LAVENDER| bakugo katsuki

By bubblegum_bby

107K 4K 6K

-"what's your favourite flower?" -"lavender" -"That's such a shitty choice." -"Are you trying to meet god t... More

1|𝗔𝗻𝗴𝗿𝘆 𝗛𝗲𝗱𝗴𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗴
5|𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁
9|𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗴𝗲
11|𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲
16|𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗿
19| 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗲
20| 𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽
21|𝗛𝗼𝘁 𝗦𝗮𝘂𝗰𝗲
22|𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽
26|𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗵
28|𝗕𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝗦𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴
30|𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆
37|𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗘𝘆𝗲

27|𝗜𝗰𝗲 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺

1.8K 101 160
By bubblegum_bby

You sat on the couch while Mitsuki browsed through the old photo album.

There were pictures of tiny Katsuki, adorable and angry. His small fists always curled up in a fist with the familiar scowl on his face, his red eyes shimmering like stars in the pictures.

"Oh my god, is that an All Might costume?" You screamed as you pointed at the picture of Katsuki in an All Might onesie, with his front tooth missing as his fist was raised in the air, a smug look on his face as mitsuki held him in her arms.

"Oh don't remind me, he refused to get out of that onesie, we had to force it off of him in his sleep." She laughed and you smiled, looking back at the picture. "May I take a picture?" You ask, "of course! Make fun of him all you want." She smiled and you nod, snapping a picture of it.

You two went through a few more pages, as you laughed at the chubby, toothless Katsuki. Your heart warmed at the sight, even though Mitsuki was making fun of Katsuki and calling him names, she still had the soft expression of a proud mother on her face.

You've seen this expression many times on other children's parents faces, but never seen it happen because of something you've done. Parents usually love and are proud of their children no matter what, yet it seemed as though your parents never loved you enough to be proud of you.

But what could you expect? Your "mother" wasn't even your real mother, and blamed you for taking away the love of her life.

How was it your fault? You didn't ask to be born. You didn't ask to be useless, or unlovable.

The only thing you wanted was some love.

You wanted to be cared for, cherished.

You wanted someone to look at you with longing eyes, and miss you when you're not there.

Someone to worry about you, someone to take care of you.

Someone to love you unconditionally despite your imperfections and flaws, someone that would stay by your side.

Were you the problem? Or was that person just impossible to find?

The front door slammed open as Katsuki ran inside the living room, soaked from head to toe in a black tank top and shorts.

"What happened? you okay?" He yelled as he dropped his bag and ran towards you, kneeling down infront of you on the ground. You nod with a soft smile.

Maybe you have found that person, and you just haven't realised it yet.

"You're gonna make everything wet get out of here you stupid rat! Go in the shower!" Mitsuki screamed as she grabbed him by the ear and threw him in the shower. " you old hag I'll murder you!" He screamed from inside the bathroom, "And I'll send you straight to hell, now go shower!" Mitsuki screamed back, and came back to the living room.

"Excuse his stupidity," she said as she walked back into the living room. "Follow me, I'll show you the guest room." She smiled as you got up from the couch and followed her around the house, until you entered a room, walls painted baby blue, with soft and fluffy looking bedsheets.

"You can stay for as long as you'd like, there's a spare toothbrush, shampoo and sanitary items in the bathroom, there's also a clean towel incase you felt like taking a shower in the morning." She turned towards you, "I put some clothes in the closet for you, and there's a jar of water on the bedside table incase you got thirsty." She smiled,

"Anything else you need?"

You shake your head. "Thank you." You say softly and Mitsuki gently caresses your face, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head. "I'll be downstairs, let me know if you need anything!" She said, exiting the room.

You sat on the bed, feeling slightly better.

But you knew this was temporary, you couldn't stay here forever, and this strange feeling that engulfed you when Mitsuki was around was soon to disappear, since you knew better than anyone else; happiness doesn't last.

You lay on the bed, your body feeling warm as your eyelids felt heavy.

I should wait for Katsuki to get out of the shower..

You thought, but your body betrayed you and you fell asleep instantly.


"My sweet girl." The woman who's back was facing you spoke.


The woman slowly turned around, but instead of a face, it was a black mist as the woman ran towards you and wrapped her hands around your throat, squeezing the air out of you.

"We'll meet soon, Akari." She said,

And you woke up, gasping for air. The pillow already wet with your tears, you push off the covers off of your body.

I don't remember pulling up the blankets on myself?

You took a few deep breaths and sat up, legs hanging off the bed. Gathering some energy, you stood up.

