๐“๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ฌ๐ฉ๐จ๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ | A. P...

By a_raconteur

160K 4.5K 1.7K

Harry Potter x BBC Merlin crossover ----- In which Arthur is the fool in love and Elizabeth is the oblivious... More

Chapter 1 - I'm Packing Up My Crayons and Leaving
Chapter 2 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Wizarding World
Chapter 3 - Richer than Scrooge McDuck
Chapter 4 - So Back to the Future is a Bunch of Bullshit?
Chapter 5 - Cross Your Fingers, I'm Gonna Need It
Chapter 6 - You Had One Job
Chapter 7 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Part 1
Chapter 8 - Apparently the Obvious Isn't That Obvious
Chapter 9 - Unoriginal Insults
Chapter 10 - Vampire Teabags
Chapter 11 - Equestrian Class
Chapter 12 - The Avengers
Chapter 13 - Young Padawan
Chapter 14 - Therapy Session No. 1
Chapter 15 - Therapy Session No. 2
Chapter 16 - The Original Great British Bake Off
Chapter 17 - Josh Groban is Completely Underrated
Chapter 18 - A Unicorn Named Bob
Chapter 19 - The Avenger's Map
Part 2
Chapter 21 - I Made Uther Laugh
Chapter 22 - More Young Padawans
Chapter 23 - Oopsie
Chapter 24 - Error: Friends Not Found
Chapter 25 - I Am Not In Denial!
Chapter 26 - I Know, I'm Weird; It's Great
Chapter 27 - I Know, I'm Weird; It's Wonderful
Chapter 28 - Hello! I Hate You!
Chapter 29 - Gandalf = Dumbledore
Chapter 30 - Goldilocks Ate Too Much Porridge
Chapter 31 - Happily Never After
Chapter 32 - I Hate Geckos. I Truly Do.
Chapter 33 - Destiny is a Fickle Thing
Chapter 34 - Army of Padawans

Chapter 20 - Ip Woman vs. Arsehat

2.5K 81 30
By a_raconteur

Le Morte d'Arthur

| | |

I feel a nudge in my side as I lay down on the grass. The training field is beautiful with the sun beating down on my face, the sounds of metal clashing against each other fill the air. Grunts can be heard from the knights training.

My eyes closed as I just lay on my back. The wind blows over my face and the grass blades tickle my barefeet.

I feel another nudge. I inwardly groan as I squint my eyes to see a figure standing over me, "Can I help you?"

The figure scoffs, "The training field is only for people who can actually fight."

"I can fight."

The figure scoffs again, "How can a woman know how to fight?"

Well, now I'm getting ticked off. First he bothers my peaceful nap, then now he insults the entire female population. We can't have that, now can we? "A woman can know how to fight the same as a man. By training. It's quite simple really to understand, unfortunately, you just don't have the brain capacity to understand."

"Get up."


"If you say you can fight-"

"I can."

"-then you wouldn't mind a fight."

"You want me...to fight you," I question.

"Yes," The figure nods.

"Naaaaaaaaah, I'm good. But thanks for asking."

"I wasn't asking."

"Yeah, I know, I just chose to ignore you."

"Get up," I feel another nudge from the figure hovering over me, "GET UP!" The figure says more forcefully. I prop myself on my elbows to see a man. A young man by the looks of it, dressed in armor. Definitely a new knight.

"No, thank you," I yawn halfway through my sentence. I see a curly mop of dirty blonde hair come to us, "Goldilocks Number 2!" I exclaim out with a large grin.

"Liz! What a pleasure it is to see you," Leon says. He reaches a hand down to me. I grab it and he hoists me up.

"Leon, this girl won't leave," The young annoying knight complains. Leon looks at us.

"Was 'girl' supposed to be an insult? It's merely an observation," I comment. Leon looks amused while the young knight glares at me.

"Liz, this is Sir John, a new knight. John, this is Liz," Goldilocks Number 2 introduces us.

"Liz, won't leave the training fields. It's supposed to be for people who actually know how to fight," John hisses out my name like venom.

"I can fight," I state, yet again.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I can fight with anything."

"Really? Then you wouldn't mind fighting me?"

"No," I reply, completely uninterested.

"Then it's settled. You will fight me, right here, right now," John declares loudly, drawing the other knight's attention.

"That is completely unnecessary," Leon says, trying to deescalate the situation.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun. It'll be an easy fight," John, now called arsehat, grins. Trying to get a reaction out of me.

If he wants a reaction, a reaction he shall get.

"No, that-" Leon says again.

"No no no no no, Leon, it's fine. He says he wants an easy fight, an easy fight he shall get," I wave off Leon as he tried to step in again, "Give me a weapon."

"No, that'll be too easy. You'll get..." Arsehat trails off. He glances behind me to see a servant carrying a pile of clothes from the castle, along with a feather duster with a wood pole. "You'll get this. Hey!" He yells out, catching the attention of the poop servant. He runs up and plucks the feather duster from her hands and presents it to me. "You get this."

"A feather duster?" I ask with eyebrows raised.

"Yes, after all, you said you can fight with anything," He mockingly grins at me. The other knights around us all chuckle at me.

I roll my eyes and sigh, "Okay, an easy fight."

"An easy fight," He walks a few spaces away from me and unsheathes his sword.

"Liz, maybe this isn't the best ide-" Leon tries to interrupt again, but I cut him off with a smirk and wave of my hand.

I toss the feather duster in my hands, trying to get a good feel of it. I see the rest of the knights and a couple servants have gathered around us, making a circle of space between John and I. The knights are all talking amongst themselves, betting on the winner of this fight. The servants all look very worried for me, as they have seen me around the castle, delivering potions for patients.

"Well, John-"

"It's Sir John."

"Yeah, I'm not calling you that. See, I got other stuff I gotta do today, soooooooo, if we can wrap this up, that would be greatly appreciated," I say. Arsehat wastes not time before bring his sword down on me. I step to the side, chuckling, "Is that the best you got? Cause if it is, I think Uther might have made a mistake knighting you."

That only angers him more.

My plan is working out great. See, when someone is angry, they loose all self control and rational thought. They fight only with brawn and not brains. So, by making him angry, I get him to use his brawn and that will make him easier to defeat with the feather duster I was so graciously gifted.

I can practically see his eyes flash red as he lunges at me. I use the wood pole part of the feather duster to smack him in the ear. There's a nice red mark on the side of head now. A little gift from me. The first of many.

I hit his ear so his senses are now disoriented.

"What's going on here?" The Crown Prince of Camelot asks Leon. His raven haired servant, trailing behind, already know what's happening.

"Sir John initiated a fight with Liz," Leon replies simply, glancing at my father duster an I.

The blonde's eyes practically bug out of his head, "What?!"

"I'm sure she's fine. Looks like she's winning," Merlin assures, pointing to me. I just smacked the other ear of John with my duster.

Now he's lost his hearing.

John comes and swings his sword down at me, I slip to the side and stuff the feather part of the duster into his mouth. The other knights around us laugh as he eats feathers. Even I can see Leon smile and Merlin grinning. I see a Goldilocks watching the scene with a mixture of shock, awe and concern. I blow the blonde royal a kiss. I think I saw him blush, I'm not quite sure.

