thought not too long after I ended my phone conversation. I still haven't figured out an exact way to break the news to him, but understanding how Ryder's mind works I'm better off telling him sooner than later. The longer I wait to tell him the worse his reaction is going to be.

He sits down next to me forcing me to slide over to make room for his bigger frame. "What's wrong sweetheart? Run out of coffee?" He snickers to himself over the last question. My head pops up and I glare at him, but the mention of coffee has me craving some and the extra ingredient I plan on adding.

Ryder springs into action removing some of the fake candles and starting the pot. "You are going to need to send one of the crew in here to remove all of these," Ryder reminds me. The joys of being one of the big bosses I can get the lower crew members to do just about anything I want.

Glancing around the room I notice some of the lights are out, but some are still shinning brightly. The memories of last night flood my mind chasing away the darkness of the conversation with Paul and causing my face to turn red.

Ryder props a hip up against the counter crossing his arms across his chest and studies me. I squirm under his steady gaze not sure to be turned on or freaking out over the conversation I'm about to have with him. He is telling me without words he knows something is on my mind, but he'll wait for me to start talking.

After we both a sitting down with a cup of coffee, which will be spiked, I'll tell him his father called me. No longer able to meet his eyes I glance around the room looking at everything except him. Ryder picks up on my discomfort and does nothing to try and engage me in conversation. He is giving me my space to process what I'm about to do next.

The coffee finished brewing and he pours us each a cup mixing in cream and sugar. "Might want to add the Kahlua first," I tell him.

His eyes slightly enlarge and he takes in a quick breath. "This conversation is going to be that bad?"

My eyes meet his for a second then I let my head fall to the table with a groan. Where is the strong independent women I am? She's seems to be hiding in a corner somewhere. Ryder and I only just patched our difference last night and I'm about to drop a doosey on him.

Leaving my head resting on the table I hear him open a cabinet and pour a generous amount of the alcohol into our mugs. He sets my mug down next to me and awkwardly pats the top of my head. I turn my head to the side to stare at him and watch as he slides into the seat across from me already sipping on his coffee. With the speed of a turtle I pick my head off the table, reach for my coffee and take a drink needing as much liquid courage I can get this early in the morning.

Ryder says nothing he only watches my actions like a hawk. Waiting for me to break the silence and tell him what's on my mind, for which I'm grateful. I set the coffee mug down and reach for his hand needing a way to feel as though is he anchored to me.

"This morning I received a phone call," I explain as calmly as I can.

Ryder slightly turns his head to the side and confusion is written all over his face. "Okay?" I can only imagine what he is currently thinking.

No longer wanting to drag this out nor have my anxiety eat away at me I say, "the call was from your father."

Ryder springs away from the table and passes the small space continuously running his hand thorough his hair. My eyes watch him trying to get a read on what he is thinking and feeling, but I come up empty. Like when he was waiting for me to speak I to shall have to wait for him to speak.

My phone buzzes with an incoming text. Skylar informs me the busses are all at the site and the crew was starting to unload. I send her a quick message explaining I was running a little behind and if she could handle the step up till I was able to join her. The response from her comes as soon as I hit send. All her text says is she is on it and a winky smiley face.

I sense someone staring at me and when I look up from my phone I discover Ryder has stopped his pacing. He takes a few deep breaths and I can see the inner war within his eyes. "Wh...what...d..." He stops for a second and steadies himself. Gaining as much control over his emotions as he can. "What did he want?"

Not wanting to continue this conversation so far from him I stand from my seat to wrap my arms around his neck and his go instantly around my hips. I can feel his body slightly trembling.

Staring up at him I explain the phone conversation. "He wanted to know if you had received his letter. Which I kept my answer vague. Then he became heated and demanded how do I not know since you and I are together. To which I explained yours and my relationship or lack of relationship is none of his business."

Ryder's eyes sparkle with respect and awe. "As much as professional Aubree is a pain in the ass at least she is good for something." He says the last part in teasing so I pinch his arm. Not sure if his joking is to cover his real emotion or to lighten the mood. Only time will tell

"He asked to speak to you and I told him you weren't available." So far Ryder has not at all reacted the way I thought he would, but all of that could change the second I tell him the last part. "But I told him to call back in a week or so and if you wanted to talk to him then you would. I didn't want to completely close the door if you did want to talk to him, but I also don't want you to feel forced. Hence why I didn't give him your number. He is forced to call me and I can deal with him so you don't have to." I'm rambling like crazy, but I'm afraid to leave him a lull in the conversation where he could yell at me.