2:32 am - the digital clock read. You couldn't go back to sleep, so you left the room and walked down the hallway, as quietly as you could.

As you were about to pass Katsukis room, the floorboard under your foot squeaked and you froze, standing there looking like every thief trying to be sneaky in kids cartoons.


For a moment there was silence and you thanked whatever god there was that no one woke up, but your relief melted away when Katsukis door opened and you were pulled inside, a tight grasp around your body.

The light turned on and you blinked at the sudden brightness, looking up at Katsuki who was covered in sweat, his eyes panicked.

"Katsuki?" You whispered quietly and he visibly relaxed, letting go of you. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." You say as you saw how disheveled he looked, his chest quickly rising up and down as he ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up even more.

"It's fine, I just thought..." he paused. "Why are you awake?" He quickly said, sitting down on his bed.

"Had a nightmare." You said hesitantly sitting next to him.

Why does he look so scared?

"Did my mum annoy you or anything?" He asked, "no. not at all, she's the best." You smiled sadly.

He reached towards your hair, playing with some of the strands. "Did you dye your hair?" He asked and you shook your head, confused.

"Did you always have this much red in your hair? It seems more than before." He said and you stood up, standing infront if his mirror.

He was right, before your hair only had the two front strands as red, the rest black. But now less than half of your hair was red, it seemed like it had spread.

"Woah, yeah. I'll talk to Aizawa abou-" and you suddenly stopped, your hands dropping down on your side as you stared into the mirror, hurt even at the mention of his name.

At that his eyebrows rose up,

Then he remembered what his mother had told him, "she arrived soaked and cold. Something definitely happened to her but I figured she'd be more comfortable with talking to you rather than me. Better not push her you brat, see if she's comfortable to talk. And if she was, listen quietly and then comfort her." He rolled his eyes but was secretly grateful for his mother's help.

"You got something to say?" He said alot harsher than he'd actually meant to and he instantly felt shitty after he saw your expression, "I mean uh.. tell me what happened. If you want, I dont care." He said quickly and looked away, embarrassed at his pathetic attempt.

He watched as your lips trembled, meaning you were about to cry. "Sit back on the bed, I'll be right back." He said and left the room, leaving you on your own.

You sat back down on the bed, looking around the room.

There were a few posters of rappers and All Might on his wall, a large bookshelf filled with books, his closet neat and full of black clothing.

You smiled, looking at the picture frame of him at his middle school graduation, his parents on by his sides as it looked like Mitsuki and Katsuki were having an argument, while his father smiled while looking at them. In the back ground, you saw Izuku and you smiled, Midoriyas eyes sparkled brightly as he was standing next to his mother, also looking at the Bakugo family with a smile on his lips.

How adorable.

Katsuki then entered the room, with two bowls in his hand as he put one down infront of you and had one of his own.

You looked down at the bowl, filled with chocolate ice cream, whipped cream clumsily sprayed on top, the whole thing drowned in chocolate syrup.

Your mouth watered at the sight,

Is this heaven?

The corner of his mouth turned up softly at the sight of your happy expression, and you looked up at him, "eat and talk." He said, "are you trying to bribe me with this delicious poison?" You ask jokingly and he shrugs, "maybe."

You smile, and your nose wiggles slightly, making Katsukis heart melt at the sight of your happiness.

You dig into your ice cream, and for what felt like hours you told Katsuki everything, and he watched silently as you cried, laughed and complained while you ate your ice cream with sadness and anger.

He could see how truly hurt and betrayed you felt, you sounded confused and sad, not knowing how or who to be angry at. Which was normal, but your situation wasn't.

He felt so angry at your father, at your aunt, at Aizawa and even your mother. Why didn't she take you away from your father? Why didn't she just take you and run away?

But he realised, that it wasn't her fault, neither was it yours.

You and your mother were both victims of the cruel people in your lives, thirsty for power and love while you took all the blame and the pain.

After you were done explaining, you placed your forehead on Katsukis shoulder, "I feel like shit." You said, your voice breaking.

Katsuki slowly ran his hand up and down your arms, in an attempt to comfort you. He didnt know what to say, what was he supposed to say?

There was nothing he could say or do that could possibly take the pain away.

"You want to sleep here with me?" He asked quietly, and you nod, sniffling as he lays down on the bed, pulling you down with him.

He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, then brung his hand up to your cheek.

You looked up at him with glossy eyes, nose wiggling, but from sadness this time.