I use the duster to parry the blows from my opponent.

Basically, I'm going all Ip Man on his arse.

Donnie Yen should be proud of me.

I use the wood of the feather duster to smack him in the pack of head, back, and butt. He turns around and glares at me, even angrier than before.


He scowls at me and I just smirk at him. He yells as he charges at me, sword gleaming in the sunlight. He brings it down, I bring the end of my feather duster to hit a nerve under the arm, freezing his arm there, midair.

The sword is a few centimeters away from the top of my head.

I push him off with the end of my weapon.

The knights and servants all become speechless, jaws dropped.

John's arm is still frozen in place, sword in hand. He looks at me in disbelief. I shrug with a small smirk playing on my lips. He tries to reach for the sword with his other hand, but is unable to do so. I walk up to the sword and grab it then proceed to stab it into the grass before walking away.

He takes my turned back to charge at me. He pulls up his sword from the earth, and swings at me. I turn around soon enough toe barely avoid the tip of the metal at my face. I get a small scrap on my cheek and I hiss in pain.

I reach my hand up to touch my cheek, then draw it away to see some red on my fingertips. I look up at Arsehat, "Okay, play time's over," I say, my entire demeanor changing. I see a flash of fear cross my opponent's eyes. Even Merlin, Leon, and Artie are shocked to see my change so fast.

I hit John's hand, gripping his sword, he drops it and I hit the weapon out of the way into the crowd. The knights and servants have to dodge out of the way of the incoming sword.

I hit John's arse with the wood. A loud audible smack echoes through the training field. He quickly turns around and I point the end of the duster at his neck. "I said it will be an easy fight, I never said for whom," I smirk at him. I let him go and hand him the feather duster before walking away like a boss. Leaving the entire crowd stunned.

| | |

During the day, Artie and Merlin and a couple of knights went on a hunting trip. During said hunting trip they came across a creature.

The real question is, when do they never come across a creature. It seems like every time they go on one, something always happens.

Any who, they came across a beast that has the head of a cobra and body of what looks like a snow leopard? I think. At least that's what Merlin described when he was running away with his life.

After all the knights, Merl, and Goldilocks came back, minus Sir Bedivere - may his soul rest in piece, or in the creature's stomach - they all came back to Camelot. In the council chambers where the Crown Prince and King ordered Gaius and I to come.

"The creature you describe has all the characteristics of the Questing Beast," Gaius informs all the people in the council.

"Surely it's a myth," Goldilocks says, standing over a map.

"According to the old books, the appearance of the Questing Beast is supposed to foreshadow a time of great upheaval."

"Gaius, it's an old wives' tale," Uther dismisses.

"Look, whatever it is, it's spreading panic. The people fear it will enter the city," Goldi points out.

"Then we must kill it. Arthur, gather the guard together. You ride at dawn," The King tells his son.

"Uther," I call out, just as everyone begins to leave the chambers. He looks at me and motions for me to continue, "I would like to ride out as well."

"No," Artie protests firmly.

"I'm not asking you Goldi, I'm asking your Dad. Uther, you and I both know I am the best shot out of the whole kingdom. You'll have a better chance with me," I explain.

"Very well. You ride out at dawn too," The King says. He then motions for everyone to leave. Gaius tells Merlin and I to wait in the court physician chambers.

"Elizabeth, you are not-"

"Don't even start, Goldilocks. I'm coming whether you like it or not," I put my hand up, stopping his possible rant. He opens his mouth again to retort, but I stop him yet again, "No, I'll see you tomorrow."

In the court physician chambers, when Gaius come back after his talk with Uther, he brings a book towards Merlin and I.

Merlin is holding his sword that he got from Gwen. "Merlin, put the sword down before you hurt yourself," I advise him. He rolls his eyes at me.

"This is no ordinary beast, Merlin, Elizabeth," Gaius tells us.

"Don't worry," The young warlock says.

"No, listen to me, you don't understand. Uther may not respect the Old Religion, but it is very real. To face a beast such as this, you must understand where it came from."

"Alright, what do you mean?" I ask, giving my whole undivided attention to the older man. Merlin just looks back at his sword and continues rubbing it.

"At the very heart of the Old Religion lies the magic of life and death itself. The Questing Beast carries that power. One bite, you die. And there is no cure."

"Ha, so now pressure," I joke, trying to lighten up the atmosphere, "So basically, don't get bit. Got it."

| | |

The next morning, the Crown Prince of Camelot stands in front of the Knights of Camelot, delivering a speech, "You've seen the foe we face. It's a creature of a nightmare, but you are the best knights in the realm. We can, and we will, kill it before it harms another citizen of our kingdom," He draws it sword out and shouts, "For the love of Camelot!"

The other knights also draw their swords and shout, "For the love of Camelot!"

I don't really do anything. I don't lift up my bow or anything into the air, and because of that, Artie glares at me. I roll my eyes and unstrap my bow from my back and raise it into the air as well. Now he looks content. Merlin just watches the scene amused.

"Arthur!" A voice draws all of our attention to the steps of the castle. Morgana comes rushing down, in absolute hysterics with hair messy, face with dried tears, and the most distraught expression I have ever seen.

"Morgana, what are you doing?" Goldilocks asks, confused.

"You cannot face this!" She exclaims, trying to grab him, but he grabs her wrists.

"Morgana, go back to bed. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Please, Arthur. I have seen terrible things! You cannot go!" She resists.

"She probably had a bad dream, Sire. I'll take her to see Gaius," Merlin says, glancing at me. I get what he's saying. He wants to get rid of Morgana so none of the knights find out she's a Seer.

"No! I will not let you go!" She shouts, still struggling.

"Please, Merlin, get her inside," Goldi says, handing her off to his servant. I put my bow on my back and go up to the other side of Morgana.

"NO!" She shouts again.

"I'll make sure he's safe, Morgana. I promise," I assure her with a tight smile. She looks at me, not really believing my words, but it's better than nothing.

"No! NO!" She yells again as some guards take her to Gaius.

We all ride out of Camelot. I'm on Ferris, my lovely horse. I got my dagger on my thigh, wand under my trouser pant leg, quiver and bow on my back. My black hair is in a side braid all Elsa like. I'm just wearing a generic black trousers and red tunic as one of my hunting outfits is shredded and the other in the laundry. Call that great timing.

We ride for a while and eventually dismount. We all scout the forest, looking for the cobra leopard thing. Goldi sees a giant paw print in the mud, "Let's follow the trail." He motion for the other knights to follow.

I hang back to be next to Merlin, "You know, this reminds me a lot of Jurassic Park. I wish Owen Grady was here."


I ignore him, "He would probably say 'I was in the Navy, not the Navajo.' Honestly, I don't blame him, this is very Jurassic Park like."

Not even 2 seconds later, growling is heard in the fog up ahead. "Keep close," The blonde says as we all venture deeper into the forest.

We soon come across a cave, probably the beast's lair. The blue eyed royal motions for his other knights to branch off down into hallways. I follow Merlin and Artie as they always seem to have more fun.

