Von Mixybooks

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Completed on the 12th of February 2022 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "You must have... Mehr

🐾The Black Onyx🐾
🥀Chapter 1🥀
🥀Chapter 2🥀
🥀Chapter 3🥀
🦄Authors note🦄
🥀Chapter 4🥀
🦚I love you allllll🦚
🥀Chapter 5🥀
🥀Chapter 6🥀
🥀Chapter 7🥀
🥀Chapter 8🥀
🥀Chapter 9🥀
🥀Chapter 10🥀
🥀Chapter 11🥀
🥀Chapter 12🥀
🥀Chapter 13🥀
🥀Chapter 14🥀
🥀Chapter 15🥀
🥀Chapter 16🥀
🥀Chapter 17🥀
🥀Chapter 18🥀
🥀Chapter 19🥀
🥀Chapter 20🥀
🥀Chapter 21🥀
🥀Chapter 22🥀
🐙Authors note🐙
🥀Chapter 23🥀
🦋Love Mowa🦋
🥀Chapter 24🥀
🥀Chapter 25🥀
🥀Chapter 26🥀
🥀Chapter 27🥀
🥀Chapter 29🥀
🥀Chapter 30🥀
🥀Chapter 31🥀
🥀Chapter 32🥀
🥀Chapter 33🥀
🥀Chapter 34🥀
🥀Chapter 35🥀
🥀Chapter 36🥀
🥀Chapter 37🥀
🥀Chapter 38🥀
🥀Chapter 39🥀
🥀Chapter 40🥀
🌈A love Note from Mowa🌈
🦢Epilogue 🦢
(💥Coming soon💥)

🥀Chapter 28🥀

139 19 0
Von Mixybooks

"The monsters were never under my bed. Because the monsters were inside my head. I fear no monsters for no monsters I see. Because all this time the monster has been me."



Something everyone knows about and avoids at all cost even though its nothing short of inevitable.

If you don't believe me just ask Za.

But as I stare at the mess of a boy trembling at my feet I can't help the sneer of disgust that forms on my lips.

Johnathan didn't want to die but too bad because he had a date with Satan in hell scheduled for today and it was duly signed by me.

Alexander sat a few feet away from us, his form relaxed as he typed away at his phone like he hadn't kidnapped and tortured Johnathan within the last few days.

And with every sound he made with his gadget Johnathan flinched, his eyes more than just scared.

He was bloody terrified of Alexander and judging from his state, he had a good reason to.

I took a step closer to him watching him tremble with every step as he shifted back, at least as far back as his chains would allow looking around no doubt for some help.

Alexander's bodyguard had dropped him off here and left not looking back once ignoring Johnathan's pleas like he knew he was his only hope at survival.

And he was right too.

Kneeling in front of him I gave him a smile watching him flinch slightly.

"Hey love" I whispered tracing his wounded face with my finger, "he really hurt you didn't he"

He kept mute, his body relaxing slightly at my tone.

"Do you know why you're here Johnathan?"

His slightly swollen eyes moved to Alexander who at the same moment made eye contact with Johnathan, his mismatched eyes flashing.

Immediately Johnathan broke eye contact going straight in hysterics as he let his crazed eyes meet mine as he practically screams.

"Zuri please help me",he yells fighting with the chains, "he's crazy, so fucking crazy Zuri and I swear to you I won't even look at you in the hallway ever again, I'm sorry okay for bothering you when I only liked boys please, just tell your boyfriend to lay off and I'll be out of you hair for good",he pleads, tears leaking out of his eyes.

I smile at that and feign indecision.

"I don't know honey I mean, Alexander here thinks you're better off dead"

His eyes bulge out.

"What no'", he splutters comically at that, his skin breaking into a sweat as he turns all blotchy from fear.

"Isn't that right baby", I call to Alex who just flashes me a canine smile in response.

