It Will Always Be You (MxM)

By SulainahDiamante

170K 8.5K 482

" first cut is the deepest" others believe it others don't but in this case believe it! From an abandoned pre... More

1. Nathan
2. Nathan
3. Nathan
4. Nolan
5. Nolan
6. Nathan
7. Nathan.
8. Nolan
9. Nolan
10. Nathan
11. Nathan
12. Nolan
13. Nathan
14. Nathan
15. Nolan
16. Nathan.
17. Nathan
18. Nolan
19. Nathan
20. Nathan.
21. Nathan
22. Nathan
23. Nolan.
24. Nathan
25. Nolan
27. Nolan
28. Nathan
29. Nolan
30. Nathan
31. Nathan
32. Nathan
33. Nolan
34. Nathan
35. Nathan
36. Nathan

26. Nathan

3.2K 196 8
By SulainahDiamante

I don't know why I am throwing up like this but it can't be what I'm thinking, I have been taking the pills like the doctor prescribed so it can't be right. Although I am scared, if it's what I think it is, I am done Nolan made it clear that he doesn't want more kids, now here am I throwing up like there is no tomorrow and this is not  the right moment to have other kids, I am not ready and definitely Nolan is not ready.

I really don't know what to do but I have to be sure. I will go to the hospital after the hearing tomorrow so that I can be sure but please God, it can't be please I don't want to lose Nolan now when I have just got him. I sighed deeply putting my hands on the sink breathing in and breathing out. 'please God help me' I Said to myself. I brushed my teeth and after I got out strutting to my office where I have left the father and son, I hope they aren't killed themselves. I knew they weren't in good terms with eachother bity I needed to find out the truth, I wanted to make sure if Nolan's father isn't involved in all this. Now I know, he was telling the truth, I have looked in to him and all his business are decent. He doesn't involve in illegal stuff.

I stopped in my trucks when I heard them arguing.  " I love Nate and I am staying here in New York with my family" that was Nolan's voice  " I have seen the bad side of you father maybe it's time to see mine" Nolan's voice was deep and void of emotions that warmed my heart hearing him say those words but won't he run away if......stop Nate you don't know anything for sure.

I didn't want to eavesdrop so decided to make myself known " sorry about that lets continue" I smiled my heart beating fast at what Nolan had said. If his father wasn't here I would have kissed him right this minute. " Mr Thompson I believe you, I will do everything to not involve You in this scandal or your company" I say softly. Today I had decided to work at home and since tomorrow is the hearing I need to be fresh. Tomorrow I have to put so many people behind bars.

" Thank you Mr Wright, I think your parents are so proud of you" he Said looking at Nolan " I wish I had a son like you but mine is useless piece of shit" he said all of this not breaking eyes contact with Nolan, I was pissed by this, how dare he say that to Nolan. The man I love, Nolan was about to say something when the kids entered.

" Daddy" they both called jumping at me hugging me tightly

" Hey guys how was school" I say softly kissing there cheeks lovingly. Madi ran to Nolan jumping at his lap instantly and her glasses were about to fall off when Nolan caught them

" Hello bubble be careful" Nolan chuckled placing Madison's glasses back on "how was school let me hope you behaved" Nolan asked tickling the little girl.

" Yes and I got  an A+ in my math assignment" she Said with proud in her voice

" Oh that's my girl, what about you champ" Mason looked down tears rolling on down his face.

" He got a B+" Madi replied

" I thought I did everything correctly, I'm good at math" Mason whined hiding in the crook of my neck,he can act young when he wants too.

" That isn't bad Mason" I say trying to cheer him up

"If I continue doing failing I might not get in to the team,I have to pass" he sobbed harder.

" Oh my champ don't worry next time you will do better ok" Nolan stood up coming towards us as he hugged him to sooth him.

" That's what I told him uncle Nolan" Madi said with sadness in her voice.

" Where is your grandpa" he was the one who had to bring them back.

" He left saying that he had a meeting with someone" Madison replied, I was confused which meeting. I shrugged off I will ask him later.

" Ok guys go change we are still in the meeting ok, we will come afterwards" I say to them. Madi was the first to run out, Nolan was busy trying to calm Mason down.

" Go change we are going to play some football champ" that made Mason to look up at Nolan.

" Really" Nolan nodded smiling at him. Mason hugged him tightly as he moved out running out. Nolan leaned pressing his lips to mine kissing me slowly. I was surprised by this, did he forget that his dad was here.

" So you want to stay here and take care of those brats who ain't yours Nolan, I taught you better" Mr Thompson spat out fire in his eyes. I burst out laughing bitterly as I glared at him and if he wasn't Nolan's father I would have sent the bastard to prison. Nolan was about to say something but I cut him off.