We continue walking down, seeing the floor covered in bones, ranging from skulls, to femurs, to tibias, to phalanges. They crunch under out shoes as we take each step. Hissing is heard from somewhere, "What is it?" Merlin asks. I pull out my wand from under my pant leg and put away my bow and arrow.

A loud bang echoes behind us and we all swivel our heads to the back. Meanwhile, the Questing Beast sneaks up behind us. We turn around to see the cobra head hissing at us. Goldilocks pushes Merlin and I behind him. He swings his sword and Merlin climbs up a large rock with the torch in hand.

The beast claws at Arthur's chest, throwing him to the ground.

"ARTHUR!" I yell out. I shoot a 'Stupefy' at the Questing Beast. It falls back enough so I can rush to him. I put a hand on his cheek and shake him, trying to wake him.

"HEY! HEY!" Merlin yells out, waving the torch around to get it's attention. It turns to look at my roommate and lunges for him. He sees Goldilocks's sword laying in the dirt, "Fléoge! Bregdan anweald gafeluc!"

The sword lifts up off the ground and impales itself into the neck of the beast. Blue light shines through the air and I use 'Protego' to shield both Arti and I from said light.

Merlin rushes up to me. "It didn't bite you. It didn't," He says. I show him my blood covered hand. "Arthur?! Somebody help me!" He shouts. Some of the knights come and see their Prince on the ground, unconscious.

We all bring the Crown Prince back to Camelot. Merlin pushes books and papers off a table in Gaius's chambers. The guards place Goldilocks's stretcher on top.

"What happened?" Gaius questions, rushing to the royal's side. He saw the wound and answered his own question, "He's been bitten."

"I- I tried to save him. I couldn't," I mutter, still shell shocked that I couldn't save him.

"You must tell the King," Gaius tells the guards and they go off to inform him.

"There must be something you can do," Merlin asks, desperation in his voice.

"I wish there was."

"I'll find a cure," Merlin and I say together before going to our room.

"Elizabeth! Merlin!"

"Trust us!" We yell back.

Gaius watches us go then turns back to the Crown Prince, "Can you hear me, Sire?" He questions hopefully.

"Here," We say, coming out of our room with Merlin holding the magic book and me with multiple books from Ilvermorny and Hogwarts alike.

"The King'll be here any moment," The older man argues.

"He can't die. It is my destiny to protect him. We haven't done all the things we're meant to do," Merlin shoots back.

"That is a lament of all men."

"Gaius, he's our friend," I say softly.

He looks down at the unconscious blonde and looks back at us, "Then save him."

Merlin closes his eyes and the magic book flashes open and flips to a page where a spell lies, "Gestepe hole!" He yells, hand extended. Nothing happens.

He goes back to look for another spell while I use one of mine, "Rennervate," I point my wand at Goldilocks. Again, nothing happens.

Merlin turns back around to the blonde and extends his hand again, "Þurhhæle!" Again, nothing happens.

"Vulnera Sanentur!" I say out as well. Nothing happens. I yell in frustration and push stuff off a table.

"Maybe the spells need time to take affect," Merlin tells me hopefully.

"No, they don't," I retort, gritting my teeth in frustration and more importantly, desperation.

"The bite of the Questing Beast is a death sentence that no magic can overturn," Gaius tells us. Looking at me with sorrow.

"Where is the Prince?! Where is my son?!" Uther calls from outside the doors. He bursts through door and quickly runs to his son's side, "Arthur!"

Merlin steps back and closes the magic book as I do the same with mine.

"Do something, Gaius! Elizabeth!" Uther exclaims, in the same boat as the rest of us.

"We are trying, your majesty," Gaius tells him.

"Gaius and Liz will find a cure. He will not let him die," Merlin adds.

"I will do everything in my power," I state, determination blazing in my eyes.

Uther looks at me and nods. He picks up his son, "I'll bear him to his chamber."

The King takes the blue eyed prince through the square. Unshed tears in his eyes. Gaius and I follow on his sides. The royal collapsed in the middle of the square, completely overwhelmed with grief. Some knights come and take the Crown Prince to his chambers. Gaius goes up to Uther and comfort him.

Merlin and I run down to Kilgharrah's cave, torch and wand in hand. "I have failed Arthur. Failed my destiny," Merlin says with misty eyes.

"An yet, you would not be here if that were true," The dragon replies.

"He was bitten by the Questing Beast. He's going to die."

"Does he still breathe?"

"Only just."

"Then there is time to heal him."

"We've tried. We can't save him," I inform the overgrown reptile.

"You do not know how to save him," The Great Dragon says.

"But can you tell me how?" Merlin asks.

"Perhaps. It will not be easy."

"I'll do anything."


"Please, just tell me what I have to do!" The warlock shouts, his and my patience both running out.

"Very well. The Questing Beast is a creature conjured by the powers of the Old Religion. You must use the same ancient magic to save him."

"But the Old Religion died out centuries ago."

"The Old Religion is the magic of the Earth itself. It is the essence which binds all things together. It will last long beyond the time of me."

"Stop talking in riddle, and just tell us how to save Arthur," I snap.

The dragon glares at me, clearly not pleased with my tone, "You must find those who still serve it. Those who hold dominion over life and death," Kilgharrah tells us.

"Where?" I ask.

"Go to the place that men call the Isle of the Blessed, where the power of the ancients can still be felt. There you will discover Arthur's salvation." The dragon instructs us. I turn to leave while Merlin says thank you. The reptile calls out to us again, "And Merlin, the young Pendragon must live, no matter what the cost." Merlin and I nod in understanding and turn to leave.

We enter back into the physician chambers to see Gaius mixing a potion, "Merlin, Elizabeth, you're back. I need your help. You must get this to Arthur to ease his passing."

"No, we have to save him," Merlin says, already packing some food.

"You've already tried," Gaius reminds us.

"The beast comes from the Old Religion. The cure must come from there as well."

"There are not many with such an art."

"You said so yourself, the Old Religion is still alive, and there is an island beyond the White Mountains--"

"NO!" The white haired man interrupts.

"The Isle of the Blessed...you know it?" I question.

Gaius looks at the floor before answering, "It was said to be the center of the Old Religion, the focus of its power."

"Why did you keep this from us?" Merlin asks.

"Because it's too dangerous, Merlin."

"It's our only chance! I have to find it!"

"And once you are there, what will you ask?"

"For Arthur to be saved," The young warlock states simply.

"The Questing Beast chose Arthur. That means the Old Religion has decided his fate,"

"Then I will convince them to change their minds!" He shouts angrily.

"It is not that simple!" Gaius argues, "The High Priests have the power to mirror life and death, but there will be a price to pay. They will demand a life in return. Merlin, please, I beg of you."

"I'm sorry, Gaius. Whatever the price is, I will pay it gladly," With that Merlin walks up to our room I follow him and start shoving stuff into my emergency bag. My best friends looks over to me, "What are you doing?"

"I'm coming," I reply.

"No, you're not."

I turn to face him, glaring, "This is not up for debate. I'm. Coming."