All the worry I was feeling was for nothing though. Ryder not once yells instead he crashes his lips against mine. His fingers dig into my ass and a moan escapes from my lips. Ryder presses he's tongue into my mouth and the taste of him floods my senses. Slowly the kisses cools till he pecks me only to gather me tightly in his arms against his chest.

"I love you," he whispers into the top of my head.

"Love you too," I squeak still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Ryder must sense my unease because he says, "I'm not mad at you for taking the call."

A sigh escapes because I was beyond scared he would be. Snuggling more into his warm embrace I still explain my reasoning for taking the call. "I only answer because I figured he would keep calling till I did and this way we both got answers as to why he was calling."

Ryder nods his head above me and loosens his hold slightly so I can stare up at him. "I'm sure there was more to the phone call then the questions he was asking you. He wants money from me and will try anything he can think of to get it from me. In the letter he tried to come across as the caring father and who knows how he's going to be now. We need to keep our relationship as much on the down low as we can."

Hearing those words was like a dagger to my heart. Sure I may have been hesitant about going public with our relationship, but everything has changed now. The thought of being secretive doesn't sit well with me.

Ryder must see the turmoil in my eyes because he adds, "I hate this as much as you do. But if he was to find out we are together I wouldn't put it past the bastard to try and use you against me. Desperate people will do just about anything to get what they want." Ryder pauses for a second. "Aubree how did he get your number anyways."

"Mr. Gear."

"Fuck," Ryder roars turning and slamming his fist into the counter behind him. I spring away from him offering as much space as I can. "Knowing that asshole he's already spilled the beans about our relationship."

I run my hands up and down his tense back hoping to sooth him. "Then why would he ask me about dating you?"

Ryder runs his hand thorough his hair. "To figure out if the information was accurate or not." Ryder turns to face me and places a hand on each of my shoulders. "Aubree I need you to remember how exactly did he ask about our relationship."

His eyes burn into me while I try to recall the exact way he worded the question. I bite my lip and glance off to the side. "Umm something like ain't the two of you dating and then he added how the fuck don't you know if he got the letter or not." I raise my eyes to Ryder awaiting his reaction.

"I can't tell for sure if he completely knows or not. And thankfully we never did a full on press release about our relationship. Might not be a bad idea for me to be pictured with other women."

I take a step back away from him feeling sick to my stomach at the images running though my head. "Is all of that really necessary," I ask quietly.

"Better to be safe then sorry. This man is one sick mother fucker. The only evidence we have is what he did to Mason's sister, but my gut is telling me she isn't his only victim."

"But he's locked up Ryder how could he get to me if he did threaten," I stammer through my question trying to understand how we went from such a wonderful night last night to now this.

Ryder takes a step towards me holding out his hand, but I take a step back avoiding him. His arm falls loosely to his side. "He's been in prison a long time who knows what kind of connection he has now made or what promises he's made. Having a famous rich son probably helped his cause. He more than likely lied through his teeth claiming we have some kind of relationship."

"This is all so much," I tell him feeling my heart breaking and my anxiety rising. Ryder brushes my hair from my forehead and I flinch. His hand instantly leaves me and hurt flashes in his eyes.

"Sweetheart," he says gently as though talking to a scared animal. "Talk to me what's running though that pretty head of yours?"

Pain. Uncertainty. Fright. Only to name a few I think to myself. All I want is my happily ever after with Ryder. Sure I figured we would have to deal with some drama. He is a famous rockstar after all, but I never imagined this would be our drama. First Adam and now this. My sanity is holding on by a thread. My emotions are a jumbled mess. All I want to do is crawl back in bed and pretend none of this was happening.

Ryder wraps me in his arms and comforts me wiping away tears I hadn't even realized was falling. "Everything is going to be okay. You're going to be okay. We are okay. Nothing has been said yet."

Yet. The pesky word plays over and over in my head. Yet.              

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