" I wonder what will Mrs Thompson say if  she heard you call her grandchildren brats" I say softly, he looked at me like I have grown two heads " did you think I just called you here only to help you sir, you think I am that stupid, shame on you this doesn't only benefit you" I snorted at him leaning back to my chair.

" What are you talking about" he seathed at me.

" Mr Thompson, those kids you have just seen are your grandchildren. If you want to take a DNA you're free to do so" I say to him

" Nate its not necessary" Nolan said I just shrugged my shoulders.

" How come, Nolan you got some random girl pregnant"  Mr Thompson asked glaring at Nolan.

" It wasn't a woman sir, it was a man and that said man is me. Call me a freak but I can get pregnant sir" I replied his question and by now he was looking at me with surprise in his eyes.

" How?" He questioned

"Exactly, how but what can I say God only knows" I shrugged my shoulders " do a DNA But if it comes out positive Mr Thompson, here is what you will be doing if you want your lovely wife to see them" I put my hands on the table " you will not ever call Nolan a mistake or slur word or call him a useless piece of shit" I glared at him with anger eyes "you will give him what is rightfully his without working for it, you will let him do whatever he wants. You will never control his life and that girl you were going to bethel him with, I want her gone coz you never brought her just because you where worried about your son. I know Mr Thompson, but I even wonder whether you deserve Nolan to call you a father. " I inhaled deeply " cancel that contract with Mr Campbell and tell him that Nolan is not going to marry his daughter" he got up quickly glaring at me.

" How did you find all this out" he hissed at me.

" What can I say i get brains" I replied internally smirking pointing at my head "you will have shares in Mr Campbell's company without giving his daughter to Nolan" I say looking at him.

" How are you going to do it, this deal is important and that's the only thing Mr Campbell wants" he asked seriously.

" Everyone has secrets Mr Thompson and Mr Campbell isn't a Saint either. I looked in to him you know and I can't believe people have secrets like you Mr Thompson" his eyes widened in shock " I know all your secrets Mr Thompson" he looked at me like he wants to beat the shit out of me "Show Mr Campbell this and he will sigh the contract in no time without questions, tell him I have evidence" I handed him a file which had information about Mr Campbell his eyes widened in shock at what he was seeing.

" We-where did you g-get these" he stuttered out.

" I have my ways" I stood up " if you don't do what I said Mrs Thompson will never meet her grandchildren and I will send her some minor information which I know you don't want her to find out and I wonder what she will do if she finds out" I smiled at him sweetly.

" She will never care" I saw a twitch in his eyes and I knew he was lying.

" Ok, I guess we will find out in less then 24hours about room 715" His eyes instantly went wide as he swallowed hard nervously " nice meeting you Mr Thompson our meeting is over, you're free to go"

" Why are you blackmailing me" he said in a small voice he was defeated  I knew it

" I am not blackmailing you sir, I am stating the fact, now do we have a deal or not" I say looking at him with sullen face.

" Nolan are you going to stand there listening to your lover talking to me like this" he looked at Nolan with anger in his eyes. Nolan just shrugged giving him a smile leaning in placing a sweet kiss on my cheek. " Fine I will do what you say but one more question" I gestured him to go ahead " why are the kids very old and why are they calling Nolan uncle" he asked as I chuckled.

" Because they don't know that he is their other father. You know Nolan impregnated me when we were in highschool and he ran" I say causally without a care

" What?" He asked surprised " I had grandchildren all along and we never knew about them" he asked

" Now you know Mr Thompson" I say tiredly, I need to rest tomorrow is going to be a very long day.

" I have to prove this" he stormed out angry as Nolan looked at me in the eye.

" They say your tough, they say you're crueless, they say you don't have a heart but now I have seen it with my own two eyes and-" he seat on my lap struddaling my hips " it's sexy as fuck" he pressed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. " How did You get all that information" he asked confused.

" Remember I wasn't sleeping all these past days" I replied pulling him to me as I kissed him forcefully.

" Oh God I love you so much Nate. You don't know what you have just done for me and no one had ever dismissed my father like you did. Oh god it was hilarious. This was the first time I saw my father confused and actually stuttered, my father never stutters like ever but today he stuttered" Nolan rumbled but all I was thinking about is how his dick which was placed in my stomach.

" What is in room 715" Nolan asked.

"Your wise darling, I think you know" Nolan nodded shaking his head in disbelief.

" That bastard" he sighed his face pulling in to a frown but all I was thinking about was his dick and I wanted it now.

" Can you fuck me here on the table" I say passing my hands under his shirt to calm him down.

" Gladly my love"

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