"No, you're not."

"Why? You're going to need all the help you can get, and I'm you're best bet."

"Because-" He sighs before telling me softly, "Because you need to be here."

"Merl, when I said I would help you with your destiny, I meant it. A man is only as good as his word, and I plan on keeping that."

"Please, Liz. I need to do this-"

"So do I."

"Liz, please, just stay here. Keep Arthur safe and alive long enough for me to come back. Please," He begs, looking at me in the eyes with a puppy look.

I groan and roll my eyes. He smiles, knowing I've given up, "Fine. But if you die, I'll find you in Hell and torment you for eternity."

"Why am I not going to Heaven?"

"Because you and I both know with the amount of trouble you get in, you're going to Hell. And I'm meeting you there."

"Thank you," He whispers pulling me into a hug. We stay that way for a couple minutes, just holding onto each other for what could possibly be the last time.

"Please, just- just don't die."

"I promise."

The next morning Merlin gets ready to leave when Gaius and I approach him. "Here," Gaius says, handing a roll of parchment, "You'll need a map. And I'm going to give you this." He hands the raven haired servant a tiny package and the latter unwraps it, "My mother gave it to me. It's a rabbit's foot."

"To keep you safe," Merlin says, a small smile on his face.

"It was said to protect you from evil spirits. It's rubbish. I don't believe in superstition. I don't know why I gave it to you," He reaches out to take it back.

Merlin pulls it away, "No! I want it. Thank you."

"Since we're all giving gifts--" I hand Merlin my emergency bag, "It's my emergency bag as Anna dubbed it. Basically, it can carry anything and I packed you some extra food in there."

"Thank you," He thanks.

I pull him into another hug, "Please, please, please, be safe." I whisper in his ear.

"I will. You've got to keep Arthur alive until I get back," With that he pulls away and mounts his horse.

"I will," I promise with a nod of my head. He smiles back and kicks the horse to ride off.

Later that night, Gaius sleeps in the Crown Prince's room as he is supposed to watch over the royal. I walk to the chambers, going to switch shifts with him. I see Gwen walking down the corridor towards the same destination as I.

"Hey Gwen," I quietly call out. She looks up to see me and give me a small smile.

"Hi, Liz. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm going to switch out shifts with Gaius."

"That's probably good. He works too hard. You both do," She comments.

"Yeah, he does. It's a good thing I'm here," I reply with a joking smile on my face.

She lightly laughs, "Yes, that's a very good thing. Well, I won't keep you any longer. Goodnight, Liz."

"Goodnight, Gwen," I wave bye as I watch her retreating figure. I open the door to see the white haired man asleep on a chair next to the bed, "Gaius, go get some rest, I got this." I tell him when he wakes up.

"He must not be left alone," He argues, obviously tired.

"Gaius, I got this. Go get some sleep," I assure him.

He nods and gets off the chair. He kisses the side of my head before exiting the room. I take the towel off Goldilocks's forehead and put it in water and then proceed to dab his forehead with it.

I get bored so I decide to strike up a very one sided conversation, "So, I was going to do something really stupid. And, I've done a lot of stupid things in my life, but this...this takes the cake. Merlin convinced me otherwise, so you have him to thank for me being here." I lightly chuckle. I pause for a few moments, "You can't die. You aren't going to die, Goldi. Cause one day, you're gonna be King. A greater king that you father could ever hope to be. You're going to be the man that we all see inside you, Artie, what I see inside of you. I'm from the future, so you know all that stuff I'm saying is true. Camelot will be fair and just under your rule. A king that the people will love and be proud to call their sovereign. For Camelot, you have to live."

I put the towel down. I start to play with his fingers and softly laugh, "Honestly, I don't know what possessed me to say all that stuff...I've never really been good with sappy mushy feelings...But, what I said is true. You're going to a great ruler, Queen Elizabeth the second, can't even compare. This getting to be a really long monologue, so I'll just shut up. Oh, but before I do-" I pause again, debating on whether or not I should say this, "Nevermind."

Outside in the courtyard, a crowd gathers outside Goldilocks's window all holding candles. Uther watches from the Griffin Landing while Gaius comes up behind him.

"Is there anything I can get your majesty?" The white haired physician asks.

"The people have already begun to say goodbye," The King says, his voice sounding defeated.

"He's not yet gone, Sire."

"But he will not recover."

"Not without a miracle."

"I don't believe in miracles."

| | |

Merlin went to the Isle of the Blessed to find Arthur's salvation. The salvation being none other than Nimueh. A bargain is struck where Merlin willingly gives up his life for the Crown Prince's. She pulls out the Cup of Life and makes it rain, filling the cup of with water.

She pours the water from the cup into a flask and hands it to the young warlock. He takes it warily and rides back to Camelot.

The next morning, Merlin hastily rides back to Camelot. He walks back into the physician chambers where he finds Gaius writing on something and me working on different potions, which hopefully will help Goldilocks. "Merlin!" Gaius and I exclaim in surprise when he enters.

The warlock quickly searches his jacket and pulls out the flask and hands it to me, "We need to give this to Arthur."

"What is it?" I question.

"Water drawn from the Cup of Life. If Arthur drinks from it, he will recover. Please, hurry," He explains quickly.

I begin to walk when the old man grabs my arm, halting me.

"What are you waiting for?" Merlin asks, confused and probably a little annoyed.

"Yeah, what am I waiting for?"

Gaius turns to face him and I, serious, "What price did you pay to redeem his life? Whose life did you bargain for?!"

"That's a good question, who did you, Merl?"

He swallows harshly and walks straight past us, "We don't have time."

"Merlin!" Gaius argues, causing his ward to stop and turn around.

"Don't worry, Gaius! Everything's going to be all right," He says, before dragging me outside the door.

We make our way to Goldi's chambers in silence, Merlin and Gaius having some tension that is so think, you can practically cut it with a knife. Merlin holds the Crown Prince's head as I pour the water from the flash into his mouth.

Just then the King enters the room, "What are you doing, physicians? What are you giving him?" He deadpans.

"It's a..." Gaius trails off, not knowing what to say as he looks at my roommate and I.

"It's a potion made from the lobelia plant, an ancient remedy for poisonous bites," I lie.

"A cure?"

"We hope," I answer.

Uther walks over to the front of the bed, "Do you really think it will have some effect?"

"It's our last resort, Sire," Gaius says, watching me pour the rest of the water in the blonde's mouth, "Perhaps you should allow him to rest."

"I will not leave him," Uther argues, his eyes never leaving this son.

Gaius, Merlin and I all leave Artie's chambers. A hand grabs Merlin and I and pulls us into an alcove. "Please, Merlin, Liz, you must beware. This is only the beginning," Morgana quietly and quickly pleads.

Merlin pulls his wrist from her grasp and she looks slightly betrayed. He walks away, leaving Morgana and I. I give her a small reassuring smile, "I'll keep a watch. It'll be fine." I tell the worried Lady. She lightly nods and I give her one last smile before walking away.

Gaius went back to Goldilocks's chambers to wait for any news. Merlin and I are waiting in the court physician chambers.

