My Client the Rockstar (Book...

By sbergeron16

57K 2.9K 270

I've been Steel Wolf's manager for years. I always managed to keep my personal life away from the band. Till... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (part one)
Author note
Chapter 53 (part 2)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Authors Final Note
Steel Wolf Book 3

Chapter 47

619 29 2
By sbergeron16

Once Steel Wolf takes the stage the screaming of the crowd makes having a conversation more difficult, but somehow, I manage to explain to Wicked Minion what would happen after the show. They were given the option to either join us listening to Steel Wolf or they could head back to their dressing room for some rest and relaxation. Only Logan decided to stay and listen while the others headed back to the dressing room. But eventually he too grows restless and heads out.

In what felt like a blink of an eye Dimitri was saying goodbye to the crowd for a final time, they had already played their encore songs. What the public doesn't know is we schedule in time for the encore and so an encore isn't really an encore. But the fans are still happy and at the end of the day they are the ones who pay our all of our salaries. Without them none of this would be possible.

Now for my least favorite part of the concert. The meets and greats. I send Frank a text asking if he can round up Adam and bring him to the designated room. Usually the fans would only be meeting with Steel Wolf, but we were doing something different on this tour. I wanted Wicked Minion involved to help grow their fan base, but as for Adam I figure better to invite him to help keep the peace.

Frank texts be back explaining Adam is already on the bus and has no desire to meet with the fans. His loss. He is the one who wants to restart his music career and this was not the way to make his wish come true, but since at the end of the day I don't care what happens with his career I don't have Frank push the matter. Instead I send him a thank you and tell him to continue on as normal. Plus not having Adam there would put the other bands at ease.

"Adam not joining," Skylar asks standing from her seat and pulling her shirt back down.

"Nope. How can you tell?"

"By the smile on your face." She picks up her tablet and starts to go though the list of those being allowed back stage. "Want me to go get Wicked Minion?" She asks slipping into work mode.

For a second, I ponder my next actions. Since Ryder and I seem on the mend I feel comfortable enough dealing with them and their after concert jitters. "Sounds like plan. Do you remember where to take them?"

She nods her head. "Sure do boss. Also while I'm heading to their room I'll make sure security is screening everyone correctly. Don't need anyone extra sneaking in. The faster we get through this the fast we can get on the road." Skylar too hates these after concert events. She has gotten better at watching women throw themselves at Dimitri, but still not a favorite hobby of hers. Dimitri tries his hardest to side step the desperate women and pay attention to those who are there because they are fans and not because they want to get laid.

"Perfect," I thank her. She dashes down the hall to do my bidding while I sit there twiddling my thumbs waiting for the guys.

Dimitri is the first to join be and he continuously glances around. "Sorry lover boy," I tell him, "she had to leave to go to work."

Dimitri's eyes loose a little bit of their shine. "Aubree in the future can you please wait to send her away till after I get to see her?"

His request wouldn't be hard to follow, but once he sees her getting him to let her go might me next to impossible. "Sorry Dimitri no can do." I pat his cheek. "She has new reasonability's this tour and you need to learn to deal with them."

"We could hire someone to take on those," he mutters under his breath.

I roll my eyes and chuckle to myself. "Dimitri you would then be putting Skylar out of a job."

Tray joins us glancing between Dimitri and me. "What's got him looking so blue?"

"Three guesses and the first two don't count." At Tray's raised brow I throw him a bone. "Who's missing?"

Tray stand there for a moment and by this time the others have joined us. He holds a finger in the air. "My bestest best friend is missing," he says proud of himself for figuring out the puzzle.

"Bingo," I tell him. I knock my shoulder against Dimitri. "And Dimitri over here is upset because I sent Skylar to do her job and she isn't here to greet him."

Tray gets an evil glint in his eyes and I quickly seek out Lucan's gaze hoping he noticed to. I was in luck he also was picking up on the fact Tray was about to say or do something stupid. Lucan positions himself in a way to be able to jump between the two men.

"So Aubree tell me if I'm wrong, but you work for us?" He asks trying to appear innocent.

Hesitantly I answer his question. "You're right and wrong. Technically I work for the label, but since the label's job is to supply you with what you need in a sense yes I work for you." I hold my breath drawing conclusions on where he might be going with his line of questioning.

His smile turns evil. I close my eyes for a split second and sigh. "And now since Skylar works for you by default she works for the label?" I refuse to answer his question instead I remain staring blankly at him. No way was I going to be a part of whatever the hell he was up to.