"Please no", Johnathan screams in fright, "No no please I swear I'll give you anything"

At that I pause, turning to him slowly and letting my gaze fall squarely on him.


He nods profusely.

At that I kneel right in front of him and grip his face harshly, letting my nails dig into his skin causing him to flinch.

"Well in that case I guess you wouldn't mind doing Za a favor."

He frowns at that, his eyebrows bunched up in confusion.


'Zarene Temitope Ebony Mathews, your ex girlfriend' I moved in closer to his face, "my twin sister".

At the mention of that his chocolate skins pales, his eyes turn dim and he looks like he's just seen a ghost.

"Your sister?", his voice is small at my statement and his trembling stops as he stares at me in complete and utter disbelief.

Not answering him I turn to Alexander who just smiles and hands me a sledge hammer, his eyes shining in excitement.

"No", Johnathan screams as he takes note of my weapon scrambling like the lowlife scum he is on the floor, "no, no please" he cries.

"You know the thing about monsters", I ask him casually ignoring his pleas, "people don't think they exist until they come face to face with one", I make my way over his shaking form, "and you just happen to have met the worse of the worse."

"You're crazy", he cries eyes wide in horror, "I didn't do shit to your sister"

I shook my head at that and kicked Johnathan, square in the face making sure my heel dug deeply.

His scream of agony resonates throughout the cottage, at the same time the room fills with the nasty stench of urine.

"Shut the fuck up", I snarl watching him whimper as he rolls over to the corner of the room.

He quiets down a bit at the deadly note in my voice but keeps sniffling as blood drips on the flooring.

I chance a look at Alexander who watches me like he can't decide to either fuck me or worship the ground I walk on.

He looks so impressed I almost smile.


Turning back to Johnathan I eye him in disgust as he hides his battered face from my view.

"She loved you you know", I laugh drily although there's no humour in my words, "for some reason she worshiped the ground you walked on because you were the only person apart from me she had ever let in and what did you do?"

"You let your friends rape her constantly while you fucked a guy in the back room, you led her on and made her consumed by you while you plotted her downfall all because she stood up for what she thought was right."

"If that wasn't even enough you let them video her naked and tortured her with it so she wouldn't tell anyone what happened, you turned her into the school whore and had a group chat dedicated to bringing her down at every single fucking turn."

"You made her into a shell of who she fucking was and watched her fade away slowly until she took her own fucking life."

I made my way to Johnathan and peeled his hands off his already bloodied bashed up face.

"And you want to know what I hate the most about all of this"

His eyes turn glassy with fearful tears as he watches me swaying slightly from exertion.

"The fact that scum like you is allowed to roam around freely while my sister is 6 feet under the ground right now", I eye him in disgust then smile.

"I guess that issue is going to be rectified pretty soon."

"I swear it wasn't my fault", he tears up, eyes drooping, "I was just following orders."

"I know", I nod in acknowledgment, "you're Rose pet dog, she wants something and you follow like the coward you fucking are."

He trembles at that then all of a sudden he freezes, eyes bulging.

"They're here", he whispers his voice haunted as he looks around the room like he's afraid someone is going to jump out and kill him on the spot.

I frown in confusion at his statement.

"Who's here?"

He trembles slightly as his eyes refuse to stay open, the extent of his injuries catching up to him.

"For Christ sake Johnathan who the hell are you talking about."

But I get no response as he nods off, fainting right on the spot.

Aggravated I let out a scream of anger and fling the sledge hammer causing it to crash against the window of the cabin, shattering it into tiny pieces.

"Careful", Alexander mutters from beside me, "you might hurt yourself."

I give him a scowl.

"What the fuck does it matter", I scream, "I almost got it"

He nods and leans in to grab my trembling hands.

"It's not too late, we still have all day jamilla"

Irritated I shake his hands off mine and trudge out annoyed by everything.

"where are you going?"

"Far away from here before I kill the bastard", I snarl in response not slowing my steps.