"Merl, who did you pay for?" I question all of a sudden.

He looks up at me, pausing his pacing, "Huh? What?"

"Who did you give for Goldilocks?"

"Oh, don't worry about that," He brushes off, resuming his annoying pacing.

I stand up and grab him, stopping his pacing again, "I'll ask you this one last time. Who. Did. You. Pay. For?"

He sighs guiltily and looks down at the ground, "Me," He whispers so quietly that I barely heard him.

My eyes bug out of my head and my jaw drops. I then give him the Gibbs head slap of a lifetime.

"OW! What was that for?!" He exclaims, rubbing th back of his head.

"That was for being stupid! Did it ever occur to you that if you die, you won't be able to finish your destiny?" I question, slightly raising my voice.

"Without Arthur, Albion won't happen!" He retorts back, also raising his voice.

"And that won't happen without you!" I yell, throwing my arms up in the air.

"Then you carry on without me!"

"Merlin, get it through that thick head of yours that I cannot do your job! It's not my destiny, it's yours! Technically, I'm not even supposed to be here!"

"I can't and just around, waiting for Arthur to die!"

"I can't just sit around, waiting for you to die!"

"My life doesn't compare to his! I'm just a servant!"

"Who just happens to be the world's greatest warlock!"

"That doesn't matter-"

"Like hell it doesn't!"

"If I can save him by using my life, then I will do it without hesitation."

I sigh, bring my voice down after our little yelling match, "Merl, you have to realize that your life is worth so much more than you realize. If you grew up reading all about the Sorcerer Merlin like I did, you would realize that you have so much potential. You are much, much stronger than you realize, but you need to be alive in order to reach that potential. I'll be here every step of the way but I can't do your job for you. This is your destiny, not mine."

He sighs, "I know. I just- I just can't let Arthur die."

"And he won't. I'll think of something."

Gaius comes in, bringing both of our attention to him. Both of us preparing ourselves for the worst, but holding onto that sliver of hope that he lives. "The Prince lives," He informs us.

Merlin breaks into a huge grin and I sigh in relief and slump to the floor.

The old physician gives Merlin a look and I already know what he's implying. The fact that Merlin gave up his life for Artie's.

Gaius tells me to go check on Prince Prat, handing me a potion that he made. I walk through the corridors, finally feeling like I'm able to breathe for the first time in hours. As much as I say I don't like and find Goldilocks annoying, he's actually not that bad and honestly, I don't know what I'd do if he died.

I'm not admitting my love or anything, god forbid that ever happens, but life would certainly be more dull without the blonde prat. He makes life certainly more interesting. I mean, we almost die every week, but that's just part of the fun.

I continue making my way through and see Gwen heading towards me with some towels in hand, "Hey, Gwen."

She looks up at me with a smile, "Hi, Liz. How's Arthur?"

"He's awake, going right now to check on him."

"That's good."

We just stand there in awkward silence.

"So, I-"

"Well, I shou-"

We both start at the same time. We both lightly laugh at our situation.

"Would you like me to take those?" I ask her, poitning to the towels in her hand.

She looks down at them, "Oh! I'm taking them to Arthur's chambers."

"Yeah, I kinda figured. I'm already going there, so might as well save you the trip," I offer.

"Oh no, wouldn't want to bother you," She waves off.

"Naaaaaaaahhh, it's fine. Gaius already makes me carry all his stuff as well as mine, so nothing new there."

"Then sure," She says, "If you don't mind, of course."

"I'll take them. Go get some rest, Gwen," She hands the towels to me.

"Goodnight, Liz," She calls out, sending me one last smile towards me.

"Night, Gwen," I wave her off then spin on my heel to continue making my way towards Artie.

Back in his chambers, Uther and his son are talking, "I thought we'd lost you," The King says, patting a hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Father, I'm not going to die. I think there's someone watching over me, keeping me from danger," Goldilocks wonders aloud.

"Maybe you're right. On your long journey to become King, you will need a guardian angel. Elizabeth would fulfill that position. I shall inform the court that their Prince lives."

Uther smiles happily and leaves, leaving the blonde prince to think about what he said. I bump into the King as he leaves and I enter, "Oh! Sorry, wasn't watching where I was going." I apologize.

He softly chuckles at me, "No worries my dear. Thank you for saving Arthur," He tells me sincerely.

"Pffffffft, it's fine. Who else am I going to annoy?"

"Thank you, Elizabeth," He bids me goodnight before walking off to the council chambers.

I enter the room to see Goldilocks, still sweating with purple bags under his eyes, him looking sickly pale, and chapped lips. Out of all of that, I say this, "Well, you look like shit."

He scoffs and rolls his eyes at me, "Thank you the compliment."

"No problem, Goldilocks," I grin at him, setting the towels down on the side table. I hand him Gaius's potion.

"What's this?"

"Don't question, just drink," I tell him. He makes a disgusted face as he downs it. "I told you so. You didn't die."

He looks at me like he's trying to remember something, "I can remember you talking to me."

"You can?" I question, trying to hide the fact my heart just sped up.

"You stroked my forehead."

"Tending to your fever, very different."

"You never lost faith."

"I'm beginning to now."

"Tell me again what you said?"

"I don't remember."

"Yes, you do," He grins at me.

"No, I don't," I reply, trying very hard not to smile.

"Come on. Something about 'the man I am inside'."

"Nope, never said that."


"No idea."

"Don't I have to thank Merlin for not letting you do that stupid thing?"

"Yes you do," I say, not even thinking about my words.

My eyes widen and his grin grows. He points at me, "AHA! I knew it!"

"Damn it ," I curse then sigh.

His smile never leaves his face, "What was that thing you were going to say before?"


"You were going to say something."

"Nope," I shake my head, "No, I don't think I was."

"Yes, you were," He teases, still being very smiley.

"Nope. No. Nada. Nothing."

"Yes. Yeah. Of course. Something."

I groan, sliding a hand down my face, "You're annoying, you know that?"

"Only for you."

"What about Merlin?"

"Doesn't even compare."

"Are you flirting with me?" I question, hands on my hips delivering my best Grandma Molly. When I don't get a reply from him, I get my answer. "You are!" I exclaim. Then I realize something, "Why?"

I can see a slight blush on his cheeks. "Get out," He orders, clearly embarrassed about something.

"Jeez, no need to be all Gumpelstiltskin," I mutter, walking out the door. I turn back and childishly stick my tongue out before turning my heel and walking out.

"ELIZABETH!" He yells, throwing a pillow at me but I already shut the door so the pillow just drops to the floor. I just smirk.

I make my way back to the court physician chambers, a thunderstorm whipping through the sky. Gaius tells me that Merlin is already up in our room. I push open the door to see my best friend anxiously waiting for his death. I join him on his head and wrap my arm around his shoulders as he leans into me. I notice him holding the rabbit's foot he got from Gaius like it's a lifeline.

Eventually, Merlin falls asleep while I just watch him kinda stalker ish.

| | |

Night turns into day and the thunderstorm passes, revealing the glowing sun.