The other stare at Tray as though he has lost him mind. Dimitri is the only one who seems oblivious to where Tray is leading this conversation. Tray begins to drum his fingers on the table and I tense waiting for the atomic bomb to be dropped. Mason even shoots Tray the stink eye.

"If I use the same line of reasoning about how you," he states nodding his head in my direction, "work for us. Then I can also use the same line of reasoning about Skylar." Once again, I refuse to respond. "So since she works for us I can make requests. I believe my first request shall be for a back rub and if she happens to give me a happy ending score for me."

The words are barley out of Tray's mouth and Dimitri is already charging in his direction. Lucan takes a strong grip on Dimitri and Ryder presses Tray to walk down the hall. I catch Tray sticking his tongue out and making faces in Dimitri's direction.

"When are you going to learn he only says this shit to get a rise out of you and you step up to the plate every single time," Lucan scold Dimitri.

Dimitri glares at Lucan. "Why can't you just let me hit him? I promise I won't mess up his ugly face."

I hold my head in my hand due to my headache starting to grow in strength. "Dimitri enough please," I seethe. "Tray is like a Pitbull. Once he figures out what annoys you, he holds on and won't let go. So stop falling into his trap. There is enough shit going on without you two adding to it. I will be having a conversation with him. The two of you need to fucking grow up." My voice continues to rise with each word I speak to the point all three guys are eyeing me with fright.

I'm tired of the two of them acting like children. Dimitri knows Tray would never doing any of this shit he runs his mouth about. This is all simply a way to push Dimitri's buttons. I swear I will put the two of them in time out.

"Now let us head to the meet a greet and get it over with so we can get back on the road. Then I won't have to deal with any of this nonsense for a few hours." I command and walk away without waiting for them. They can either fall into line or go back to the bus for all I care.

Muttering can be heard from the guys while the follow me down the hall. I hear my name brough up a few times causing me to stop. I turn to face them placing my hands on my hips and glaring at them. Mason ends up dipping and hiding behind Lucan. Pansy. The other two stand there with their hands in their pockets staring at the floor. Spinning on my heals I continue down the hall.

When I reach the door to where the meet and greet was taking place, I swing the door open and step inside. All talking stops when I enter. Must have something to do with the expression on my face. I run my eyes over the room noticing everyone is there except Adam. Not surprised.

Lucan, Dimitri and Mason shuffle in with their heads down and go directly to the other side of the room. My eyes continue to drift around the room till the settle on Tray, who was conveniently hiding behind Skylar. I march over to him, grab him by the ear and drag him from them room. He complains the entire time across the room. Out of the corner of my eye I catch Dimitri throwing Tray a smug smile. Guess he will never grow up.

Skylar tugs on his arm drawing his attention to her and I hear her ask what is going on to which Mason more than happily jumps in to share the dirt. The door closes before I can hear anymore of the conversation. I tug Tray till we are standing off to the side of the door. A crew member buzzes past throwing a confused expression in out direction. I stared him down till he continued on his way

Tray rubs his ear sending me nasty looks. "What the fuck Aubree?"

I position myself in front of him and place my hands on my hips channeling Skylar and her teacher glare. "Don't what the fuck Aubree me." Tray stands to his full height. "This taking jabs at Dimitri over Skylar needs to stop." Tray goes to say something, but I hold my finger up cutting him off. "I'm not done talking. Your passing words may have been funny in the early stages, but enough is enough. I have enough shit on my plate dealing with Adam. Hell Wicked Minion is acting better than you and Dimitri." I throw my hands up in the air then poke him in the chest. "I'm going to tell you what I told Dimitri. Grow the fuck up."

Tray takes a step back from me and throws his hands up in the air. "Take a chill pill. I was only making jokes. No reason to get your panties in a bunch."

He must have seen a fire in my eyes he has never seen because before I could react he was tucking tail and running for the room. I remain outside the door counting to ten because if I was to enter in my current state I would kill Tray.

The door opens and I take a step back. Ryder pokes his head around and when he spots me exits. He approaches me hesitantly. "Aubree," he says softly running his hand through his hair. "You good?"

Not caring that Ryder and I were in a fight I wrap my arms around his hips and hide my face into his chest. At first he tenses over my actions, but recovers wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on top of mine.

We remain in our own little bubble till excited voices fill the hallways. The fans are making their way to the room. I pull back slightly from his arms to look up at him. "I'm better now," I tell him.

He smiles down at me and I can see a tenderness in his eyes. Ryder bends down to place a kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes enjoying the attention. "Good," he states separating himself from me. He heads to the door, but hold his hand out for mine. Without a second thought I place mine with in his.

I loved seeing Aubree take charge side come out and yell at the two boys.             

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