"None of it is your fault. I want you to know that." He whispered quietly and you nod, another tear slipping from your eye as he leaned forward, placing his lips on yours.

At that gesture you broke out into a cry, but his mouth swallowed your sobs as his lips moved in sync with yours, tilting his head to get a better angle. You separated as he leaned his forehead against yours,

"Im proud of you."

He whispered so quietly that was barley audible, and he pulled you to his chest and he held you in his arms as you cried into his chest.


The next morning Katsuki woke up as he felt like he was being boiled alive, and he sat up, her body still hanging onto him. He then realised the heat was from her body, and he released himself from her grasp as he gently placed her back down on the bed, placing his hand on her forehead to check her temperature.

Holy shit.

He pulled back quickly, her body felt like a hot oven, does she have a fever?

He gently woke her up and she stirred in her sleep, whining about how much her head hurts and how its cold, as she slowly sat up with her eyes still closed, reaching towards him as she clung onto him again, "you're warm." She murmured, her voice scratchy.

"Fuck, did you catch a cold?" He said, placing you back on the bed as he ran out of his room, towards the living room. He told to his mum about the situation and Mitsuki smacked him on his head for giving you Ice cream in the middle of the night, and she demanded him to go to the store and buy a bunch of medicine as she took care of you before she had to leave for work.

Mitsuki soaked a towel under cold water as she entered Katsukis room quietly, as she sat down on the bed next to you.

She placed a hand on your face, checking your temperature and she was shocked by how warm you were, your fever was really bad.

"I'm going to help you up sweetheart, and I'll use the wet towel to help you cool down a bit," she said as she raised you to sit up slowly and you sat up, eyes still closed. "I'm going to run down the towel on your back a bit, is it okay for me to lift your shirt a bit?" She asked and you nod, as she let you lean on her while she rubbed the wet towel up and down your back softly as you leaned your head on her shoulder.

She then placed you back on the bed and raised your shirt a bit more exposing your stomach, and as she ran the wet towel across your stomach, her eyes widened as she saw the burn mark that looked like a hand, she was about to reach and touch it but she stopped, as she knew she has no right to interfere with your life.

She sighed and pulled your shirt back down, grabbing another towel and folding it as she placed it on your forehead. You sighed, and she rummaged through the bag, and she brought out something.

"I have a gift for you!" She said softly, placing the big squish mellow next to you, and as you felt the softness, you nuzzled into it and wrapped your arms around it.

"Thanks mum." You whispered, and Mitsuki tensed, "oh darling I-" she was about to say something, but she stopped, "take some rest sweetheart." She said quietly as she left the room.

After that she cooked some soup for you, and when Katsuki came back she gave him instructions on when and what medicine he should give you, and how he shouldn't tell you to "either eat or go die." As he had said that to someone else when they were sick, and he groaned as he took the medicine and went back to his room.

He placed the medicine on the bedside table as he sat down next to you, "I'm gonna give you some medicine." He said and you hummed groggily, as he placed his hand on the back of your head and helped you up. After taking your medication he let you lay down again, as he sat down next to you, one hand playing with your hair as your chest slowly fell up and down, and the other holding a book as he read quietly.

After a few minutes, he heard you groan and he put his book aside, "you hungry?" He said, and you nod, still holding onto the ugly plushie that he'd never seen before. He sighed, and went down to the kitchen to warm up your soup.

After he came back, you weren't in your bed, so he practically threw the bowl of soup somewhere and ran around the house, trying to find out where you were. As he went past the bathroom he heard gagging noises, so he stepped infront of the door, and he knocked.

"Akari are you okay?" He asked,

"Nooo go awaaay-" he heard you say, followed with the sound of you throwing up.

He prepared himself and walked into the bathroom, only to see you hunched over the toilet, hurling your guts out, he sat on the ground next to you, moving your hair out of your face, you were sweating and your hair was sticking to your face as he tried his best to hold back his own vomit, he rubbed your back as you gagged, "Fuck my lif-" you couldn't even finish as you threw up more.

After a few minutes, there was nothing left to throw up so you flushed and sat back, your body breaking out in cold sweat as you shuddered. Katsuki stood up and lifted you up and leaned you over the sink, cupping his hand under the running water as he gently washed your face, still holding you up with one arm around your waist as he hoisted you up on his hip.

You looked pale, and he quickly slid his arms under your legs as he lifted you up. he was about to take you to his bedroom but then he realised the bedsheets must be warm and sweaty, so instead he took you to the guest room and placed you down on the bed, bringing the soup and the medicine from his own room.