I feel a twitch in my hand. I look down at Merlin and I's intertwined fingers, feeling another twitch. He squeezes my hand then abruptly sits up, causing me to fall off the bed and land on my butt with a nice 'oof'.

"OW!" I exclaim, rubbing my now sore butt. I look up to see what caused me to fall. I see my best friend awake, and more importantly, alive. I pull him into a hug, "Merl! You're alive!"

He chuckles and I feel his chest rumble under me, "Yeah, I am."

I pull him away and look at him, "Wait, if you're alive, then who's dying?"

He understands what I'm talking about as he exits our room to find Gaius hunched over a figure, "Gaius! I'm alive!"

Gaius doesn't move.

"What is it? What's happened?" I question, grabbing some potions that I made.

"Merlin, stay there," Gaius warns.

Merlin stops, but curiosity gets the best of him as he continues moving forward, "What's wrong?"

"No, don't," He says again. But his warning only gets ignored as the young warlock steps forward to see Hunith, Merlin's mother, completely covered in sores and pus, struggling to breathe on the floor.

"Oh my god," I mutter, then rushing to grab a Cure for Boils.

Merlin's eyes widen as he exclaims, "MOTHER!"

"Merlin," Hunith groans, seeing her son.

"What's happening to her?" He asks the white haired man frantically.

"She's gravely ill," He replies.

"Do something!"

"If only I could."

"Please, Gaius!"

"Merlin, this is no ordinary illness."

"This cannot happen."

I bend down and have her drink the blue boils cure. The potion takes time to take affect, so I'm not that worried.

"Who did you meet at the Isle of the Blessed?" Gaius asks his ward.

"Nimueh," The raven haired servant replies.


"It was as you said, she demanded a price, but I bargained my life, not my mother's."

"Merlin, I wish there was something I could do," Gaius says with sympathy.

Merlin holds onto his mother's hand, "I will make you better. I will."

"I gave her a Cure for Boils, but as Gaius said, this is no ordinary illness. Something might happen, but I wouldn't give your hopes up," I tell my best friend softly. He looks at me and gives me a small grateful smile.

Merlin and I then find ourselves going down the familiar stairwell towards the Great Dragon's cavern. "You knew this would happen! You had me trade my Mother's life for Arthur's!" Merlin shouts angrily.

"You said you would do anything," The overgrown reptile responds calmly.

"Did you know my Mother would die?"

"I knew the price would be a heavy one," He answers but not really answering. Godric, his riddles suck.

"But you sent me anyway."

"We need Arthur to live."

"We're not one of you!" Merlin shouts, rage filling him up.

"We are all creatures of the Old Religion. It is the source of your powers."

"What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?" I snap.

"Your destiny is to protect the young Pendragon until he claims his crown, and when he does, magic can be returned to the realm. Only then will I be free," Kilgharrah explains.

"Oh. So that's all you cared about? I thought you were my friend," Merlin says.

"I am more than that, Merlin. I am your kin."

"No. The only family I have is my Mother, and you had me murder her."

"Her life has not been taken in vain. We will achieve great thing together, you and I."

"You will never be released! For what you've done, I'll make sure you never see the light," Merlin snarls.

I flinch at his tone. I've never seen Merlin mad, but if this is what a little is, then I'm afraid to see what he would look like when he's actually mad.

"Merlin!" The Great Dragons shouts. He roars and breathes fire at Merlin and I.

"PROTEGO!" I shout. An invisible shield forms around him and I, protecting us from the flames. What surprised me was not the sheer size or power of the shield, but the fact the fact my eyes glowed gold and without a wand, but rather just my hand.

Even Merlin behind me seems a little shocked at the shield.

Merlin looks the dragon straight in the eye, "You will not see me again." He then turns to leave.

"You fucked up, dude," I tell Kilgharrah, shaking my head. He just looks at me. "I don't keep grudges, so I'll still come visit, but-" I sigh, "You gotta give us all the facts." I turn my back on him and leave.

I climb up the stairs to see Merlin waiting for me and we make our way back to the physician chambers, to find Gaius sitting at the table, probably waiting for us.

"Where is she?" Merlin speaks for the first time since we left the cavern.

Gaius nods towards our room, "She's sleeping."

We both walk over to sit down in front of Gaius. A few moments pass before Merlin breaks it again, "I have to save her."

"You cannot," Gaius replies sadly.

He turns to look at him, eyes glassy with unshed tears, "If the balance of the world needs a life, then Nimueh must take mine."

"No, Merlin."

"Yes, I will return to the island."

"And I'm coming," I add on.

"You both are young. Your gifts, your destiny are far too precious to sacrifice," Gaius reasons but get cut off my my best friend.

"My destiny? This is my Mother. My powers mean nothing if I cannot save her. You have taught me so much. Taught me who I am. Taught me the purpose for my skills. Taught me that magic should only be used for great deeds. But most of all, you have always taught me to do what is right."

"Merlin," Gaius says again, but he knows no matter what he says Merlin is still going to the Isle of the Blessed

He sniffles and rubs his eyes, "I need to say goodbye to Arthur," He says before getting up and walking out the door.

"I got him," I tell the other physician before following my best friend.

Merlin enters Goldilocks's chambers, finding the royal pouring himself a drink with his good arm.

"Ah, Merlin. Liz," He acknowledges.

"How are you?" Merlin asks, closing the door behind me.


"I'm pleased."

"Yes. I owe it all to Gaius," He continues while walking to and sitting down on the couch facing the fire.

"Hey!" I exclaim.

"Oh yes, you too Liz," He teases with a smirk. I roll my eyes at the prat.

"I need to talk to you," Merlin states.

Goldi takes another drink from his cup, "You still haven't got it yet, have you? I decide when we need to talk."

"When have we ever listened to you?" I point out.

He looks at us thoughtfully, "I sometimes wonder if you know who I am."

"Oh, we know who you are," I answer, slowly walking forward with Merlin.


"You're a prat," I answer. Goldilocks looks at me, offended.

"And a royal one," Merlin finishes for me.

The blonde chuckles, "Are either of you ever going to change?"


"No, you'd get bored. But promise me this, if you ever get another servant, don't get a bootlicker," Merlin asks.

"If this is you trying to leave your job—" He says, rubbing is wounded shoulder.

"No. I'm happy to be your servant. Till the day I die."

I know the hidden meaning behind Merlin's words. I can't even think what would happen if Merlin died, not just for me, but for history as a whole. I already know that he survives, but it makes me wonder who gave up their life. If it becomes me, then so be it. All I know is that I want an awesome funeral.

"Sometimes I think I know you, Merlin. Other times..." He trails off with a shake of his head.

"Well, I know you. You're a great warrior. One day, you'll be a great king."

"That's very kind of you."

"But you must learn to listen as well as you fight," The warlock adds.

"Any another pointers?" He asks sarcastically.

"Yeah, just don't be a prat," I note.

Merlin turns to leave as Goldilocks watches him curiously. I'll meet up with the warlock in a few minutes.

"I'm glad to know you're feeling better," I say, breaking the awkward silence.

He clears his throat before replying, "I am too. I think I have you to thank for that."