"In that case wait up, I'll call my guard to clean this place up and take care of the idiot for when we get back.",he motions to Johnathan's still form.

I pause glaring at the flooring, a million thoughts clouding my head as Alexander makes the call and not too long after his security comes in to take care of the mess.

Satisfied with his presence Alex takes my hand and leads me out of the cabin and leads me to his car.

Pulling the door open he motions for me to go in.

"Why the hell would I go with you when I brought my own car?"

He smiles at my attitude and grips my chin softly.

"You're in no state to drive Firashat jamilla, let's go for somewhere where I can feed you"

I fold my arms giving him a challenging stare

"And  how the hell will I get my car back home?"

"I'll get my security unit to drive it to your home on your behalf."

"my mother will get suspicious"

"Your mother is out of town and he won't drive it into your home, he'll park a few blocks from there so when I drop you off you can drive in yourself."

Huffing but not disagreeing with him I pat my skirt for my keys but come up short.

"Don't worry about your keys, I already gave them to him"

I scowl at him not bothering to ask him how he got them off me and get into the car watching him slam the door shut and get into the drivers seat.

Flashing me a charming smile he turns on the ignition and grabs my lap with his spare hand making me frown.

"I'm not your fucking girlfriend", I growl urging him to get his hand off me to no avail as he holds me still in his iron grip.

Ignoring my statement he lets his hand relax on my exposed thigh inching it high enough he might as well just take my boy shorts off.

Reversing out of the cabins vicinity we emerge into the main road.

The car ride is quiet and surprisingly comfortable as Beelzebub drives and I can't help but steal glances at his handsome profile as he switches gears and has his full attention on the road, his hold on the steering wheel strong.

It makes me shift ever so slightly in my sit causing him to pause and turn slightly to me, an egotistical grin on his face.

"See something you like?", his voice is thick and strong making me shiver slightly as the temperature of the car heats slightly.

I don't respond to his statement but instead stare ahead with a frown causing him to chuckle darkly not saying anything else as he parks in front of a pizza hut.

I sit up recognizing the place as Za's favourite restaurant.

I smile slightly at the image of her squealing with joy on the days when we visited this place as kids before my episode at school that changed our family for good.

"I can't believe this place still exists", I mutter as I get out of the car not waiting for Alexander.

He nods in agreement and locks the car.

"It's my mothers favorite he smiles slightly, "she loves the place till date even if she swears she's on a diet."

I pause at the first genuine smile on his beautiful face, its a far cry from the usual smirks he gives no this one is a smile that shows a son who adores his mother.

I can't help the responding smile I give.

"You must love her"

He shakes his head at that, his smile dropping.

"People like me aren't capable of love jamilla", he frowns slightly as we make our way in, "its impossible"

I don't respond, not quite believing his words but I don't argue as the perky waitress shows us to our sit and takes our order.

Settling in I watch the sparsely inhabited space which wasn't in the least bit surprising since this place tends to always get packed at night time.

I watch as Alexander relaxes into his seat like he owns the place and roll my eyes at the group of teenagers on our side stealing glances at him and giggling like idiots.

He doesn't even spare them a glance, his eyes solely focused on me.

"I've been meaning to ask", I begin knowing his attention wouldn't sway, "I mean you seem to know a lot of shit about me and I have no freaking idea who you are except for the nonsense everyone talks about and since you're more involved with me than I would have liked I need more intel"

He nods at my statement leans closer to me, flashing me a dark smile.

"You sure about that?" he whispers his minty breath fanning me slightly, "you may be shocked at the revelation", he all but warns.

I dismiss his statement with a wave of my hand.

"Do I look like someone who scares easy"

He smiles at that, his mismatched eyes shining in mirth.

"I guess not", he pulls back and pins me with a hard stare, "what would you like to know?."

I breath the words out without a thought.



Don't forget to vote and leave a comment loves🤗🌈


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