"Have some water." He said as he poured you a glass, slowly lifting it up to your lips as you drank, and he sat you up again, placing the pillows under you so you could sit up comfortably.

He placed the soup in his lap as he sat infront of you, "if you throw up on me I'll kill you." He said, and brought the spoon to your lips, as you weakly opened your mouth and gulped down the soup.

Katsuki couldn't help but feel crappy, it was partly his fault that you got sick, but he also found out that he didn't mind taking care of you.

You finished your soup quickly and after he gave you more medicine, he helped you lay down again, and your arms moved around as if you were looking for something.

"Where is he?" You mumbled and he was confused for a second, and also flattered as he thought you were talking about him, so he laid down next to you, and your arms wrapped around him, you touched his face, feeling it and squishing it, "not you." You frowned and pushed him off the bed.

He groaned, "what the hell?" He yelled, but then he realised you meant that hideous plushie.

He left the room angrily and brought you your stupid plushie, throwing it at you as he left the room.

He studied in his room for few hours, but became alert when he heard you crying, so he ran to the guest room and saw you sitting up on the bed, squeezing the life out of the plushie.

"What why are you crying?" Katsuki said worried, and you sobbed more, "its him." You said, sounding like a child.

"What?" He asked, confused as he pet your head calmly.

You held up the plushie in your hand, "Look its Kirishima." You cried again, "what are you on about? that's just a stupid plushie?" He asked, even more confused.

"Noooo it's kirishima!" You cried even more and he almost laughed at how dumb you sounded, and he took a look at the plushie, a red dinosaur thing. But as he looked more, he realised that maybe it did look like Kirishima.

He smiled, taking out his phone.

"Who did you say this was?" He asked, as he held the camera infront of you. At that, you cried again, hugging the plushie tightly, "its kirishima." You said, your tears falling down on the plushie.

He chuckled at your stupidity and adorableness, as he placed his phone down and pushed you down back on the bed, caressing your face softly, as he wiped your tears away.

"Are you in love with kirishima?" You asked out of the blue, and he paused, "no, I'm straight." He responded despite how random your question was.

"Straight? Why can't you be wavy?" You asked.

At that Katsuki almost died, how effective was this medicine?

He laughed loudly, and as he looked down he saw your eyes fill up with tears again and he panicked, "I'm sorry." He said, still laughing as he placed a soft kiss on the tip of your nose.

Your eyes were now wide open, staring at Katsuki as his expression was soft, the sunset enhancing his perfect face.

You reach up and cup his face, his skin warm against your palm.

"мой симпатичный мальчик." You whisper quietly, as he tilts his head in confusion.

"What did you say?" He asked,

"My pretty boy." You say, smiling.

Katsuki froze, still hovering over you.

The golden sunlight gleamed on you, your hair spread on the pillow like waves, your eyes glossy and shiny from the light and the unshed tears gathered in your eyes, your lips soft and red, curled up into a beautiful smile, the tip of your nose pink as your eyelashes curl into eachother with each blink.


He took a deep breath, trying to capture the moment. Every curve and colour on your face, your expression, the feeling of your palm against his face.

His face turned red, blush rushing into his cheeks.

"Go to sleep." He said, trying to keep his cool, but when he saw your face fall, he cleared his throat and leaned closer,

"Go to sleep, my pretty girl."

He said softly and you smiled again, closing your eyes and nuzzling into his hand as he cupped your face, his thumb going back and forth on your cheek bone.

What are you doing to me, Akari?



IM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR UPDATING LATE, I was drowning in assignments BUT the dumb semester finally ended and I can relax now.

This is the squish mellow/Plushie that Akari was crying for :D

I noticed that the amount of views, comments and votes has decreased which is quite disheartening, so I hope you guys are enjoying this story and you stick with me, I promise there's so much more coming. :(

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

ALSO for the Russian sentence, I used two different translators but I got different translations each time😭 so please if you know Russian, correct me any time you felt the need to cause I will be putting more Russian sentences, but if they're wrong PLEASE let me know.

Just wanted to tell everyone who's going through a rough time, that it's not your fault, and Im really proud of you, and you're extremely strong for being able to pull through.

If any of you needed to talk to me about anything, you can always message me on my tik tok, Or tumblr, @bubblegum_bby

This wasn't a self promotion btw, just a way for you guys to reach out to me if you needed anything or you just wanted to talk. :)

Thank you so much for all of your love and funny comments, I love all of you.

I'll update soon;

Take a break and relax, <3

-E ♡︎

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