"Well, it was more of a group effort," What I fail to mention is Merlin's part. Actually, all of this is because of Merlin. Without him everything would be different, and not in a good way.

"Thank you."

I look up to see Goldilocks looking at only with sincerity in his eyes with what looks like awe? I'm not sure. Either way, I tell him it's no problem and to not almost die again. He chuckles and agrees. I bid him goodnight and walk back to the physician chambers.

"Gaius had to go and get some supplies. He asked me to keep an eye on her since Liz wasn't here," Gwen tell us when I catch up with Merlin. She's sitting next to Hunith, wearing a solemn expression.

"Thank you," Merl says. He looks at his mother who is sleeping peacefully on his bed. Some of the boils have gone down, but not enough to fully cure her. To make another batch would take days for it to finish brewing and by then she'll be gone.

Gwen gets up from her chair and walks over to us, "I'm sorry."

"No, she'll get better," Merlin states.

"I've tried to make her more comfortable."

"You've got such a good heart, Gwen. Never lose that," I tell her. She blushes and smiles at the compliment before leaving the room.

Merlin goes to sit next to his Mum, grabbing her hand, "I'm going to make you well again. I promise. You'll see."

Hunith softly laughs before giving him a strained smile, "You're such a good son."

"But I don't want you to worry about me. I know that the gods will look after me, and that one day I will see you again," He whispers.

"And that day will be very far in the future," I state.

"I'll miss you," She murmurs.

"I'll miss you too," He says. He pulls out the rabbits foot from his jacket and gives it to his mother.

| | |

The next morning, Merlin comes out of our room, bag already packed. I follow him out with my own bag and wand strapped to my shin. He turns around hearing me, "You're not coming."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you're not."

"Merlin, we've already had this argument, even Gaius agrees with me. You're far too important to die," I argue, "I didn't come with you the first time and now look what's happened. This time, I'm coming."

"Still, you're not coming."

"I didn't know I needed your permission."

"You don't but-"

"Then it's settled. Hey, where is Gaius?"

"Gaius?" Merlin calls out. There's no answer. He noticed a letter with our names on it. He picks it and unfolds it. He starts to read it.

"Read it out loud doofus," I scold my roommate. He rolls his eyes and begins to read it out loud this time.

"Dear Merlin and Elizabeth,
My life is already near to its end. There has, for the most part, been very little purpose to it, very little that will be remembered. In contrast, Merlin, your life is destined for greatness. Live by the tenets I have taught you, and I believe you will, in time, become the greatest warlock ever. Elizabeth, to have met you has been a gift, even if it was accidental. You are such a sweet girl and never lose that fire in you. To have known you both has been my greatest pleasure, and to sacrifice myself for you both is but an honour. You are and always will be the son and daughter I never had."

"Merde!" I exclaim the same time Merlin shouts "NO!"

Merlin goes to the stables to fetch our horses while I go to Goldilocks's chambers. If I'm going to die, might as well give everyone a heads up.

I don't even knock on his door but just barge in to see him shirtless.

"ELIZABETH!" He exclaims, flustered as covering himself up with a blanket.

"Hi Artie! You remember that stupid thing I told you about? When you were dying and what not?"


"I'm doing that now."

"What? No, Liz-"

"BYE!" I shut the door before he could even finish his sentence. I meet up with Merlin and mount Ferris and we all take off towards the Isle of the Blessed. Townspeople jump out the way as we exit the lower town.

As Merlin and I race towards the island, Gaius is already there meeting Nimueh.

The old man stands in the middle of a mini Stonehenge looking thing with a stone table directly in the center. The surrounding walls of the crumbling castle creates an eerie vibe.

"I never thought I'd see you here again," A voice resounds against the walls. She walks forward wearing a red dress with the bottom completely torn.

"My Lady," Gaius acknowledges her.

"It's a long time since you called me that."

"I come to ask for your help."

"As you did before for Uther? You did not like the outcome," She reminds him.

"I offer you a chance for you to atone for the death of his wife."

"I have saved the life of her son. What more do you ask for?"

"That this time, you take a just price. Merlin and Elizabeth intend to offer their lives for his mother's. I want you to take mine in their place," The old physician explains.

She grins then laughs evilly, "With all my powers of prediction, I could have never foretold this. Gaius the hero. Why should I grant your wish? You stood and watched as our friends burned in the Great Purge. You are nothing but a traitor," She says, toying with the man.

"Merlin is the one man who can bring magic back to this land. At Arthur's side, he can help forge a new kingdom. And with Elizabeth, that time will be better. A world of peace and beauty that we can only dream of."

She moves closer to him, "And you're willing to give your life, Gaius, for the future they will bring?" She pauses, waiting for an answer but when she doesn't receive one she continues, "I'm waiting. Are you ready to die, Gaius? Gaius?"

"For Merlin and Elizabeth...I will give my life."

Merlin and I run up to the castle, towards the mini Stonehenge to find Nimueh standing above Gaius's body, holding the Cup of Life chanting, "Ic, séo héahsácerd, þe ácwele, strengþe ealde æwfæstnesse!"

"STOP!" Merlin and I yell together.

She turns from her position, lowering the cup onto the stone table, "Back again so soon, warlock? I see you brought a friend this time," She smirks at us. Even I get a shiver from her face.

"What have you done?" I demand, pulling my wand from its strap.

"His mother is safe. Isn't that what you wanted?" She asks, meeting us halfway.

I look to see Gaius collapsed on the ground. Merlin follows my gaze, "Have you killed him?"

"It was his wish."

He scoffs, "I bid my life for Arthur's. Not my Mother's. Not Liz's. Not Gaius's."

"The Old Religion does not care who lives and who dies. Only that the balance of the world is restored. To save a life, a life must be taken. Gaius knew this."

"Then you wont mind if we take yours?" I inquire, tilting my head to the side while simultaneously sharing a look with Merlin.

He turns back to face Nimueh, "It is not the Old Religion that has done this. It is you," He hisses.

"Come now. We are too valuable to each other to be enemies," She teases with an evil smile.

"No! We share nothing with you!" He shouts fiercely.

"With my help, Arthur will become King."

"We will make Arthur King. But you will never see the day," I answer, glaring at the woman.

"Ástríce!" Merlin yells, an orange gold beam shoots out of his hand.

She easily absorbs the power with a wave of her hand, "Your childish tricks are useless against me, Merlin. I am a Priestess of the Old Religion," She says. She creates a fireball in her palm before she shouted, "Forbærne!"

The ball of fire shoots at us and we jump out the way in opposite directions before it could make contact with us. I can feel the heat of the flames at it hits the wall behind us and completely crumbles it. Small pieces of stone fly into my face, scratching me.

Another ball of fire is created as she continues speaking, "You, too, are a creature of the Old Religion. You should join me," She offers, sending us a chilling smile.

'What is up with bad guys always offering the good guys to join them?' I think and mentally roll my eyes.

"You think we would joking forces with such a selfish and cruel magic? Never," Merlin says calmly.

"So be it. Ácwele!"

The ball of fire left her hand and hits my best friend, right in the chest. "MERLIN!" I yell out. I see him laying on the ground with smoke coming out where he was hit. Before I can make a move towards him, another fireball fires past me, barely scrapping me. I turn to see the smirk on Nimueh's face, "Oh, now you're gonna get it. Stupefy!" The Stunning spell shoots out of my want and hits her. She stumbles back a little but not enough to actually stun her.

'Damn magic.' I curse in my head.

"Pity. Together we could've ruled the world," She says to me, eyeing Merlin's body.

"Remember when we first met, all that time ago?"

"You made quite the impression"

"Really? Awwwwww, no need to flatter me. Anyways, you wondered how I learned magic. Well you see, I went to school for that."

"School?" She seems very curious with me.

"Oh yeah, it's great. Loved it all. Oh, I'm also from the future, by about 700 or so years."

"The future?"


"Why are you telling me this now?"

"Well you asked, and secondly cause you're gonna die soon so no harm done."

"You think you can kill me."

"Oh no, I know I can't. But he can," I smirk, throwing my thumb over my shoulder towards Merlin already up on his feet.

"You should not have killed my friend," He raises his hand up to the sky, creating a lightning storm. The storm creates very loud thunder that pierced through the air like knives. He lowers his hand and a single lighting bolt strikes Nimueh where she stands.

Her screams of agony fill the castle walls, bouncing of one another, creating an echo of pain.

She then explodes with a light so bright, Merlin and I both shield our eyes.

Rain starts to pour down on us. I turn to face Merlin, "Remind me to never get on your bad side."

He smiles at me before we both rush up towards the whole reason we came. "Gaius! Gaius!" He shouts, cradling his unconscious body.

"Gaius! Please don't be dead!" I mutter, still clinging onto that thread of hope. My tears mixing with the rain water.

"No!" Merlin cries out into the storm, "NO!" He sobs into Gaius's shoulder. The pain in his voice is heartbreaking. I can't even begin to describe what it sounds like, but I'll try my best.

He just lost a mentor and the only father figure he has ever known. His cries of pain and lost is gut wrenching. It pulls on all your heart strings so you can't help but sympathize. When he cried out, the sounds of the storm are completely forgotten as you focus solely on the yells.

"Merlin," A small hoarse whispers through the sounds of the wind.

Merlin and I both look up to see the old physician cracking open his eyes. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Gaius?" I ask.

"Gaius. Gaius, you're alive!" Merlin exclaims, hugging him.

"What did you do?" He questions softly, still groggy from his near death experience.

"Hey, now you've had a near death experience. Welcome to the club! The members are as follows-" I clear my throat, "Me, Goldilocks, Merlin, Uther, Ewan, Mordred, Morgana, and now you!"

Both males just give me a look and Gaius uses whatever strength he has to Gibbs slap me. Yeah, I deserved that.

Merlin playfully rolls his eyes, "Nimueh's dead. The balance of the world has been restored," He informs the physician.

"You amaze me. You've mastered the power of life and death itself. Well make a great warlock of you yet," Gaius says in wonder.

"So you believe in me now?" My best friend teases, smiling.

"Well, I would do if...if you could stop this blasted rain."

We all laugh as I conjure up a magical umbrella above us, "So I was thinking, that was very much like Thor Ragnarok with me delivering Thor's line, but you actually made lightning. So I'm a little torn on who is who."

I get another head slap from both Gaius and Merlin. I deserved that too.

We make our way back to Camelot, fully dry as I used a Hot Air Charm on us. We give our horses back to the stable boys and we make our way back to the physician chambers.

Merlin eagerly checks on his mother, who is all well. The boils and sores completely gone.

I have Hunith sleep on my bed as Merlin sleeps in his. Gaius goes to sleep on his bed, wishing me a goodnight. I don't want sleep as my mind keeps going back to Nimueh and how gruesome she died. I mean sure, she did some bad things but that was just because society kinda forced that upon her. I'm not defending her actions or anything, but Camelot killed all her friends and when that happens, you can't help but feel a little hatred and resentment and anger. A Jedi craves not these things, but sometimes the pain just gets to be too much and you stop resisting and just fall into the dark side. Just look at Anakin.

I'm so in my thoughts that I don't hear the chamber door open. It's not until I feel a tap on my shoulder as I intensely stare at the ground and jump up, startled. My first reaction is to punch my attacker, so that's exactly what I do.

"OWWWW!" I hear a low voice groan. I look up to see a recognizable mop of blonde hair. He hold his bleeding nose with his good arm.

"Ohhhhh, Merlin's beard. I am so sorry," I apologize, rushing to grab some towels to soak the blood. I come back with them and hand them to Goldilocks.

"That was a good punch," He compliments, chuckling. He grabs the towels and hold them under his nose.

"Yeeeeash, yeah, sorry about that. I can fix it if you like," I offer. He nods in approval before I snap my fingers accompanied with a small 'Episky'. His nose makes a sickening crunch before it resets itself. "See good as new!"

"That's the second time you've punched me."

"First time cause you deserved it for not listening to me, and now because you scared me."

"Whatever," He rolls his eyes before stating, "I see you didn't die."

"Naaaaaahhh, it'll take a lot more to kill me."

"Don't I know it," He mumbles under his breath.

"What did you say?" I ask, putting the now bloody towels away.


"Not that I don't love that you're here, but why are you here?"

"You love that I'm here?" He teases with a smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes at him, "Just answer the question."

"I came to check on-"

He stops himself before he can finish his sentence, almost revealing something. I raise a Gaius worthy eyebrow, "Check on who?"

"No one."

"You can here to check on no one?"

He hesitates before stuttering out, "Y- yes."

"Can't you do that in your own room?"

"I guess," He shrugs.

"Uh huh. So why are you here if you're not checking on anyone?"

"I don't know."

"Then why are you still here?"

"If you want me to leave then I'll leave."

"Then leave."











He leaves the physician chambers, but not before gaining a knowing look from his servant who is peeking out from the door of his room.

"Ugh! He's so frustrating," I mutter as I slump into a chair and picking a thing of Bertie Botts's Every Flavour Beans and eating one. I scrunch up my nose and gag as I ate a vomit flavoured one.

Merlin comes out of our room, shaking his head, "You're so oblivious."

I furrow my brows, "About what?"

"About Arthur," He says exasperatedly

"What about Goldilocks?"

"Oh my god," He runs his hands down his face.

| | |


Stupefy- to make a target unconscious or stunned

Protego- to make a magical shield that blocks both physical objects and shields

Rennervate- to revise a target, especially one who has been stunned

Vulnera Sanentur- to heal deep gashes like those cause by Sectumsempra

Episky- to heal minor injuries

| | | | |

A/N- And this concludes Season 1 of Merlin.

So some stuff has kinda been mentioned, but not really.

I am very excited for Season 2. Like some of the episodes are going to change to better the feelings between certain characters whose names rhyme with Blarther and Ralizabeth.

I hope y'all are ready cause it's gonna be one wild ride.

Drop your socks and grab your crocs, it's about to get wet on this ride.

Also this is now 11,468 words in total. Almost as much as Chapter 12 - The Avengers

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